Microsoft Fined $20 Million For Illegally Collecting Children's Data

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  • Is it time for a media comeuppance? Well, RFK Jr. thinks so, and he’s suing the media giants who lied and censored their way through the Covid pandemic.
  • The U.S. Air Force has authorized its commanders to use your hard-earned taxpayer dollars to cover the travel costs for service members seeking to attend the military’s upcoming “pride” events.
  • Nikki Haley has already started flip flopping on major issues.
  • Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram social-media platform helps connect and direct content to a vast network of accounts openly devoted to the commission and purchase of pedophilia.
  • And farmers in South Dakota are under threat of having their land taken by eminent domain from entities connected with the green energy movement.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

The Children's Health Defense, a nonprofit founded by attorney, activist and Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., partnered with other vaccine-skeptics such as Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft to file a lawsuit against major media giants for allegedly violating antitrust laws and the U.S. Constitution by colluding with tech giants to censor news online. 

Just the News reports that the 108-page lawsuit was filed last week in a Louisiana-based federal district court against The Washington Post, the BBC, The Associated Press and Reuters, all of whom are members of the Trusted News Initiative, or TNI. 

The TNI is described by the BBC as a “unique global partnership bringing together organizations across media and technology to tackle harmful disinformation in real time.” Other members of the partnership include Google, YouTube, Twitter and Microsoft. 

The plaintiffs in the lawsuit say that they were “censored, banned, de-platformed, shadow banned or otherwise penalized by the Big Tech firms partnering with the [Trusted News Initiative], because the views and content they published were deemed ‘misinformation’ or ‘disinformation,’” according to the Defender, which publishes articles about the Children's Health Defense. 

The case was originally filed in January in Texas, but the plaintiffs were forced to withdraw it and refile it in Louisiana due to what they said was a clerical error in the court.

The plaintiffs in the original case included the Children's Health Defense, Kennedy, Hoft, “Ringside Politics” radio host Jeff Crouere, The Truth About Cancer and The Truth About Vaccines founders Ty and Charlene Bollinger and others. All plaintiffs in the first case also filed the second case, except for Kennedy, who is on leave from the Children's Health Defense as he pursues his presidential bid. Kennedy is still acting as volunteer legal counsel, per the non-profit.


The Federalist reports that the U.S. Air Force has authorized Air and Space Force commanders to use taxpayer money to cover the travel costs for service members seeking to attend the branch’s upcoming “pride” events.

On June 1st, Marianne Malizia, the director of the Air Force’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion, issued a memo notifying branch commanders of several upcoming LGBT-related events in Washington, D.C., hosted by the Department of the Air Force (DAF).

According to the memo, Air and Space Force commanders will be permitted to utilize “unit funds” to pay for service members under their command to “travel to, and participate in, this year’s DAF Pride events if approved by their individual supervisory authority.”

The memo further reads:

“Service members or civilian employees may attend conferences at the unit expense to maintain and improve professional competency or to improve management of the Department’s functions and activities.”

The DAF justifies the use of taxpayer money to pay for such travel under Section 030201 of the Defense Department’s Joint Travel Regulation, which establishes “travel and transportation allowances” for military service members.

rainbow-colored flyer accompanying the memo lists the three upcoming events the DAF is slated to participate in, including a “Pride at the Pentagon” celebration scheduled to be held at the Pentagon Air Force Art Gallery on June 8 and an “LGBTQ+ Initiatives Team (LIT) Symposium” to be held at the Pentagon Library & Conference Center on June 9. The Air Force will also have a recruiting booth at the D.C. Pride Festival on June 11.

The Air Force has additionally issued a pre-constructed memo that service members can fill out and submit to their commanders to request permission to leave their unit and travel to D.C. for the aforementioned events.

A DAF spokeswoman confirmed the authenticity of the documents and the branch’s upcoming “pride” events.

This is hardly the first time the Air Force has gone out of its way to encourage the celebration of “pride month.” On May 3 — several days after the U.S. Navy got busted for using an enlisted drag queen to recruit new sailors — the Air Force issued a memo “empowering” Air Force installation commanders to “plan and conduct” so-called “appropriate activities” on bases to commemorate “rainbow” month. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin also published a separate statement praising LGBT service members last week.


Georgia, like several other states, is rolling out new digital IDs to citizens under the guise of “driver’s licenses,” which of course is exactly what the globalists at the World Economic Forum have been clamoring for since the onset of their push for a “Great Reset,” where they basically digitize all of the basic functions in life, including the bodies of human beings.

