Mark McCloskey Responds to Resignation of Soros Backed D.A.That Persecuted His Family

Mark McClosky-05-05-2023.mp4

Brannnon Howse: Many of you remember Mark and his wife protecting their family when their gate was crashed down, torn down by the community organizers, the Black Lives Matter types, and Antifa types. He'll be with us here in a minute because the DA that went after them just had to resign today. Why? We'll ask him. Before we do remember, we're brought to you by you. Take a look at this Mypillow 2.0. Use that promo code B 66. Get one free, buy one, get one free. This has the new cooling technology in it, a new technology that was not available when Mike Lindell first invented the original Mypillow. So get that. That makes a great gift, by the way. Father's Day, Mother's Day, graduation, gifts, housewarming gifts. Then, of course, we have the slippers, slides, and sandals as low as 1998. I love these slippers, folks. I have this pair right here, The second pair from the gray pair. That right there, that second pair over there, very comfortable with the fleece inside. And right now you can get them for $59.98. They were about $150. So there's a sale on slippers, slides, and sandals. Summer is right around the corner here, folks. So those make great gifts. Then we also have the luxurious Giza dream bedsheets, 50% off, say 50%, as low as $29.98. A lot of kids graduating from high school. You're going to the open house, bring them some gifts from my pillow. They're going to need sheets for that college dorm. Maybe they're going to have a new apartment. Of course, we got weddings coming up as well.


Brannnon Howse: All the bride, the bride, and groom need some new houseware, don't they? Sheets, towels, blankets, pet bed slippers, sandals, mattresses, and mattress toppers. There is the mattress topper and the 2.03 coil hybrid topper. Use the promo code B 66. When you do, you get savings and we get credit. This again, a generous percentage of each purchase comes back to help us keep this show going. And everybody involved. Three people are sitting in the control room tonight, folks. We got to pay those people. Yours truly sitting here. But three people are sitting in the control room which also doesn't count all the people that will take these shows. Each of these interviews, when I get off the air, they'll take every one of them, break them up and load them up where you can watch them on various platforms, including WDW,, Frank's Beach, dot com, and other places. So again, takes a lot of money to put this together and keep it going. So please go to Use that promo code B66, use another code and we don't get credit. So use that promo code, please. B66. You get savings, we get credit. Let me know as soon as Mark is with us, guys. Okay, he's ready. All right. Look at this. Also real quick, over at, this is where all my shows and clips are archived. By the way, if you want to hear some of the stories behind some of the most famous of classic hymns, we have music with Brandon House.


Brannnon Howse: What I do is I tell the story behind classic hymns and then I sing them with an in-studio pianist. You'll love this, folks. This is what I used to do as a classically trained tenor. But we have two programs. Program number three is already in the can. We just got to get it uploaded. But you'll find all of the different interviews. Iran has enough uranium for five nuclear weapons. What does the president of Iran going to Syria means for Israel? Why was the Kremlin drone attack a Russian false flag so Putin can use nuke tactical nukes on Ukraine? I have all of these shows and interviews I do right here at WDW, plus the shows by my friend Dan Eastman, Ivan Rachlin, Dr. Rob Linstead, Andy Woods, and others. So again, if you wonder where all my stuff is easily found in Archived right there at VW Vw Joining me now is Mark McCloskey. He spoke for me at my Ozarks Worldview Weekend last October. I got a thunderous round of applause and a standing ovation. The lady that came after him and his wife for practicing their Second Amendment and defending their home and their property against the threat of killing their dog and burning their house down. That woman and that's all on video will show some of that to you to remember that day, that radical day. Well, it was, I guess, forced to resign today. Why? Mark, welcome back to the broadcast. Thanks for being with us.


Mark McClosky: Hey, thanks for having me on.


Brannnon Howse: Yeah, Thank you. So your friend, what's her name?


Mark McClosky: Oh, Kim Gardner. Yeah, one of my favorite people.


Brannnon Howse: What? Why did she? What did she do to your family? And why was she forced to resign today?


Mark McClosky: Well, you know, back when we were having this summer of love, when the forces of evil decided to burn down the country and kill people, um, the Antifa mob broke down our gate, stormed our house, threatened to kill me, raped and murdered. My wife burned down the house, burned down my office building, and killed my dog. And so we had just, you know, up until that point, no one had taken a stand against the mob. Every place in the country was just allowed to happen. And my wife and I decided that we weren't going to take it sitting down if it came our direction, we weren't going to you know, we weren't gonna let them get the house. They weren't going to let them get us. And so we went out and held them off with our Second Amendment rights. And, you know, my wife, who had never had a pistol in her hand before, was out there facing down the mob. And we did it. And our reward for doing it is that our local circuit attorney, what we call the district attorney here, Soros-funded leftist radical, decided she had to charge us with felonies for defending ourselves. And so she charged us with two class e felonies each that would cost us four years in the slammer and our law licenses and ruin our lives.


