Joe Biden Was Stunned To Hear That Hunter Might Be Indicted

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  • North Korea rolls out a new line of heavily camouflaged and mobile rocket launchers.
  • The Biden regime sent Kamala Harris to Ground Zero to participate in the 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony in New York City and, once again, she embarrassed herself.
  • Gunowners openly defy New Mexico Governor Michelle Grisham’s emergency health declaration suspending the Second Amendment.
  • Hunter Biden is expected to be indicted by the end of this month, but some veteran Washington observers are warning conservatives not to get too excited. We’ll tell you why.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

We start off tonight with an issue of national security.

The Drive reports that North Korea has rolled out a new generation of rocket launchers that double as commercial trucks.

In its latest parade through North Korea’s Kim Il-Sung Square marking the 75th anniversary of the nation’s founding, the Worker-Peasant Red Guards paramilitary force unveiled a fleet of multiple rocket launchers disguised as civilian trucks.

The box trucks and dump trucks had 12 tubes each of what appeared to be 122 mm artillery rockets deployed via their pop-up and sliding-door roofs. The dump truck crews even sported yellow hardhats with their rifles. 


The parade heavily featured the paramilitary force, with a fleet of tractors pulling rocket-launchers and anti-tank guided missiles on trailers. North Korea displayed similar systems towing guided missile launchers in the same parade two years ago. The tractors are a clear representation of a very real North Korean operational tactic — using these civilian instruments for all-out war should a conflict kick off. This parade underscores how North Korea’s “civil defense” possesses significant firepower.

During war, this surveillance would be ratcheted up to a level never seen before in modern warfare.

The goal seems to play upon the U.S. and South Korea's weaknesses — the lack of ability to distinguish between civilian and military vehicles. If any truck can be an artillery rocket launcher, the numbers of targets that could be struck grows rapidly.

Whether in Ukraine or South Korea, if it is near the front and can be seen and identified, it can be killed. This puts immense pressure to keep equipment out of sight as much as possible, or at least confuse the enemy as to what they are seeing. As part of its strategy for defending against a potential Chinese invasion, Taiwan has previously concealed its armored vehicles as construction equipment during exercises.

The U.S., China, Israel, and Russia have all developed missile launchers disguised to look like shipping containers, able to blend in among deck cargo or within industrial areas from which to launch attacks. The U.S. Air Force’s stealthy XQ-58A Valkyrie drones also have the potential to be deployed via a containerized system.


The Biden regime sent Kamala Harris to Ground Zero to participate in the 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony in New York City while Joe Biden hid in Alaska.

After twerking at her backyard barbecue over the weekend, Harris headed over to New York City to the 9/11 memorial.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is in Alaska far, far away from Ground Zero.

Biden enraged 9/11 families for being the first U.S. President in 22 years to not visit any of the 9/11 sites on the anniversary of the attacks.

Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Donald Arias, who lost his brother Adam during the attacks, told Fox & Friends on Monday:

“It’s no surprise to me that he’s not coming to Ground Zero or any of the 9/11 sites. And quite frankly, I prefer he stay away anyway. We will be spared one of his stories of how he can relate, like he did with the people of Lahaina, how he can relate because of a kitchen fire. We can do without that.”

22 years ago the United States came under attack by Islamic terrorists.

Nearly 3,000 Americans died on September 11, 2001. The world changed that day.

It was a solemn moment. But Kamala Harris was caught on camera smiling and giggling as she waited for the ceremony to begin.



Openly armed gun owners turned out Sunday afternoon and courageously walked around a public park in Albuquerque, New Mexico, proudly displaying their firearms in defiance of Governor Michelle Grisham’s unconstitutional “suspension” of the Second Amendment.

People gathered around with their firearms while holding American flags and Gadsden flags. Some carried banners that proclaimed “We will not comply!” and “Come and Take It!”

The gun owners spoke out against the governor’s order.


According to Ford Fischer, a reporter on the scene, the rally was completely peaceful and there was no police intervention.

Police did not enforce the Governor’s prescribed $5,000 fine for any of the gun-toting New Mexicans.

In a daring move, Michigan-based Fenix Ammunition has launched a special promotion targeting the Democrat governor of New Mexico. Customers in New Mexico can now avail themselves of free shipping when they use a particular promo code telling the Governor what she can do with her emergency declaration.


Breitbart News reports that Joe Biden was reportedly “stunned” and “plunged into sadness and frustration” after hearing that special counsel David Weiss intends to indict Hunter Biden.

A court document filed last week by Weiss revealed that he plans to indict Hunter Biden before the end of September.

The intention to indict brought immediate criticism from legal experts and lawmakers, who viewed the filing of a potential indictment as another mechanism Weiss might use to shield Joe Biden’s son from any actual justice.

Hunter’s plea deal broke down in August upon scrutiny from a judge, throwing a wrench into the agreement Weiss and Hunter had crafted.

