Iran Has Enough Uranium for 5 Nuclear Weapons



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Brannon Howse: Joining me now is Dr. Rob Linstead. I think I hear Delta outside the studio door. Somebody let her in. I hear her paws on the wood floor out there dancing. She wants to come in and everybody wants a shot of her before we leave for the night. Joining me now is Dr. Rob Linstead. Dr. Linstead, welcome back to the broadcast. Thanks for joining us.


Rob Linsted: Yeah, good evening to you.


Brannon Howse: Let's get right to it. We have the eye of Godfather saying he quit Google over this and he's warning in a clip on the BBC about the dangers of artificial intelligence. We did some programming in the last few days on the dangers of artificial intelligence and how it could be used in the end times. Seems like it could easily be used to track everybody. You can't buy or sell without it. Turn people on and turn people off that are not doing or saying what they want. I mean, artificial intelligence could track it. All right.


Rob Linsted: It can. And I think for him to resign and say, wow, what I did was a mistake. I think it tells you how far along the whole thing has progressed. Matter of fact, already they're saying that there are pictures of people, there are people giving speeches, there are endorsements, and they're not the real people. And so we know that that the problem that they thought would be coming a few years down the road, it's already here.


Brannon Howse: Wow. And then Bill Gates, China, there may have been a lot of individual rights that were violated there, but the overall effect that they achieved is kind of amazing. Can you believe that he said this and where did he say this?


Rob Linsted: Well, of course, he's at that At the summit. And at the summit. Man, they could care less about human rights. But isn't it amazing that everything they do, you know, the World Health Organization was just given additional power if you know if we have another outbreak? The Biden administration is proposing that it be declared a national emergency. No, no approval by Congress. They can move in. Bill Gates is pushing that and like and he could care less about individual rights. He figures that he's he can afford any right that he wants. Brandon, I'm do we have time tonight to go back? Because of the topic that you've been pursuing tonight, I think I sent a couple of articles. And I really think this is one of the big stories of the year. And what's interesting is that there are no US stations that are carrying it other than you.


Brannon Howse: What's that? And by the way, who did you send those to? Do you send those to me or to Logan?


Rob Linsted: They were articles and thought I'd send them to you. Okay. I hope I send them to you.


Brannon Howse: I'll look for them, but go ahead. What? What is it we're covering that no one else is covering?


Rob Linsted: Yeah. Okay. Uh, May the 3rd yesterday, you all just talked about the fact that the Iranian president and the Syrian president met in Damascus. Yes. And and. And your last guest were exactly right. The agreement that was made there, you know, Iran is the big bully. Syria is owned by them. And Hamas is asking really for better weapons from Iran. Iran. The thing that's scary about them is that in another article since you, it's dated today, they now admit that they have enough for five nuclear bombs. Oh, it has to be doped. Yeah, it has to be doped up to 90%. They're sitting there. We know that there are 20 to 60%. They've been at that level since 2018. Here's the part that I think is scary. And I can't believe no one's covered it, because on May the 3rd, the president of Iran, the president of Syria, met together. There were agreements. Hamas was there. Hezbollah was there. They're all happy about this thing. One day later, here's how important it is. One day later, the defense minister of Israel, Galant, goes to Athens to meet with Greece. Here's why. There was a plot foiled. A nuclear plot was foiled for Athens with Israel doing the intelligence and saving Greece and Athens. That's not the only place. Okay. Others just in the last several weeks, Germany had a near catastrophe. Cyprus had a near catastrophe. The United Kingdom had a near catastrophe. And so Israel Israel's threatened by this all the time. Now they've reached out and they've got four other countries. This is why it's a disaster if we allow Iran to get any closer to the ah, to two nuclear bomb potential. 


Brannon Howse: I want to go back to this headline because that headline is right there. I mean, this is where I get frustrated with Benjamin and I know he's got constraints against him, but I don't know what's constraining him at some point. I don't know if he's sitting here thinking, you know, let's see if we can get some people on our side. They need to realize they're going to have to go this alone more than likely. But remember, this is the guy that drew the red line at the UN when he was prime minister last time. I think it was okay, now we're way on down the road. It seems to me we are way over the red line, you know, and we keep way over the red line and we keep hearing, well, if they do this, if they do this, if they do this, you know, we're starting to think this guy's crying wolf too many times. But the reality is there is a wolf. They just keep giving the wolf more and more and more leeway to build up. Well, what's going to be a big bite if they don't take out the wolf?


Rob Linsted: Here's a concern that even brings it home. Think about the number of people that we're watching go across the southern border. Yes. Almost every single person that is involved in the intelligence business says that we are allowing Iranian people into this country through the southern border. So here's Iran. They've got five nations in which a plot has been foiled for not just a bomb, but perhaps nuclear involved. And now we're allowing them into our country and there's no check. This is unbelievable that we would turn our back on it. You know what? All we need is one nuclear bomb to go off in any city in the United States. And all of a sudden it's going to change the thing that we think is pretty important. The playoffs are not going to be important anymore.


Brannon Howse: Well, and what and what did the FBI just spend a week rehearsing in Houston? Did you hear Dr. Linstead? Yeah, They spent a week rehearsing a major nuclear attack on a major US city. Hm.


