Jeffrey Epstein’s Contact List Is Finally Released, And There Are Some Surprises

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  • Donald Trump is warned by a well-known conservative podcaster not to pick Nikki Haley as his running mate.
  • Jeffrey Epstein’s contact list is finally released, and there are some surprises.
  • Election integrity group True the Vote was handed a major legal victory in Georgia after a federal judge ruled that its challenges of the eligibility of thousands of voters in the 2021 elections in Georgia did not violate the Voting Rights Act.  
  • The Justice Department busts six high-end brothels operating in Washington, D.C., and Boston, alleging they served as an espionage “honeypot” operation conducted by foreign nations to blackmail U.S. politicians, bureaucrats and businessmen.
  • And a major Protestant denomination has come out with new guidelines instructing its leaders to declare their pronouns and stop using traditional terms like HUSBAND and WIFE, which might offend non-binary and other LGBTQ people.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

We start off tonight’s broadcast with an insightful take on the Deep State power structure and how it works.

Many political pundits have been laying the groundwork lately and making the case for Nikki Haley to be Donald Trump’s running mate. That’s right. Globalist Nikki Haley on the ballot with America-first proponent Donald Trump.

Here’s Monica Crowley discussing the possibility and who’s pushing it on one of her recent podcasts.


If Trump falls for this blatant power play, then he hasn’t learned anything from his first term, when many of his closest advisers and even Vice President Mike Pence worked behind his back to sabotage his policies.

Here is Haley’s latest attempt to communicate just how liberal and globalist she really is.


You heard it from the horse’s mouth. Illegal aliens should be respected and we should not call them criminals, even though they illegally crashed our borders. And no, they are not all families looking to come here for a better life for their children. In fact, the vast majority of those who illegally entered the U.S. over the last year are single males of military age. That’s been well documented.


The Wall Street Journal reports that the circle of people who associated with pedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein years after he was a convicted sex offender is wider than previously reported, according to court documents that include his schedules and appointments.

The Journal cited court documents showing that William Burns, director of the Central Intelligence Agency since 2021, had three meetings scheduled with Epstein in 2014, when he was deputy secretary of state. They first met in Washington and then Burns visited Epstein’s townhouse in Manhattan.

Kathryn Ruemmler, a White House counsel under President Barack Obama, had dozens of meetings with Epstein in the years after her White House service and before she became a top lawyer at Goldman Sachs.

Epstein reportedly also planned for her to join a 2015 trip to Paris and a 2017 visit to his private island in the Caribbean, the Journal reported.

Bill Clinton’s name appeared multiple times in the hundreds of pages of documents released Wednesday. One of Epstein’s female victims said in a deposition that Epstein told her Bill Clinton “likes them young.”

More than 150 people were named in the documents — including Epstein's former associates and journalists who covered the story.

Some of the others included on Epstein’s list of contacts includes:


Iran said attacks that killed nearly 100 Iranian civilians in the central part of the country were carried out to punish its stance against Israel, the latest sign that the war between the Jewish state and Hamas could mushroom into a broader regional conflict or even world war.

The blasts near the grave of Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani left at least 95 Iranians dead and 211 others injured on Wednesday, according to Iran’s health minister speaking on state television.

Here’s a video that captured the moment of the blast.


Soleimani, one of Iran’s most notorious terror plotters, was killed in a U.S. drone strike ordered by former President Donald Trump.

Iran cited its opposition to Israel as the motive for the graveyard attack, but U.S. State Department spokesman Matt Miller said “we have no reason to believe that Israel was involved in this explosion.” He added that “the United States was not involved in any way, and any suggestion to the contrary is ridiculous.”

The initial U.S. supposition is that Islamic State or a related group was responsible, according to two people familiar with the government’s analysis. Israel’s foreign ministry said it had no comment on the blasts. 

Regardless of who may have perpetrated the attack, it will lead and is already leading to increased tensions in the Middle East, which is a powder keg ready to go off.

Since the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel, the Houthis — an Iranian proxy force in Yemen — have fired missiles and drones against commercial ships in the Red Sea, while Hezbollah has launched attacks against Israel from its bases in Lebanon. 

Now we have the bombing in Iran.

We’ll keep you posted on this developing story.


Election integrity group True the Vote declared a legal victory this week against the Georgia Marxist-communist Stacey Abrams after a federal judge ruled her group’s mass challenges of the eligibility of voters in the 2021 Senate runoff elections in Georgia did not violate the Voting Rights Act.  

In a 145-page order, U.S. District Judge Steve Jones, an Obama appointee, said Fair Fight, a group founded by Abrams, failed to show True the Vote’s efforts were illegal. 

