NYPD – Incoming Police Commissioner Reportedly So Corrupt That He Reportedly Will Not Take the Job



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Brannon Howse: Good evening and welcome to the program. Glad you are with us. Here we are on Friday night, June 23rd, June 23rd, 2023 at 623, 23. That's June 23rd, 2023. While most of the country is probably out at a movie or having dinner or walking around the lake or walking on the beach or doing whatever it is Americans do on June 23rd, here we are in a nice dark studio. I mean, there's lights, but there's no way to see outside. Who knows what time of day it is? And here we are on a Friday night holding down the fort, as we often do on Friday nights, which, by the way, happens to be one of the most difficult nights to find guests because most of them have a life unlike yours truly. But apparently you are here and we're glad you're here with us. And as long as you are here, we will keep showing up, even on Friday nights. Of course, we know a lot of you watch on replay and that's fine, too. Just as long as you're watching. We're going to be joined tonight by Joe Hoft of joehoft.com. He has an exclusive report tonight. Dan Eastman is going to join us 150 waits for it, 150 naked adult bikers. Those poor bike seats, 150 naked bikers, adults. But it gets worse. There were some children mixed in to this. Now, I'll give you one guess. And San Francisco is not the answer. So I'm going to take out San Francisco.

Brannon Howse: Where could you possibly see 150 naked bike riders? That would also include children among the group. I don't know if the children were wearing clothes. I pray they were. But these poor kids are going to be scarred for life. But where? Where other than San Francisco, where else would you see something like this in a major American city? One guess. Are you ready? Oh, some of you know exactly what I'm talking about, because apparently, this is a regular thing every year in what is known as Sodom by the lake. Do any of you know what Sodom by the lake means? Where that is? Where is Sodom? By the lake. I wish tonight we had a way for you guys to build a little guessing game. I could even maybe give away my book Grave Influence and Mark Sanity. In fact, I'll tell you what I'll do. Uh, Logan, watch the feedback on the page and tell me if anyone can tell us where Sodom by the Lake is. What? What American city is that? And the first person to get it right. I'll send you a free copy of my book, Mark Sanity and Grave Influence, which you can buy online for a whopping $5 or $2.50 each. That's a $40 value. But now we make them available. I'll text you with The answer is now we make them available for $2.50 as a project of my foundation, basically giving them away at below my cost to educate the American people about mark sanity and grave influence.

Brannon Howse: 21 Radicals Ruling America from the Grave. So you can get what was 40 bucks, for now, $5 or 250 for one, 250 for the other. So this is a very expensive gift I'm giving somebody if they can get it right. What is the American city known as Sodom by the lake? Because that is where this occurred. I'll tell you about it later. And Logan, let me text you. Let me text you the name of the American city known as Sodom by the Lake. All right, Logan. So that you know who is the right person. And I don't know how we're going to get their mailing address because they're probably not going to put their mailing address for the whole world to see on the feedback section under the player. But we'll have to figure out a way for them to communicate and get address so we can ship that to them. What are you doing over here? You're normally over that way. What are you doing over this way? Go to a wide shot. By the way, I got Joe Hoft with me, Dan Eastman, and Jamie Glazov on his new book, Obama's Barack Obama's True Legacy. And Todd Bensman, Why are you come on up here. Say hi to everybody. It's a Friday night. Look at that tail going, Woohoo, Let me close this. No, you can stay there.

Brannon Howse: Everyone wants to see your pretty face. Get back up here. Come on. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Come back around. Oh, my. Whatever. Why is your bed all the way over here? Your bed is normally over there when you come up on this side. All right. There you go. Why is your bed right here? It's normally a little bit over that way. Does someone move your bed? Have you been out playing? A little bit? You're you're panting. I think there were somebody was playing tennis ball with you outside. All right. That's Delta, our studio dog. My dog. She'll be. Huh? No, it's a city. People are giving the states. No, it's not a state. What city in America is known as Sodom by the Lake? Logan says you guys are guessing states. No, it's a city. The city. All right. So Jamie Glazov is going to join me tonight, Barack Obama's true legacy. Jamie Glazov. Foreword by a general, Michael Flynn. And Dan Eastman is going to join me talk about Sodom by the lake. And then we're going to be joined by Todd Bensman. The Supreme Court ruled 8 to 1, I guess, to expand executive powers. And the DHS secretary has come out and declared that he's basically going to continue turning the country into a sanctuary country. We'll get an update from Todd Bensman. Joining us first is Joe Hoft. Joe, welcome to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us.

