MSM Is Starting To Hype Up The Covid Narrative Again

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  • New evidence tonight to suggest the CDC ignored scientific advice on the futility of mask wearing to stop the spread of a virus, pushing masks on the public anyway.
  • Accusations surface in Hawaii that authorities in the federal government are trying to prevent journalists from covering the devastating fires that wiped out an entire city center.
  • Joe Biden embarrasses himself on his visit to Maui.
  • There’s been a slew of “near misses” in the skies. We’ll tell you why.
  • More young healthy athletes die suddenly.
  • And Bill Gates is calling on all nations to adopt digital IDs to force every person on the planet to “prove their identity.”

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Well, as you may have noticed, the mainstream corporate media is beginning to hype the Covid narrative again, trying to instill fear and then submission to a new round of mandates and potentially another lockdown.

It all starts with mask mandates. If the globalists are able to force us back into masks, they will feel emboldened once again to issue mandates, social distancing and the dreaded lockdowns.

Masking to prevent the spread of a virus is a scam and it’s not just me saying that. We have new evidence to support that conclusion.

The Epoch Times reports that documents recently obtained from the National Institutes of Health suggest public health officials used inaccurate information and misrepresented medical research to advance their policy objective that masks prevent severe COVID-19 and virus transmission—despite opposing scientific evidence received from experts.

In a recently obtained letter (SHOW pdf) sent in November 2021 to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, top epidemiologist Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, and seven colleagues informed the agency it was promoting flawed data and excluding data that did not reinforce their narrative.

The letter warned the agency that misrepresenting data on trusted websites such as the CDC and the COVID-19 Real-Time Learning Network—jointly created by the CDC and Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)—would “damage the credibility of science,” endanger public trust by “misrepresenting the evidence,” and give the public “false expectations” that masking would protect them from the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.

Osterhom wrote:

“We believe the information and recommendations as provided may actually put an individual at increased risk of becoming infected with SARS-CoV-2 and for them to experience a serious or even life-threatening infection.”

The authors urged the IDSA to remove the suggestion that masking prevents severe disease from its website and asked the CDC to reconsider its statements about the “efficacy of masks and face coverings for preventing transmission of SARS-CoV-2.”


Trending Politics reports that, following the Maui fire disaster, there have been concerns of mishandling and a lack of transparency, with claims of draconian restrictions on journalists who are on the island trying to cover the disaster.

The current media landscape seems determined to maintain a positive image of Joe Biden, especially evident in the coverage of the Hawaii incident. Two significant aspects underscore this narrative.

For starters, there’s Joe Biden’s aloofness, marked by his repeated “no comment” replies to early queries and frequent vacations during this crisis. His recent visit to Maui only magnified his public relations challenges.

There have also been concerns about the local administration’s actions, or lack thereof, which may have exacerbated the situation. Issues like an unutilized warning system, queries about the fire’s initial containment, and an alleged delay by a water management official in redirecting water to combat the flames.

Among this muffled media landscape comes an anonymous tip: A reported FEMA letter dated August 19, 2023 that urges an official media blackout on new disaster footage.

The letter was signed off on by Justin Angel Knighton, the director of FEMA’s Office of External Affairs.

SHOW TWEET from Anthony Cabassa

Anthony Cabassa reported:

“A person wishing to stay anonymous has sent me this email by FEMA sent to their nonprofit who is headed to Maui to help with disaster relief. They say they are being asked to STOP posting any images or videos while on the ground effective immediately.”

The August 19 letter reads:

“Out of respect for those who perished, we were asked by Maui County officials to pause on posting on social media and elsewhere new imagery of damage/disaster/debris starting now. They are asking for a full stop on disaster imagery going forward. At this time, we have not been asked to take any photos or video down. Our team on the ground is coordinating with the County for further guidance to ensure we remain fully aligned. Cultural sensitivity is of the utmost importance in all our response and recovery activities to this disaster.”


Joe Biden has provoked the ire of Hawaii’s residents after he cracked jokes and talked about himself while visiting Maui on Monday.

Biden did not get a warm welcome when he visited to look at the damage from the Maui wildfires.

At least 114 people died but the true total will be many hundreds more when all the dead are counted.

Nearly 1,000 people are still unaccounted for.

But then you have Biden. To say he is tone deaf would be an understatement.

He gave a speech during his visit where he cracked jokes and told rambling stories about himself.

At one point, he compared the devastating inferno that engulfed an entire city on Maui to a small kitchen fire in his house several years ago.

He then joked that he almost lost his Corvette in the minor fire.

Many Hawaiians were outraged by Biden’s flippant attitude toward the disaster that stole so much from them.

“Hearing Biden talk about his house that had a little fire,” one local resident said after the speech.

“You almost lost your cat and your Corvette?

“There were children who were incinerated into ash!

“You vile human being.”


Houston basketball standout Reggie Chaney, the 2022-23 AAC's Sixth Man of the Year for a Cougars team that won a program-best 33 games in 2022-23, has died suddenly and unexpectedly, reports CBS Sports.


