Marine Catherine Arnett Kidnapped and Held Hostage For Not Taking Covid Death Shot

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Brannon Howse: Good evening and welcome to the program. Glad you are with us. We're going to be joined tonight by Ivan Raiklin. A very disturbing story. Story involving. One of our veterans is she's I'm told she right now, I guess she's not a veteran because she's active, active military sitting in a cell. As we're on the air tonight, what could she have possibly done? Maybe. Been a conscientious objector of the death shot. We'll find out. Mike Reagan, the son of President Ronald Reagan, will join us tonight to talk about some of the issues in the wind and some of the politics going on. Derek Evans, he was a Sixer and I think he might be running for office. His story is quite incredible. You have to hear it tonight. And Pete Santelli, he has some things he wants you to know about Governor Ron DeSantis. Joining me first is Ivan Rachlin. Ivan, welcome back to the broadcast. Thanks for joining us.

Ivan Raiklin: Brannon Howse, Great to be back. It's been a while. Don't think I've been on this show. You have 48 shows a day. I haven't been on this one.

Brannon Howse: You've been on this one. Hey, I'm going to have on Derek Evans in a little bit, I think, thanks to your help. Tell tell our audience, just to give a quick tease why they should Stay tuned for that.

Ivan Raiklin: Yeah, Derrick Evans definitely has some insight into January 6th, I think. I don't know if I'm going to be able to get to it on this show, but I've I think I've cracked the key, cracked the code on January 6th. Brandon really have since I last spoke with you. Yep, we got it. We got him. Let's talk about that. What's up? We got to talk about the most important story first.

Brannon Howse: All right. Go ahead. What's the most important story?

Ivan Raiklin: All right. Lance Corporal Katherine Arnett, that's the most important story because she actually didn't commit any sort of a crime or transgression other than basically not wanting to accept that death jab like you're talking about or the clot shot, the DNA mutilation injection. And they placed her in 113 days of confinement, pretrial confinement for refusing the jab. Mind you, they still kept her in confinement after the Congress lifted the illegal mandate by the DOD. Here's your.

Brannon Howse: Headline.

Ivan Raiklin: If you think that the DOJ and the DOJ is weaponizing those elements of the executive branch, I got another one to add for you. Well, there it is.

Brannon Howse: There's your headline over Ivan Reikland

Ivan Raiklin: All right. Lance Corporal Katherine Arnett. Yeah. Wrote a substack on this with, uh, uh, had a co-author there. Robert Green Jr. Green who's coming out with a book July 4th specifically. I got to give kudos. He did most of the heavy lifting on this article, uh, but I'm going to be talking about him in the future. He wrote a book that's coming out July 4th about how DOD weaponized and destroyed the Constitution through trying to implement this 100% compliance with the unlawful product mandate. So just to clarify what's going on with, uh, Miss Arnett or Lance Corporal Arnett. Yes. She's currently active duty Marine. They went ahead and continue to weaponize because she refused to comply according to their illegal rules and placed her in confinement. We were able to get her out last last Monday. She was released. Now, she went from being in Japan, in Okinawa, in the brig. They're transferred to San Diego, uh, and placed in the brig there. But then we started applying the necessary pressure. The Marine Corps, uh, backpedaled. Let her basically just put her out in the street in the ungoverned territory known as California. Yeah. The safe haven of SoCal.

Brannon Howse: You write that they dumped her on the street in her prison uniform with no money, no phone, no change of clothes, and no plan for her housing. Just dumped her on the street with orders to report the next day for a hearing before a military judge.

Ivan Raiklin: Yeah. Mean absolutely disgusting, as I've been saying, for, I guess, two years now. We currently have a completely lawless, illegitimate executive branch and a lot of people still don't realize it. If you still kind of in this slumber, this should be the perfect example to showcase that essentially the entire executive branch, starting with the Chinese ambassador squatting in the White House and all the folks that he's appointed in these failure positions at the DOD, DHS and even legacy failure ship positions of the director of the FBI. You still mean we need to do a body check against these total illegitimate actors? And luckily, she's been released. We're trying to help raise the necessary resources for her to be able to go on offense. You know me like law fence. I have nothing involved with this case other than I'm just trying to get the necessary resources in place so that she's in a position to do a, you know, a body check on these lawless actors through the court martial system because she wants her day in court is what I'm hearing. Uh, but to follow her case, I'd recommend going to two places. One is the pipe hitters, For those that don't aren't in the special ops community we call pipe hitters, those that have big pipes, right? And that can hit the enemy really hard and essentially do the necessary, uh, I like to call them to have them stroke out without the clot shot, but with the, you know, pipe in hand and then go ahead and go after these lawless actors. So that's considered a pipe hitter within the special ops community. It's kind of vernacular for a bad mama Jama. And so she's now been taken in as a pipe hitter. Uh, so that that foundation headed up by Eddie Gallagher, a former SEAL where the Navy weaponized themselves against him. He's backing and supporting her efforts to go ahead and go on the offense against the Marine Corps to put them in their place, to let them know that what they did was absolutely unlawful. Wow.

