Mike Lindell on Ron DeSantis Hosting D.C. Fundraiser at Dominion’s Lawyer’s Office

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Brannon Howse: Joining me now, is someone who knows all about this. How the Department of Justice and Lawfare. And seizing people's phones. All is used for intimidation and to go after political enemies or anyone associated with or around President Trump who are questioning the election and the legitimacy thereof. The government and lawfare and the courts are used. To punish. General Flynn knows about that. He'll be on in a minute. Another one who knows all about it from firsthand experience is Mike Lindell. He'll respond to what he just heard, as well as breaking news about Ron DeSantis and a fundraiser coming up at the office of an attorney that works reportedly with Dominion. Joining me now is Mike Lindell. Mike, thank you for making time for us tonight.

Mike Lindell: Yeah. Thanks, man. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks for having me on. Yeah. You talk about lawfare and weaponizing of the FBI and all the stuff that's going on. It's, um. It's a shame, is what it is. I caught just a little bit of Ivan talking about the. The Mar a Lago stuff. Just the tail end. And I'm gonna have to watch your show again tomorrow and see all that, because that's a that's quite a, um. What, does he have to back that up? I mean, he just knows that. I mean, how does he?

Brannon Howse: He's been. He's been sitting. Yeah. I think he knows some key people that, you know, that have been talking to him and things have gotten out. But he's also been going up there on Capitol Hill and sitting in all of these sessions for hours and hours and hours. He keeps popping up on the cameras as they show the person testifying. And then there's Ivan. So, yeah, Ivan, of course, Ivan, of course, comes out of the intelligence arena. You know, he was military, but he also was involved in the intelligence arena and worked with a lot of key people from the intelligence arena. So I think he keeps his contacts pretty hot and they keep feeding him information.

Mike Lindell: Now, you know, the things are doing. And you you brought up my phone. I don't know if everybody realizes that if they do if they see my show, but I sued the government and the FBI and week after they took that, then they brushed it aside in a court in Minnesota. So we appealed it. We just had last week that appeal and all three judges went after the lawyer for the government and, you know, said stuff like you could you could back up this phone in 12 seconds. Why do you still have his phone? And she says, well, we're going to keep it in depth. And he says, Well, what do you mean? That's his livelihood? Nowadays, a phone is your livelihood. And then the biggest one, they said, well, you guys are the defendants here. Mike Lindell went after you. Um, how do you discern on the phone what his client-attorney privilege? And she said we're looking at that. Well, you've already seen it, Brandon. It's like this. Okay. Guess we shouldn't have looked at that. We shouldn't have looked at that. And but I really think some good things are going to come out of that.

Mike Lindell: And, um, we've sure learned a lot, though, haven't we? That's been discovered. The last thing I've been telling everyone if we would have, if this election of 2020 would have been overturned right away, we'd have never found out all the real problems that are out there and get to the unit party, the Deep State, the globalists, the CCP and like what you brought up, I just mean I, I shared it everywhere. You're like, you know, you and Iran or do you like rhino? Ron I'm trying. I'm torn. I am very much torn. And anybody out there, I had to tell my own mother, you know, she said, Mike, she says, Well, I like Ron. She lives in Florida. He he's done some good things. I said, Well, mom, you know, he's sitting with the lawyers for Dominion making new bills to sue people easier for defamation if you badmouth the governor or badmouth anyone. And I said they've sued your son for billions of dollars for nothing. And and anyway, it just came out today. Do you have that screenshot? Here it is.

Brannon Howse: From the national polls. Ron DeSantis, host DC fundraiser at Dominion's lawyer's office would be the GOP nominee. Ron DeSantis is hosting a fundraiser at the offices of Brownstein Hyatt, Farber Schreck, one of the top DC lobbying firms who served as lawyers for Dominion Voting Systems and count amongst their top directors, Representative Nancy Pelosi's former chief of staff. The event will take place on June 23rd in suite 1200 at 1155 F Street Northwest, otherwise known as the offices of Brownstein Hyatt, Farber Schreck, which also famously dropped the Republican National Committee as a client in a lawsuit against the Democrat Party's January 6th committee. And so there is the graphic on this, right? I mean, wow. And this is, of course, as you brought out, he's been caught sitting on video with Libby Lock. Who is she? Tell our audience who that is.