Joe Hoft: Happy to be here. Thanks for having me.

Brannon Howse: Little more laid back than normal. It's a Friday night and we're being a little more laid back tonight. Yeah, everybody's tired.

Joe Hoft: Gotta tell you, I was looking up. Where is this? Sodom. By the lake. I don't know. I saw some stuff. I don't know. Guess? Yeah. You mean you may not. You may not.

Brannon Howse: Want to search that online?

Joe Hoft: No, no. And I'm sitting here thinking. And you're talking bicycles, not motorcycles. Right?

Brannon Howse: No bicycles.

Joe Hoft: I'm like, I got to tell you, I don't think I want to ride a bike naked. I don't want I.

Brannon Howse: Don't want to ride a bike with my clothes on, much less that way. That's why I said those poor bike seats. Yeah, no, I'm not riding.

Joe Hoft: But those ten speed seats that are just really thin and stuff. No, that's.

Brannon Howse: What I'm telling you. I'm not riding a bike no matter what.

Joe Hoft: Sorry, I'm not doing that. No.

Brannon Howse: Well, hey, you know, it is what it is. It is what it is. Yeah, but you'll have to. You'll have to stay tuned so that you can find out what city America is known as. Sodom by the lake where they're riding 150 naked bicyclists. This is. Yeah. All right, let's go to Joe cough.com Joe me type that in there correctly Joe hop There we go Joe hoff.com. There it is breaking exclusive massive corruption in NYPD incoming police commissioner reportedly so corrupt that he reportedly will not take the job. Whoa what is this is a breaking news tonight. Tell us about this, please.

Joe Hoft: Yeah. So there's I had an individual on my show yesterday on my radio show. I am a radio live during the week, Monday through Friday in the afternoon. This guy's name is Sal Greco. I've had him on before. He befriended Roger Stone and just happened to, you know, solve what Roger was going through then and was helping him. And just really a big support for Roger became his friend. And Sal was a former New York City policeman. And what happened to Sal was that he went to I believe he was at January 6th. And Roger Stone, as you recall, he said 100,000 times, I never went, you know, there to start any sort of riot. I had nothing to do with it. And he even you know, he didn't go down the to the Capitol on January 6th. He spoke on January 5th and then went home. And I think I believe Sal was with him along with some others. And it sounds like they were trying to tie Roger to this whole thing and think he's being sued by various people in DC. But Sal, it was found out by the New York Police Department that he was a friend of Roger Stone's. So they pulled out and they and they tried to take his job away from him. And they based it on the fact that he befriended a criminal, a felon, is how they stated it. And Greco's like, well, wait a minute here. And Greco's got this great you have to have him on your show, can share his contact info with you later if you'd like. He is a great guy.

Brannon Howse: Yeah, I would like to have him on.

Joe Hoft: Yeah, you'd like this story. But he basically they took him to the ringer and he ended up losing his job. He had to go in front of the police department and they said the reason was, is because he was with a convicted felon. And that was what they claimed. And, you know, like Sal saying, well, the guy's been the guy. The felon was Roger Stone, who'd been pardoned. So what's that? And then he started noticing that, like some of these other individuals been with Carly B and some others who were felons. And so when he went to tell me yesterday that the current chief of police in New York City is a woman and she is resigning. And Sal went into a pretty in depth discussion about who's running the New York City Police Department. And he says it wasn't this police commissioner. She had to deal with these three or 4 or 5 guys, including the mayor, that were really making all the calls. And he believes that this is why she's resigning. She didn't you know, this wasn't what she signed up for, these 4 or 5 guys. And Sal went through them. They've been indicted for this. They've lost their job. One was a former commissioner that maybe had to step down. There's just a bunch of corrupt actors. And these people are who the current mayor surrounded himself with and who's basically running the New York Police Department.

