The Left Has a Brilliant Plan That Includes Useful Idiots as The Face Of Their Movement

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Brannon Howse: Now, before we go to our next guest, let me show you something here, folks. Let me get there. Here we go. This is one way we support the show. Now look at this, folks. Six-piece mypillow towel set regularly was $99.98, then $49.99 now $29.88 six piece mypillow towel set right there at Easy to find. Just click on that, follow it through, and use that promo code B66 to get the savings. Would you do that? Use that code B66. We also have the My mattress topper 2.0 with three inch coil hybrid, the luxurious Giza dream sheets as low as $29.98. That's quite the deal. When they're gone, they are gone. My slippers are as low as $25, folks. As low as $25. Use that promo code B66, my pillow 2.0. Buy one, get one free. And we also have the new offer four pack special, normally $259.92. Now under 100 bucks, $99.98 for queen size to go anywhere size use that promo code B66 for savings. Joining me now is the author of a brand new book, Barack Obama's True Legacy How he Transformed America, Edited by Jamie Glazov Foreword by General Michael Flynn. Jamie is the general editor at We interviewed Daniel Greenfield about once every two weeks or so. He writes over there quite a bit. And so, Jamie, welcome to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us.

Jamie Glazov: It's great to be here. Thank you so much.

Brannon Howse: Tell me what led you to write this book about Barack Obama? I mean, after all, Joe Biden's in the White House, not Barack Obama. That's a kind of a rhetorical question here. I know the answer. I know our audience does as well, but one that some may not know the answer to. Why is why are we writing about Barack Obama when Biden's in the White House?

Jamie Glazov: Well, part of the answer is, Brannon, that my parents are from the Soviet Union. We escaped that hellhole. That's about five hours to tell. What? We escaped the Soviet Union. And the Soviet Union has now come to us. And I'm dedicated to explaining why and to fighting this evil. And this is Obama's third term. And in terms of the catastrophe that we see in front of us today, on every level, the seeds were planted in the Obama administration and it was fertilized in the soil of the Obama administration. And in my book, I gathered 11 experts that wrote 18 essays. And we talk about everything. They document everything. The Betrayal of Israel, how Obama enabled the killing of Israelis, the disastrous nuclear Iran deal, how Obama enabled ISIS, and Palestinian terrorism, and how he enabled just the catastrophe in the United States itself economically, in terms of the racial hatred. Just a atrocious record. And this story has to be told and it's not really told that. Well, and the media, of course, covers it up, as we know.

Brannon Howse: Yeah, they do. General Flynn wrote the introduction, and it's an amazing introduction. He's talking about all the things that Barack Obama laid the foundation for, he said. General Flynn writes, Obama, had opened up the borders to demographically transform the country. Biden would go even further beyond that to build on his former boss's legacy. And yet, here we have tonight, today, the 821821 decision by the Supreme Court that basically expands the powers, I think, of the executive branch. And the secretary of Department of Homeland Security has come out tonight and celebrated, saying that he is going to continue making America a sanctuary country, not just sanctuary cities or sanctuary states, but a sanctuary country. Some of the state leaders wanted the Biden regime to follow federal law, not just pick parts of it and follow, but follow the federal law and get some of these people out of the US. And some of these states were calling for that. I think some even sued for that. And 8 to 1, I don't know how we got this, but 8 to 1 decision that the administration has the right to just pick whatever laws it wants to follow and ignore the others. Do I have this interpretation correctly of this ruling?

Jamie Glazov: You absolutely do. And Brannon, what I'm dedicated to is trying to understand and dissect the mentality and psychology behind this and, you know, dedicated my life to understanding the left. I've written this book, United in Hate, that discusses this leftist romance with our totalitarian enemies. Even though a lot of people do not want to believe this and I don't know what's what it's going to take to wake up so many Americans. But when a president welcomes a situation where there's an open border, illegals are coming in that are not even vetted. We don't know if it's al Qaeda, or if it's Chinese enemies. Et cetera. Et cetera. And instead of shipping them back, they're putting them on planes and buses and shipping them to different parts of the country. We're not talking about dozens or hundreds. We're talking about thousands, perhaps tens of thousands or even more. Why would you do that? Because the left hates freedom and it hates this precious experiment called the United States of America. It wants to destroy this country. I don't know how more blatant it can get that they're pursuing the destruction of America. They are in power now and on the ashes of the freedom that they want to destroy, they're going to build their utopian Paradise, which you so intelligently and accurately said before I came on this show with the other great guest, uh, they end up getting killed themselves in the end. But there's this suicidal tendency of leftists. It's a very deep and haunting topic and obviously, there's something Luciferian there.