Mike Lindell: Let me tell you, everybody. Um, Ron used to call him the Trojan Horse DeSantis because I believe he is. He's a unit party. They're a little hard to detect when they're in the unit party versus a rhino that stands out like a sore thumb. Let me tell you about the unit, right? How you can tell a lot of things about Ron DeSantis. I get his emails every day. I signed up for them purposely to see what his marketing team is saying. They went after Chris Christie for badmouthing Donald Trump. Right? Like, okay, Ron, you really care about Donald Trump. And they called Chris Christie, Christie, or Chris Christie. They were Ron was calling him the the the Union Party or the rhino, the you know, and calling Chris Christie this. Oh, no. It was the establishment candidate, the Jeb Bush candidate. The the Mitt. Romney. Romney. Candidate. So you see what they're trying to do. The union party taking hold on union and molding him to, you know, hey, we're going to do this. We're going to keep attacking Donald Trump. We're going to keep attacking him, keep indicting him, keep attacking him. We know he's never going to stop. He's never going to give up that. We know that. But let's get people to turn on him and go for an alternative candidate.

Mike Lindell: Old rhino, Ron and you know Ron Well, it's not going to happen. The people have wised up. Brandon They they see if you see what I see out there, why, you know, instead of Ron who is sitting back, it's just like the last time the president was indicted. Ron goes, I'm not going to expedite him to New York. Really, Ron, Nobody said he was not going to go to New York on his own. You're disgusting. You're marketing team is disgusting. We see through your charade. You can sit there with your dominions and your and your and your Democrats and your union party friends and try and get votes from both sides or donors from both sides right now, Brandon, donors don't mean a thing. The money put in this election doesn't mean anything. What it means is what it means is if when we get when we announce the plan in August, on August 17th, everybody, the plan to save this country's election platforms, once we announce that don't care who you are, Democrat, Republican, you're going to go, wow, why wasn't this ever done? It's never been talked about before. And then you will see Donald Trump wins by 70% of this country. Does just that. It's over. Wow.

Brannon Howse: And they can find out more about that at Lindell Events.com Lindell events. The event coming up in the middle of August in Springfield, Missouri. You mentioned that they've tried to dress up and paint Ron DeSantis as the he's, as you say, the rhino or uni party alternative to Donald Trump. So they've got to paint him up to kind of be a good right winger, you know, and draw away the right wingers. Well, he's made his reputation by taking on Disney and the LGBTQ agenda and the transgender agenda and forcing the puberty blockers and hormone blockers on children. Well, the national polls go back to this tonight, guys. Look at what's saying. One of the key names on the invite is Mark Lampkin, a lobbyist for the firm with links to the Chinese Communist Party. Well, that's a problem as well as big pharma and the puberty blocker industry. What is Ron hanging out with these people for? Birds of a feather flock together, right?

Mike Lindell: Yeah, absolutely. And you know, that's what I say, don't you? You know, the media, all you got to do is just look no further than Fox News. You saw the interview with Brett Baer and the and the great real president. Disgusting. He is. He's a disgusting journalist. You won't see all there, darling. Ron at Fox News because they want, you know, the Democrat Party, the unified party will take Ron just to try and shut people up about our elections being a problem. You know, they're going to go after Donald Trump in the primaries. Brandon, I'm telling you, they're going to go out just like they went after Kari Lake in the primary last year and they couldn't beat her in the primary because we told everybody to vote the same day. So they had to steal it with those machines down in down in Maricopa County in Arizona, the the the establishment unit party rhinos down in Arizona would rather have taken. And they did a horrible secretary of state, Democrat Katie Hobbs, over one of the best persons ever to be governor, Kari Lake. That's reality. That's what we're up against everybody. But we're on to them and read all the posts. I posted this thing about Ron. You read all the posts, even the bots, and trolls are going, Come on, Ron, we know you're a unit party. They don't even with the bots and trolls don't, you know, and you look at the when the right, when the when Ron doesn't get attacked by the left. That's weird isn't it Brandon It's kind of like, listen I'll give you an example. Remember when I went to the, um, the governor's convention, I believe it was in Tennessee.

