The O'Keefe Media Group Exposes BlackRock

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  • James O’Keefe releases an undercover video in which a BlackRock official spills the beans on who really runs the world. Hint: It’s not anyone who’s elected.
  • The leaders of a major Islamic nation boast that more than 5 million of its citizens now have a national digital ID containing personal and biometric information.
  • An unprecedented shortage in key medicines is taking shape in America.
  • Nigeria’s Christians come under vicious attacks from Islamic herdsmen.
  • And the FDA approves licenses for two companies to start producing lab-grown chicken meat.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

James O’Keefe and his team at O’Keefe Media Group, OMG for short, have struck again, and this time they’ve posted an undercover video of a recruiter for investment giant BlackRock who makes a number of eye-popping comments.

The BlackRock recruiter says on camera that U.S. senators can be “bought for $10,000,” and that the Ukraine war is “good for business.”

In roughly 7 minutes of undercover footage shot in New York City, the recruiter, Serge Varlay, boasts to an unseen woman that he’s a gatekeeper for the world’s largest asset-management company and can literally “decide people’s fate.” He also says the firm likes to try to stay out of the headlines, stating:

“They don’t want to be in the news. They don’t want people to talk about them. They don’t want to be anywhere on the radar.”

Asked why that’s the case, he answers: “I don’t know, but I suspect it’s probably because it’s easier to do things when people aren’t thinking about it.”

He told O’Keefe’s undercover journalist that it’s not presidents or prime ministers who run the world. It’s firms like BlackRock, mega-corporations and mega banks.

Take a look.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 2:23)

Well, none of the information he divulged would come as a shock to the regular viewers of this broadcast. But until more Americans figure it out, we’ll be stuck in the same left-right paradigm that is used to distract, divide and dominate while undermining our Constitution and our republic.


In other news, Islamic countries have repeatedly demonstrated that they are 100 percent on board with the global technocracy movement envisioned by the so-called Great Reset being pushed down our throats by the United Nations, World Economic Forum and their globalist puppet politicians.

The United Arab of Emirates recently boasted that over 5 million of its citizens have now signed up for a national digital ID – a unique biometric passport that allows people to access roughly 15,000 different public services. It also tracks everything they do, everywhere they go, everything they buy.

Majed Sultan Al-Mismar, director general of the nation’s Communications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority, said at the UAE Digital Readiness Retreat that 5 million digital IDs have been registered, with roughly 15,000 public services have since been digitized on the government portal

Biometric Update reports that Al-Mismar highlighted the significance of government integration in achieving a system he feels is superior and innovative. Now, the data should be combined from other available sources under a unified strategy for service innovation and improvement, he said.

Al-Mismar says 99 percent of the population uses the internet, with over 10 million people having active social media accounts.

He also highlighted the success of the UAE Pass digital identity in supporting a growing “digital ecosystem.” The digital ID provides verification, digital signatures and biometric identification.

The country’s Minister of Education said in a statement that the Ministry of Education launched the service of automatic certification of university certificates issued within the country, tied to the digital ID.

Health and financial records are also stored on the digital ID app in what will eventually be an all-in-one digital identity, without which no person will be able to function in society, at least not in any sort of normal way that they do now.

The UAE’s education minister said all of an individual’s “certified” data will be made available via the national blockchain platform UAE PASS, in cooperation with the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority.

But the most terrifying development will be when your bank account is also connected to your digital identity.

Here is IMF managing director Kristalina Georgieva talking about the IMF’s efforts to create a global CBDC platform.



Jihad Watch reports that more than 1,100 defenseless Christians were hacked to death by Nigerian government-backed Islamic jihadists in a 60-day period between the 12th of April and 12th of June 2023, Jihad Watch reports.

That translates into an average of 17 Christian deaths per day in Nigeria.

At least 100 churches have been razed, burned to the ground or otherwise destroyed by Islamic jihadists over the same 60-day period.

The period under review also represents one of the bloodiest in anti-Christian attacks the country has seen, and yet the news of this genocide never seems to make it into mainstream press coverage.

The breakdown of the 1,100 Christian deaths in 60 days shows that Plateau State is the worst hit with 350 Christian deaths, followed by Benue with 200 deaths, Kaduna 100 deaths, Nassarawa 62 deaths, Niger 50 deaths and ethnically and religiously related killings by the police and military personnel in the East at 50 deaths.