And if you’ll remember, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp was an invited guest at the WEF’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, in January.

But the crazy thing is, officials in Georgia feel the need to remind citizens that they need to keep their clothes on when submitting photos with their applications for a biometric digital ID.

The Georgia Department of Drivers’ Services reminded people in a June 6 statement to take pictures with their clothes on when submitting a Georgia Digital ID – a new system introduced this month with the full support of Governor Kemp.

“Please take pictures with your clothes on when submitting them for your Digital Driver’s License and IDs,” the department said in a Facebook post. “Cheers to technology and keeping things classy!”

The GDDS announced the new digital ID on May 18. While it isn’t a replacement for a physical ID, yet, the digital ID can be stored in the Apple Wallet app on an iPhone or Apple Watch to “speed up the process” at select TSA checkpoints, the GDDS said. 

It won’t be long before that ID is required at more than just TSA. Kemp is a technocrat’s dream over there in Georgia. He and Klaus Schwab must have really hit it off over in Davos as he’s wasting no time giving his state over to globalist interests.


In other news, Neocon globalist presidential candidate Nikki Haley has done a complete flip flop on the so-called gender affirming care for children.

Haley now says she supports banning sex-change treatment for minors, her campaign told the Daily Caller on Monday — one day after she said transgender minors should have access to “whatever they need” to “not be suicidal,” including mental health “therapy.”

The former U.N. ambassador said Sunday that transgender children should get “help, the therapy, whatever they need so that they can feel better and not be suicidal” but that transgender issues should not force students to walk “on eggshells” for fear of cancellation. Haley made the remarks while speaking at a CNN town hall about her history of opposing a transgender bathroom bill that would have required individuals to use bathrooms matching their sex assigned at birth. The former South Carolina governor previously said she “strong armed” a state legislator who proposed the bill because she wanted bathroom access to be decided on an individual basis.

On Monday, while speaking on CBS, Haley responded to a question about what kind of “care” trans-identifying teens should be able to access.

Medical treatments for youth euphemistically referred to as “gender-affirming care” — include puberty blockerscross-sex hormones and the removal of healthy tissue.

Haley told CBS:

“I think the law should stay out of it and I think parents should handle it. This is a job for the parents to handle. And then if that child becomes 18, if they want to make more of a permanent change, they can do that. But I think up until then, we see with our teenage kids, they go through a lot during puberty, go through a lot of confusion, they go through a lot of anxiety, they go through a lot of pressures. We should support them the whole way through, but we don’t need to go enforce something in schools, and we do not need schools sitting there hiding from the parents what gender pronoun they are using. We don’t need to have those conversations in schools. Those are conversations that should be had at home.”

Other Republican presidential candidates — including Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, Asa Hutchinson and Tim Scott, as well as likely candidate Mike Pence — have all come out against sex changes for children under 18, the Daily Caller reported Sunday.


Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram social-media platform, which is part of his Meta Platforms social media empire, helps connect and promote a vast network of accounts openly devoted to the commission and purchase of content geared to pedophiles, according to investigations by The Wall Street Journal and researchers at Stanford University and the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Pedophiles have long used the internet, but unlike the forums and file-transfer services that cater to people who have interest in illicit content, Instagram doesn’t merely host these activities. Its algorithms promote them. Instagram connects pedophiles and guides them to content sellers via recommendation systems that excel at linking those who share niche interests, the Journal and the academic researchers found.

Though out of sight for most on the platform, the sexualized accounts on Instagram are brazen about their interest. The researchers found that Instagram enabled people to search explicit hashtags such as #preteensex and connected them to accounts that used the terms to advertise child-sex material for sale. Such accounts often claim to be run by the children themselves and use overtly sexual handles to draw pedophiles in.

Instagram accounts offering to sell illicit sex material generally don’t publish it openly, instead posting “menus” of content. Certain accounts invite buyers to commission specific acts. Some menus include prices for videos of children harming themselves and “imagery of the minor performing sexual acts with animals,” researchers at the Stanford Internet Observatory found. At the right price, children are available for in-person “meet ups.” 

The promotion of underage-sex content violates rules established by Meta as well as federal law.

In response to questions from the Journal, Meta acknowledged problems within its enforcement operations and said it has set up an internal task force to address the issues raised. “Child exploitation is a horrific crime,” the company said, adding, “We’re continuously investigating ways to actively defend against this behavior.”


