Michigan Police Uncovered A Widespread Voter Fraud Network

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  • Michigan police uncovered a widespread voter fraud network operating in several states during the runup to the 2020 election, but they turned their investigation over to the FBI. We’ll tell you what happened to it from there.
  • The Democrat governor of a very blue state has declared a state of emergency due to the influx of illegal immigrants.
  • The January 6 committee is accused of destroying records and key data connected to security breaches at the Capitol.
  • And retired tennis star Martina Navratilova expresses her dismay at how female athletes are being thrown under the bus by the transgender movement. We’ll explain why Martina is herself partly responsible for this travesty of justice.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Starting us off tonight, Joe Hoft of The Gateway Pundit posted an eye-popping exclusive article August 10 on GBI Strategies LLC, the firm connected to the police report that was covered up in Michigan since before the 2020 Election. This company, based in a modest house, has multi-millions flowing through its books and operations in 20 states.

On October 8, 2020, police reports allege that a person dropped off between 8,000-10,000 completed voter registration applications in Muskegon, Michigan.  City Clerk Ann Meisch obviously noticed.

Per a review of the voter applications, it was uncovered that:

  • numerous forms appeared to have been completed by the same writer
  • addresses on multiple forms were invalid or non-existent
  • phone numbers were erroneous
  • signatures didn’t match

On October 16 the Muskegon Police Department was contacted and asked to investigate.

On October 20 the same person brought in another 2,500 forms.

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel’s Office got involved on October 21. Two members of AG Dana Nessel’s Criminal Investigation Division were assigned to the operation, yet curiously, she failed to mention the investigation to the public at any time since.

Michigan State Police got involved and an investigator assigned to the case spoke with the female suspect who explained that she was being paid $1150/week “to find un-registered voters and provide them with a form so they can get registered to vote or obtain their absentee ballot.”

After documenting these crimes and investigating for weeks, the Michigan State Police turned their investigation over to the FBI, which promptly buried the findings.

In the report the police named ‘GBI Strategies‘ as the organization running the scheme.  GBI Strategies LLC is connected to the Biden campaign and various Democrat campaign committees and has been in operation since 2014. It was paid more than $1.5 million by the Doug Jones for Senate campaign back in 2018.

This group has branches across the nation.

GBI Strategies was engaged in what the report suggests is widespread, systemic, voter fraud in multiple locations around the state.

The police found at one location in Southfield, Michigan:

  • partially completed voter registration forms
  • “pelican cases in the room with semi-automatic rifles joined with suppressors and optics and customized pistols.”
  • A case with “4 rifles and 4 pistols.”
  • “Dozens of new phones” and “Hundreds of pre-paid payment cards.”

Michigan State Senator Ruth Johnson, who is a former Secretary of State, told the Gateway Pundit:

My estimate is over 800,000 ballot applications were sent to non-qualified voters in Michigan, including many individuals who moved or died, and even some individuals who were underage or non-citizens. Many were sent to people who had moved out of state.”

On Wednesday, The Gateway Pundit followed up the report with information on the head of GBI Strategies. 

GBI Strategies LLC is a left-wing campaign consulting company run by Gary Bell with a mailing address in Alexandria, Virginia. A quick online search also shows that GBI Strategies, LLC is located in Cordova, Tennessee, outside of Memphis. Gary Bell has a limited presence online and keeps a very low profile.

Clearly this is an entity that operates with impunity outside of any boundaries of U.S. laws.


Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey has declared a state of emergency due to the influx of illegal immigrants who’ve entered America via the southern border.

The blue-state sanctuary-state governor joins mayors from New York City, Chicago and Washington, D.C., in declaring an “emergency” and calling on the Biden administration to do something to stem immigration.

MSN reported that Healey said during a Tuesday press conference: “This is a national issue that demands a national response. Today, I am declaring a state of emergency in Massachusetts.”



As reported by WCVB, Gov. Healey reached out to U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas to request assistance.

Healey called on the Biden administration to intervene because the state could not financially or logistically respond to the 20,000 immigrants living in state-funded shelters, hotels, dormitories and other emergency facilities statewide — an 80% increase from a year ago.

Southern states have labeled the Biden administration as negligent for allowing upwards of 150,000 illegal immigrants to enter the country across the southern border each month.

Of the 20,000 that have migrated to Massachusetts, Healey said: “It’s more families than our state has ever served, exponentially more than our state has ever served in our emergency assistance program.”

Healey added: “We’re unable to move people from housing and shelter into permanent housing because of this, so instead, we’ve been expanding and continuing to look for housing and shelter opportunities, expanding shelter at a rapid pace, and it’s unsustainable.”

The Washington Examiner reported the governor’s declaration positions the state to petition for federal funding to address the immigration crisis. It also shows a deepening divide within the Democratic Party regarding the southern border issue.



The Subcommittee on Oversight of the Committee on House Administration revealed that the January 6 committee did not keep records or release data connected to security breaches, per Fox News.

