Israel's Prime Minister Opposes Biden's Proposal To Give Control of Gaza to Palestinian Authority



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  • A Canadian businessman who stood firm during the Covid lockdowns gets sweet revenge.
  • The little town of Bethlehem will be devoid of any Christmas celebrations this year as the war in Israel rages.
  • A supposed anti-Palestinian hate crime in Ohio turns out to be a hoax.
  • The U.S. Army is begging the soldiers who resisted its Covid shots to come back and re-enlist.
  • And Stacy Abrams’ brother-in-law gets arrested on charges of a horrific sex crime against a minor.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Starting off tonight, we have some good news to report. All charges have been dropped against Calgary restaurant owner Jesse Johnson after he refused to shut down his business to the unvaccinated during Canada’s sweeping Covid lockdowns, and now Johnson says he will be suing the government.

Speaking outside the courthouse, Johnson said we need to pray to Jesus Christ for forgiveness and to give us the light to fight further into the future.


One X poster commented, “Imagine if every businessman in America had taken that stand.”

Great point. The Covid lockdowns would have been over before they started and the historic globalist power grab would have never taken place.


The West Bank city of Bethlehem, famous for being the birthplace of Jesus Christ in the New Testament, has declared that they will be removing all decorations celebrating the annual holiday of Christmas.

The city posted on its Facebook page:

“Bethlehem Municipality crews announced the dismantling of Christmas decorations installed several years ago in the city’s neighborhoods and removing all festive appearances in honor of the martyrs and in solidarity with our people in Gaza.”

Why are the festivities being canceled?

A spokesperson for the city also told the Telegraph, “The reason is the general situation in Palestine; people are not really into any celebration, they are sad, angry and upset; our people in Gaza are being massacred and killed in cold blood. Therefore, it is not appropriate at all to have such festivities while there is a massacre happening in Gaza and attacks in the West Bank.”

So instead of the birth of Jesus the Messiah, they have chosen to mourn the death of Hamas terrorists.

A new poll of Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank, taken since the events of October 7, shows 75% of Palestinians support the October 7 massacre. And 76% of respondents said they have a positive view of Hamas. 98.2% have a negative view of America. Interestingly, 64% have a negative view of Iran.


Resist the Mainstream reports that an Ohio man has been arrested for allegedly lying to police about being the victim of an anti-Palestinian hate crime.

20-year-old Hesham Ayyad told the Cleveland chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations that a driver had hurled anti-Palestinian slurs at him and hit him with his car, according to an October 23 CAIR press release which demanded an investigation into the incident.

North Ridgefield police arrested Ayyad on Tuesday and said he lied about the encounter and that his injuries had come from a fight with his brother, reported.

Ayyad told CAIR officials that he was walking home from eating lunch near the border of Olmsted Falls and North Ridgeville around 4:10 p.m. when a vehicle slowed down beside him and the driver yelled statements like “Kill all Palestinians,” and “Long live Israel,” at him, according to the press release from CAIR.

CAIR wrote, “The driver then allegedly turned around and hit the man while shouting ‘DIE!’”

The release included a photo of Ayyad lying in a hospital bed while wearing a neck brace.

Faten Odeh, the Cleveland interim director of CAIR-Ohio, said at the time:

“We hope the North Ridgeville Police Department and the FBI will collect all the information they need to charge this individual with a hate crime.”

Ayyad told responding police officers he “had been struck by a vehicle and that the incident was racially motivated,” North Ridgeville police told in a statement. He was taken to a hospital, police said.

Investigators reviewed video footage from the area and concluded that Ayyad had lied about being hit by the vehicle and lied about the racial slurs, police said.

Police said the “injuries sustained at the time of the incident were caused by a violent fight that the alleged victim had participated in with his brother, which was confirmed by area video surveillance.”

Ayyad was taken into custody on Tuesday and charged with making false alarms, falsification, obstructing official business, domestic violence and assault, according to


Soldiers who were forced out of the Army for refusing the Covid death shot have received letters begging them to rejoin, as the U.S. military faces its toughest recruiting environment in a generation.

According to a letter signed by Brig. General Hope Rampy, the Army director of personnel management:

“As a result of the rescission of all current COVID-19 vaccination requirements, former soldiers who were involuntarily separated for their refusal to receive the COVID-19 vaccination may request a correction of their military records.”

It also instructs soldiers looking to return to service to contact an Army, Army Reserve, or National Guard recruiter. It was not immediately clear to an Army spokesperson if soldiers who rejoin would return to their former unit. 