Available statistics showed that Nigerian government protected jihadists and its jihad-enabler security forces have sacked 1,000 Christian communities since 2016 and aided and abetted their takeover and occupation by the jihadists.


The Pentagon says it has found a massive $6.2 billion accounting error, which happened just four weeks after a $3 billion accounting error, allowing the federal government to balloon the value of weapons supplied to Ukraine, according to AP.

Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said a detailed review of the accounting error found that replacement costs were recorded for the equipment, not the actual book value of items pulled from Pentagon stocks and sent to Ukraine. She added that final calculations reveal a $3.6 billion error in the current fiscal year, and $2.6 billion in the 2022 fiscal year, which ended last September 30.


This all bears the stench of corruption, likely on both sides of the Washington-to-Kiev money trail.

But don’t worry, this has no bearing on anything, there’s nothing of significance to see here whatsoever, as the press corps dutifully puts together their government-approved one-day stories, never to be revisited again.


The Sun reports that Russian President Vladimir Putin vowed to deploy his hypersonic "Sarmat-2" nuclear-capable hypersonic missiles in a chilling new threat to the West.

The Russian leader said the new generations of the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles – thought to be the world's most powerful – would soon be deployed for combat duty.

In a speech to newly graduated soldiers, Putin warned: "In the near future, the first launchers of the Sarmat complex with a new heavy missile will go on combat duty."

He also stressed the importance of Russia's "triad" of nuclear forces that can be launched from land, sea or air.

He stated:

"The most important task here is the development of the nuclear triad, which is a key guarantee of Russia's military security and global stability.”

Russia’s Defense Minister also warned the military graduates that the "collective West" was waging a "real war" against Russia.

The new 208-ton hypersonic rocket measures 116 feet in length and can be loaded with 15 light nuclear warheads at once.

The weapon was designed to carry out nuclear strikes in countries thousands of miles away in the U.S. and Europe.

It has the potential to obliterate the United Kingdom some 1,600 miles away in just six minutes.

And with an operational range of up to 11,180 miles, the deadly missile is reported to have no equivalent in the West in terms of the mass casualties it could unleash. 


Russia is exploiting loopholes in export controls to buy key technological components from Western corporations that it is using to fight the war in Ukraine, with much of the material passing through China, according to an article in Newsweek. More than 60 percent of the imported critical components in Russian weapons are coming from U.S. companies, according to the report.

The scope of the technology still reaching Russia is significantly larger than acknowledged by Western officials, who frequently tout the export controls and sanctions system they have imposed against Moscow.

Russia imported $20.3 billion in components associated with military equipment between March and December of last year, according to an analysis by KSE Institute, a think tank at the Kiev School of Economics, to which Newsweek was given exclusive access. The figure is higher than previously reported and represents just a 15 percent drop from the year prior to Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.


The New American reports that a record-breaking national shortage of drugs used to treat infections, cancer, and a number of other conditions is plaguing our nation’s healthcare system.

A Johns Hopkins University panel convened this month to discuss the growing problem. Dr. Amanda Fader, a professor of gynecology and obstetrics at Johns Hopkins Medicine, called it a public health crisis and one of the worst chemotherapy drug shortages in U.S. history:

Dr. Fader stated:

“What we have now is, unfortunately, over the last three months we’ve seen an unfolding in the number of drugs that are in shortage, and we now can say that we have a shortage of 15 indispensable chemotherapy drugs that are used to treat a wide variety of cancers… The drugs that are in most severe shortage right now — they’re called the platinum drugs, or cisplatin and carboplatin, are the chemotherapy backbone in treatment of most of these cancers, and they’re often curative treatments.”

Penicillin and amoxicillin are also running short. These are the go-to drugs for dozens of bacterial infections such as strep throat. Becker’s Hospital Review reported last week that supplies of the two drugs have been in a nosedive since early this year, and at least one major drug company, Pfizer, is expected to run out of penicillin solutions by the third quarter of 2023.

One of the other experts on the Johns Hopkins panel attributed these shortages to supply-chain and quality-control problems. He cited the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s inability to properly examine overseas manufacturing facilities, noting that last year, the agency inspected only 6 percent of foreign plants.

But the New American notes that Mariana Socal, a Johns Hopkins associate scientist, hit closer to the real cause of the scarcity when she described the shortage of suppliers worldwide. Speaking of generic drugs — which are the most common on the market — here’s what she said:

“There are many drugs that — even though we can see in the United States when we monitor, we say, ‘Oh, there are like four or five companies manufacturing these drugs.’ There are actually many drugs that only have one facility in the entire globe that is producing that active ingredient for that drug for the United States.”