True the Vote stated in a release:

“A federal court in the Northern District of Georgia today affirmed that citizens have the right to lawfully petition their government in support of election integrity without fear of persecution or prosecution. In a resounding vindication, TTV successfully defended its actions of December 2020, aiding Georgia citizens in filing elector challenges based on data showing over 364,000 voters appeared to be ineligible to vote due to change in residency.”

TTV further declared: “This victory is a testament to every American's constitutional right to free speech and the importance of actively participating in the electoral process.”

In a post to X, True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht stated:

“Today's ruling sends a clear message to those who would attempt to control the course of our nation through lawfare and intimidation. American citizens will not be silenced.”


Several high-end brothels and escort services operating in Washington, D.C., and Boston suburbs were an espionage “honeypot” operation conducted by foreign nations to blackmail U.S. officials, according to intelligence experts.

The six brothels that comprised the sex ring were headed by a 41-year-old South Korean woman who allegedly targeted politicians, high-ranking government officials and defense contractors.

“Having the Koreans out front could have been a false flag to give China or another country plausible deniability if the plot unraveled,” a former CIA senior operations officer told the Daily Mail.

The Daily Mail reports:

“Han Lee, the alleged mastermind, Junmyung Lee, 30, and James Lee, 68 – all South Korean-born U.S. nationals – were charged in November with running the sex ring. The three Lees are not related.”

Han and Junmyung both live in the Boston area where four of the brothels are located. James lives in Torrance, a suburb of Los Angeles.

Members of Congress, military officers, and national security contractors who “possessed security clearances” were among the steady customers at the ‘high-end brothels’ run by the ring, prosecutors told the Daily Mail. 

The ring’s clients, who paid up to $600 an hour, included corporate execs, professors, lawyers and scientists.

The ex-CIA officer told the Daily Mail:

“The girls start by asking for a small favor that’s at the edge of the target’s comfort zone and try to keep expanding the zone and turn small favors into big favors.”

The DOJ first launched an investigation into the massive sex ring in November.

According to a federal affidavit written by a DHS special agent, some of the clients of the prostitution ring included, “politicians, pharmaceutical executives, doctors, military officers, government contractors that possess security clearances, professors, lawyers, business executives, technology company executives, scientists, accountants, retail employees, and students.”

Prosecutors said the locations of the sex ring was an indicator that the operation was a honeytrap for federal government officials.

Two of the brothels operated from units in luxury apartment buildings in the Virginia suburbs outside the capital.

The surrounding area is populated by giants of the military-industrial complex, such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing and General Dynamics. Boston, where the other four brothels operated, is also a haven for defense contractors.


The Methodist Church of Great Britain has completed a revision of its “Inclusive Language Guide” in an attempt to accommodate transgender and non-binary people. The new policy guide instructs ministers, deacons, elders and everyday congregants to adopt so-called gender-neutral terminology, such as “partner” in place of traditional terms like husband and wife.

Instead of referring to a child’s parent or parents, the guidelines suggest referring to a child’s primary caregiver as a “carer.”


The initiative is reported to be part of an “ongoing commitment” by the Methodist Church to “eradicate potentially harmful language directed at marginalized groups.”

The Inclusive Language Guide, which has been subject to biannual updates since its creation, now incorporates recommendations regarding gender identity.

Among the new guidelines is that church leaders use the preferred pronouns of congregants, and share their own in order to create a “safe space.”

Further, the revised guide cautions against the use of conventional expressions like “brothers and sisters” while preaching in church, taking into account the presence of non-binary individuals within the community. This guidance extends beyond the clergy to congregants, urging the incorporation of personal pronouns in everyday conversations.

But among the more controversial changes includes a recommendation that church leaders avoid the use of the terms “husband” and “wife,” with the guidance reading: “There is infinite variety in the way that God’s creation is expressed in human life. This is worth bearing in mind as we speak and write. Terminology such as ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ may sound inoffensive but it makes assumptions about a family or personal life that is not the reality for many people.”

It continues, adding: “The words ‘parent’, ‘partner’ and ‘child’ are a good place to start. ‘Carer’ is also a neutral yet understandable way to refer to the primary carer of a child, who may or may not be their parent.”


We’ve reported a lot lately on the scam being played on America and the world with regard to the globalists’ obsession with making everything electric. Gas and oil are bad. Natural gas is bad. Coal is bad. Convert it all to the electric grid, which of course is incapable of handling the extra burden. They want all stoves, furnaces, lawn equipment, cars, everything converted over to digitally trackable electric power.