Joe Hoft: Well, it just so happens that the mayor took a picture with this one guy who recently has been announced as the incoming police commissioner's name's Edward Caban. And apparently, he's got a brother who's a felon or criminal. And so Sal's like, well, wait a minute here. And he just had his picture taken with the mayor and his brother. And so Sal's like, Well, wait a minute. I can't get my picture taken with Roger Stone. You're saying because he was a felon, even though he's been pardoned. But you're taking pictures with the mayor and your brother, who's a felon. So what's the real what's going on here? So he's he's threatening to sue this Edward guy. And apparently, even though he's been pretty much hand handpicked already, what Sal found out was over he told he shared this with me yesterday on Thursday that no this he's gotten insider information that Carbon has reportedly decided that he's not going to run and that if he if he's offered the job that he will resign, he will not take the job. So that was kind of some breaking news. But when you listen to Sal's tell the whole story about all these corrupt actors that are surrounding that current mayor, it's really it's concerning. It's it's it's almost as bad as our FBI and DOJ.

Brannon Howse: That's sad. Let's show the screenshot from Joe Shop.com breaking exclusive. Massive corruption in the NYPD. The incoming police commissioner is reportedly so corrupt he reportedly will not take the job. Former NYPD officer Sal Greco drops a bomb on the Joe Huff Show on Thursday. Reports that incoming Police Commissioner Edward Carmine says he will not take a job, take the job and resign if given the position. So again, exclusive over at Joe Hoft. Dot com. I want to get your response on a few other things tonight, Joe. Here we are at Worldview Report.com. J6 defendant Kenneth Thompson is found innocent of 20-year obstruction felony in latest blow. Uh. Latest blow to the overreaching probe. Ohio resident Kenneth Joseph Owen Thomas was found not guilty of a 20 year felony by a Washington, D.C. jury. This guy is a former Navy combat veteran and father of four from Ohio. How on earth did this happen in Washington, D.C.? That's shocking. I'm glad it did.

Joe Hoft: Yeah. No, it is. He's really lucky, you know? He's real lucky. There must have been. It's a hung jury, so there must have been one good person that somehow got on that jury and saved his life. And probably said, well, this is. This is garbage. I'm not backing down. This guy's innocent. So, you know, thank God. And lucky for him because the rest of the court and the DOJ, they are going after these January 6th guys like they're, you know, communist, uh, you know, Fidel Castro rebels. You know, it's unbelievable what's happening to our country. This is the change Obama wanted. He wanted to destroy America the way it was. He wanted massive change. And this is exactly what he wanted. This is exactly.

Brannon Howse: That's exactly right. And that's what Jimmy Glazov will be discussing later tonight in Obama's true legacy. I don't know if you've flipped through it or read it or had a chance to interview him. I have not. But he goes into open borders, letting Islamists into the country. He goes into what he's done with our economy. You know, so many of the things that Barack Obama wanted. And of course, this is really just the third term of Barack Hussein Obama. Biden is. Sure.

Joe Hoft: Yeah. And quite frankly, where is Obama? You know what I mean? Where's Obama been this last few years? Well, of course, he's sitting a couple of blocks from the White House at his home and running the show. And we've heard about you know, I remember hearing early on that, you know, the top people under Biden are all connected to Obama. And Susan Rice was there for a long time. They're saying she was running the show, basically taking orders from Barack, who's basically taking orders from Soros and China. And this is what we got this anti-American, destructive, uh, just sick and evil group of people that are now, you know, that have stolen the election to take over this country. It's it's frightening. What's going on right now? And you couldn't have guessed it.