Brannon Howse: Yeah, there is. I agree with that. Um, how do you see things shaping up for America with the 1,000% spike in military age Chinese males coming over the border? Gordon Chang calls them shock troops. China's shock troops. When you have the Islamists taking over cities, Sharia compliant top to bottom, when you have, as Todd Bensman, who'll be on here next, talking about the firsthand experience reporting from the border, the numbers of people he's interviewing who are coming from the Islamic nations, what do you say America will look like in 2024, 2025?

Jamie Glazov: Brannon A lot.

Brannon Howse: Of people in other words, if you had to just make a prediction. I won't. We won't hold you to it. But if you had to say, I'm going to ask you to say this is what's going to happen. But if you had to say I could see these things happening, I could see these things happening, what are some of those things you could see happening in 2024?

Jamie Glazov: Well, Brannon, first I'll just say in general, if you don't mind, that a lot of people in America want to believe or in the West that Maoism happens over there and it happened over there. Khmer Rouge happened over there. Stalin happened over there. The devil is not just segregated to one place. The Bolshevik revolution is happening here. And everything that you're saying, this is a catastrophic, frightening situation. Free speech is being denied. Brannon, as you know, we're coming to a time, two of us going to the store with a credit card and them saying, excuse me, this doesn't work. You need to go home and change your political views because it says here you like Donald Trump and you said it on this date that's coming here, that Chinese social credit system is coming. This global Antichrist kind of infrastructure's coming here. Sharia is coming here. We already know on many even conservative stations, you can't really say anything truthful about jihad, about Sharia law. So blasphemy laws are already here and they will be escalating just.

Brannon Howse: And by the way and by the way, when you say conservative stations, our friend Anni Cyrus, she tells us she hasn't been allowed to go on and say what needs to be said on Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Fox News. So when you say conservative so-called conservative stations that are not wanting people to talk about this, that would be one outlet right there, right? Yeah.

Jamie Glazov: Well, Brannon, please keep doing what you're doing because we see it happening. We saw something happening over the years where all of a sudden Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller and Brigitte Gabriel, if they even were on Fox, kind of disappeared. Something happened over there where you can't say, Mohamed. Or you can't say certain things in connection to what causes she had in Sharia law. And then all of a sudden, all of a sudden, Tucker leaves. And he was getting very close to certain things, talking about the vaccines, talking about January 6th. All of a sudden he's gone. Yes. Some heroes are still there, but very troubling. What can no longer be said on that network? And it's very sad.

Brannon Howse: Here. Here. General Flynn, in the introduction to this book, says after having attained the White House using an election that was fully full of irregularities, which were never fully investigated and buried beneath the media's insistence. That only paranoid conspiracy theorists and die-hard partisans thought that the election was anything but free and fair. The Biden administration set out to pursue a number of policies that could lead to nothing less than the end of the United States as a republic of laws governed under the Constitution. General Michael Flynn, three star general, retired, former director of national intelligence, who was on this show, I think, last night. Yeah.

Jamie Glazov: A very depressing brand and a couple of themes there. Hey, look, we are so honored that General Michael Flynn, a true hero, wrote the foreword to our book. What a privilege and honor. He's a true hero. A couple of things that you mentioned there just in terms of the election coming up, are we going to have a situation again where Trump is ahead by hundreds of thousands of votes and all of a sudden people stop counting, and then in the morning something strange starts happening? Dinesh D'Souza's film 2000 Mules. It showed some very troubling evidence about some things. I'm wondering, Brannon, have the Republicans have conservatives built up some safeguards where some of those strange things may not happen again? Very depressing, because even if we are filling stadiums and Biden is speaking in front of two and a half people, that might be mannequins, something very strange is happening with the voting. So even though we're on the cause of truth and we have so much support, it looks like the fix is in terms of what the globalists and the leftists are up to. And it's very troubling.

