NYC Mayor Says The Migrant Crisis Will Destroy The City

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  • The tech industry is in free fall, laying off thousands of employees across America. We’ll explain why.
  • A controversial bill in California that would force parents to affirm their child’s gender transition or face charges could soon be headed to Governor Gavin Newsom’s desk.
  • Is your automobile spying on you? A new study suggests that if your car is connected to the internet, it’s scooping up some of the most private details of your life, and often turning it over to third parties.
  • Joe Biden moves to curtail drilling on public lands.
  • And New York City Mayor Eric Adams goes on the record with a stunning admission about how migrants are affecting the city.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

We start off with a report on the technology industry eliminating thousands of jobs.

Fox Business reports that Roku is cutting 10% of its workforce and curbing hiring plans in an effort to lower expenses, the company said Wednesday in a regulatory filing. 

The video streaming company laid out a series of cost-cutting measures that it says will bring down its annual headcount expense growth rate. 

In addition to the job cuts, which will impact about 300 employees, the company also plans to consolidate its office space, conduct a strategic review of its content portfolio and reduce outside services expenses. 

Roku is among several tech companies that have implemented workforce cuts. Amazon, Google parent company Alphabet, X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook parent Meta, Microsoft, Dell and Zoom have all announced layoffs in an effort to streamline operations. 

The latest round of layoffs marks the third time Roku cut jobs within the past year. In November 2022, it cut 200 positions in the U.S. in order to lower its headcount expenses by a projected 5 percent. Three months later, the company laid off another 200 employees. 

The company expects to record between $45 million and $65 million in charges related to the latest workforce reduction, mostly due to costs associated with severance and benefits.


A controversial bill in California that would force parents to affirm their child’s gender transition or face charges of child abuse passed the state Senate on Tuesday, September 5th.

Assembly Bill 957, titled “Family law: gender identity,” passed California’s State Assembly on May 3, but far-left Democrat state Senator Scott Wiener of San Francisco later added an amendment that makes the bill even more radical.

As amended by Wiener, the bill would change the state’s standard for judging the well-being of a minor to “include a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child.”

After the bill passes the Senate, the Assembly will need to agree to amendments the Senate attached.

The bill will then head to the desk of Governor Gavin Newsom, who will likely sign it because he has been pushing radical gender politics during his entire tenure.

The bill could make parents guilty of child abuse if they refuse to affirm their child’s gender confusion by failing to use his or her preferred pronouns, agreeing to have their child treated with chemical puberty blockers or surgeries.

Parents are livid. Even some teenagers are voicing their outrage. Here is Max Bonilla, a young independent journalist from Sacramento, speaking his mind.

WATCH VIDEO (He uses a mildly crude term at the end so cut off at 1:09 mark if you don’t want that aired)

Under Section 3011 of California’s Family Code, California courts would be given complete authority to remove a child from a parent’s home if parents disapprove of LGBTQ+ ideology.

Under the definition change, which constitutes the “health, safety, and welfare of a child,” schools and other organizations interacting with children would be required to affirm “gender transitions” or risk criminal prosecution.


In our last report, we told you about how a major gun safe manufacturer, Liberty Safe, is turning over personal access codes of its customers to the FBI upon request.

Tonight, we have a story in that same vein, only this time it’s automobile makers who are working with the government to data-mine motorists.

Vehicle manufacturers are now tracking and storing your personal data inside the car’s computers. Even things like sexual activity and sexual orientation, and your unique genetics, can be scooped up by the car companies and turned over to third parties.

The Winepress reported on how vehicles are becoming more and more invasive in what they are collecting on drivers and passengers.

Vehicle owners do not have direct access to the internal data collected by their cars. Only the dealer and the manufacturer have access to this often very personal data.

Last month private third-party inspector the Mozilla Foundation reviewed the privacy policies of 25 car makers and found some rather interesting things buried in the fine print.

Mozilla found Nissan’s privacy policy was one of the worst. The group wrote:

“We’re not going to mince words here: THEY STINK AT PRIVACY! They are probably the worst car company we reviewed and that says something because all car companies are really bad at privacy.”

Nissan explicitly states in its Privacy Policy page that pretty much everything about you is up for grabs. They claim ownership of it all, writing:

“Sensitive personal information, including driver’s license number, national or state identification number, citizenship status, immigration status, race, national origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation, sexual activity, precise geo-location, health diagnosis data, and genetic information.”

Mozilla recently published a report titled “Privacy Not Included,” stating that the automobile industry is easily the worst category they have reviewed for privacy.