Brannon Howse: Yeah. Oh, exactly. Let me go back to Joe Half.com. We talked about this this week, but I want you to comment on this one article before we let you go. Um, Ron DeSantis will host a fundraiser at Dominion Lawyer's Office in DC. That's happening that's happening tonight. That's already happened, right? Being it's, you know, 849 East Coast time right now. I mean, can you believe the tone-deafness of this guy running this campaign or whoever's running his campaign? And again, there are reports that this some of these people are tied back to the CCP, tied back to companies related to puberty blockers. I mean, you've probably seen all these reports. What on earth is Ron? Is he that dumb? Is he that dumb?

Joe Hoft: I don't think so. You know what I think, Brandon, is that, by the way, somebody corrected me after last week's show. He said his name is Brandon, not Brandon Joe. So, you know.

Brannon Howse: You know, I never you know, I never corrected you on that on the phone or the air. You know why? Because I don't care, that's why.

Joe Hoft: Well, guess I've been hearing, you know, I've been called.

Brannon Howse: A lot worse. So if you want to put a D in there, I'll take it, because I've been called a lot worse than Brandon.

Joe Hoft: Can call me. Call me Joe. I don't care either, you know, whatever. Yeah. So my apologies, but no problem. I just think. I think it's because they just feel like they're going to, you know, and, and same with I think they feel that they're just going to win and they feel that way because the system is rigged and the system is rigged because they our elections are no longer free and fair. And it does seem to be that DeSantis is the chosen one of not just the Trump haters, the anti-Trump on the Republican side, but maybe the unit party and think this would be their narrative, too. They'd love to say, well, see, DeSantis can win. So it must be that it was just Trump that was people just can't say.

Brannon Howse: Such a good point. And they've already kind of done that in Florida because Mike Lindell is saying that when they got the cast vote records, they didn't see any shenanigans going on down there. Right. Ron DeSantis race in Florida. So they're already laying that narrative. You see if you play by the rules and you act civil, you act civil and you tweet nicely, you can win these elections. But if you're if you're Donald Trump and you say mean things, then you're going to lose. You know, it's kind of that right, left, right, left, Hegelian dialectic. You know, we're going to put in a George W, then we're going to put in, you know, we're going to have Bill Clinton and then we're going to have, you know, it just rolls back and forth, back and forth.

Joe Hoft: And Trump comes in and blows them away. Exactly. And Hillary's crying all night long getting drunk and can't even come out to talk. And that's what happens. And, you know, and they hate him. And she hates Biden, too, because they cheated more for her for him than they did for her. But I mean, look at Georgia. We've got Raffensberger in there.

Brannon Howse: This is the Secretary of State. There's an article.com right there. Check that one out. That's right.

Joe Hoft: And I mean that guy one, he's a Republican, supposedly in name only. He's not even that. Don't know what he is. He's an anti-American is what he is. The systems in Georgia are broke and this guy somehow won the primary by just over 50% all night. He was just over 50%. The results were impossible. You talk to people like Garland Favorito, and he says, I don't know anybody that voted for this guy. So it's pretty clear that they just feel like they as long as they got these machines, they can just do whatever they want. And I think that's what DeSantis is sitting in the driver's seat. And I think Trump must know something because he's been going after DeSantis for some time. Desantis His numbers are terrible. And like you said, he's tone-deaf as can be. But I mean, who's worse than Joe Biden? Nobody. I mean, we've never seen anybody as lost as Joe Biden. So, yeah, maybe he's the chosen one for the next election. And poor Romney lost to Obama. And he was I remember seeing videos recently of him on election night. He didn't look bummed. He looked like, uh, you know, well, that's the way it goes, you know. And so maybe it has been fixed for a long period, you know? I don't know. Yeah. That piece is there on Raffensberger. I can just mention that he came out this week, Tuesday with a report that says that, yeah, everything on Fulton County on election night was fine. Any accusations of any wrongdoing by any of these election workers or. You know, they're just false. You know, we've had the FBI and the secretary of state's office and some state investigators look at it and they all agreed there's nothing wrong. And then the thing is, he doesn't mention Carter Jones's, uh, uh, .22 reports that they gave to Raffensperger.

