Joe Biden Proudly Hosted The White Houses Embarrassing Pride Celebration

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  • The Biden regime is planning the biggest gay pride celebration the White House has ever seen.
  • The U.S. Air Force pays homage to the gay lifestyle.
  • Liberal churches join Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and others in an interfaith celebration of the LGBTQ agenda.
  • The FBI warns that your Facebook and Instagram photos could be swiped by bad actors, and used to create deep-fake porn videos.
  • Mike Pence plays the tough-guy biker in conjunction with announcing his run for the presidency.
  • The World Economic Forum wants all babies to be grown in artificial wombs.
  • And California Governor Gavin Newsom proposes a clever way to do away with the Second Amendment.

All these stories and more, when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Starting off tonight, Joe Biden proudly played host to the White House’s largest Pride celebration “in history.”

As Americans struggle to pay for groceries and mortgage payments and inflation continues to soar, Joe Biden was busy planning his gay pride celebration.

The LGBTQ+ Pride celebration hosted by Biden on June 8 was the largest of its kind hosted by any U.S. president.

Biden is also set to announce new measures aimed at pushing transgenderism on America’s youth.

Reuters reported that the White House festivities were being billed as a celebration of “LGBTQ+ families” and included performances from singer Betty Who and DJ Queen HD.

As Breitbart reported, the event also condemned so-called “book bans” being implemented in parts of the United States, with Biden’s Department of Education set to announce the appointment of a new special coordinator who will be tasked with making sure schools include LGBTQ books featuring often graphic depictions of sexual acts.

One Biden administration spokesman said regarding the announcement:

“Across the country, our nation is facing a spike in book bans, and these efforts disproportionately target the LGBTQI+ community as well as communities of color. These aren’t just attacks on the rights of LGBTQI+ Americans; they are part and parcel of a coordinated attack on our democracy.”

So, let me get this straight: If we don’t teach our school children how to have gay sex, we lose our democracy? And if we don’t allow these putrid books in school libraries and classrooms, we’re haters and bigots? Sorry Joe, but that’s not going to play very well in flyover country.


The U.S. Air Force has received backlash after tweeting out an image showing a soldier saluting a LGBTQ+ flag to “Celebrate Pride Month.”


The image shows a silhouetted individual throwing up a salute along with the rainbow, black and brown and trans colors and the Air Force seal.

The gender of the individual isn’t clear, but it is clearly a depiction of a uniformed service member.

The caption reads “June is #PrideMonth! The Department of the Air Force proudly recognizes and celebrates generations of LGBTQI+ service members and their contributions to our #AirForce & #SpaceForce.”

The Air Force Global Strike Command responded to the tweet, writing, “Our diversity is our competitive advantage.”

The tweets were roundly criticized.


Benny Johnson, host of the Benny Show podcast, noted in a tweet that it’s illegal for a uniformed officer to salute anything but the American flag.


Churches are also getting in on the act of genuflecting at the altar of everything LGBTQ.

Eric Lendrum reports at American Greatness that despite growing backlash against the “pride” movement in 2023, there has been a noticeable increase in allegedly religious groups showing public support for homosexuality, transgenderism, and other aspects of the LGBTQ agenda.

Lendrum cites a report by NPR stating that the rise in religious groups’ support for pride is due to a nationwide initiative called Faith for Pride, run by the far-left group Interfaith Alliance. The group consists of multiple religions and denominations, including Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc. Basically, this is the same cast of characters who will come together in a one-world religion built around climate change, racist critical race theory, liberation theology, LGBTQ+ fanaticism, transhumanism and other globalist causes loosely assembled under the banner of ESG scores and, eventually, a digitized social-credit scoring system for all people on the planet.

The digital ID and central bank digital currencies will be used as the enforcement mechanisms to demand allegiance to the coming government mandates associated with the above causes.

“We are not going to let this happen to our LGBTQ siblings,” said Baptist minister Paul Raushenbush, president of the Interfaith Alliance. “Not on our watch. We need to organize.”

Raushenbush also called for left-wing Christians and other progressive religions to “fight back against” legislation being passed in states across the country banning so-called gender-affirming care. He said “we need to rally religious communities and a religious voice to say ‘no.’”

Raushenbush added:

“Don’t feel like you have this choice between your sexuality or your gender and your religious tradition. There are people out there who love you, who respect you, who will welcome you and will help you thrive.”

One example of the group’s public displays of support for “pride” was reportedly at “Pride Fest” in Santa Monica, California, where six different houses of worship had booths set up, including Episcopalians, Lutherans, and Jews. The booths handed out various rainbow-themed merchandise, including temporary rainbow tattoos, clothing depicting Jesus with a rainbow Crown of Thorns, and a rainbow-colored Star of David.

Let’s be clear. This is not “love.” True love always tells people the truth, even when it’s not what they want to hear.


