The Kremlin Says The U.S. Has Confessed To War Crimes

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  • Good news out of Tennessee, where a federal court has upheld a state law protecting children from doctors seeking to butcher children for profit.
  • More bad news out of the CDC, which is now giving advice to biological males seeking guidance on how to “chestfeed” infants.
  • A leader of the Anglican Church announces that the 2,000-year-old Lord’s Prayer may be “problematic” and needs to be changed. We’ll show you why.
  • The government of a major European country has collapsed.
  • One year after declaring the U.S. is under a “border invasion,” a Texas judge has issued a warning to all Americans that illegal aliens impact every U.S. community, not just those in border communities like hers. And she’s urging us to take action, now.
  • The State of Illinois passes a law adding illegal aliens to its list of protected classes against which it’s illegal to discriminate when selling or renting properties.
  • And we have a report on an arms race that doesn’t involve nuclear bombs or cruise missiles. The race is on to see which country can field the first army of killer robots.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

The federal court in the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a Tennessee law that protects children from rogue medical professionals, punishing those who provide chemical hormone therapy and genital mutilation of minors.

A Saturday morning press release from America First Legal explains that the law was challenged by ACLU attorneys — prompting a federal district court to issue a preliminary injunction just three days before the law was supposed to go into effect.

On Monday, America First Legal filed a brief in support of the Tennessee legislature.


As a result of the Sixth Circuit ruling, the bipartisan law will go into effect as scheduled — protecting numerous Tennessee children from the horrors of chemical castration and genital mutilation.

In a prepared statement from America First Legal Vice President Gene Hamilton, the importance of the Sixth Circuit decision to stay any injunction is made clear.


“The stakes of this case and this issue generally could not be higher,” Hamilton explains. “The State of Tennessee rightly decided–through the legislative process–to prohibit children from being subjected to irreversible chemical castration and genital mutilation.”


The Archbishop of York announced in a recent address to the Church that the 2,000-year-old Lord’s Prayer may be “problematic” because of its patriarchal association.

The Lord’s Prayer opens with “Our Father” – Archbishop Stephen Cottrell believes Jesus made a mistake.

In his opening address to a meeting of the Church of England’s ruling body, the General Synod, Stephen Cottrell focused on the words “Our Father,” the start of the prayer based on Matthew 6:9–13 and Luke 11:2–4 in the New Testament.

“I know the word ‘father’ is problematic for those whose experience of earthly fathers has been destructive and abusive, and for all of us who have labored rather too much from an oppressively patriarchal grip on life,” he said.

His comment – a brief aside in a speech that focused on the need for unity – will divide members of the Church of England, a body whose differences on issues of sexuality, identity and equality have been highly visible for years.

After Cottrell’s speech, Canon Dr. Chris Sugden, chair of the conservative Anglican Mainstream group, pointed out that in the Bible Jesus urged people to pray to “our father.”

He said: “Is the archbishop of York saying Jesus was wrong, or that Jesus was not pastorally aware? It seems to be emblematic of the approach of some church leaders to take their cues from culture rather than scripture.”


After 18 months in power, the coalition government of the Netherlands, led by World Economic Forum puppet Mark Rutte, has collapsed.

With agreement impossible to reach between the four ruling parties over the question of immigration policy, the country is now faced with calls for new elections.

While this development appears to favor the anti-immigration Party for Freedom, led by Geert Wilders, another party is likely to make an impact.

Following a shock victory in the Dutch regional elections earlier this year, which made it the largest party in the Dutch Senate, the Farmer-Citizen Movement is still riding high in the polls. 

The party, founded in 2019 by agricultural journalist Caroline van der Plas, has taken voters from the left, right, and center of Dutch politics. A March 2023 report in NL Times showed the broad appeal of a party which celebrates the family-centered, small community model of Dutch farming and citizenship.


In other news, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has come under fire for providing guidelines to biological males seeking to “chestfeed” infants.

Several sections of the CDC's website advises those who have had gender-reassignment surgeries, or biological men taking hormones to grow breasts, how to commit child abuse to satisfy their fetish which couldn't possibly nourish a child. Several doctors, however have criticized the agency for failing to address the risk posed to children who drink milk produced by chemicals used in gender-reassignment medical operations.

The CDC asks: “Can transgender parents who have had breast surgery breastfeed or chestfeed their infants?” To which it replied “yes,” followed by an explanation.