Brannon Howse: Well, isn't that what McFarland said? Even And they let it air on Fox on Maria Bartiromo's show, she said that the intelligence arena stole and rigged the last election. They're going to steal and rig the next one in 2024 I mean, I think again, I think the CIA is largely behind most of this.

Jamie Glazov: Yeah, I used when I was younger and I came to the United States as a little boy and growing up and I was for America and I was anti-communist. I'm still all those things. What I mean, in the context of what you said, I kind of thought that the CIA and FBI were good, right? And then all of a sudden, especially recently, we begin to understand, is it the same side? Is it two different sides of the same coin of the same sword? I mean, the evidence in terms of the JFK assassination, in terms of what we're seeing and also the incredible disinterest in that and also what we're seeing today, all this evidence about how the DOJ crushed the investigation and Hunter Biden and all everything that we know. We have a chapter in our book by Joseph Klein, the Obama gave that wore on Flynn that the FBI waged that Obama was behind. This is all the same story in terms of the indictment of Trump. And now we have a situation where our intelligence agencies are in parking lots, writing down the license plates of parents who are at a meeting trying to stop drag queens from dancing in front of their children. This is what our intelligence agencies are doing now. Very, very scary. And thank God for people like you and Mike Brennan for continuing to telling the truth. Thank you. Thank you for putting a spotlight on my book because I'm stressed and our 11 experts stressed in that book, we have to know where the seeds are from. We have to know who's still in charge. We have to understand. And the catastrophe in front of our eyes, very much fertilizer in the soil of the Obama administration, which continues to be, in many respects, a puppet master, whether it's Obama or the people around him. It's this is the spirit of the left and its main enforcers.

Brannon Howse: Look at this headline over at You're the general editor of And here's the article tonight you have posted by Daniel Greenfield, who we interview about once a week here, once every two weeks. Ag Garland Accusing the DOJ of misconduct is an attack on democracy. Isn't that always so convenient if you show that this man is a lawless, lawless dumbbell? I mean, he is. I've watched him talk. I've listened to him, You know, Delta deposits, things in the yard with a higher IQ than this fool. This is a dingbat. And isn't this just like a dingbat, a corrupt dingbat, arrogant, corrupt. I mean, he's so arrogant. He's stupid to sit there and say, Oh, well, if you accuse me of violating my oath of office and us doing something illegal, that makes you the one that's illegal misconduct and attack on democracy, the psychological projection, first of all. First of all, idiot, We're not a democracy. We're a constitutional republic. But I don't expect a moron like you to know that you're a piece of human trash. But isn't that something that Merrick Merrick Garland would say? That we're the ones attacking the foundations of our country when he's the attorney general of the United States and about as lawless of a crook as we've ever seen in the office.

Jamie Glazov: Yeah, you've said gave us so much wisdom there, Brannon. Just.

Brannon Howse: And a lot of insults with it.

Jamie Glazov: No, but it's very true. I just want to say. Okay. Well, first of all, Daniel Greenfield, Shillman fellow, Daniel Greenfield, brilliant guy over at Front Page. We're so grateful to have him. We're also grateful to Dr. Bob Schulman. That makes all of our Shillman fellowships possible on the front page. We're very grateful. Brannon, We're on the same page. I just want to add a little footnote here. You call them morons and idiots. Absolutely. For instance, the devil is an idiot because, in the end, he took the wrong side, right? But at the same time, in terms of what they are doing during a certain timeline, until Jesus comes back and until there's victory spiritually, there's a certain timeline, as we know, Brannon, where these monsters are also very clever, very brilliant, very devious. So a lot of people are like, Oh, come on. And Biden and Garland, all these idiots, these morons. Don't get me wrong, you're right in what you're saying. But there's another side of this where this is very, very deviously calculated and they're carrying this out brilliantly, and they've got the media in their pocket. So they know that they're not going to be confronted on this or investigated. And they're brilliant in how they're. Taking America apart. We have to keep this in mind. On the one hand, they're morons. Yes, But on the other hand, let us not underestimate the devious evil that they're perpetrating. And we have to stand up and start fighting for our rights because the left does not play. This is the problem. A lot of conservatives do not fight political war. The left is fighting 24 over seven. A lot of conservatives just live their lives and don't fight. And we understand that because we want to live and just enjoy our lives. But we have to understand our enemies are pernicious and they're fighting 24 over seven to take us down.