The letter, circulated on social media and confirmed by the Army as authentic to Task & Purpose outlines the steps soldiers can take to correct their military records through the Army Discharge Review Board or the Army Board for Correction of Military Records.

In October, CNN reported that only 43 of over 8,000 troops across the entire military had been discharged for refusing the vaccine and showed interest in rejoining. As of September, 19 soldiers returned to active duty, according to the Army.

The letter comes as the Army is dealing with a recruitment crisis. The service missed its recruiting goals for this past year by nearly 15,000 soldiers. There has been a lack of interest from Gen Z to join the military, with many citing factors as broad as the economy and job market to factors as specific as the service’s struggles with sexual assault and suicide in the ranks.

The Army has turned to offering sign-on benefits like bonuses and soldiers’ choice of first duty station. They’ve also upped their advertisement spending to reach various demographics. 

The Army separated 1,903 active-duty soldiers for refusing the COVID-19 vaccination during the nearly year-and-a-half it was mandatory, the service said. Letters were sent to approximately 1,900 troops, according to an Army spokesperson.

“This was specifically as part of the COVID mandate recession process,” said Army spokesperson Bryce Dubee, referring to the policy that was passed in last year’s annual defense policy bill.


A renowned anesthesiology professor at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science in Minnesota is suing the institution for violating his speech rights, according to a report from CBN News.

Dr. Michael J. Joyner alleges he was disciplined for telling media his assessment of biological men participating in women's sports.

The legal action was filed in Olmsted County in Minnesota, naming the clinic, its college of medicine, Gianrico Farrugia, the clinic's president, and Carlos B. Mantilla, a manager for the institution's anesthesiology and perioperative medicine department, as defendants.

Joyner charges Mayo officials ignored the organization's “promise of free expression and academic freedom for faculty.”

He explains he was told to confine himself to “prescribed messaging.”

Joyner was suspended without pay for a week by administrators, citing his “use of idiomatic language” and comments he made in a June 2022 New York Times article as justification for the disciplinary actions, based on a March 5 disciplinary letter, according to The College Fix.

The complaint explains:

“Free speech and academic freedom do not become less important because of public disagreement or debate. To the contrary, it is precisely during times of intense disagreement that unbiased research and expert opinions of faculty are most in service to the public.”

Joyner, one of the most visible of personnel at Mayo, has co-authored some 500 medical studies.

Mayo officials told CBN that Joyner violated a number of institute policies and was reprimanded. Mayo hired a lawyer to review the situation and the lawyer, paid by the institute, to the surprise of no one, found Mayo's actions were not prompted by retaliation.

Kellie Miller, Joyner's lawyer, told the Minneapolis Star Tribune the clinic's statement was “a vitriolic, defamatory, and baseless press release.”


Officials in Rio de Janeiro were so excited about pop star Taylor Swift’s imminent concerts in Brazil that they electronically projected a Swifty-themed robe onto its famed Christ the Redeemer statue that overlooks the glittering city.


Apparently, Rio has won the award for the most over-the-top Swift welcome by not only ranking her with Michael Jackson, but even putting her up there with Jesus Christ by plastering her all over the 98-foot-tall religious statue.

Swift appeared at the city’s Estadio Olímpico Nilton Santos stadium from November 17 to the 19th, but when she landed in the city, officials moved to offer her a massive display of welcome.

The overshirt projected onto the famed statue includes the names of Brazil’s states along with references to Taylor — such as a bow and arrow to represent her tune “The Archer,” and a scarf to represent her song “All Too Well.”


Scripps News reports that the brother-in-law of twice failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams has been arrested in Florida and charged with human trafficking of a 16-year-old girl.

Tampa native and youth motivational speaker Jimmie Gardner, 57, was arrested and accused of being involved in sexual acts with a 16-year-old teenage girl in a hotel room.

Atlanta media reported that Gardner is the brother-in-law of Stacey Abrams. He is also married to Georgia Federal Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner.

The Hillsborough County State Attorney's Office said police arrested Gardner in Tampa after he invited the young teen to the hotel room for sex in the early morning hours on Friday, November 17th. He now faces human trafficking charges along with charges of lewd or lascivious touching of a minor and at least one battery charge.

Reports say police accused Gardner of offering the 16-year-old money in exchange for sex and said the interaction involved an act of violence.

The young teenager reportedly called 911 after the interaction before Gardner departed the scene. He was arrested soon after, according to reports citing jail records.

Recent Florida legislation further solidified lawmakers’ efforts to have various offenses fall under the charge of human trafficking in the state, as lawmakers said, “Thousands of victims are trafficked annually across international borders worldwide.”

