Michael Reagan on How His Father as Governor of California Dealt with Leftist Professors and Student Rioting and Backstories You Have to Hear



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In this episode of "Brannon Howse Live," host Brannon Howse welcomes Michael Reagan to discuss the impact of current U.S. immigration policies and the historical context of Reagan-era principles. Michael, the son of former President Ronald Reagan, brings a unique perspective, drawing parallels between his father’s policies and today’s political landscape, especially concerning national security and immigration.


Michael Reagan elaborates on the contrasts between his father's strong stance on national security and the perceived leniency of current policies, highlighting the risks associated with less stringent immigration controls. He discusses the broader implications of such policies on American society, emphasizing the need to preserve the nation's core values, which he believes are being undermined by current legislative directions.

Throughout the episode, Michael shares personal anecdotes and historical insights, reflecting on his father’s legacy and its relevance to today’s challenges. He critiques modern political strategies that, in his view, fail to uphold the robust nationalistic approach of the Reagan administration, particularly regarding border security and economic policy.

Brannon and Michael also delve into the cultural impact of immigration, discussing how the integration of new immigrants was handled during the Reagan years compared to current practices. Michael stresses the importance of assimilation policies that encourage new immigrants to adopt American values, which he sees as crucial for maintaining the country's social fabric.

This episode of "Brannon Howse Live" offers a deep dive into the philosophy and impact of Reagan-era policies, providing listeners with a historical framework to understand current political debates surrounding immigration and national security. Michael Reagan’s insights highlight the ongoing relevance of his father’s principles in guiding contemporary policy discussions.

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