A Judge Issues A Bizarre Ruling To Silence Donald Trump At His Own Trial In New York.

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  • A judge issues a bizarre ruling to silence Donald Trump at his own trial in New York.
  • Allegations about District Attorney Fani Willis’ improper relationship with the special prosecutor could have serious ramifications for her racketeering case against President Trump.
  • Another big-name Republican drops out of the race for president.
  • New digital ID technology is coming to the automotive industry that will soon require drivers to submit to a face scan in order to operate their own cars.
  • And the number of obituaries that cite deaths as being “sudden” or “unexpected” has skyrocketed since 2021, a new study has found.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

The judge in former President Donald Trump's New York fraud trial has barred him from speaking in his own defense during closing arguments later this week. 

The former president, 77, is a defendant in the case brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James.

His business empire in New York is on the line, and James has asked for his business to be fined $370 million for inflating property prices to get favorable loan deals.

An attorney for Trump informed Judge Arthur Engoron earlier this week that the ex-president wished to speak during the closing arguments and Engoron initially approved the plan, The Associated Press reported.  

Now Engoron has rescinded the move, even though Trump is still expected to appear. 

It's extremely unusual for defendants who have lawyers to speak on their own behalf. 

Engoron agreed to the move but set boundaries, saying he was inclined to “let everyone have his or her say.” 

The judge then said that Trump would have to stick to what attorneys say in closing arguments, which includes “commentary on the relevant, material facts that are in evidence, and application of the relevant law to those facts.” 

The former president would not be allowed to “comment on irrelevant matters” or “deliver a campaign speech.”

He also wouldn't be allowed to criticize the judge, his staff, Attorney General James, her lawyers or the court system, Engoron wrote, according to the AP. 

Trump's attorney Christopher Kise told Engoron that those limitations were unfair and the ex-president could not agree to them.


The Daily Mail reports that Hunter Biden sparked utter chaos in Congress on Wednesday and was accused of a “ridiculous PR stunt” by making a surprise appearance to face Republicans threatening to hold him in contempt

Joe Biden’s 53-year-old son staged the spectacular stunt and sat and listened as GOP Rep. Nancy Mace basically called him a coward who “should be in jail” for refusing to sit for a deposition behind closed doors.

About 17 minutes later he got up and walked out as Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene started to question him over his business deals and the ongoing impeachment probe into his father Joe.

He was hit with a flurry of questions by reporters after he stormed out - including being asked what kind of crack he smokes and why he put his father Joe on speakerphone over 20 times to speak with his business pals

Hunter caused a circus as cameras and reporters swarmed him for the very brief appearance amid the scandal over his shady foreign business deals.

“What kind of crack do you normally smoke Mr. Biden?” screamed one reporter - which he ignored - as his attorney delivered a short statement slamming Republicans and maintaining that Hunter is willing to testify publicly.

“What's your favorite kind of crack?” another reporter questioned. 

“Are you on crack today?” another shouted.

Last week it was revealed Hunter is filming a top-secret documentary to explain his battle with addiction and his financial woes.


Allegations about Fulton County, Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis’ “improper” relationship with the special prosecutor could have serious ramifications for her racketeering case against former President Donald Trump, legal experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The attorney for a Trump co-defendant filed a motion Monday alleging Willis not only hired the man she was romantically involved with, Nathan Wade, as special prosecutor in her racketeering case against Trump, but she also signed off on “lucrative” compensation that exceeded her own salary. Wade, in turn, used that fat salary to finance cruises and vacations he took with Willis. The allegations are serious and could potentially undermine the case, legal experts told the Daily Caller.

Georgia-based criminal defense attorney and legal analyst Philip Holloway told the Daily Caller:

“The motion paints a picture of a prosecution that has a structural problem. It’s basically built upon using a special prosecutor who, if this turns out to be true, was not appointed and hired, if you will, in the correct legal way.”

Willis, who allegedly did not obtain permission from Fulton County to hire a special prosecutor, used funds she lobbied for to clear a backlog of cases that stacked up during Covid to contract with Wade, according to the filing made on behalf of co-defendant Michael Roman.

Holloway told the news outlet:

“When you put all this together, it amounts to a bad faith use of her authority as district attorney.” He added that this could culminate in a due process violation that “will justify not only disqualifying her, but potentially having the entire case dismissed.”

Regardless, Holloway said it could take months for the process to play out and “certainly is going to kick the case out, to a minimum, sometime in 2025.”


Chris Christie announced Wednesday he is dropping out of the race for president in 2024.

Christie, a former New Jersey governor, never gained any traction with a campaign that seemed focused on blasting President Trump.