The Associated Press reports that Microsoft will pay a fine of $20 million to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that it illegally collected and retained the data of children who signed up to use its Xbox video game console.

The agency charged that Microsoft gathered the data without notifying parents or obtaining their consent, and that it also illegally held onto the data. Those actions violated the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, the FTC stated.

In a blog post, Microsoft corporate vice president for Xbox Dave McCarthy outlined additional steps the company is now taking to supposedly improve its age verification systems and to “ensure that parents are involved in the creation of child accounts for the service.” These mostly concern efforts to improve age verification technology and to educate children and parents about privacy issues.

McCarthy also said the company had identified and fixed a technical glitch that failed to delete child accounts in cases where the account creation process never finished.


We have a disturbing story to report out of South Dakota.

Revolver News says it’s one of the most important stories in America, yet, the media is completely silent. The story involves a farmer named Jared Bossly and a “green” company called “Summit Carbon Solutions” that’s trying to confiscate Mr. Bossly’s family farm by using eminent domain — the right of a government or its agent to expropriate private property for public use. The green group wants to confiscate Mr. Bossly’s farm in order to construct a carbon capture pipeline on his land.

To make matters worse, conservative pundit Greg Price reported on Twitter that Summit Carbon Solutions is very politically connected.

Everything came to a head when unauthorized surveyors entered Bossly’s property without his consent and then falsely accused him of making threats against them, even though their interaction lasted only six seconds on a speaker phone call. Subsequently, the company sought a contempt of court charge, intending to restrict Bossly’s access to his own property when the surveyors returned.

Here’s what Greg Price said in his bombshell tweet:


The Republican leadership in South Dakota has also abandoned the landowners.

In the last legislative session, according to Price, bills to protect landowners from eminent domain from Summit failed. Governor Kristi Norm has done nothing. Why?

As Price explains, “Because Summit has connections to massive GOP donors. They are also bankrolled by large investments, some of which are foreign, as well as benefit from massive federal tax credits for carbon capture expanded by Joe Biden's ‘Inflation Reduction Act.’ Meanwhile, South Dakotans whose farms have been in their families for generations, who have put their blood sweat and tears into their land, are now facing them being seized and ruined for the green energy grift. Their elected leaders have abandoned them and no one outside local media is talking about it.”


More bad news for America’s food production outlook.

Zero Hedge reports that farmers in Corn Belt states have been very concerned about their crops this spring as drought expands across the Heartland.

The latest weekly report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture shows the U.S. corn crop deteriorated by the most in nearly three years as drought conditions worsened in the Midwest. 

About 64% of the nation's corn crop was rated good-to-excellent in the weekly report, a five percentage-point plunge that was the most significant decline since August 2020. The drop was more than double of any analysts surveyed by Bloomberg. 

According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin, often called the “Corn Belt” states, are experiencing “exceptional drought” to “moderate drought.” The timing of the drought, this early in the season, could stress young plants.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Just in time for Pride Month, a federal district judge in Tennessee, Judge Thomas Parker, has overturned a ban on drag queen performances and shows in the state after it was signed by the Governor in March.

The law was originally set to take effect on July 1st, The WinePress reported at the time.

Judge Parker, who was appointed to the bench by President Donald Trump, wrote in his 70-page ruling that “despite Tennessee’s compelling interest in protecting the psychological and physical wellbeing of children,” the law known as the Adult Entertainment Act is an “unconstitutional restriction on the freedom of speech.”

He added that the law was both “unconstitutionally vague and substantially overbroad” and encouraged “discriminatory enforcement,” Breitbart reports.


Controversial. That reporter used the word controversial. Slipped it in there. That was one of the most despicable, biased “news” reports you will ever see, but sadly, it’s not the exception in the corporate media. It’s the norm.

That one word said it all. Controversial. It’s now controversial to protect children from perverted, pedophile groomers.

Oh, but they give money to charity. And it’s just an artistic expression. Those are the same two excuses they give in every one of these mainstream media reports on this issue.

GLAAD president and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis celebrated the ruling a in a Twitter post, stating:

“This ruling is a turning point and we will not go back. Every anti-LGBTQ elected official is on notice that these baseless laws will not stand and that our constitutional freedom of speech and expression protects everyone and propels our culture forward. Congratulations and thank you to Friends of George’s and their attorneys for speaking up and fighting for everyone’s freedom. Their bravery will inspire many other challenges to discrimination.”

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.


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