Brannon Howse: Oh, I agree. I agree. I do wonder, though, if these guys aren't useful idiots, the historical term that they aren't Romans one fool and useful idiots and really that they they are not real bright but the people that have put into place the devious plan like Barack Obama. Now, I think Barack Obama is very smart. I think Barack Obama probably has a very high intellect, a very high IQ. I think Barack Obama is probably very well-studied. He understands the strategy. But I think guys like Merrick, I think guys like Joe Biden, Jill Biden, I think people like the dude and address that's now over, the assistant director over at HHS, the dude who was who's an address, the dude who thinks he's now a woman. I can't remember the base fool's name. But you listen to these people talk or Michelle Walensky at the CDC, you listen to these people talk. And I watch hours of their testimonies. Right. And I and I think to myself, these people are dumb. But I think the reason that they're the way they're the reason they are where they are is because they are so stupid and will be and will do what they're told. So but I agree with you. I think the ones who are running the plan are very intelligent. They understand psychological warfare. They understand cultural Marxism. They understand legal positivism. They understand the public-private partnerships of communitarianism. They understand globalism. They understand the need to destroy national sovereignty. They understand the Hegelian dialectic process and pit everybody against each other. These people are at the top and are brilliant, but I think they pick white trash morons like this guy to help run it who's, quite frankly, stupid.

Jamie Glazov: Brannon, you are so correct. What you're discussing right now, just hits at the heart of my life because I dedicated my life to studying this phenomenon of the left. And so, yes, we have the malicious calculators. And of course, then we have those idiot morons. So for instance, in the Russian Revolution, and Bolshevik Revolution, there were all those liberals in the intelligentsia that supported the Russian Revolution, and all of a sudden they're the first ones put up against the wall.

Brannon Howse: That's right. That's right.

Jamie Glazov: Well, what's going on? What's going on? And we saw this happen in Cuba. We saw this happen in Stalinist Russia, in Mao Tse Tung. So you're right. And then at the same time, there is a death wish there because there's such a hatred of humanity and man for what and who he is, that in part there's a certain percentage there. Yes, there are the fools. Then there's a certain percentage where they hate God's creation so much and man for what and who he is that in some ways it's a subconscious death wish. All those fellow travelers that traveled to these communist paradises to worship there, ended up getting killed. And it's a fascinating phenomenon. But in my study of this, there's somewhere where it's also calculated and a very, very difficult problem. And I will I just want to add here, I often think about Satan and how clever and brilliant he is. And yet when Jesus came and he finally succeeded in getting him up on the cross and he killed Jesus, and he thought that he won. But he lost because of what Jesus did on the cross for us, the devil did not understand. So these people are on the one hand brilliant and carry out evil like their master. And yet they're extremely stupid because they don't completely understand divine wisdom and truth and the force of good in the world.

Brannon Howse: Wow. Great way to end tonight's interview with the editor and author of this book, Jamie Glazov. Barack Obama's True Legacy How He Transformed America. Foreword by General Michael Flynn. Where Can They Get It, Jamie?

Jamie Glazov: They can get it at, but I highly recommend getting it at our store at FrontPage magazine. What an honor it is for me to fight alongside David Horowitz that is fighting this evil. So go to Get it at our bookstore. Brannon, I just you're such an intelligent, great guy, but you're the way you dress. It's just A-plus. How do you do it every time?

Brannon Howse: You're very nice. I have an I have a wife that's very good at dressing me.

Jamie Glazov: You're just you're always looking at immaculate. And Brannon, thank you so much for having me on. This is the issue of our time. And in Brothers Karamazov and Dostoyevsky's novel, there was a murderer who Killed Fyodor Karamazov, but there was someone who came up with the idea to kill him. We have to keep an eye on the people who do it, but also on the people who gave the idea, and let's keep that in mind as we're watching the left and how it hurts us in this country. Indeed.

Brannon Howse: Jamie Glazov, editor of Barack Obama's True Legacy, How he Transformed America. Thank you for being with us tonight, Jamie.

Jamie Glazov: What an honor, Brannon. And thank you to Mike Lindell for all that he's doing.

Brannon Howse: Thank you. Thank you.

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