Chairman of the Subcommittee, Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., stated, “Nothing was indexed. There was no table of contents index. Usually when you conduct this level of investigation, you use a database system and everything is digitized, indexed. We got nothing like that.”

He noted a lack of security breach information and that he wrote to Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., to gain the necessary information on the case, but Thompson wrote in the footnote of the provided information that “the Select Committee was not obligated to archive all video recordings of transcribed interviews or depositions.”

Now, President Donald Trump has condemned the lack of proper handling of information by the Jan. 6 committee.

He posted on Truth Social on Tuesday, stating, “So now that I have full Subpoena Power because of the Freedom of Speech Sham Indictment by Crooked Joe Biden, Deranged Jack Smith, and the DOJ, it has just been reported that the Unselect January 6th Committee of Political Hacks and Thugs has illegally destroyed their Records and Documents.”

He decried this “unthinkable” action in light of the current investigation against him. 

President Trump also pointed out in another post that, “The January 6th Unselect Committee got rid of EVERYTHING!”


Proposed EPA rules regulating carbon dioxide emissions for power plants would lead to blackouts in a large slice of the Midwest and impose costs of nearly $250 billion, according to new analysis by the Center of the American Experiment (CAE).

The EPA’s proposed regulations would require fossil fuel-fired power plants to adopt developing technologies, such as carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) and hydrogen blending, in order to significantly bring down their greenhouse gas emissions over the coming decades. CAE filed comments this week in response to the EPA’s proposals, highlighting in its analysis that the EPA has overestimated the efficacy of wind and solar while exposing the 45 million people living in the area served by the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) power grid to elevated blackout risks.

CAE wrote in its comments that the EPA “does not appear to have the expertise necessary to enact such a sweeping regulation on the American power sector.”

CAE’s analysis found that the EPA’s modeled MISO grid could result in massive blackouts across the 15 states it serves, with one stress test scenario estimating that nearly one in five MISO-served households would be without power.

CAE calculated that building up enough capacity to avoid its projected blackouts in the MISO region would cost $246 billion by 2055.

That figure breaks down to $7.7 billion annually on average through 2055, a number which is greater than the EPA’s projected $5.9 billion annual benefit to the entire country if the proposals are finalized.


West Yorkshire Police arrested a terrified autistic teenage girl on “suspicion of a homophobic public order offense” for saying that a female officer looked like a lesbian.

The UK has a number of Orwellian “hate speech” laws, similar to a law being proposed in the U.S. state of Michigan in which citizens can be prosecuted for saying something that hurts the feelings of a sexual minority.

The mother of the girl, who filmed the ordeal, insisted that the girl was just making an observation, as her grandmother is also a lesbian.

In the shocking video, the girl is punching herself in the head and unable to understand what is happening.



West Yorkshire Police Assistant Chief Constable Oz Khan said in a statement, “We are aware of a video circulating on social media which, as is often the case, only provides a very limited snapshot of the circumstances of this incident. Officers had their body-worn video cameras activated during their wider involvement with this young girl which provides additional context to their actions.”

The statement said that there is an “ongoing process” and “active criminal investigation,” which limits their “ability to fully discuss the incident in detail.”

Upon returning her to the address, Khan said that “comments were made which resulted in the girl being arrested on suspicion of a homophobic public order offence. The nature of the comments made was fully captured on body-worn video.”

The teenage girl has been released on bail “pending further inquiries and advice from the Crown Prosecution Service.”


Women’s tennis legend Martina Navratilova recently shared her concerns over the participation of biological men in women’s sports simply because they “identify” as female. She issued a statement on social media after the win of transgender athlete Alicia Rowley in the USTA women’s national tennis championship.



Navratilova tweeted, “Come on @USTA - women’s tennis is not for failed male athletes- whatever age. This is not right and it is not fair. Would this be allowed at the U.S. Open this month? Just with self ID? I don’t think so…”

She was motivated to weigh in on the issue after ICONS, the Independent Council on Women’s Sports, published a post citing the achievements of the transgender player’s 55+ Grass Court National Championship wins and National Indoor Singles and Doubles winning streak.



ICON tweeted, “The women are calling us and begging for help to be allowed to play fairly. They have complained; they don’t know where else to turn.”

The co-founder of ICONS added that men are winning national titles in women’s competitions. They are taking the place of the women players on the team tennis. She says there is a serious urgency of giving a fair match for every player in the sport. They deserve to play fairly with equally compatible counterparts.

She continued, “They do not have to reach any kind of elite status. There is already a category for male athletes to enjoy this privilege. Let female athletes enjoy the game of tennis too.”