Joe Biden did it again.

While on a fundraising swing through California this week, he spoke to high-dollar donors at the Kentfield home of investment banker Mark Robinson attended by Governor Gavin Newsom, where he mocked supporters of the Second Amendment during his talk about his push to ban AR-15 rifles.

“So what’s the deal with the idea that it’s an absolute — you know, I love these guys who say the Second Amendment is — you know, the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots. Well, if you want to do that, you want to work against the government, you need an F-16. You need something else than just an AR-15.”

A year ago Biden declared the Second Amendment is “not absolute.”

Take a look.


Lies, lies, and more lies. Let’s be clear. This is a man who spent his career scheming and scamming the American public, and lining his own pockets every step of the way.


For the first time, U.S. regulators on June 21st approved the sale of chicken made from lab-grown animal cells, allowing two California companies to offer lab-grown meat to the nation’s restaurant tables and eventually, supermarket shelves.

The Agriculture Department gave the green light to Upside Foods and Good Meat, firms that had been racing to be the first in the U.S. to sell meat that doesn’t come from slaughtered animals — what’s now being referred to as “cell-cultivated” or “cultured” meat as it emerges from the laboratory and arrives on dinner plates.

WGN reports that the move launches a new era of meat production aimed at eliminating harm to animals and drastically reducing the environmental impacts of grazing, growing feed for animals and animal waste.

Josh Tetrick, co-founder and chief executive of Eat Just, which operates Good Meat, touts his product as more “sustainable,” but gave few details on exactly how the cells are “cultured” in the lab.

The companies received approvals for federal inspections required to sell meat and poultry in the U.S. The action came months after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration declared products from both companies to be safe to eat, even though there has been no long-term testing done on any of these products.

A manufacturing company called Joinn Biologics, which works with Good Meat, was also cleared to make the products.

Cultivated meat is grown in steel tanks, using cells that come from a living animal, a fertilized egg or a special bank of stored cells.

It’s those “special cells” that they don’t want you to know about. They include fast-replicating cancer cells.

But don’t look for this fake meat in U.S. grocery stores anytime soon. Cultivated chicken is much more expensive than meat from whole, farmed birds and cannot yet be produced on the scale of traditional meat, said Ricardo San Martin, director of the Alt:Meat Lab at University of California Berkeley.

The companies reportedly plan to serve the new food first in exclusive restaurants.


There’s a debate going on within the Republican Party as to how much responsibility for the blundered Covid response, which we’ll see in a moment was based completely on lies, rests on the shoulders of President Trump.

Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky appeared on Fox News recently to weigh in on the issue. He is of the opinion that President Trump should have fired, or at least sidelined Dr. Anthony Fauci before he was able to hijack and drive the nation’s entire Covid response, which basically amounted to forced lockdowns, mask mandates and waiting for an all-new experimental mRNA vaccine to be unleashed on the population.

Take a listen.


That debate will no doubt intensify the closer we get to 2024.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

The Washington Examiner reports that new documents indicate the entire justification for vaccine mandates was based on a lie — and that public health officials knew it.

Emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request show that CDC Director Rochelle Walensky and former NIH Director Francis Collins were aware of, and discussed, “breakthrough cases” of COVID in January 2021 — right when the vaccines became widely available.

In her email, Walensky says that “clearly,” it is an “important area of study,” links to a study raising the issue, and assures the person she is sending it to that Dr. Anthony Fauci is looped into these conversations.

But in public, Walensky was saying something very different.

The Examiner notes that two months after discussing this data, she said vaccinated people “don’t carry the virus” and “don’t get sick.” In a congressional hearing, after it became clear people were able to get infected with COVID even after receiving the vaccine, she defended her original statements by claiming it was true at the time she said it — namely, for the strands we were dealing with in early 2021.

We now know that was not true and that Walensky herself knew it was not true.

Jay Bhattacharya, a professor at the Stanford School of Medicine, called the revelation “stunning.” He pointed out that despite this knowledge, “they continued to push vax mandates anyway.”

The Biden administration tried to impose a vaccine mandate on the military, on corporate employers, thousands of people were fired from their jobs, and there was a time when unvaccinated people were not even allowed into restaurants in at least 10 major American cities.

And it was all based on a lie.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.


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