J6er Tells His Story and Why He is Now Running For U.S. Congress in WV

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Brannon Howse: All right. I think you guys I think I've told you my first radio show to ever host was that of Michael Reagan back in 1995. Three hours live. I'd been a guest on many shows, but never had I hosted a show. He asked me if I would be willing to do that. I said, Of course, I want to do that many, many, many times. As his education reporter, a frequent guest host. And that's how I got picked up by the network I'm with now. That has me on 63 stations every day. So Michael Reagan helped kick off my broadcasting career. No joke. Absolutely True story. All right. Joining us now is Derrick Evans. I think you're going to find Derek's story very interesting. I've been told by several people that I need to interview him, not just Ivan Rachlin, but Noel Fritsch over at the National File. Many others have said, have you heard his story? I'd like to hear his story. We'll be hearing it, both of us. All of us at the same time. Derrick, welcome to the broadcast. Thanks for joining us.

Derrick Evans: Hey, thanks for having me on, Brannon. Really appreciate it.

Brannon Howse: Thank you. All right, Derrick, tell our audience who you are and whether you running for office or did you run for office.

Derrick Evans: Yeah. Yeah. So I'm currently running for U.S. Congress, but my story begins back in 2020. I ran for the West Virginia State House, was elected, was the first Republican to win my district in over 98 years, and won a landslide victory. And then, like millions of other Americans, I came home. It was, you know, my victory was short-lived. I started watching the presidential election being stolen from the American people. And like millions of others, went to the Capitol on January 6th, was peaceful, non-violent, non-destructive. This everything I'm going to tell you is on video. Did you watch you go in?

Brannon Howse: Did you go inside the building?

Derrick Evans: Yeah. So it's all on video. It's pinned to the top. All my social media feeds. I'll walk through an open set of doors on the east side of the building. I think. A police officer for his service. Wait a minute.

Brannon Howse: Wait a minute. Wait. Let's stop right there. So you thought you were invited in because you thanked the police officer for your service? Did they wave you in? Did they say, come on in? Because I saw a video of one officer saying, come on in, just respect the property.

Derrick Evans: Well, I saw no violence or destruction at all that entire day. The doors open. I walked through the Big East Columbus doors, the big magnetic doors that we know had to be opened from the inside, even though after an 18-month legal battle and over two years later now and served time in prison, I've still not seen the videos myself. They won't release it to anyone to watch. But yeah think the police officer for his service. He gave me a friendly fist bump welcoming me into the building. Wow. That's on video. Spent rough. Yeah, it's all on video. It's on top of my Twitter feed. True social getter, all that stuff. It's all pinned up to the top of my feed. Yep. So like I said, thank you for your service. I spent about ten minutes inside the public rotunda area exercising my natural God-given right of free speech. Walked out the same set of doors I'd entered, only to find myself in the crosshairs of this weaponized government and facing 24 years in prison.

Brannon Howse: 24 years in prison. Yes, sir. So did you finally just cut a deal or what? What happened?

Derrick Evans: Yeah. So what do they do, man? So. So they get all your financial records. They financially drained us. We had, you know, nothing left to really fight with. And then they start threatening and they're doing it to people right now as well. They start threatening enhancements and all these other issues. So it's already facing 24 years in prison. If they would have slapped enhancements, who knows how many years it would have been. They came to me and they came to us in January of 2022 and said, look, this is a final plea offer. It's 0 to 6 months for civil disorder. Um, except that you can serve 0 to 6 months at this point, we've already realized that the trials are not going to be moved out of DC. We realize we're not going to get a fair trial in DC. And look, I've got four kids at the time. My oldest was five years old, so I had four kids under the age of five. My wife came to me crying and said, Look, it's time to swallow your pride. We need you home. Let's just circle the wagons. Let's just get this behind us, move on to live, and fight another day. And so that's what we did. I ended up serving three months in federal prison in Michigan and got out in October and then spent a little time with my family. And then on January 6th of this year, a perfect day to do it, I announced that I was running for US Congress to take this fight to their front door the same way they brought it to mine.

Brannon Howse: So you may be going back this time. You'll be walking through those doors in the rotunda as a US congressman.

Derrick Evans: Absolutely. And when I go back, I'm going to bring the American people with me.

Brannon Howse: So what district are you running in?

Derrick Evans: It's West Virginia's first congressional district. It's the southern half of West Virginia. You know, I've already, as I said, already won a state House race in this district once before by a landslide.

Brannon Howse: You said.