Brannon Howse: All right. Tell me if you can, about what you have cracked when it comes to J6, Can you?

Ivan Raiklin: Yeah. So I was at last weekend, I was down at, uh, Miami for the Reawaken and we held a press conference about J6, So kind of, you know, I've been doing a lot of research and it's been nonstop pretty much every day. Here's bottom line, just kind of the top line, what people need to understand, you know, after looking at all these hearings of weaponization, the House Admin Committee, the Oversight Committee, all the different Judiciary Committee hearings, and essentially all of them as it relates to J6 and the weaponization of federal government. Here's what I think happened, and this is high confidence that it is likely that the way they conducted the parliamentary coup on January 6th was that Yogananda Pittman, who was the head of Intel and inter-agency coordination. So the deputy chief of Capitol Police, Yogananda Pittman. She was the one that denied releasing any Intel to the rest of the Capitol Police, particularly the Capitol police chief and other relevant folks within the Capitol Police Board, potentially of likely nefarious activity on January 6th at the hands of probably the left, right. And then in addition, as the head of Intel and inter-agency coordination. She would have had to been the one to know which FBI, DHS, DC, Metro and any other executive branch under covers confidential human sources, just the confidential informants and instigators from the executive branch that were on the Capitol grounds that day to include whether or not she was the one involved in creating that the fake pipe bomb implementations at the DNC and RNC.

Ivan Raiklin: It would have had to have gone through her. And so it was her that probably did all that. Instigated it. And then meanwhile, she was blamed for an Intel failure. Failure? I suspect it was an intentional, quote unquote, failure that occurred that day so that they could run the coup. Now, what happened to her two days later, on January 8th? She was elevated to the position of acting Capitol police chief. And then from that position, from July or excuse me, January 8th through July 23rd of 2021, she had to have been the one, along with her general counsel, Ted DiBiase, I think is how you pronounce it, debase. They were the ones that created the criminal referrals and those that decided which people would not get a criminal referral when they sent it over to the DOJ, along with the manipulated, curated video CCTV footage that was presented to the DOJ, specifically to our good friend that was just testifying before the Oversight Committee.

Ivan Raiklin: Matthew Graves, the US attorney from DC. So let me recap. Us Capitol Police chief Acting Yogananda Pittman only provided criminal referrals to those that were closest to align with President Trump through the social media scrubbing. Then the CCTV footage was doctored, manipulated, curated, sent over the DOJ so that the biased assistant US attorney Matt Graves, could then use that doctored video footage that only had incriminating evidence to then use in court to go ahead and prosecute those political persecuted individuals that are considered six defendants. So the entire sequence of events, chain of custody from US Capitol to DOJ to the courthouse was already doctored and manipulated to guarantee 100% conviction rate, as well as the maximum punishment would be able to go through. And the reason why DOJ was in on it is because they could then categorize all of their cases as being domestic terrorist cases so that they can then request more money from that same very House of Representatives that was funding this entire scheme because they wanted to fund it. Since the Speaker of the House was the one that was providing top cover to her Capitol Police chief, Yogananda Pittman, to do the very thing I just described. So ask me questions.

Brannon Howse: So where are we at with Kevin McCarthy stepping to the plate and ending all this? Doesn't he have the power?