Brannon Howse: It was in Nashville. It was in Nashville, in Nashville.

Mike Lindell: So everybody I get invited to the governor's convention, which I've been there, uh, at least two other times invited because I was going to be running for governor of Minnesota back in the day. And I'm invited. I get down there to Tennessee and we're all ready to go to the mansion. And and here comes the guy up. He says, um. I'm sorry, but it's been said you can't come. You've been. You've been. We're not going to have you. As part of the about of this convention and the Governors Association convention and said, what are you talking about? And they go, It has something to do with Kemp and Ducey. Well, at that time, Kemp was in charge of the election integrity and Ducey was head of the committee. Right. Or the head of going and go okay. And I said, But I have my credentials here. I said, Can I come to the rest of the thing? They said no. So I called up everybody. I called up Politico. I get one of them, you know, the left-wing magazine or political get them on the phone.

Mike Lindell: I think his name was Dan. I go, Dan, I got a story for you. I said, I'm getting kicked out of the governor saying for no reason. And I said, here are the credentials. I showed the media on the left, my credentials, my invite, on the right. The governors then lied and told the press, Mike, this is only for governors Mike and Mike. Mike Lindell kind of like was trying to be an undercover wedding crasher or something right now. Now, let's think about this. The media had the perfect opportunity to go after all the Republican governors. Brandon, think of that. The whole left, all the left could go after them and say they're liars. Here's Mike Lindell's credentials instead. Do you remember what they did? They went after me, Yes. Why? Because I'm a threat to them. Because I want to fix these election platforms. You guys, it's not about Republican Democrat. It's about a party that's taking over our country with the Deep State globalists and the CCP. And you know what? That's all going to change. Brandon But don't be fooled by Ron DeSantis. You know.

Brannon Howse: Isn't it interesting though, you mentioned the CCP and there is one of the guys, his firm with links to the Chinese Communist Party? So you here you have to wait a minute, Dominion lawyers and the CCP are all kinds of running in the same bag together, huh

Mike Lindell: And I'm sure there's a bunch of Democrats in the room to mean Mean Ron. You can see he's a they've taken him and molded. By the way, everybody wants to say one more thing about Ron. Everybody knows we got the cash flow records for the United States for we got a third of them in the 2020 election. Think about a thousand counties. We believe we have about a fourth of them in the 2022 election. So, Brandon, I'll recap that. Okay. Of all the counties in the 2020 election, everybody remembers, cash flow records that come directly out of the machines are a timeline of the order they come in. It's like watching a football game if you haven't seen it, the play-by-play. So you go, Wow, this happened right in a row. Well, when that comes in, you it either shows computer manipulation or no manipulation. Right, right, right. Just random like it should be, Right? Every county we got the cast vote records for in the United States of the 2020 election had computer manipulation now comes along the 2022 election and we had everyone in the country, hey, go do your FOIA request. Go get those cast records. Well, if you remember, Brandon, in December last December was at night, I think it was on my show. And I said, wait a minute, I look at deviations every day. How did Ron DeSantis win Miami Dade County by like 11 points and won all these counties overwhelmingly in Florida? It didn't make sense. I don't care how great a governor you are, it doesn't make sense.