Chaney, a native of Tulsa, Oklahoma, was 23 years old.

He played at the prolific Findlay Prep in Henderson, Nevada, and initially signed with Arkansas out of high school. He spent two seasons with the Razorbacks, before transferring to Houston in 2020, where he finished off his college career.

In January, Coach Kelvin Sampson endearingly likened Chaney to a form of currency for his consistency.

“Reggie is like that penny (at the convenience store),” said Sampson. “When you need him, he's there.”

Chaney graduated in May with a degree in liberal arts.


Broadway actor Chris Peluso has died suddenly at the age of 40.

The stage star — best known for his roles in “Mamma Mia” and “Wicked” — died suddenly Aug. 15. The sad news was confirmed by his family to Playbill, but no cause of death has yet been revealed.

Peluso is survived by his wife Jessica Gomes, and their two children.

His alma mater, the University of Michigan, shared an emotional tribute to the entertainer earlier this week.

“The Michigan Musical Theatre family is heartbroken as we announce the passing of our dear family member/alum, the loving, charismatic, and divinely gifted Chris Peluso,” Linda Goodrich, interim chair of the school’s musical theatre program penned on Instagram. “Our hearts go out to his family.”

Peluso had many stage acting credits to his name, including the Broadway productions of “Assassins,” “Lestat,” “The Glorious Ones” and “Beautiful: The Carole King Musical.”


Two athletes died suddenly on Sunday while competing in the Ironman competition in Ireland during the swimming section of the rigorous triathlon-style race.

The event took place in Cork County, with one of the men in his 40s and the other in his 60s.

“We are deeply saddened to confirm the death of two race participants at the IRONMAN 70.3 Ireland, Cork 2023,” Ironman Ireland said in a statement.

“During the swim portion of Sunday’s race, safety personnel provided immediate medical attention upon recognizing the athletes were in need of assistance.”

“We share our greatest sympathies with the families and friends of the athletes and will continue to offer them our support as they go through this very difficult time.”

“We thank the safety personnel and first responders who worked quickly to provide the athletes with medical assistance.”


The Cork County Council also released its statement:

“Cork County Council is deeply saddened over the tragic loss of two race participants during the IRONMAN 70.3 Ireland, Cork 2023 event in Youghal today. Our deepest sympathies go out to the families and friends of the athletes at this incredibly difficult time.”


In other news, dozens of near-misses between aircraft in the U.S. last month underscore the alarming number of such incidents that have taken place this year.

There were no less than 46 “close calls” in July, according to reports shared by the Federal Aviation Authority, and airline workers fear it's only a matter of time before a devastating incident in the U.S., the Daily Mail reports.

Recent examples include several cases of aircraft almost colliding during take-off or landing at major U.S. airports. Others include a mid-air near miss between two planes traveling in excess of 500 miles per hour.

Industry workers have blamed a shortage of air traffic controllers which has forced many in the profession to work mandatory overtime. The demands of the job have left some burned out and even using alcohol and sleeping pills to relieve stress.

A shocking 99 percent of air-traffic control facilities in the U.S. are understaffed, according to the New York Times, which found 310 out of 313 do not have enough workers. 

Some, including New York's regional facility and a Philadelphia tower, are operating at around 60 percent of staff or less.

The obvious question no one in the establishment media wants to ask is this: Is the shortage of air-traffic controllers at least partially due to so many having been killed or disabled from the genetic “vaccines” that were mandated by the government under the guise of fighting Covid? We may never know.


Globalist frontman Bill Gates is calling on nations around the world to adopt his “global solution” for biometric “digital ID” to force every person on the planet to “prove their identity.”

In a post on Twitter/X, Gates lamented that there are “850 million people” still left in the world who “lack ID that proves their identity.”

According to Gates, the Modular Open-Source Identification Platform (MOSIP) is a “global solution” for rolling out digital IDs for the entire human race.

Gates describes MOSIP as an “inclusive approach” to a “global digital ID system” that serves as “a formidable solution” for “dismantling the barriers” for millions of people around the world who don’t have suitable identification.

The multi-billionaire’s advocacy comes as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has just pumped $10 million into MOSIP.

Gates’ organization has joined forces with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals to promote and advance the globalist technology.

The Gates Foundation’s aim seems to focus on propelling a universal digital identification framework.

Gates, the UN, and MOSIP appear to be pitching the technology for use in low to middle-income economies but planning to roll it out worldwide.

Think about it. If Gates can get everyone to accept a digital ID, then he is assured that everyone can be more easily monitored and tracked by government and corporate authorities who will force them to get more vaccines, which then further enriches Bill Gates. But he wants to test his plan on poor countries before rolling it out here.

Globalists almost always test out their latest eugenics plans on the poor first.


The Maine Board of Environmental Protection heard public feedback last Thursday on a proposal that would phase out the sale of gas-powered vehicles. According to Bangor Daily News (BDN),  Maine’s state government currently incentivizes electric vehicles. The impetus behind this central planning and government interference is the supposed threat of climate change and is similar to laws that have already been adopted in California.