After that irregular deal, the prosecutors said they expected the case to go to trial, indicating they wanted to try the case outside Delaware. On September 6, Weiss filed a status report indicating a potential indictment of Hunter.

“The possibility of a federal indictment of Hunter Biden stunned the president,” according to several people close to the president, the New York Times reported Sunday.

Mike Davis, founder and president of the pro-Trump Article III Project and former chief counsel for nominations to Senate Judiciary chairman Chuck Grassley, warned voters not to be fooled by potential charges.

Davis posted on X, describing Weiss’s history:


“Don’t be fooled. Both Democrat senators picked Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss. Protected Bidens for years. Let statute of limitations expire on tax charges. Buried credible evidence of Bidens’ foreign bribery. Tried to give Hunter secret immunity.”


Forbes reports that IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel provided a glimpse of what is coming when he suggested last month that taxpayers would see more changes at the agency. This week, he offered more details, announcing a series of initiatives as part of what is being called “a sweeping, historic effort to restore fairness in tax compliance.”

Those initiatives include a sharper focus on high-income earners, partnerships, large corporations, and promoters he says are abusing the nation's tax laws.

The initiatives follow what Werfel describes as a “top to bottom review of enforcement work” at the IRS, thanks to increased dollars from the Inflation Reduction Act. The Act significantly boosted funding for the IRS, guaranteeing tens of millions of additional dollars for new enforcement actions.

Part of that money will be used to arm agents and train them to shoot and kill Americans who may think of resisting arrest.

Werfel had previously said he would prioritize high-income taxpayer cases but his definition of “high income” remains fluid.

Specifically, he noted that for fiscal year 2024, the IRS has identified 1,600 millionaires who owe at least $250,000 in recognized tax debt who will be the subject of further enforcement efforts. The IRS says that dozens of Revenue Officers will be assigned to these high-end collection cases.

Previous efforts this year keyed to high-income taxpayers resulted in collections of $38 million from more than 175 high-income earners. In the grand scheme of things, $38 million represents a tiny drop in the bucket when compared to the federal government’s $6 trillion budget.

But, to the uninformed, this kind of policy makes for good sound-bytes.

Werfel stated:

“This new compliance push makes good on the promise of the Inflation Reduction Act to ensure the IRS holds our wealthiest filers accountable to pay the full amount of what they owe. The years of underfunding that predated the Inflation Reduction Act led to the lowest audit rate of wealthy filers in our history.”


The new Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 injections have been approved by the FDA. Full approval was given to inject these bioweapons into arms of people over the age of 12, and Emergency Use Authorization was given to cover jabs for babies as young as 6 months old.

As conservative journalist JD Rucker reports, that’s all bad news, but it gets worse. The new injections are NOT designed for the current dominant variants. These shots were built for the XBB.1.5 subvariant, which has basically died out.

Rucker writes:

“One might think they’re unleashing this onto the nation because these jabs work better than the previous ones. But that’s not the case. Pfizer and Moderna are proud that the antibody response of the new injections is ‘similar’ to the old ones. You know, the ones that didn’t stop infection, didn’t slow spread, didn’t prevent hospitalizations, and increased death rates. We really are living in a clown world.”


Florida’s Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, warned that there was “no evidence” of the upcoming COVID-19 vaccines being safe for humans and suggested that people would be better off not getting these new jabs.

Dr. Ladapo said on Thursday during a news conference with Governor Ron DeSantis:

“We all know there’s a new vaccine that’s coming around the corner, [a] new mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. And there’s essentially no evidence for it. There’s been no clinical trial done in human beings showing that it benefits people, there’s been no clinical trial showing that it is a safe product for people. And not only that, there are a lot of red flags.”

At the press conference, Dr. Ladapo pointed out some of the safety concerns about mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and indicated that people should not take the new vaccines if they do not feel confident in its effects.

“So something that you don’t hear much about … there are multiple studies now from around the world, Brazil, Australia, United States that show that over time these vaccines, these mRNA COVID-19 products actually increase your chances of contracting COVID-19.”

“That’s not normal and unfortunately, you’re going to have people who are going to get on television and try to explain why you should be comfortable with taking a product that ultimately, like its predecessors, increases your chance of contracting something.”

Dr. Ladapo asked people to make decisions based on their “resonance of truth” rather than depending on “very educated people telling you what you should think.”

“When they try to convince you to be comfortable and agree with things that don’t feel comfortable and don’t feel like things you should agree with, that’s a sign … And I encourage you and certainly beg and hope that you do listen to it because it will serve you right.”


At the G20 meeting last week, cryptocurrencies were at the top of the list of issues discussed during presentations by the International Monetary Fund. The group is working on regulations for cryptocurrencies which would weaken them by removing the most appealing aspect about the industry – its independence from government regulations.

Their claim that there is “no talk of banning cryptocurrency” should be seen as a red flag on two levels.