Mike Lindell: You win a deep blue thing like Miami Dade County. Right. So anyway, we have requested that you people out there, your audience and they were my audience requested to cast vote records for Miami Dade County. They wouldn't give them to us. Everybody, they're going they gave it to us in 2020, but they wouldn't give it to us. So we made more requests and more requests. And you all have out there just pounded on them and said, we want those cast vote records. So finally they reluctantly gave us the cast vote records. And after a couple of weeks of due diligence of going through them, guess what we found, not just in Miami Dade County, but other counties in Florida. Remember, that was for the Ron DeSantis race in 2022. There was no computer manipulation. Zero, the only place we could find in the United States. Now, if you're the unit party and you want to do two things, you want to get rid of all the people that are going to get rid of the machines you go after and you cheat on. Jim Marshon, Mark Finchem, Kari Lake, Kristina, Karamo, Matt Deperno. You cheat all of them out of their elections, which they did. They stole them all. And then and what did they all have in common? They wanted to get rid of these voting machines, go to paper ballots, hand-counted. Ron. Now, on the other hand, you go, let's give it to Ron. You know, he's our unit party boy. Let's give it to Ron. And they tried to accomplish two things. If you're a really good Republican and you do real well, you can win.

Mike Lindell: in There's not and there's nothing wrong with the voting machines. Look at Ron DeSantis. You just. Have to be like Ron. No, you have to have one. What it shows us, everybody is this. If you take the machines out of our country. This is the reddest country since Ronald Reagan, maybe even more red. And it's not red like Republican red. It's red like the new common sense. Republican red. The red. The red of common sense. President Donald Trump. You're they're pouring into this bucket brand. And the more they do their crazy stuff out there, the indictments and all this garbage that they're doing, attacking people, knocking on citizens' doors, taking people's cell phones, attacking companies like Mypillow and you and all the protect all these companies that rhyme with dominion and you got, you know, party boys like Ron Ron DeSantis running around acting like, oh yeah, I'm upset with Chris Christie. He's the establishment candidate. Give me a break, Ron. Don't. We're not stupid. Okay? We're on to you. You just will endorse Donald Trump right now. Do you want to unify and help the country? Get off, get, get off, whatever you think you're doing, break free from those people if you're not one of them. Show us that you could be an actual politician that has the people's back and you get over there and you endorse our great president, Donald Trump. Tomorrow morning, you'll be a hero in this country and maybe, maybe down the road will forgive you for what you've been doing lately.

Brannon Howse: Mike Lindell is on fire. And you know what? You want to come to his event the middle of August, in Springfield, Missouri. It's centrally located. It was full last year. Full details and all.

Mike Lindell: It's an invite-only brand. Remember, we want you to watch the event.

Brannon Howse: That's what I was getting ready to say I think it's invite-only.com everybody.

Mike Lindell: The only way we're going to reveal the plan to save our elections and it's never been talked about before never been don't think it's even been thought of before and I will guarantee every single person that watches you will go wow, this is awesome. I don't care what party you're in and no one brand is going to be able to say, I don't think I like this plan because they'll stand out so bad. They're going, Um, are you alive? What is wrong with you? You know, I mean, they're either going to be with us or against us andwith all people and.

Brannon Howse: And the Alex and the Alex Halderman report, which. Which finally got released, Right. It kept talking about paper ballots and the need to go to paper ballots. Right.

Mike Lindell: Here's how you catch everyone out there. If you want to know if your local people, your local politicians, I'm talking local now. Anybody you know of a politician, you want to test them to see if they're a rhino or your party. You just ask these simple questions. You say, hey, would you if you knew that that paper ballots hand counted were faster, more accurate, and more transparent, would you take them? And if they say not, you know, love machines. No, you're not. You don't. You're a uni party rhino. That's what you are. That's all you got to ask him, because why would nobody not if they give an excuse? Well, it would cost you much. Well, if it did, would you want it? And then if they say, well, you know, it'll be slower, well if we told you it would be faster, would you take it faster, more efficient, whatever they put at you and say, what if? Put your mind there and go, Gee, what if there was such a world where where where it would be faster, more transparent, 100% trusted, more accurate everything you could take everything out of that mix. And if they still say I just like machines, well good for you, Special K, you're a rhino unit party. That's what you are.

Brannon Howse: LindellEvents.com Lindellevents.com. Thanks for checking in and making time for us.

Mike Lindell: Good night. Thank you all.

Brannon Howse: Mike Lindell Checking in, check out LindellEvents.com. The event is in the middle of August invite only, but you will be able to watch it. We the team will be there. We're going to be streaming it for you.

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