Joe Hoft: One of them, um, Carter Jones wrote on election night. He says, Hey, I just saw Ralph shove through a batch of ballots that she just ran through her tabulator. What? It's turning into mayhem down here. And this was about midnight in Fulton County. So guess Raffensberger forgot that this Carter Jones was there, that he picked Carter Jones to go there. Carter Jones was supposed to monitor the situation in Fulton County. And then on election night, Carter Jones wrote this guy by the name of Germany, I believe it's Ryan, Germany, who was Raffensperger's attorney at the secretary of state's office, wrote him and said, hey, Ralph just shoved ballots through twice, you know, And and guess Raffensperger just forgot about that because it's not even mentioned in the report, nor is Carter Jones's name mentioned once. So that was when I looked at that report. I go, well, what about Carter Jones? What about this stuff? It's pretty damning. And the other thing, too, about that Carter Jones piece is that we didn't find out about that till six months after. To the election. They said on the phone both him and Germany, Raffensperger and Germany with President Trump, the president of the United States. And they never once mentioned that. Well, you know, by the way, we did hear information on election night that they were shoving ballots through twice at least. And that was per the written document. Plus, we have videotape of people doing it three times. So anyways, uh, you know, but guess he just ignored all that in this in this latest report that the real question is why is he coming out with that now?

Brannon Howse: More evidence There's a Una party, right?

Joe Hoft: Amen. Wow. Absolutely.

Brannon Howse: Joe.com. Okay. We have a winner here. We have a winner. It's not in the feedback under the player. It is from Vicky. Vicky is in Redfield, Kansas and she correctly guessed that the Sodom by the lake is Madison, Wisconsin. Madison is known as Sodom by the Lake. And a lot of people don't realize that there's a lake there next to the capital and Madison, Wisconsin. But she did not offer that under the player. Somehow Vicky has my phone number and so does she. Huh. Someone three minutes ago. Well, Vicky did it. Vicky did it earlier. Vicky. Vicky came in at 737. That's way more than three minutes ago. Wow. So Vicky won. But I'll tell you what, whoever that person is, Logan, if you can somehow get their address without them having to put it on the player for everybody and their grandmother to see, we'll send them one as well. I'll tell you what, if you're that person, email me Brandon at Worldview weekend.com And I'll be honest, huh, Logan? Huh? Charles. Cha. Okay. Cha cha. Email me Brandon at Worldview weekend.com. Tell me your cha. Give me your address and you guessed I'll give you. I'll give you each grave because one of you I did say under the player. So technically you follow the rules. Vicky had a little advantage. She had my direct phone number and text me. And so I'm going to be fair to both of you because Vicky got it. But. But Carl got it under the player. I'll send you both a copy of Grave Influence and Mark C.A.T. as a gift. By the way, you're going to want to see this. I'll let you go. Have you eaten dinner yet tonight, Joe?

Joe Hoft: I have. Oh, probably.

Brannon Howse: Better not show you this. I don't want you to get sick. All right, here we go. Show my show. The computer from the Federalist. Today, a local Wisconsin supervisor calls for a police investigation after a child participates in Madison's adult naked bike ride. Mm. Isn't that disturbing?

Joe Hoft: Yeah, I don't know. I still don't know.

Brannon Howse: What's that?

Joe Hoft: I still don't know how you ride a bike.

Brannon Howse: I'm sorry. After a knee, after an about 150 adult bicycle bicyclist, ost of them who were poorly, totally naked except for shoes and helmets, paraded around downtown Madson last weekend. Well, I'm not shocked because, again, that is known as the Sodom by the Lake. That's I've known that for that that that for probably close to 30 years. I've known that That's what that's called. All right, Joe, I knew you. I knew you would want to see that. Before we let you go tonight and know the trivia, the answer to tonight's trivia question.

Joe Hoft: Very good.

Brannon Howse: Have a great weekend.

Joe Hoft: You, too. You take care. Have a good time tonight.

Brannon Howse: Thank you, Joe. Check out his website. Joehoft.com. Joehoft.com.

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