Ivan Raiklin: The reason? The reason? Yes. The reason why there's been such a delay in push back is because literally on one side you have Kevin McCarthy as the speaker of the House and his now new acting sergeant at arms are probably the only two people that possibly want the tapes to be released. Here's the problem. Who he's facing on the other side of literally the fight is faux news. Rupert Murdoch, his son, Murdoch junior and Paul Ryan do not want the tapes to be released because Paul Ryan, sergeant at arms, was the same sergeant at arms that was there for Pelosi to participate in this intelligence failure known as the parliamentary coup. So that's the media side on one thing, one side. In addition, you have Senate Majority Leader Schumer and Senate Minority Leader McConnell also do not want the tapes to be released. The significance of that is that the Capitol Police Board, which is the three people that oversee the Capitol Police. Are the ones that that pick this current Capitol police chief. So Nancy Pelosi, sergeant at arms at the time, on July 23rd of 2021 and Senate majority leaders Schumer's sergeant at arms were the two of the three voting members that voted for the current Capitol police chief and now being told by a very high level sources that this current Capitol police chief who just testified last week before the House Admin Committee, he was allowed to be the chief under the condition that he would not look into Yogananda Pittman or anything related to January 6th. So how do we create the necessary leverage to make sure that the Capitol Police chief. And the Capitol Police General Council allow for the tapes to be released because it is held by the Capitol police chief.

Ivan Raiklin: You have to convince Kevin McCarthy that he's not going to fund the Capitol Police, the Capitol police chief, the Capitol police general counsel, the Capitol Police office of inspector general, until those tapes are released and he needs to coordinate with the House admin Committee to do so. Barry Loudermilk Subcommittee on Oversight. And he needs to talk to Jim Comber, the chair of the Oversight and Investigations Committee, to have him not fund the District of Columbia at all until the District of Columbia releases the six political prisoners with the condition that the House Admin Committee basically not fund the Capitol Police until all six criminal referrals are stopped and then reversed. I think that's the mechanism that we have, and it's complicated. But I'm working the halls of Congress to explain that. And based on the hearings that I saw this last week, we are getting more momentum on our side. And based on phone conversations and text messages that are being had with individuals within consequential positions of office that I'm privy to because people communicate with me. We are moving in the direction of. A resolution as it applies to Yogananda Pittman. The reason why we need to do it quickly is because here here's the catcher, by the way. Here's the kicker. We need to bring her in to testify because on June 11th, when she hits 50 years old, she's under an agreement with the current Capitol police chief that she's on leave without pay, supposedly not getting paid while sitting in Berkeley as the chief of police there with no expectation of her return back to the Capitol police. The agreement is so that she can reach her 50 years of age so that she can collect on her retirement.

Ivan Raiklin: What's that all about?

Brannon Howse: Yeah, indeed, what it is. So you'll be following this? We can follow this more at Ivan Rachlin Is that right?

Ivan Raiklin: Yeah. And bottom line, we need to bring in Yogananda Pittman. I think everybody needs to learn more and more about Yogananda Pittman and how she was the one that was most instrumental in conducting Nancy Pelosi's parliamentary coup. And it makes sense because she was in the position of discretionary authority and legal authority to essentially manipulate the crime scene so that it looked like she just failed in her position of not disclosing the Intel and then only criminalizing those that were political opponents. And so the weaponization is occurring in Article two branch of government as well as the legislative branch. And keep us.

Brannon Howse: Posted on the young lady, will you?

Ivan Raiklin: Absolutely.

Brannon Howse: All right. Thank you, Ivan. He has a show every day. Thanks, Brannon. Heard he didn't do a show today, but he has a show every day at Right. Ivan from.

Ivan Raiklin: No, my show was today, and it was a summary. Yeah. I don't know if I sent the I sent a text on Friday asking if they could play the 30 minutes of content they provided.

Brannon Howse: They're telling me my ear is a video. We did get that. All right. All right. I stand corrected. Every day. You can watch Ivan's show over there.

Ivan Raiklin: Brandon has the whip behind me like work.

Brannon Howse: I walked into your show. I walked into the control room number two, and I said, Everybody turn in shows today. So someone said you hadn't, but you had. So we stand corrected. You present.

Ivan Raiklin: It wasn't live. It was pre-recorded.

Brannon Howse: All right. There we go. All right. That was the confusion. All right. Well, you did. And they can watch it on demand, I'm sure, at if you missed it live Thank you, Ivan.

Ivan Raiklin: Hey, thanks, Brannon.

Brannon Howse: Appreciate you. Appreciate it. You, too. Ivan Raiklin. Checking in. Check out his Substack. Ivan

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