Mark McClosky: But because she's just as dumb as a sack of hammers, when she started running for re-election, she used us in her campaign to raise money, saying that she was going to get even with people like us and Governor Parson and Eric Schmidt. And so we had her tossed off the case for bias. Well, you know, she's also the same one that pursued Governor Eric Greitens and engaged in all kinds of nefarious activity. But the worst thing is she's just massively incompetent. She viewed her job not as enforcing the law, but as enforcing Soros-sponsored social change. Even the loss of lives of hundreds of Saint Louisans. I mean, we have about 250 people killed a year through murder in Saint Louis, almost all black-on-black murder. And she didn't give poop about that because letting the crime run rampant in the streets advances her social agenda. And she's just terrible. I mean, she allowed a guy who murdered the brother of a client of mine in cold blood on videotape to walk because nobody from the district attorney's office would show up and prosecute the case. Wait a minute.


Brannnon Howse: Wait a minute. Go. Are you serious? And that was what? Say that again.


Mark McClosky: I'll tell you that a client of mine, my brother, a guy named Randy Moore, was murdered by a guy named Brandon. Sorry about the name Brandon Campbell. Um, in Cold Blood on video. And then the circuit attorney, Kim Gardner, the one that just resigned, assigned the prosecution of that case to an assistant prosecutor who she knew was out on maternity leave and could not be there to prosecute the case. The case gets called nobody from the circuit attorney's office shows up. The court issues an order for them to produce the documents that they have produced, the evidence against the defendant. They don't do it. Another hearing is held and said the court orders them to show up and give reasons why they hadn't obeyed his last order. Nobody from the circuit attorney's office shows up. The judge then issues a rule to show cause why the circuit attorney's office shouldn't be held in contempt for failure to obey his prior orders. Has that rule to show cause hand-delivered by his court deputy to the circuit attorney's office so they can't claim they didn't get it? And nobody shows up for that hearing. And the judge issues a ruling saying it's not my job to prosecute cases. I feel terrible doing this. But when the circuit attorney's office abdicates its role, I have no choice but to let this man go. And then to make matters worse, the circuit attorney, Kim Gardner, issues a press release that day saying no harm, no foul, because we still have him in custody, when in fact, he'd been released the Wednesday before. Now, that's just one of many, many cases like that.


Brannnon Howse: What is she going to go on to do now? Do you think she's going to run for office?


Mark McClosky: She'll run for re-election and get elected. That's the way things are here in Saint Louis. I mean, she the only way we're going to stop her is if the Missouri Bar Association pulls her law license, just bars her because of you know, the. I don't understand it. I mean, when I was running for Senate, I always when I would have an opportunity to address an African-American population, I say, you know, the City of Saint Louis has been a single party rule for over 78 years. At the time that Kim Gardner charged us, we had a black mayor, black circuit attorney, black chief of police, black sheriff, and black president of the board of Aldermen. And yet all they ever do is say that the problems in Saint Louis are due to and she said this last Saturday at an at the Central Baptist church that all of. The problems in the circuit Attorney's office are caused by white male super MAGA Republicans and the circuit attorney's office would be just fine if she would get an even break. But she's just being it's a witch hunt against her by these white male super MAGA Republicans. And that's exactly you know, she was standing up there just last Saturday saying that she would never quit, that she would stay in this job even if she lost every single associate prosecutor, assistant prosecutor, which she has. And she'd hang in there because it's a matter of principle. Well, you can't be a leader if you've got nobody to lead because nobody will work for you. And that's where we were in the city of Saint Louis. We had essentially nobody prosecuting crimes in the murder capital of the world.


Brannnon Howse: Wow. Incredible. So where are you at? Because I know the court, the Supreme Court, was it in Missouri, put you guys on probation for a year, You and your wife?


Mark McClosky: Yeah. And ordered us to do 100 hours of pro bono legal work for a 500 and 1C3 public service entity. I got a kick out of that because as soon as I heard that, I called up my buddies at Project Veritas and I said, Well, you guys are a 500 and 1C3, aren't you? They said, Yeah. Said, I'd love to work for you guys for free. But the Bar Association said nah. Supreme Court said NAP can't work for them. Got to work for a left-wing organization to do your free time. But I did it and I got my get-out-of-jail-free card on February the 9th. So I'm out from under that cloud. Kim Gardner, on the other hand, was charged with 72 counts of suborning perjury and contempt of court and everything else, she got a $750 fine and no suspension.