Fox News reports:

In the CDC website’s section on “Health Equity Considerations” – found under its “Infant and Young Child Feeding Toolkit,” the center declared that “Transgender and nonbinary-gendered individuals may give birth and breastfeed or feed at the chest (chestfeed).” It also stated that “The gender identity or expression of transgender individuals is different from their sex at birth,” and that, “the gender identity of nonbinary-gendered individuals does not fit neatly into either man or woman.”

Under the CDC website’s section on “Breast Feeding,” specifically an entry covering breastfeeding for those who have undergone breast surgery, the institute mentioned “chestfeeding.” 


One year after declaring the U.S. is under a “border invasion,” a Terrell County, Texas, judge has issued a warning to all Americans that illegal aliens impact every U.S. community, not just those in border communities like hers.

Judge Dale Carruthers noted the border invasion was what compelled her to switch political parties, from Democratic to a registered Republican.

She highlighted the potential dangers associated with this crisis, including the presence of single military-aged men, runners, traffickers and smugglers who regularly cross into Texas.

These individuals are often involved in illegal activities such as trespassing, theft, human trafficking and drug smuggling, according to a Western Journal report.

In her recent statements, Carruthers expressed particular concern about the trafficking of the deadly drug fentanyl, which is increasingly making its way into American communities and even impacting school children.

According to her, the threats posed by Mexican cartels and their involvement in these activities cannot be overlooked.

Carruthers cites the Democratic Party’s perceived lack of interest in addressing the border crisis as the main reason for her switching political parties.

She stressed the need to protect the sovereignty of Texas and other states and prioritize the safety and well-being of American citizens. Carruthers urged Americans not to ignore the seriousness of this situation.

“We have an army invading us,” she said, referring to the influx of illegal immigrants. “They have penetrated our country and they have invaded us.”

Through her comments, Carruthers hopes to draw attention to the ongoing border crisis and the significant impact it has on every community in the country, not just those directly on the border.

Carruthers said:

“We’re telling you what’s happening. Your house is on fire right now. Open your eyes. Get the scales off your eyes,” the judge added. “This is your nation, and you can stop this.”


The New York Post reports that the world is entering a new kind of cold war.

Military forces around the globe are in a covert arms race to develop terrifying new AI weaponry, a new documentary exploring the future of artificial intelligence in battle reveals.

Jesse Sweet, director of the film UNKNOWN: Killer Robots, premiering Monday on Netflix, told The Post:

“World leaders in Russia and China, people in the U.S. military have said, whoever gets the advantage in AI is going to have an overwhelming technical advantage in war. This revolution is happening now, but I think our awareness [is] lagging behind.”

Sweet, an Emmy Award-winning filmmaker and producer, warned: “Hopefully, it doesn’t take a mushroom cloud to make us realize, ‘Oh man, this is a pretty potent tool.’”

Weapons-grade robots and drones being utilized in combat isn’t new, the documentary shows. But AI software is, and it’s enhancing — in some cases, to the extreme — the existing hardware, which has been modernizing warfare for the better part of a decade.

Now, experts say, developments in AI have pushed us to a point where global forces now have no choice but to rethink military strategy — from the ground up.

“It’s realistic to expect that AI will be piloting an F-16 and will not be that far out,” Nathan Michael, Chief Technology Officer of Shield AI, a company whose mission is “building the world’s best AI pilot,” says in the episode.

However, the filmmakers express concern — like many working in the field of AI — over rapid robotic militarization, essentially warning that we don’t truly comprehend what we’re creating.

Sweet told the Post:

“The way these algorithms are processing information, the people who programmed them can’t even fully understand the decisions they’re making. It gets moving so fast that even identifying things like, ‘Is it supposed to kill that person or not kill that person?’ [It’s] this huge conundrum.”

There are also fears that a comfortable reliance in the technology’s precision and accuracy — referred to as automation bias — may come back to haunt, should the tech fail in a life or death situation.

One major worry revolves around AI facial recognition software being used to enhance an autonomous robot or drone during a firefight. Right now, a human being behind the controls has to pull the proverbial trigger. Should that be taken away, militants could be misconstrued for civilians or allies at the hands of a machine, the director warns.

“[AI is] better at identifying white people than non-white people,” Sweet said. “So it can easily mistake people with brown skin for each other, which has all sorts of horrifying implications when you’re in a battle zone and you are identifying friend or foe.”


Joe Biden is completely lost.