Mozilla found that 84% of car brands share and sell the personal data they collect, with a little over a half of them stating they can sell this data directly to the government or police, simply by them issuing an “informal request.”

92% of the brands reviewed do not allow customers to delete this data, with Renault being the only exception.

Mozilla places Nissan, Hyundai/Kia and Tesla at the bottom of the list; also noting that six car companies say they can collect your “genetic information” or “genetic characteristics.”


The Biden administration announced that it would prohibit drilling on 13 million acres of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. Furthermore, the administration is canceling all drilling leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Biden said in a statement:

“We have a responsibility to protect this treasured region for all ages. Canceling all remaining oil and gas leases issued under the previous administration in the Arctic Refuge and protecting more than 13 million acres in the western Arctic will help preserve our Arctic lands and wildlife, while honoring the culture, history, and enduring wisdom of Alaska Natives who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.”

The administration has just empowered Saudi Arabia, Russia, and the rest of OPEC+, which just announced yesterday that the cut in production that is driving the price rise at American pumps will continue through the end of the year. Benchmark Brent crude traded Tuesday above $90 a barrel after trading at $75-85 per barrel for the last year.

Holly Hopkins, a vice president at the American Petroleum Institute, stated:

“Today’s announcement sets a concerning precedent for the future of oil and natural gas leasing on federal lands.”

Hopkins said Biden was sending “mixed signals” about drilling in the United States.

Rick Moran, writing for PJ Media, says:

“Indeed, Joe Biden has been talking out of both sides of his mouth on oil drilling. Remember last summer when he accused the oil companies of price gouging and not drilling for oil fast enough? Now that he needs environmentalists to get behind him for his re-election campaign, it’s safe to vilify the oil companies again.”

Moran said this fight is by no means over. The Alaska development corporation has already said they will take the Interior Department to court, and given the massive amount of oil — 11 billion barrels of crude — there are going to be other parties to that suit as well.


New York City Mayor Eric Adams has gone on the record saying the migrant crisis, if it continues much longer, will “destroy” his city.

Speaking to furious residents at a town hall meeting on Wednesday, the Daily Mail reports that Adams admitted he doesn't see a solution to the problem as he slammed the lack of help from Joe Biden.

He stated:

“Let me tell you something, New Yorkers. Never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to. I don't see an ending to this. This issue will destroy New York City. Destroy New York City.”

The former top cop grew emotional as he talked about buses of migrants arriving on a near-daily basis, with over 10,000 arriving every month. Upwards of 110,000 are littered across the metro, and Adams' office has estimated the issue will cost New York City $12 billion over three years.

Here is Adams addressing the problem.


Adams is concerned that without an off ramp, the migrant situation could soon reach a boiling point as furious protestors have clashed on the streets of the Five Boroughs while more migrants are left homeless by the limited housing available in the city. 


Journalist Todd Bensman, from the Center for Immigration Studies, has reported that the Biden regime is allocating a staggering $2,200 per month to illegal immigrant families for cost-of-living expenses.

This comes at a time when the average American on Social Security receives just $1,400 per month and Maui fire survivors were given only $700 in aid.

Bensman said it appears these illegal immigrants may no longer even be subjected to asylum interviews. They’re simply released into the United States with little to no vetting.

According to a video interview Bensman did with an anonymous Border Patrol agent, illegal immigrants are “double dipping” the system. One parent and one child receive $2,200 per month, and then a separate parent and child—often from the same family—receive another $2,200 per month. This amounts to a whopping $4,400 per month for some immigrant families, a figure that exceeds what many working Americans earn.

The financial information provided seems to match the statements made by the U.S. Department of State, although the agency claims it is only a one-time payment:

“The sponsoring resettlement agency is responsible for placing refugees with one of its local affiliates and for providing initial services for 30 to 90 days after arrival.  The State Department’s standard cooperative agreement with each of the resettlement agencies specifies the services the agency must provide.  The federal government provides a one-time payment of $2,375 per individual refugee to the local resettlement affiliates, of which $1,275 is available for agencies to use to fund the direct assistance needs of refugees, such as rent, food, clothing, and furnishings.

“The remainder of the per capita funds is used to fund the delivery of services by resettlement staff, such as locating and preparing housing, cultural orientation, enrollment of refugee children in public schools, assistance with access to employment, medical and legal services, and case management during the refugees’ first three months in their new communities.”

It doesn’t stop at checks. These illegal immigrants are also given housing, food, free medical services, and even a ticket to a destination of their choice within the United States, according to the Border Patrol Agent.

Here is Todd Bensman in a video report explaining how these illegals are trained to game the system and milk it for all it’s worth.