Christie was caught on a hot mic Wednesday making a few interesting comments about the other candidates. He said Nikki Haley was “gonna get smoked” and Ron DeSantis was “petrified.”



Christie said he would not endorse any other candidates.


There is more and more evidence to suggest that the globalist establishment wing of the Republican Party is lining up behind Nikki Haley as its preferred presidential candidate in the 2024 election.

More money is pouring into Haley’s campaign coffers even as she reveals herself more openly as a globalist.

Last week we reported that Haley demanded illegal aliens be treated with “respect” and given various government benefits.

Now we have uncovered Haley’s true position on vaccines, showing that she supported the creation of a vaccine registry for children in South Carolina.

The Post Millennial reports that when Nikki Haley was a state representative in South Carolina, she proposed a bill during the 2005-2006 legislative session that would have created an immunization registry for children in the state.

Haley proposed “the following Amendment,” the record reads, striking out the words “shall have” and replacing them with the more definitive “has.”

“The Department of Health and Environmental Control has general direction and supervision of vaccination, screening, and immunization in this State in regard to contagious diseases, and the department is authorized to establish an immunization registry. All persons required to be immunized pursuant to Section 44-29-180 must be enrolled on the registry unless a specific exemption is requested by the person or the person's parent or guardian if the person is eighteen years of age or younger.”

In another section of law regarding immunization for students, Haley proposed to add regulations requiring schools to recommend immunization for students over the age of 19, called the “Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule, United States,” per the U.S. Department of Health and the CDC.

In 2007, Haley supported the requiring of the controversial HPV vaccine for girls in the state of South Carolina. It did not allow parents to opt out of the inoculation. When others in her party removed their names from the bill, Haley did not, though she later voted against the bill due to the lack of the opt-out provision.


The Defender reports that the number of obituaries that cite deaths as being “sudden” or “unexpected” has skyrocketed since 2021, a new study has found.

Steve Connolly, an Iraq War combat veteran, said he was horrified by all the death and dying around him.

However, Connolly wasn’t referring to the Iraq killing fields.

Starting in 2021, after the COVID-19 vaccines rolled out, Connolly said he was overwhelmed by the sudden deaths in his AA meetings, AA meaning Alcoholics Anonymous.

Connolly is a 61-year-old disabled vet and retired social worker who cared for the most severe and violent mentally ill patients in Massachusetts.

He said the formerly routine AA meetings became scenes of more suffering and carnage than he’d ever witnessed in war or among “the worst of the worst” in mental hospitals.

“In all of my time, I’ve never seen this many people that I know dropping dead in this span of time,” Connolly said.

He went on to describe a man named Verne who was in his 70s, relatively healthy and stable. Verne was “coughing on a Sunday, dead on Monday.”

Big Rob was in his 30s, a little obese, and “died from myocarditis.”

Allie was in her 30s, a heavy girl, but healthy.

“She got the jab, then had serious gallbladder issues and had it removed. She was found dead when she didn’t show up for work.”

A physician in AA, known as Dr. Michael, debated Connolly about the Covid mRNA injections.

“I tried to explain it to him,” Connolly recalled, adding “He didn’t believe me. Two weeks later, he got the booster. He died from a heart attack a few days later. Then they killed my friend, and I started to investigate.”

In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Connolly, driven by anger and pain over the unexplained barrage of deaths, explained how he pored over “thousands and thousands and thousands” of obituaries.

Connolly’s study sought to record the number of deaths that were described as sudden or unexpected by the families of the deceased.

To gather the data, Connolly used information on legacy.com, which published all public obituaries from all local newspapers across the country.

The study discovered that deaths reported as sudden or unexpected soared by more than 62% across the U.S. after the rollout of the Covid mRNA vaccines.

The data includes obituaries dating back to 2015.

The number of sudden or unexpected deaths was falling slightly each year until 2019 when it was at 37,374.

However, in the Covid year of 2020, the number rose slightly to 49,068.

In 2021, the figure skyrocketed to 79,858 people who died suddenly or unexpectedly.

The numbers appear to have fallen in 2023, but the data doesn’t show the full year and only shows obituary information up to August 21, 2023.

Connolly’s data trove was assembled with the help of Massachusetts systems engineer and vaccine-death investigator John Beaudoin Sr.


As we reported last week, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, a Republican, vetoed a bill passed by the state legislature that would have banned mutilating surgeries for children and also banned men who identify as women from competing in women’s sports.

We have good news to report on this story.

The Ohio House voted Wednesday to override Governor DeWine's veto of the legislation.

House Bill 68, which DeWine struck down last month, would prevent doctors from prescribing chemical hormones, puberty blockers or gender transition surgery before patients turn 18. It also would prohibit transgendered boys, who pretend they are girls, from playing on female sports teams in high school and college.