The Rhode Island-based toy company Hasbro is celebrating gay pride month by promoting LGBTQ-themed merchandise tied to the Transformers, G.I. Joe, and Dungeons & Dragons.


The apparel and tote bags feature rainbow-themed motifs of the familiar children’s toy brands with the words “Be Proud, Be You.” Hasbro said proceeds from the sales will go toward Youth Pride RI, a Rhode Island organization that recently held a “youth drag workshop” that taught participants how to become drag queen performers.

In case you haven’t noticed folks, they really are coming for your children.


The Daily Star reports that if your social media photos—including your profile picture—are visible to the public, it might be time to check your privacy settings.

The FBI has issued an alert about cybercriminals turning innocent victims' profile pictures into deepfake porn and then using the images to blackmail them.

They're able to use AI image generators to take your photographs and create convincing fake images featuring your face.

The FBI said that cybercriminals are targeting both children and non-consenting adults with the fake explicit content and using it to try and extort money.

In an official alert, the FBI said: “The FBI continues to receive reports from victims, including minor children and non-consenting adults, whose photos or videos were altered into explicit content. The photos or videos are then publicly circulated on social media or pornographic websites, for the purpose of harassing victims or sextortion schemes.”

The FBI added that this is very difficult to combat. It said: “Once circulated, victims can face significant challenges in preventing the continual sharing of the manipulated content or removal from the internet.”

This is all by design, folks. And the solution will be even worse than the problem. Digital IDs. That’s going to be the answer to the problems with AI and deep faked photos and videos. The government will swoop in at some point to clean up the mess that it created, offering a solution that makes it impossible to even sign onto the internet without first entering your biometric digitized ID.


LifeSite News reports that a volunteer organization supporting the Baltimore City Police has released photos of the alleged suspect who brutally assaulted two elderly pro-life men outside an abortion facility last month.

LifeSiteNews previously reported that pro-life Catholics, Mark Crosby, 73, and Dick Schafer, 80, were attacked while engaging in their pro-life sidewalk ministry outside the Planned Parenthood abortion facility on North Howard Street in Baltimore. 

Schafer reportedly recovered at home, but Crosby went to the University of Maryland’s shock trauma facility to receive treatment for serious injuries to his skull and eye socket as well as his knees and fingers. Crosby’s right eye was blinded and he suffered a concussion.


On June 7th, Baltimore NBC affiliate WBAL-TV 11 reported that Metro Crime Stoppers of Maryland released photos of the suspected assailant.

The photos back up an earlier reported description of the suspect as a white male with brown hair and a beard wearing a gray t-shirt and blue jeans. The man in the photos is thought to be in his late 20s. The gray t-shirt appears to have a rainbow-colored image emblazoned on the back.


The Washington Post is reporting Thursday that Ukraine's forces have finally launched their long-awaited counteroffensive, based on speaking with four Ukrainian soldiers and officers.

The servicemembers said this “crucial phase” in the war has now begun with fresh, intensified attacks in the southeast, coming also as severe flooding from the Kakhovka dam explosion continues to unfold.

One of the deep-state’s most notorious Mockingbird media lapdogs, David Ignatius, is calling it Ukraine's D-Day - but it's too early to tell if any actual gains have been made and sustained, amid the usual conflicting battlefield claims. Russia's military has said it is crushing the Ukrainian campaign. 

The stated aims of the major offensive are to restore lost territory back to Ukraine and to ensure Western support stays strong and consistent, after prior months of doubts quietly voiced among some backers.

Some prominent Russian commentators have also said in recent days that the counteroffensive has begun

Igor Strelkov, a senior army veteran and former officer of Russia’s security service, said Thursday it was clear Ukraine’s counteroffensive had begun.

Strelkov wrote on his Telegram channel:

“Perhaps, we can now reliably say that the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine began 5-6 days ago. At the moment — after a day of continuous fighting, it is indirectly known about minor penetrations, but there are no breakthroughs.”

He did say, however, that Russia would need to bolster its forces by up to 300,000 troops in the east and south in order to effectively launch counter-attacks.

Ukrainian President Zelensky is telling Western press and officials that “we strongly believe that we will succeed.”


Former Vice President Mike Pence officially jumped into the 2024 presidential race.

CBS News reported, “Pence on Monday filed the required form with the Federal Election Commission to mount a bid for the Republican presidential nomination, capping months of speeches, visits to Iowa and interviews that fueled speculation of a 2024 run.”

Trying to play the tough guy, Pence showed up on a motorcycle in a butch-leather jacket with patches over the weekend. Maybe this was his best Michael Dukakis routine. Remember him? Dukakis, like Pence, suffered from perceptions of weakness so he rode to a campaign stop in a tank. It didn’t help.

On Wednesday, Pence held a town hall on CNN. He criticized the Biden regime’s approach to Ukraine during the town hall, suggesting that the current regime isn’t investing American taxpayer dollars fast enough into military resources for Ukraine.