He arrived in London late Sunday evening to meet with King Charles III and host a NATO Summit in Lithuania.

He looked like a feeble old man shuffling across the tarmac.

The 80-year-old president and “leader of the free world,” was visibly struggling to walk with globalist King Charles at Windsor Castle on Monday.

Biden was limping and shuffling along.

A visibly frustrated King Charles had to tell Joe Biden where to go. At one point he appears to actually grab Biden by the hand and pull him in the right direction.


Here’s another clip from the same visit.


Truly astonishing video there. To think, the face of American leadership has come to this low point. That’s by design—to embarrass this country on the world stage. And no doubt it’s working.


Numerous Western countries are speaking out against Joe Biden’s decision to send cluster weapons to Ukraine, claiming their use amounts to war crimes.

The U.K, Spain, Canada and Germany all put out statements in recent days condemning the use of cluster weapons due to the dangers they pose to civilians.

Even U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned Biden’s decision to send cluster bombs on Thursday.

Here’s a brief explanation of how cluster bombs work.



Zero Hedge reports that statements made by National Security Council spokesman John Kirby on the Sunday news shows have been seized upon by the Kremlin as a clear demonstration the U.S. has “confessed to war crimes.”

Kirby, in a fresh interview with ABC, was defending Joe Biden's approving cluster bombs for Ukraine.

The cluster bombs are banned by more than 120 countries internationally for being “indiscriminate” and thus more likely to result in civilian deaths.

The administration's consistent rationale has been to say that while yes - this opens up Ukraine's military to the greater likelihood of committing war crimes - it's essentially OK because Russia is doing it.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 1:48)

So they admit they’re fully aware of the ability of these cluster bombs to explode on or near children and other civilians but they’re going to make sure Ukraine uses them anyway because of the strategic disadvantage Ukraine has with its Russian opponents.

Maybe they should have thought about that before they started supporting one side over the other, the weaker side, in a neighborhood dispute that presents no American national security interest whatsoever.


Breitbart News reports that Illinois has passed a law requiring landlords to open their doors wide and welcome illegal aliens. Home sellers will also have to sell their properties to illegal aliens or face prosecution.

As housing costs spiral out of control, particularly in large metropolitan areas such as Chicago, this new mandate is set to potentially increase the pool of renters by tens of thousands.

On June 30th, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed Senate Bill 1817 into law, amending the Illinois Human Rights Act to include “immigration status” as a protected class, Breitbart reported.

This legislation makes it a civil rights violation in the state of Illinois to “discriminate” against a person based on their immigration status in a wide range of real estate transactions.

The Illinois Human Rights Act will now include immigration status as a protected class, making it illegal to discriminate against someone based on their immigration status when renting or selling property. Landlords and property sellers cannot refuse to rent or sell, receive or transmit offers, or negotiate the terms of a deal with someone based on their immigration status. Banks must now grant mortgage loans to illegal aliens or face fines and possible jail time for discriminatory practices.

Ann Gillespie, the Democrat legislator who introduced the bill, said:

“This law sets clear boundaries, protecting the rights of immigrants and ensuring that financial institutions and service providers cannot engage in discriminatory practices. Putting these protections in place will promote fairness to ensure people are not unjustly denied housing.”

The new law will go into effect on January 1st, 2024.



Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

As many of you are aware, the nation of France has been on the brink of all-out civil war over the last week to 10 days, with violent rioting, armed thugs shooting at cops, and the burning down of government buildings.

And the vast majority of those rioting are Muslim immigrants who were welcomed by France as refugees over the last couple of decades. It’s reached the point now where 10 percent of the French population is Muslim and was either born outside of France or whose parents were born outside of France.

In some cities, the Muslim migrant population has reached 15 percent or more. They are welcomed in, signed up for French welfare benefits, free education, free or subsidized healthcare, subsidized housing, etc., a smorgasbord of “civil rights” protections, but they’re never required to adopt French values.

Dave Ruben of the Ruben Report recently commented on this situation. Here’s a clip with his perspective.


There’s a word of warning there for not just France but every European nation, the U.S. and Canada, and every other nation that has tried to import large foreign populations without requiring them to fully assimilate.

You can’t have a nation within a nation. As Lincoln said, “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” Our government leaders avoid these truths with immigration policies that have since at least the 1990s been admitting ever more migrants from cultures that hate us and do not intend to adopt American values. There will be a breaking point. France seems to have hit that point. Can America’s be far behind?

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.


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