The National Pulse reports that Megyn Kelly regrets getting vaccinated and boosted, saying she doesn’t think she needed it and that a top rheumatologist believes an autoimmune condition she developed recently could have been caused by the shot.

Here is Kelly talking about her regrets in getting jabbed.


A peer-reviewed study published by the multi-disciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) in May found that people injected with two or more doses of mRNA-based Covid vaccines had “abnormally high levels of IgG4,” which has been linked to “a group of fibro inflammatory diseases that affect a variety of tissues resulting in a tumor-like effect and/or organ dysfunction.”

The study also found that repeat vaccination “could promote unopposed SARS-CoV2 infection and replication by suppressing natural antiviral responses,” and “autoimmune diseases and cancer growth and autoimmune myocarditis in susceptible individuals.”


Former President Donald Trump told former Michigan gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon in a recent podcast interview that pharmaceutical companies have an “obligation to be honest” about vaccine side effects and should disclose all relevant data on vaccine injuries.

Trump and Dixon discussed a range of issues in an episode on the Tudor Dixon Podcast last week, ranging from corruption allegations against Joe Biden to claims of weaponization of federal agencies against the former president.

“This is the most corrupt president in history,” Trump said, referring to Biden, before adding:

“And the most incompetent. It's pretty incredible.”

Trump said the various criminal charges levied against him are attempts to interfere in the 2024 election.

Dixon asked about Joe Biden’s announcement to fund a new COVID-19 vaccine, saying, “He wants everyone to get this vaccine. And we’re hearing about a lot of complaints from vaccine injured. To say a lot is an understatement."

There have been reports linking spike protein-based Covid vaccines to skin problems, a dull ringing in the ears, visual impairmentsblood clotting, heart attacks and even death.

Studies have revealed a number of other issues affecting vaccinated children. One recent study, published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology, shows that the mRNA-based vaccine reduced children's immune responses to other infections, making them more prone to getting sick after coming into contact with other pathogens.

Another study published by Circulation showed that some children who experienced heart inflammation after COVID-19 vaccination had scarring on their hearts months later.

Dixon asked Trump about vaccine data transparency, citing reports of various adverse events, including heart inflammation and blood clots.

She said, “Numerous pharmaceutical companies have refused to release their data on vaccine side effects. But we’ve seen cases of myocarditis, blood clots, and heart attacks; they’re all increasing. The research has never been released.”

She then asked if Trump would “demand that the vaccine companies, that the pharmaceutical companies release their vaccine data to the public so that we can see what they’re actually seeing about the side effects of this vaccine?”

Trump replied by saying pharmaceutical companies “should do that,” adding that “we’re all in this together, and they should be doing that.”


Former Trump advisor Dr. Peter Navarro was convicted on September 7th of criminal contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a subpoena issued by Congresswoman Liz Cheney’s unconstitutional January 6 Committee.

Navarro did not comply with the subpoena because he said Trump told him to assert executive privilege.

The jury convicted Navarro on two counts of contempt after deliberating for four hours.

NBC News reported:

“The two counts each carry a minimum of 30 days and a maximum of one year in prison, in addition to a maximum fine of $100,000.”

Navarro faced two contempt counts: one for his failure to produce documents demanded by the committee and the other for failing to show up for subpoenaed testimony before House investigators.

According to Navarro, the feds put him in leg irons and threw him in a cell last year.

Navarro said to reporters after his arrest last summer:

“They intercepted me getting on the plane and then they put me in handcuffs, they bring me here. They put me in leg irons. They stick me in a cell.”

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 55 seconds)



Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

We all know that our Republic, our constitutional system, has been turned upside down, and now we have to fend for our very lives while watching an assorted group of clowns actually try to get more control over us and destroy what’s left of our Republic.

Front Line America noted that Mike Pence is proudly promoting a clip in which he literally comes across as a clown actor trying to claim credit for Donald Trump’s foreign policy successes.

The defining moment came during an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News.

How appropriate, as Fox and Hannity have played along with the deep state political games for years, serving as, what we and others have called “controlled opposition.”

Mike Pence, who is running for president as “the most qualified” human on the planet to lead Americans, appeared on Fox and actually had the audacity to brag about what “Our Administration” did.

That would be the administration of President Donald J. Trump.

Yes, he really went there. The very man Pence has done everything in his power to destroy, he now, when it’s convenient, claims credit for Trump’s successes.

Watch this amazing moment of Mike Pence making a fool of himself. In public. On Fox News… for an audience of pre-selected campaign activists.


There you go. Your future fearless leader? Let’s hope not.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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