First, the need to even state that they’re not talking about it means they plan on talking about it in the future.

Second, it lines up with theories that the powers-that-be will attempt to piggyback on the popularity of blockchain currencies to force the centralized and fully-controlled digital currencies they want to roll out to the world.

For those who aren’t aware, there are big difference between cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and CBDCs like the upcoming “Digital Dollar.”

With cryptocurrencies, there is inherent security and privacy because they are decentralized. They aren’t foolproof but they currently act as a relatively untouchable way to hold wealth, albeit in a volatile environment. CBDCs are, by their very nature, centralized and controlled. They may share similarities from a technological perspective but they are diametrically opposite when it comes to authoritarian control over them.

If the globalists, central banks, and most governments have their way, they will regulate cryptocurrencies, then pull a bait-and-switch and replace them with Central Bank Digital Currencies.


Brazilian banks last week successfully completed pilot transfers using Drex, the country’s central bank digital currency.

The Drex, issued and controlled directly by the Central Bank of Brazil, is expected to be rolled out to the public next year. 

Critics of CBDC argue that such currency would lack the anonymity of cash, a fact confirmed by Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. But it could also open the door for authorities to control the funds of private citizens, a possibility already put forth by International Monetary Fund Deputy Managing Director Bo Li in April.

Two of Brazil’s largest banks announced last week they had successfully completed the last of three test Drex transfers to each other throughout the month of August.

In July a developer discovered that Drex has been designed with a hidden feature that allows the central bank to freeze taxpayers’ funds and adjust balances. 

The developer found the feature by reverse-engineering the CBDC’s source code after examining API documents the central bank had posted to GitHub.

“They tend to keep things closed off and usually don’t communicate with non-bankers," he said. “Honestly, they don’t even need to care about public opinion.”

Brazilian journalist Vini Barbosa said the Central Bank of Brazil confirmed the developer’s finding.

“The ability to ‘freeze or arrest amounts’ held in [this system] is protected by current legislation in Brazil, according to the Central Bank,” Barbosa said in a tweet.

Brazil is not the only country developing a CBDC.

Earlier this year the Bank of Israel, the Central Bank of Norway and Sweden’s central bank all announced the completion of Project Icebreaker, an initiative they began last year to create and test how CBDCs can be used for cross-border and cross-currency payments. The central banks were assisted by Swiss tech firm BIS Innovation Hub Nordic Center. 

BIS Innovation Hub CEO Cecilia Skingsley explained:

“Project Icebreaker is unique in its proposition. It first allows central banks to have almost full autonomy in designing a domestic retail CBDC. Then it provides a model for that same CBDC to be used for international payments.”

In February, the Reserve Bank of Australia announced a pilot program that will explore how a CBDC can be used for offline payments, nature-based asset trading, corporate bond and tokenized foreign exchange settlement, as well as other use cases.

The Bank of Japan began testing its own CBDC in April after completing its proof-of-concept. Since October the Japanese Credit Bureau has been building its own digital currency to simulate how people would be able to pay at restaurants with CBDC using credit cards. The company said that while it is now using touch payments, Japan Credit Union is working on providing mobile solutions for CBDC where users can pay via mobile app and even QR codes. 

The European Central Bank has partnered with 30 Spanish banks to develop a CBDC prototype and has already selected five corporations — including Amazon — to participate in trials.

One country, however, is experiencing unexpected difficulty in rolling out a CBDC.

Nigerians have taken to the streets in protest to demand a return to cash after the government began forcing its CBDC on citizens. 


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

A new report has revealed that the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy is putting on an event in October in which it will be offering an award to the American Library Association, an organization marked by numerous controversies including its attempt to sabotage a Christian author, giving out its own honors to groups that push "LGBTQ+" literature into children's schools and being led by an openly Marxist president named Emily Drabinski. 

The ALA has also reportedly been caught providing small-town librarians with tips on how to quietly push “LGBTQ” agendas on children, particularly in a way that goes against the community's values and subverts its standards.

In a recording of an ALA session, Emily Drabinksi, a radical Marxist and president of the American Library Association, insisted that libraries need to be the site of “socialist organizing.”

press release for the Barbara Bush Foundation-sponsored event states that it will be held at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC, on Oct. 11, 2023.

The release states that: “Recipients of the 2023 Barbara Bush National Literacy Honors Award will be the American Library Association and social media influencer Oliver James.”

Jonathan Capehart, who hosts a show for left-wing media outlet MSNBC, is set to emcee the event.

The Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy website broaches the concept of “equity” in its “About Us” section, which states that the group is “committed to building a stronger, more equitable America through literacy.”

As is detailed by the University of Iowa, the concept of being “equitable means acknowledging and addressing structural inequalities — historic and current — that advantage some and disadvantage others.”

This is just the latest evidence that the Bush family are globalists posing as conservatives. They say one thing while supporting and funding causes that say something very different.

America would do well to never elect another Bush.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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