We have a story out of Philadelphia that takes their obsession to a whole new level of absurdity.

As NBC 10 reports, Philadelphia’s city-owned electric vehicles frequently line up at public charging stations along with everyday motorists, causing longer wait times for all. Reporters visited charging stations numerous times during work hours and routinely found city employees either waiting in line for a charger or waiting for their vehicle to finish charging, which can take up to an hour.

Some city employees told NBC 10 they used the downtime to catch up on paperwork, while others sat in their cars apparently watching videos on their phones. Inspectors with Philadelphia’s Department of Licenses and Inspections spend their workdays going to buildings and job sites, and any time spent waiting to charge is wasted.

Motorists complained about having to wait in line along with city workers drawing taxpayer-funded salaries, with one noting that city vehicles should “have a way to charge overnight in their own facility.”

It turns out they do, NBC 10 reported. Philadelphia has 107 chargers to serve its fleet of 261 electric vehicles, but the chargers are poorly distributed. They found that many of the city’s chargers are located at city-owned repair facilities, while others are installed at police departments and prison complexes that have no electric vehicles.


Slay News reports that Florida’s local governments have been hit with a wave of mass resignations as the state’s new laws regarding financial disclosures have come into effect.

The controversial new law requires officials to give a thorough report of their finances.

Local officials were previously required to fill out a less detailed form, Form 1.

Under the new rules, however, local officials are now required to report their net worth, assets, and liabilities in excess of $1,000, along with any business clients.

The reform has shaken up local politics, with many local officials choosing to resign rather than complete Form 6.

The law’s backers say it promotes transparency in local government.

Detractors, like ex-Eagle Lake Mayor Cory Coler, say the new requirements are invasive and will drive people away from serving.

Coler resigned as mayor last month over the new law.

“As much as I love my city and I do and as I love being able to serve the community, it put me at an impasse because that’s information I share with my spouse,” said Coler in December while stepping down.

“Not something I broadcast to my neighbors. Now people have information about you, they didn’t have before, and they might look at you differently because of how much you make or how much you have in the bank, which doesn’t affect the decision-making I do in a day in and day out basis that I do as a commissioner,” Coler said.

“When you’re talking about a city that’s 3,000 residents, there are not a lot of people willing to share up that information for people.”

Supporters of the financial disclosures, like state Rep. Spencer Roach (R-North Fort Myers), say transparency comes with the job.

“Look, when you serve in public office, it’s an honor but it also comes with a higher level of transparency and public scrutiny than you would otherwise. And you know, to borrow an old adage — if you can’t take the heat, don’t come in the kitchen.”


Bloomberg reports that BP and Equinor ASA have terminated their power agreement with New York state for a massive 1.3-gigawatt wind farm in the Atlantic Ocean, blaming changing economic circumstances that made the Empire Wind 2 project unviable.

The companies said they plan to seek new offtake opportunities, according to a statement Wednesday. BP and Equinor were among a group of developers that were rebuffed in October after asking state regulators for higher rates to deliver power from offshore wind farms.

The rejection was just the latest blow to the U.S. offshore wind industry, which is struggling to adjust to rising inflation, supply-chain issues and other factors that have driven up costs. Many projects are in jeopardy as developers are forced to recalculate the numbers for proposals originally modeled years ago, according to Bloomberg.

Timothy Fox, an analyst at ClearView Energy Partners, told Bloomberg:

“It appears that the economies of scale just aren’t enough to help these projects amid these macroeconomic events. All those projects were on the bubble, so it’s not surprising that Equinor and BP want to reduce some of the risk they’re facing.”

The economics of these projects, if we’re honest, never made sense. They’ll never be able to compete with oil, gas and coal without massive government subsidies. Folks like Al Gore and John Kerry lied to us and will continue to lie while staring into the face of reality.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Vivek Ramaswamy delivered an epic beatdown to a Washington Post reporter who tried to race bait him at a town hall while on the campaign circuit this week.

Take a look.


That’s what it’s all about. Divide and conquer. Keep the masses distrustful of each other and of their leaders. Good for Ramaswamy for calling the fake-news corporate media out.

Do not take this as an endorsement of Ramaswamy’s campaign. I am simply drawing attention to a truth bomb, a long overdue truth bomb, that was dropped on the corrupt corporate media by someone other than Donald Trump.

The mainstream corporate media in this country lacks credibility and so we shouldn’t treat it with decorum granted in the past. They have no principles other than pushing their progressive Marxist agenda, and they’ve long ago thrown out the window any pretense of being fair and balanced, let alone honest, reporters of the news.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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