Jim Jordan Releases Shocking Report On The Weaponization of The Federal Government

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  • Is the federal government working with financial institutions to spy on Americans’ buying habits? A well-known conservative Congressman says yes.
  • Russia is investing heavily in robot warriors. We’ve got video clips of these technological wonders showing off their combat skills.
  • President Trump has broken his silence on the future of money, weighing in with his opinion on central bank digital currencies and whether or not he would support them.
  • The World Economic Forum goes full new age, inviting a shaman to cast her spells on the high-profile stage at Davos.
  • And roughly 90,000 troops will take part in NATO’s largest military exercise in decades.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Blaze Media has an article up about a shocking report from Congressman Jim Jordan, chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

The report indicates that federal law enforcement agencies have been working with financial institutions to identify American citizens as potential threats by flagging otherwise benign purchases and internet search terms affiliated with former President Donald Trump in the wake of the mostly peaceful January 6, 2021, Capitol protest.

On Wednesday, Jordan sent a letter to Noah Bishoff, the former director of the Treasury Department's Office of Stakeholder Integration and Engagement in the Strategic Operations Division of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, better known as FinCEN.

According to the letter, Jordan's committee and select subcommittee have collected documents which suggest that FinCEN was targeting law-abiding Americans “on the basis of protected political and religious expression.”

One FinCEN document referenced in the letter allegedly urged financial institutions to query “Zelle payment messages” for terms such as “TRUMP” and “MAGA.”

Another FinCEN analysis mentioned in the letter apparently suggested that these same institutions could identify possible “Lone Actor/Homegrown Violent” extremists by examining customers' transactions, looking for the purchase of “religious texts” — including the Bible, Jordan said — or “bus tickets, rental cars, or plane tickets, for travel areas with no apparent purpose.”



The letter also alleges that Key Bank created presentation slides about merchant category codes and keywords that financial institutions could use that might identify “potential active shooters” or other “dangerous International Terrorists / Domestic Terrorists / Homegrown Violent Extremists (Lone Wolves.)”

Some of the codes Key Bank allegedly suggested were “3484: Small Arms” and “5091: Sporting and Recreational Goods and Supplies,” and the keywords supposedly included the names of notable national gun stores, such as Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops.

FinCEN then shared these Key Bank slides with other financial institutions, the letter claims.

Jordan's letter makes clear that, if the documents are authenticated, FinCEN and coordinating federal law enforcement officials likely characterized Americans as potential threat actors simply for exercising their Second Amendment and other rights.

Jordan wrote:

“This kind of pervasive financial surveillance ... into Americans' private transactions is alarming and raises serious doubts about FinCEN's respect for fundamental civil liberties.”

The letter asks former FinCEN Director Bishoff to contact Judiciary Committee staff members sometime before 5 p.m. on January 31, 2024, to schedule a transcribed interview.


Russia has recently rolled out its new generation of robot soldiers.

These beings are truly terrifying, and they are being engineered to meet the U.S. on the battlefield. This, folks, is part of the warfare of the future, but perhaps the future is not far off. Take a look.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 0:32 mark to 2:40 mark)



For the first time, former President Donald Trump has publicly stated that, if elected for a second term, he will not allow the Federal Reserve to create a central bank digital currency, or CBDC.

Such currencies are not only digital but programmable, meaning the Fed would have an on-off switch and could limit spending on certain items.

Here’s Trump talking about CBDC’s on the campaign trail in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.




Yet another Republican governor has endorsed Donald Trump as the GOP presidential nominee.

The Hill reports that Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo will endorse Trump for the state’s upcoming caucus, he said Thursday, going back on a promise to stay out of the GOP presidential primary.

Lombardo told The Nevada Independent that he will also vote “none of the above” in the state’s primary, where Trump is not on the ballot. 

Nevada will hold both a caucus and primary on February 8 and 6, respectively, after a protracted legal battle between the state and Nevada Republican Party. Only the caucus results will award delegates for the Republican Party’s nominee selection.

Trump endorsed and campaigned for Lombardo during his 2022 gubernatorial bid. 

Lombardo said in a statement to The Hill:

“We need President Trump’s decisive leadership back in Washington, D.C. President Trump oversaw record economic success, implemented strong foreign policy, and ensured our law enforcement officers are treated with the respect they deserve.”

The governor said in September that he would not make an endorsement in the presidential primary but dismissed the notion Thursday.

For “all practical purposes … the race is over,” he said.


Vivek Ramaswamy, who is now campaigning for Donald Trump, told Fox Business that he “will stop at nothing” to shut down the likes of the World Economic Forum, which represents “a revival of old-world monarchy,” and is the antithesis of sovereignty.

During a discussion about the Davos elites voicing concern about Trump’s caucus win in Iowa, host Larry Kudlow said the WEF should “quiet down” to which Vivek responded “We’re not going to quiet them down, we are going to SHUT them down.”

“You ask what is motivating them… it’s just like every other three letter agency,” he continued, adding “my answer to all of them with acronyms is shut them down.”