Rob Linsted: Because, see, here's the thing. There are people that know that this is going on, but for some reason, it's never covered in the news. And. And if people look beyond our border, we'd see, okay, there's Israel. This is why Israel is such a good friend to have Israel's intelligence actually scoped out the situation in Greece. And they've also helped Germany. They've helped Cyprus. They've helped the United Kingdom. They don't get much publicity. Thanks for this. But believe me, if something like that happens in a major city, just like you're reporting, they go through this alert. We will be glad to say that we're a friend of Israel. Right now, the Biden administration, they could care less whether there's a friendship. They could care less if Iranian people are other terrorists are crossing the border. But you know what? These are major stories. And so our last guest mentioned Ben-gvir. While he's you know, I personally like him. Okay. He's right wing, There's no doubt about it. And he's the one that's saying to Netanyahu, you know what, They're pushing us. They're pushing us. They keep saying, you know, we're not going to do it again. We're not going to do it again. They do it again. So Ben-gvir says, hey, let's take a stand. And if they fire one more rocket, then we do something back ten times worse. You know what? In the past, that policy has worked for the United States. We've abandoned it and we've gone to disaster.


Brannon Howse: Look at this headline. Here's another one. Jewish Insider in Athens, Israeli Defense Minister Warns of Iranian Nuclear Advancement. Iran has amassed enough enriched nuclear material for five nuclear bombs. Is ready. Defense Minister Galant on Thursday is this. This is the gentleman that was let go and brought back, right?


Rob Linsted: Yeah, that's.


Brannon Howse: Right. Aren't we glad he got brought back?


Rob Linsted: Yeah. You know, sooner or later what you know, what's the sense of arresting people, What's the sense of catching people and then allowing them to go? We're paying for that in a small way in our cities. You know, we just saw this guy that murdered five people. You know, can you imagine losing a loved one when a person's broken the law, repeated times and we allow them to go? Well, these terrorists, they have it right now. They have free rein. They could go to any city in the United States. They want to they could be involved in any plot they want to. And there's nothing stopping them. As a matter of fact, we're almost encouraging them. We probably are paying for their hotel room and paying for their food.


Brannon Howse: You know. You know, tonight we'll get into it more tomorrow night. But because there's more news tonight, we have time to get to it. But I want to try to show it real quick. Uh, we have states of emergency being declared down on our US border. Let's see. Where is it? Hmm. I know I put it up here on my website today, but there are some major towns down there on the. Here we go. Here it is. This is a worldview Look at this. New footage shows El Paso engulfed in mass migration dumpster fire as a state of emergency is declared. Look at these folks grabbing for all this humanitarian aid being put out and they're just grabbing for it like crazy. And, you know, I understand why they are. But, I mean, this is what's going on down there at the border. And this is just. Pandemonium down there. And many of these towns in the US are declaring states of emergency. Getting ready for Title 42 to collapse on the 11th and Katy bar the door. We keep scrolling down the page here.


Brannon Howse: We'll keep seeing more of this. Anybody who is Pro-open Borders has never been to borders like El Paso, which are plagued with mass migration, mass migration, dumpster fires like this. Look, at all this footage. You know, Dr. Linstead, the Bible says in Deuteronomy and in Leviticus, it says, one of the ways God judges a nation that turns its back on him. And I know that this was talking about the nation of Israel, but God, you know, judges nations in a similar pattern sometimes one of the ways is you lose your housing, you have a financial crash, you take a lot of seed out to the field, but you don't bring a lot back in a time of harvest and you're invaded by people that are not part of your country. You get invaded and you get invaded by enemies. Well, our borders are open and Iran and China are pouring over. That's a documented fact. How many more signs do we need? I think we're under national judgment, particularly when you've got the LGBTQ agenda going on, stealing kids from parents and chopping off their genitals.


Rob Linsted: Yes. You know, we need to repent individually and collectively. Zechariah chapter two, verse eight, says, that that Israel is the apple of God's eye. And two things we turned our back on God. We've left the Bible and the truth of the Bible. Then we've left the earthly people of God, the Jewish people. And you know what? Right now it seems that the only time we want them as a friend is when they do something for us, such as a disaster. They're usually the first nation to respond. And believe me, this country would be in sad shape if we didn't have their intelligence. Their intelligence is the thing that's keeping the world safe at the moment.


Brannon Howse: And that's what the Bible says. The Bible says that the nation of Israel will bless the whole world. We have their technology, their medical technology, their cell phone technology, some of their satellite technology, and their USB hard drive technology. We could go on and on. And now we have a national security force of theirs using it to protect and warn other countries about the great threat. Look at this headline yet Israel Defense officials Doubtful we'll get through the summer without a round of escalation. Then the Arab affairs expert over there says an all-out war, well, we're going to be on our own. We'll be all alone.


Rob Linsted: Yeah, it's amazing, you know? Here's Iran and they're a bully and they're backed by Russia who's a bully. And they can make any threat they want to because they know no one's going to stand against them. But God will stand against them. And I hope we stand with Israel. And that moment comes.


Brannon Howse: The closing comment. Would you be shocked to have a major nuclear weapon go off or a dirty bomb goes off in a major US city?


Rob Linsted: No, I think I think we should expect it. I think we have a better chance for it to come in this country than we do in any other country.


Brannon Howse: Do you think they'll go for America before they go for Israel? Yes, I do, too. I think this was more.


Rob Linsted: It was more protected in the United States.


Brannon Howse: Right now, America is an easier target than Israel. Wow.


Rob Linsted: We're a soft target.


Brannon Howse: Dr. Rob Linstead Bible tip Bible tip. Now, since our Bible. Tip Bible. Truth and Prophecy. Bible Tip catches Daily Show on my channel at Every day. Dr. Linstead brings you reports like this for free on my channel at and you can check out his website with free downloads. Bible tip Dr. Rob Linstead checking in as we sign off tonight. Remember we just added some new things on our store at including I'm excited. Something I've been trying to find for months. Heirloom seeds. Seed Vault. Check it out. Grow your food supply. Don't be dependent. Be independent. Wdw TV And then the Promo code B66. Take care. Thanks for watching.


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