Proponents say the measure would protect children and level the playing field for female athletes. In vetoing the bill, DeWine said decisions about transgender medical care should be left to families and their physicians. That’s the same argument, interestingly, that abortionists use to justify the murder of unborn babies. Leave that decision to a woman and her doctor, completely removing the victim from the equation.

The House voted 65-28 to override DeWine's veto after an emotional debate, with Republicans supporting it and Democrats voting no.

DeWine has now outed himself as a liberal who sides with the Democrats on social issues in order to pander to the liberal corporate business elites. He should go ahead and switch parties.


The Bank Term Funding Program, or BTFP, the Fed’s infamous tool to stop the March 2023 bank-panic and liquidity crisis in its tracks, will expire on March 11, at its original one-year time limit.

This was announced January 10 by Michael Barr, Fed Vice Chair for Supervision, during a panel appearance in Washington, D.C.

Barr stated:

“The program worked as intended. It dramatically reduced stress in the system very quickly. It was highly effective.”

Banks can continue to take out new loans under this program until March 11, and refinance existing loans for a year, he said, as reported by MarketWatch.

And that will be it for the Fed’s March 2023 liquidity program.

The BTFP was a new program put in place on March 12, 2023, to deal with a panic among depositors that had led them to yank their cash out of a bunch of banks, in some cases essentially in days, leading to the collapse of three regional banks, Silicon Valley BankSignature Bank, and First Republic, where all depositors were made whole by the FDIC, but investors were wiped out. A fourth bank, Silvergate Capital, which had experienced the first run on the bank in this cycle, was unwound under pressure but without FDIC funding.


New digital ID technology is coming to the automotive industry that will soon require you to submit to a face scan in order to operate your own car.

Biometric Update reports that a technology company called Continental has developed an external display and biometric camera to be placed on the outside of vehicles for facial recognition and “liveness detection.”

This will allow a vehicle’s “authorized driver” to open and start the car automatically without keys or even a remote key fob.

Unveiled at the world’s largest tech conference, CES 2024, the so-called Face Authentication Display also includes internal cameras, and is equipped with liveness detection from biometrics provider trinamiX, a subsidiary of BASF.

A press release describes how the vehicle’s interior camera is located behind the driver display console – purportedly an industry first – while the exterior camera for facial authentication and keyless entry is mounted in the vehicle’s B-pillar.

“The biometric authentication system from trinamaX can recognize real skin, which adds a layer of liveness security against masks and generative AI deepfakes,” the press release states.

Having two cameras also opens up more user settings and preferences – allowing, for instance, every member of a family to open a car, but only a verified adult to start the ignition via face recognition. Wilfried Hermes, director of consumer electronics for North America and Europe at trinamiX, says the integration of the company’s biometric face authentication system “ensures the highest security standards in both the exterior and interior.”

He further noted that,  “Together with Continental, we are improving existing driver monitoring systems and thus ensuring better interaction between the driver and the vehicle.” 

This is another step toward transhumanism, which is the merging of man with machines.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Fox News reports that nearly 2,000 migrants being housed in a tent shelter in NYC were transferred to a nearby high school during Tuesday's storm, forcing students to pivot to remote learning.

The migrants being sheltered at Floyd Bennett Field in South Brooklyn spent the night at James Madison High School in Sheepshead Bay out of an “overabundance of caution” as New York City was under a flood advisory.

Parents were understandably upset about their kids being removed from school to make way for the migrants. They rallied outside the high school on Wednesday, January 10th, and they blasted administrators for putting migrants ahead of their children.

One parent at the protest rally told Fox News:

“Our school should not be used … it's a section there for learning. Our kids are supposed to be here, feeling safe, and be able to learn.”

In a statement, Republican Councilmember Inna Vernikov called the move unacceptable, arguing that Floyd Bennett Field is “not a sustainable housing facility.” 



Public schools are meant to be places of learning and growth for our children, she said, and were never intended to be shelters or facilities for emergency housing.

That would seem like an obvious truth. But not in America’s sanctuary cities.

New York City Comptroller Brad Lander, a Democrat, said placing illegals at the Floyd Bennett Field “highlights the mismanagement and waste of money that is all-too-present in City Hall’s approach to shelter and services for asylum seekers.”

That’s true. But let’s call them what they are. These are not “asylum seekers.” These are illegal aliens. Border crashers. Law breakers. And any responsible government would send them back home, today. But instead, we have a government in Washington that’s on a suicide mission, a mission to create chaos and destruction. And we the people sit back and watch.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching, and for supporting this source of independent news and analysis.

Until next time…

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