“Now, I want to say President Joe Biden has been slow in providing military resources to Ukraine,” Pence said, adding, “They promised 33 Abrams Tanks back in January. They’re still waiting on ’em. We’re still, we’re waiting on F-16s to be transferred from somewhere.”

Pence is a died-in-the-wool neocon globalist. He just told us that, if elected, he would drain America’s military stockpiles even faster than Joe Biden has. Don’t forget that come primary season.


The Gateway Pundit reports that the Supreme Court caved to outrageous arguments by Democrat lawyers and issued a ruling June 8th that will force two states to create new black-majority (Democrat) seats in Congress.

The Court issued a 5-4 ruling in favor of black plaintiffs challenging a congressional redistricting case from Alabama which said it violated Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act.

Chief Justice Roberts authored the decision and was joined Justices Brett Kavanaugh along with the Court’s leftists.

As the Associated Press reported, the ruling upheld a lower-court decision that found a likely violation of Section Two of Voting Rights Act in an Alabama congressional map with one majority black seat out of seven congressional districts. The state has a 27% black population.

This is 2023. Why are we even classifying congressional seats as “black” or “white.” This is inherently racist, and the Supreme Court just bought into the worst of the Democrat race-baiting. Shame on the Trump-appointed justice, Brett Kavanaugh, who is shaping up to be quite the force for liberalism on the high court.


The World Economic Forum wants to see natural conception of human babies phased out in favor of lab-grown human babies, similar to what was described in the dystopian novel “A Brave New World” by Aldus Huxley.

Take a look at this shocking report from The People’s Voice.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 0:38 mark to 2:08 mark)

Taking control of human DNA before they are even born. Truly satanic, indeed.


The expansion of the global economy will significantly decelerate in 2023 and 2024, according to a report by the World Bank published on Tuesday.

“The world economy is in a precarious position,” said Indermit Gill, the World Bank Group’s chief economist and senior vice president. The institution forecasts global growth to slow down from 3.1% in 2022 to 2.1% in 2023, according to the World Bank’s Global Economic Prospects report.

The U.S. economy is projected to grow 1.1% in 2023 and slow down to 0.8% in 2024 primarily due to the continuing effects of interest rate hikes since March 2022, according to the report. The report also says U.S. interest rates have harmed emerging markets and developing economies, increasing their potential for a financial crisis.

The World Bank expects global trade expansion to decelerate from 6% in 2022 to 1.7% in 2023, according to the report.

The insecure global economy is currently dealing with “the protracted effects of the overlapping negative shocks of the pandemic, the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine, and the sharp tightening of monetary policy to contain high inflation,” according to the report’s executive summary.

“Recent banking sector stress in advanced economies will also likely dampen activity through more restrictive credit conditions,” it continues. “The possibility of more widespread bank turmoil and tighter monetary policy could result in even weaker global growth.”

Three major U.S. banks — Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank and First Republic Bank — have collapsed since March.


Chinese President Xi Jinping recently directed his top national security officials to prepare for “worst case scenarios” and “stormy seas.”

According to Alex Wu of The Epoch Times, Xi was talking on May 30 to officials who participated in the first National Security Commission meeting since the CCP’s 20th National Congress in 2022, per a report by state-run media.

Xi dictated that his comrades must deeply understand “the complexity and difficulty of the national security issues we now face have increased significantly.” He reportedly called on CCP officials to carry forward the “spirit of struggle” and they “must adhere to bottom-line thinking and worst-case-scenario thinking, and get ready to undergo the major tests of high winds and rough waves, and even perilous, stormy seas.”

Xi also stressed the need for the Chinese government to accelerate the military’s modernization and make it more effective in “actual combat and practical use,” as the Chinese government faces a “complex and grave” situation in the geopolitical realm.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

California’s far-left Governor Gavin Newsom is proposing to shred the 2nd Amendment by adding a 28th amendment.

In a tweet, Newsome writes, “I’m proposing the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution to help end our nation’s gun violence crisis. The American people are sick of Congress’ inaction. The 28th will enshrine 4 widely supported gun safety freedoms -- while leaving the 2nd Amendment intact:

1) Raising the minimum age to purchase a gun to 21

2) Universal background checks

3) A reasonable waiting period for gun purchases

4) Banning the civilian purchase of assault weapons

Here is Newsom trying to sell a 28th Amendment in a propaganda video he posted to social media.


Good luck with that Gavin. And oh, by the way, you might not be able to buy a beer at age 18, but you sure can sign up for the military, register to vote, and do just about anything else adults are allowed to do.

No, your proposal is not about common sense. Your proposal lacks all semblance of common sense, and gun owners aren’t stupid. They do not, nor will they ever, “overwhelmingly support” your nonsensical, anti-American ideas about gun ownership.

So we won’t be “supporting the 28th,” or any other Marxist scheme you come up with to disarm law-abiding, freedom loving Americans.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.


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