“What they want is old-world Europe, a revival of old-world monarchy that was skeptical of self-governance” Vivek continued, urging “that’s what King George believed, that’s what the kings of old-world Europe believed.”



Well said, indeed.


To demonstrate just how whacked out these folks are at the World Economic Forum, they invited a Brazilian shaman to come and conduct some kind of religious ritual in which the shaman coughed on the heads of globalists sitting on the stage. I kid you not. Watch this.




Illegal aliens are apparently not happy with the climate they’ve encountered in America.

These are clearly not very bright folks if they didn’t even research the weather in places in the Midwest and even Midsouth. Yes, unlike places in Guatemala and Venezuela, we routinely get temperatures below freezing.



Did you hear that? It’s a “dangerous environment” being encountered by “asylum seekers.”

For starters, these aren’t asylum seekers, not by anyone’s definition. Under international law, an asylum seeker must seek refuge in the first nation he or she comes to after leaving their home country. That would mean they’d be coming from Mexico not Venezuela. These are illegal aliens. But the corporate media has adopted the language of the left and calls them asylum seekers.

And secondly, if they don’t like the weather here, they are free to pack up and leave. That door at the border swings both ways.


Pakistan launched airstrikes against alleged militant hideouts inside Iran on Thursday, killing at least nine people as it retaliated for a similar attack days earlier by Iran, raising tensions with its neighbor as conflict across the region escalates.

The unprecedented attacks by both Pakistan and Iran on either side of their border appeared to target Baluch militant groups with similar separatist goals. The countries accuse each other of providing a haven to the groups in their respective territories.

The flare-up between Iran and Pakistan comes as the Middle East remains unsettled by Israel’s war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and on the heels of Iranian airstrikes late Monday in Iraq and Syria. Those airstrikes were in response to a suicide bombing in Iran by Islamic State militants in early January that killed over 90 people.

Iran and nuclear-armed Pakistan have long regarded each other with suspicion over militant attacks, but analysts say this week’s tit-for-tat strikes were at least partially prompted by internal political pressures.


Approximately 90,000 troops will take part in NATO’s largest exercise for decades, known as Steadfast Defender 2024, according to reports.

The drill is scheduled to start next week and will continue into May, according to the alliance’s top commander, Chris Cavoli.

Cavoli said on Thursday:

“The Alliance will demonstrate its ability to reinforce the Euro-Atlantic area by a transatlantic movement of forces from North America.”

Steadfast Defender 2024 will involve units from all 31 NATO member countries plus Sweden, which has applied for NATO membership.

It will be the largest NATO military exercise since the Reforger drill held during the peak of the Cold War in 1988.

The news outlet Insider Paper reports:

“The exercise, composed of a series of smaller individual drills, will span from North America to NATO’s eastern flank, close to the Russian border. It will involve 50 naval vessels, 80 aircraft and over 1,100 combat vehicles.”

Reuters reports that during the second part of the Steadfast Defender exercise, a special focus will be on the deployment of NATO's quick reaction force to Poland on the alliance's eastern flank.

Other major locations of the drills will be the Baltic states which are seen as most at risk from a potential Russian attack, Germany – a hub for incoming reinforcements, and countries on the fringes of the alliance such as Norway and Romania.


The Gateway Pundit reports that Russian officials have come out with a statement mocking the United States for allowing an American citizen to be tortured and die in the custody of Ukraine.

The Kiev regime has been given free rein to do whatever it wants by the West and “is even allowed to torture and kill Americans,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov charged, referring to the death of U.S. journalist Gonzalo Lira, who died last week in a Ukrainian prison. Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova charged the United States with “consigning an inconvenient journalist to execution,” adding:

“Kiev has unbridled freedom, and this permissiveness is manifested in everything it does. This free rein only leads to disaster. And this disaster has already reached the minds of the current Ukrainian regime, and they are leading their entire country there.”

The Russian Foreign Minister made the statements at an annual news conference reviewing Moscow’s 2023 foreign policy.

Referring to the death of Gonzalo Lira in Ukrainian prison, Lavrov said the Kiev regime “is even allowed to torture and kill Americans. And everyone keeps their mouths shut. (The Ukrainians) are allowed to do anything. Look at the fuss they make when their citizens are arrested. Here, not a word, not even a whisper. Draw your own conclusions.”


Congressman Andy Biggs has introduced legislation that would require a woman to be shown an ultrasound of her unborn baby before she obtains an abortion.

The Arizona Republican’s Ultrasound Informed Consent Act stipulates that abortionists or “an agent under the supervision of the” abortionist must perform an obstetric ultrasound on the pregnant woman while simultaneously providing an explanation of what the ultrasound is depicting.

The abortionist must “display the ultrasound images so that the pregnant woman may view them” and “provide a complete medical description of the ultrasound images,” including the baby’s dimensions, cardiac activity, and the “presence of external members and internal organs.”

 “The Biden administration’s heinous pro-abortion policies continue to incentivize women to end the lives of innocent, unborn American children,” Biggs told The Daily Signal.