Navratilova, who is normally a veritable mockingbird of Democrat memes on her Twitter feed, offering her enthusiastic support of Biden, Ukraine, Black Lives Matter, forced vaccines, and anything anti-Trump and anti-J6’rs, somehow didn’t get the memo when it comes to her sport being invaded by the transgender movement. This woman must have been jabbed one too many times because she lacks critical thinking skills and seems unable to connect obvious dots. Wake up Martina: Women have been demoted in the pecking order of oppressed minorities, and that’s according to the globalist/leftist ideology that you so religiously and dutifully support. So if you wonder why women are suddenly being treated like second-class citizens, look in the mirror. You did this to yourself.


The U.S. Library of Congress, the largest library on earth, issued a public apology via Twitter (now rebranded as X) on Monday for using “incorrect pronouns” to describe a non-binary author hosting a book signing at the taxpayer-funded institution.

“We deeply apologize to Casey McQuiston for using incorrect pronouns for them in our last post,” the oldest federal cultural establishment in the U.S. tweeted. The offending post was apparently deleted, as it did not appear in the library's Twitter feed on Tuesday.

The Library of Congress hosted a book signing for McQuiston, who self-identifies as queer as well as non-binary, on Tuesday to celebrate the Amazon Prime adaptation of the author’s book “Red, White, and Royal Blue” and formally added the novel to its LGBTQ+ collection. The book tells the story of a feud between a British prince and the son of the U.S. president that blossoms into a homosexual romance. 

Followers of the storied cultural institution on Twitter recoiled from its embrace of grammatical incorrectness in service to political correctness, describing the post as “embarrassing” for the U.S., for librarians, and for literacy in general.


House GOP lawmakers have blasted the FBI director for “inconsistencies” in his testimony after he claimed that a report from the bureau’s Richmond, Virginia, field office identifying “radical traditionalist Catholic ideology” as a potential source of “violent extremism” was an isolated incident. They say that new evidence suggests otherwise.

In a Wednesday letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray that was published by US media, U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, and Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA), who chairs the Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government, requested a slew of bureau documents related to communications between FBI field offices in Richmond, Virginia; Portland, Oregon; and Los Angeles, California.

“From information recently produced to the Committee, we now know that the FBI relied on information from around the country - including a liaison contact in the FBI’s Portland Field Office and reporting from the FBI’s Los Angeles Field Office - to develop its assessment,” they wrote.

The lawmakers stated in the letter:

“This new information suggests that the FBI’s use of its law enforcement capabilities to intrude on American’s First Amendment rights is more widespread than initially suspected and reveals inconsistencies with your previous testimony before the Committee. Given this startling new information, we write to request additional information to advance our oversight.”

They noted that in his testimony before the committee last month, Wray claimed that a January 2023 memo on the potential of right-wing activists motivated by “radical traditionalist Catholic ideology” to pose a violent threat to certain minority groups had been the sole product of the field office in Richmond, the Virginia state capital.

The memo, which was leaked to the press in February, said the office had received a tip from a local informant leading them to believe in an “increasingly observed interest of racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVEs) in radical-traditionalist Catholic (RTC) ideology.” This, they said, was especially associated with the sect of Catholics who rejected the reforms of the Second Vatican Council in 1965 and with “white supremacist ideology.”

This threat, they said, “presents opportunities for threat mitigation through the exploration of new avenues for tripwire and source development.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Texas Republican Congressman Chip Roy told Fox News last week that “The president and this administration can go straight to hell,” after images emerged of body armor clad armed cartel members walking across the border with no resistance at all.

Roy further noted “these cartels are emboldened and empowered by a president who does not care about our southern border.”

Roy further pointed out that “Governor Abbott is being sued — sued — by the Department of Homeland Security and by this administration because he dares to try to stop the flow at our border, to stop the death, the fentanyl, to stop the poisonings, to stop armed intruders?”

He also had some harsh words for his fellow Republicans.



That’s one congressman who is at least saying the right things. Senator Rand Paul is also saying the right things about Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Senator Rand Paul told Fox News Thursday that in the case of Anthony Fauci “I don’t think there’s ever been a clearer case of perjury in the history of government testimony, and I don’t say that lightly.”

Paul explained that Fauci “said adamantly that the government never funded this [coronavirus] gain-of-function research.”

“We now have the Government Accountability Office, the GAO, has admitted that the funding came from the NIH,” Paul continued, adding “We have the acting director [Lawrence] Tabak, of the NIH, admitting it in writing that it came from the NIH.”

So you have one congressman talking truth on the border. Another talking truth about the Covid plandemic.

Congressman James Comer has been speaking truth about the Biden crime family.

This should be a sobering message to the American people. That so few of their elected members of Congress are willing to put their necks on the line even in the way of verbally calling out the wickedness of those who believe they hold power and privilege over the masses, to lie to us, to scam us out of our tax dollars and our means of making a living. They even believe they have the right to kill us with a bioweapon disguised as a “vaccine.”

What does this tell us when those with power do not fear the people?

One of America’s Founding Fathers gave the answer.

Thomas Jefferson reportedly said that when governments fear the people, there is liberty. But when the people fear the government, there is tyranny.

I think it’s obvious in which situation we find ourselves today.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching, and thanks for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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