Brannnon Howse: So you've got a beautiful home there. The guys in the control room, I could hear them saying, wow, look at that house. And I know there's been you've given a lot of interviews about the house. You've given a lot of access to photographers to see your house. And if people look it up online, they'll see that you guys have spent years and years, pretty much so much of your income in life has been committed to restoring that gorgeous home. And it is it's like a museum. It's gorgeous. And these people that tour this gate down came into your community were trying to they were threatening to burn it to the ground, much less kill you guys, right?


Mark McClosky: Absolutely. I mean, this house has been our life's work. It was built specifically to be the largest and most ornate house in what was then the Wild West. And but it had been in really bad condition. We bought it here was the house built.


Brannnon Howse: What year was it built?


Mark McClosky: They started in nine of 1909, finished the main part of the house, and about 1912, Who are, and then put on a big addition that was finished in 16.


Brannnon Howse: Who are they? Who owned it?


Mark McClosky: Well, it was built by the daughter of the original Adolphus Busch of the Anheuser-Busch Breweries. When Adolphus and Lily were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary, they gave each of their kids $1 million to build a house with a lot of money.


Brannnon Howse: Back then.


Mark McClosky: Wasn't it a lot of money? That's like $100 million now. And and so his daughter Anna built this house, had another daughter who married a guy named Hugo Reisinger, built a big house up in Fifth Avenue, built up houses all over the place. I think they had 13 kids or something like that. And then Adolphus died the next year and still had $60 million in cash in the bank. He just couldn't give his money away fast enough. So it must be nice, you know, in the days before income tax, but well.


Brannnon Howse: It's a gorgeous home. Have you had any of the Bushes through there, Augie Busch, or anybody?


Mark McClosky: You know, oddly not. Not some of the subsequent owners, but the kids and grandkids of the subsequent owners have come through. But, you know, oddly, the Bush family, the original owners both died in the summer of 1936 and then they just walked away from the house. The house sat empty until 1945. They tried to give it away to the city as a mayor's mansion, but the city couldn't afford it. They tried to give it away as a history museum, but the zoning didn't allow it, so it just sat empty for nine years. And then there were two subsequent owners before then. And when we bought it who just occupied it and never fixed anything mean?


Brannnon Howse: So it fell into ill repair.


Mark McClosky: Yeah, yeah. You know, but you know, we, we've spent the last 35 years devoting our, our lives to it. And so there, you know, as, as I've always said, you know, when that mob hit the gate, knowing that they like to burn things down, there are a lot of things in this house, including ourselves, that we didn't want to see burned. And, you know, they have no respect for it. And more than that, because they're communists at heart and because they despise Western culture and Western civilization, they would like to see something like this destroyed.


Brannnon Howse: Absolutely. We'll give your website where people can get ahold of you.


Mark McClosky: Well, you know, haven't got a website right now. I'm on Twitter, I'm on Facebook and I've got a radio program out of Saint Louis now. It's called Mark McCloskey on Fire. I'm on Rumble. You Can Find Me did episode 11 this week and we're keeping it.


Brannnon Howse: Keeping at it Pull the music down just a tad. What station are you on? Who gave you a show?


Mark McClosky: 101. It's Newstalk 101.9in Saint Louis. It's also you can follow me on my Facebook page. You can follow me on my Twitter feed. And I'm also on Rumble. If you just Google Mark McCloskey on fire, I'm all over the place.


Brannnon Howse: That's good. I'm glad you got a talk show. That's awesome. Thank you, Mark. Say hi to your lovely wife for us.


Mark McClosky: I sure will.


Brannnon Howse: Thank you. Mark McCloskey checking in, folks. He was a favorite in the Ozarks. Standing ovation. I mean, the whole nine yards. We got it on film. We were going to play clips of it, but it was in our vault. We got to pull it out. Anyway, we're going to get a clip of it to Mark so he can put it on his social media. He asked for it tonight, so we'll get that to him. All right. Thanks for watching. Hey, don't forget, we need your support. You can do that even by simply going to WW and making a contribution of any size to W VW My foundation exists to push out free programming as a public service to help people understand the times through the lens of a Christian worldview. So if you want to just contribute, you can do that at W VW My foundation also sponsors a Sunday night service where I open the Bible and we talk about the issues of the day through the lens of the Bible. I do that on Sunday nights at 8 p.m. Central Time. Be back here on Live Sunday at 8 p.m. Central time as I continue a series on understanding the coming religious Reich, a global empire or kingdom, wrote the book in 2015. Now I'm teaching through it on Sunday nights. We'll look Sunday night at the dangers of dialogue, the dangers of having discourse and dialogue with the left. They always say We need to talk. We just need a dialogue. Why is it dangerous to have a dialogue with the left, Not a debate? That's fine. Dialogue trying to. Find common ground. Why is that dangerous? I'll explain. Sunday night, 8 p.m. Central Time. Right back here. Till then, I'm Brian House. Thanks for watching. Take care.


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