The statute's language defines human trafficking as “transporting, soliciting, recruiting, harboring, providing, enticing, maintaining, purchasing, patronizing, procuring, or obtaining another person for the purpose of exploitation of that person.”

Atlanta's WSB-TV reported that in 1990, Gardner was found to have been wrongfully convicted for allegations that he sexually assaulted an elderly woman in West Virginia. He served 26 years in prison before the charges were vacated, and he was released in 2016.

Florida State Attorney Suzy Lopez said, “Everyone is entitled to the presumption of innocence.”

Gardner was once drafted by the Chicago Cubs and played four seasons in minor league baseball. He enrolled in a university program while playing in the minor leagues to study business management in Tampa.

Gardner spent time as an advocate for the wrongfully imprisoned, speaking about issues of social justice.


Israel on Tuesday sharply condemned international organizations for failing to act over the years as Hamas turned Gaza hospitals into terror bases, according to a report by Israel 365 News.

Eylon Levy, a spokesman for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, stated at a press briefing over the weekend:

“For too long international agencies and officials have been tacitly complicit with Hamas’s long-standing abuse of hospitals as human shields. We are demanding full accountability from them. What did you know? Why did you not say anything? Why do you continue to do propaganda for Hamas instead of doing your jobs?”

Levy singled out for a special rebuke the WHO director general, Dr. Tedros, and U.N. Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Martin Griffiths.

The two criticized Israel Defense Forces operations near Al Shifa hospital in Gaza City, with Tedros tweeting that “the reports of military incursion into Al Shifa hospital are deeply concerning,” and Griffiths posting that he was “appalled by reports of military raids in Al Shifa hospital.”

Levy countered their accusations, stating, “No, what is disturbing is Hamas putting its headquarters in the basement and the fact that you are covering for them. … No, what is appalling is that Hamas hijacked protected institutions and U.N. agencies did nothing. To the alphabet soup of international agencies complicit with Hamas war crimes we say: Your negligence has put lives at risk and has cost innocent lives. Now that we have caught you in the act, can you please find the strength to condemn Hamas? Forget us—you have failed the Palestinian people. You have failed the world. You have all failed at your jobs.”


Have you ever wanted to go to your local hospital's website to access your patient portal and information about your health?

The news outlet Not the Bee reports that the Biden administration says hospitals that allow you to view your personal health data online are probably violating the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

And to stop those violations, the feds have told hospitals across the nation they need to stop using third-party tools that help their websites function, particularly those from big tech companies like Google and Meta.

And we're not talking about crazy website tools here either; they're tools like embedded Maps, in case, for some reason, you might actually want to know how to get to the hospital before you bleed to death.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has threatened that fines for HIPAA violations against the hospitals will be assessed for every IP address that accesses the hospitals' websites.

One HIPAA violation runs between $100 and $50,000.

But complying with the HHS isn't that easy. Hospitals say that removing these tools will severely affect their ability to provide patient care. So, the American Hospital Association and several hospital systems have teamed up to file a lawsuit against the new regulations.


Breitbart News reports that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repeated his opposition Saturday night to a proposal by U.S. President Joe Biden to restore control of Gaza to the Palestinian Authority (PA) once Hamas is removed from power and destroyed.

On Saturday, Biden published an op-ed in the Washington Post in which he supported Israel, though once again joining the Israeli cause to the Ukrainian one, putting Hamas and Russia in the same category as enemies of the United States.

Biden also reiterated his support for a “two-state solution” as the only answer to the conflict, and added: “As we strive for peace, Gaza and the West Bank should be reunited under a single governance structure, ultimately under a revitalized Palestinian Authority, as we all work toward a two-state solution.”

However, Netanyahu emphatically rejected that idea at a weekend press conference with his generals.


Time now for our Worldview Report Commentary.

Spain is on fire with protest. For a second straight weekend, people are coming out in droves to protest the fraudulent socialist power play of socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. Reportedly, more than a million people spilled into the streets of Madrid and several other cities Saturday, November 18.

The corporate mainstream media is doing its best to ignore the uprising in Spain against a corrupt regime, because they don’t want Americans, Canadians and other Europeans to realize that what’s going on in Spain, where corrupt political gamesmanship is not so different from what’s taken place in their countries over the last three or four years. Some are starting to see Spain’s situation as a revolution in the making.


Here’s another clip from a different vantage point.



And finally, another, as Spain says no to the Sanchez coup.


It’s difficult for any country claiming to be democratic to remain in power for long with over a million people in the streets protesting its existence.

It will be interesting to see where this goes, and hopefully the desperate lunge for freedom will spread to other countries in the world, including the United States of America.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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