Maine resident John Barkley, a former Californian, blasted the proposal at Thursday’s public hearing.

“Don’t turn Maine into California,” he said, adding that he moved to Maine to get away from California and Gavin Newsom’s radical policies.


Barkley wasn’t done, adding that Governor Gavin Newsom’s (D-CA) example is not one that Maine should follow.

Barkley, who was not alone in his opposition to the government overreach, also questioned who exactly was pushing for this policy.

For her part, Governor Janet Mills (D-ME) has said she is against adopting the sort of policy proposed by the Environmental Protection Board — but has made it a goal to have 219,000 electric vehicles registered in Maine by 2030. According to BDN, Maine is still 96% away from achieving that goal.

Individuals like State Representative Joshua Morris (R) questioned the practicality of this plan.

“How often in Maine do people lose power?” Morris posited. “Especially in the winter, if they lose power, they’re not going to be able to charge their vehicle.”

“There are not enough adjectives to describe how bad this policy is for the people of Maine. It’s callous, aloof, unthinking, unfeeling, unworkable, and simply cruel. Hardworking Mainers deserve better from their government than this policy pushed by a far-left extremist group,” Morris added.


The Gateway Pundit reports that Arizona’s Democrat Attorney General Kris Mayes sent a letter earlier this month, threatening counties if they follow a resolution passed in the legislature which bans the use of foreign-made and noncompliant voting machines. 

Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) 1037, which passed in the Arizona House and the Arizona Senate, states, among other things, that:

No voting system or component or subcomponent of a voting system or component, including firmware software or hardware, assemblies and subassemblies with integrated circuits or on which any firmware or software operates, may be used or purchased as the primary method for casting, recording and tabulating ballots used in any election held in this state for federal office.

It then goes on to list four conditions under which machines can be used, with the first condition being that all components must have been designed, manufactured, integrated and assembled in the United States from trusted suppliers, using trusted processes accredited by the Defense Microelectronics Activity as prescribed by the United States Department of Defense; and the source code used in any computerized voting machine for federal elections is made available to the public.

The legislature also passed SB1074, designating the same requirements for electronic voting machines, but Katie Hobbs vetoed this bill. Hobbs stole her election through these faulty machines when 59% of them failed on election day.


Feminist author and journalist Naomi Wolf has doubled down on her assertion that the Pfizer COVID mRNA injection was known to be lethal to unborn babies before being rolled out, declaring that the company’s own documents show it “murders babies in the womb.”

Wolf, a Democrat who decades ago controversially claimed that abortion is a “necessary evil,” shared her conclusion about the jab on Steve Bannon’s War Room earlier this month. When challenged by Bannon to back up her use of the word “murder,” which he pointed out suggests “criminal elements” involved in the COVID shot release, Wolf affirmed that the evidence supports this term.


“Yes, we’ve brought the receipts,” said Wolf, pointing listeners to the Pfizer report analysis she has shared on her website, including Pfizer Report 69, released in April 2023 by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under court order.

Amy Kelly, program director of the War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project, called the information from this batch of Pfizer clinical documents, which included a Pregnancy and Lactation Cumulative Review, “among the most horrifying” to be publicly released.

The Pfizer document revealed that in its clinical trials, “adverse events” occurred in over 54 percent of cases of “maternal exposure” to the vaccine (including through intercourse, inhalation, and skin contact); 53 women (21 percent) in its trial suffered spontaneous abortions “following Pfizer mRNA vaccination”; and six premature labor and delivery cases resulted in two newborn deaths.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Covid hysteria 2.0 is about to make its presence felt across the country.

Whether you live in a blue state or a red state, you are bound to notice that more of your fellow citizens are appearing in public with their faces masked up, yet again.

Please be patient with them. They are ignorant and must be the object of our pity, not our fury.

Some will never learn the lessons of 2020. They will always believe the lies that their government and the corporate mass media feeds them.

The insanity is already being seen at institutions that accept federal tax money.

Morris Brown College in Atlanta and Lionsgate Studios in Hollywood were among the first to jump out of the gate this week and announce they are returning to mask mandates.

They are always the first to jump on the mask bandwagon, followed by medical offices, grocery stores, retail stores, restaurants and eventually all of society. Then will come, I hope I am wrong, the lockdowns.

Our small businesses cannot survive another lockdown. Now is the time to contact your favorite stores, walk in, ask to speak to the manager in person. Tell the manager that if they bring back any mask mandates, you will be inclined to shop elsewhere. Our businesses have the power to stop Biden’s new lockdown plans if they can be convinced to listen to their customers rather than the bureaucrats who lied to them last time and will lie to them again.

So let’s join forces and try to get out ahead of the bureaucrats this time around. Once they come out with their decrees, it’s often too late to lodge a complaint.

Now is the time to make our stand. America cannot survive a repeat of 2020, not financially. Remember all the stimulus checks that accompanied the lockdowns? And not morally, ethically or politically.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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