Derrick Evans: By landslides, first Republican win in 98 years. And, you know, we're excited. This is one of the reddest districts in the entire country. This is not a purple district. This is not a district to elect moderates. This is where we need to go out and find some people who have the guts and the backbone willing to stand on the national stage and beat the drum of freedom, not only for West Virginia but for every God-fearing American Christian across this country. And that's what I'm going to do.

Brannon Howse: And that would be there a primary?

Derrick Evans: Yes. Yep. So the seat right now is held by current Congresswoman Carol Miller. She's not announced officially whether she's going to run again or not. We don't know. Even if she does, you know, I'm not worried about it. You know, once again, this is a MAGA district. This is not a district that supports people who want to send money to Ukraine. This is not a district that wants to support, you know, the lockdowns and the support touchy and all the COVID restrictions. And that's what we have right now representing us. We deserve a true patriot representing us.

Brannon Howse: So you're going to have to run against a current sitting Republican.

Derrick Evans: If she decides to run again. Yes.

Brannon Howse: Okay. And when will that primary be?

Derrick Evans: It would be about a year from now. It's in May of 2024.

Brannon Howse: And so you're already declared and campaigning.

Derrick Evans: Yes, sir. Absolutely. Knew what was going to get out early, hit the ground running, and outwork everybody else who may be potentially running.

Brannon Howse: What were your three months in prison like? Where did you serve that? What was that like?

Derrick Evans: Yeah. So I was in a mall in Michigan. It's just outside of Detroit. It's where they spend a lot of gang members from Detroit, Chicago, Saint Louis, those places. I spent the first eight days in solitary confinement because I refused the COVID vaccine. So that was part of the punishment. They tried to get you to take the vaccine but said no. They said, well, you got to go to quarantine when quarantine is. They threw me in the hole for eight days but got out, and got into the general population. And I mean, it wasn't fun by any means. But, you know, I went into it with a mindset of I was going to learn as much as possible and be thankful for every day that I have and be thankful that I was home with my family while I was fighting my case. Unlike a lot of my fellow J6 political prisoners who have been held in solitary confinement for over 700 days at this point.

Brannon Howse: Wow. So were you in minimum security or what?

Derrick Evans: It's low it's called it was FCI Marlin, which is a low um, you know, it was like I said, it wasn't sunshine and rainbows by any means, but I mean, it could have been a lot worse. And I knew I was only going to be there for three months. So that kind of made it a little bit easier. The solitary confinement was probably the most challenging part because you're in like a small little cell long, you know, big enough to take two steps forward, two steps back. Um, there's no concept of time. You don't have anything like that. And, I think the hardest part was I didn't know how long I was going to be in there. They didn't. They didn't say when I first asked, they said it could be a week, it could be 20 days, it could be the whole time. It depends on, remember the magical COVID colors we had at the time. It depended on the colors. And so I just told myself every day, it's the day after tomorrow, just get the day after tomorrow. You're getting out of here. Not a big deal. And that's how I got through each day mentally.

Brannon Howse: Did you ever think you'd see this happening in America to Americans?

Derrick Evans: No. And unfortunately, I don't think there's still not enough there are still not enough people who are understanding what's taking place in this country right now. You know, the January 6th ers are just part of it. You've got the guy who created the memes, who's going to prison. You've got the FBI whistleblowers out there attacking. We have a true weaponization of our federal government right now who are weaponized to come after conservatives. And look, I'll tell everyone, yesterday was January 6th for political prisoners such as myself. Today, it's President Trump. In the end, the whistleblowers and people like that, that they're going after wanting to rest. And tomorrow, if they have their way, it's going to be every single God-fearing American Christian across this country.

Brannon Howse: I'm afraid you're right. What's your website before we go to Pete Santelli?

Derrick Evans: Yeah. Yeah. It's Evans for Tv.com. Evans. You can use the number four for either one. Evans for Tv.com. You can also find me on Twitter. True Social and Gettr. But hey, look, guys, we're up against the machine. I'm a true political outsider. I'm not going there to make friends. I'm going there to flip over tables and expose the corruption taking place in DC. Throw some money in there. Hop in. Hop in and join our team and let's go make some noise.

Brannon Howse: Well, I hope you win. And I hope that we can see a picture of you walking through that rotunda and doors again because that would be quite ironic to look in and think about that.

Derrick Evans: Absolutely. And our live stream of the day goes back in for sure.

Brannon Howse: That would be very, very historic footage to see you elected going in as a member of the US Congress. Thank you for being with us tonight.

Derrick Evans: Hey, thanks for having me. Appreciate you, guys. Thank you.

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