A thug made a fatal mistake when he tried to rob a man by luring him into a Facebook Marketplace meetup trap.

The man and a friend had responded to a Facebook Marketplace ad for a vehicle sale in Peoria, Illinois.

Believing the ad was genuine, they went to view the vehicle on Monday, January 15th.

They met with a group of people in an alley around 5 pm, WMBD reported.

However, the meeting turned out to be a trap and the armed group of criminals tried to pounce.

Yet, unbeknownst to the crooks, their targeted victim was a concealed-carry permit holder and wasn’t about to go down without a fight.

He drew his weapon and exchanged fire with the robbers.

During the shootout, the Second Amendment patriot shot and killed one of the thugs.

Peoria Police Department’s Semone Roth said:

“The investigation has determined that this was an attempted robbery setup and there was no intention to sell a vehicle.”

USA Carry noted the concealed carry holder exchanged gunfire with some of the alleged robbers.

He was able to hit one of them with at least one bullet.

Police arrived on the scene and gave first aid to the wounded felon.

But this crook would pay the ultimate price for his thuggery and he died at the scene.


A Penn State professor says in a lawsuit that he was instructed by his superiors to give better grades to minority students than to white students.

The lawsuit of Dr. Zack De Piero against Penn State over an alleged hostile work environment and racial discrimination alleges antiracism sensitivity training by the university. Judge Wendy Beetlestone has denied a critical motion to dismiss De Piero’s case against Penn State and she included strong language concerning DEI programs.

There are roughly 40 defendant trustees, professors, and administrators named in the complaint.  This includes Professor Liliana Naydan, who was an associate professor of English and served as De Piero’s supervisor and chair of the English Department and Writing Program Coordinator.

De Piero alleges that he was “individually singled out for ridicule and humiliation” due to his race. He also alleges he was expected to follow and support the view that “White supremacy exists in the language itself, and therefore, that the English language itself is racist.”

De Piero also alleges that faculty were encouraged to participate in anti-racist workshops and trainings, including one titled “White Teachers are the Problem.”

What is most interesting about the complaint, writes legal scholar Jonathan Turley, is that it alleges policies that would violate core academic freedom principles from the content of his classes to grading.

De Piero alleges that he was told to adopt a race-based grading system. Specifically, he alleges the failure to grade minorities on par or better than whites would be treated as de facto racist.

According to the lawsuit:

“Defendants instructed De Piero that outcomes alone — regardless of the legitimacy of methods of evaluation, mastery of subject matter, or intentions — demonstrate whether a faculty member’s actions are racist or not. Defendants call this ‘social justice’ and ‘antiracism.’ At the core of their ideology, Defendants discriminate twofold on the basis of race. First, Defendants’ bigotry manifests itself in low expectations. They do not expect black or Hispanic students to achieve the same mastery of academic subject matters as other students and therefore insist that deficient performance must be excused. Accurate assessment of abilities, if it happens to show disparate performance among different racial groups, is therefore condemned as ‘racist.’ Second, Defendants’ bigotry manifests itself in overt discrimination against students and faculty who do apply consistent standards, especially white faculty.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Revolver News has come out with a new article assessing the U.S. airline industry, and it’s not a pretty picture.

We recently reported about Southwest Airlines’ very suspect hiring policy, which attaches more favor to skin color and other minority concerns than to qualifications and air passenger safety.

But now there’s another report that outs the CEO of United Airlines as a confused cross-dresser.

Here’s what Revolver had to say:

“The U.S. aviation industry is crashing, both literally and figuratively. It’s like we’re watching the whole airline sector fall apart at the seams: pilots passing away out of the blue, passengers turning flights into WWE-style brawls, doors and windows blowing off mid-flight, and air-traffic controllers resorting to Google for on-the-spot training. And when it seems things couldn’t get stranger, there’s the case of the freaky guy leading United Airlines. Instead of prioritizing essentials like safety and skills, the CEO at United appears to be more concerned with his false eyelashes and jumbo nylons. Think we are joking? We wish we were, folks.”

Beyond the CEO’s creepy wardrobe fetish and turning the skies into something resembling a gay rave, the real kicker is his obsession with “equity” at the expense of your safety.

Watch the United CEO here talk about his company’s diversity, with no regard for merit, performance or safety.



Wasn’t that rich? Two white guys sitting at a table talking about how much they hate the fact that so many white guys work in the airline industry. You can’t make this stuff up. I wonder if they will volunteer to be replaced by a person of color? Wouldn’t that be the kind and woke thing to do if they were really serious about diversity? I think so. Turn in your resignations and give your jobs to a racial minority, a woman or, better yet, a transgender. I think it’s time these guys lead by example, don’t you?

Put up or shut up. Nobody wants to hear you or any other airline blathering about your hiring quotas and how committed you are to diversity.

We care about your safety record. We care about how often your flights arrive on time. We care about how you treat your customers. Nothing else matters. Period.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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