Pastor Artur Pawlowski Charged As A Terrorist For Preaching Truth

Brannon Howse: Good evening and welcome to the program. Glad you are with us. We're going to be joined tonight by Pastor Art Pawlowski, the pastor from Canada, that told the authorities to get out of his church, these neo-Nazis that were trying to shut him down from even having a Resurrection Sunday service. He continued through the COVID pandemic to feed people and bring them the gospel. And now he has been found guilty. Well, it sounds like under some kind of odd law that basically equates him to some kind of terrorist. We'll find out from him. He'll check in with us tonight. Then we're going to be joined by a group of legislators, a few of them from South Dakota and a couple of farmers and ranchers from South Dakota. There's a lot going on, folks, when it comes to not just South Dakota, but all over the nation and the desire to use eminent domain to steal the farmland of farmers, part of the World Economic Forum agenda, I believe. And then, of course, many of these farmers are saying, no, we don't want to give up our land or portions of our land or an easement of our land and have installed a. Co2 capturing pipeline. We don't want that. It's dangerous. We could hit it with equipment. We don't want that on our property. We'll talk to them. I had them on my radio show. Two weeks ago, but now it's time to bring them prime time.


Brannon Howse: Very important program because this is going on all over the country. You need to know about it. Then we're going to get a report on the border from Todd Bensman. I just hung up with Todd and he is on the border. Isn't it interesting how the media is all interested in this story, one that we've been covering aggressively? I mean, we've been covering it for years, but very aggressively for a year with Todd Bensman. Now, you can hardly turn on the TV when someone's not talking about it, but they're getting many things wrong, but at least they're reporting on it. We'll get a literal Live on the Border report from Todd Bensman. Then how many of you saw the coronation of King Charles? That was kind of weird. Yes, I know. Some say, well, hey, I heard the name of Jesus Christ invoked and I heard a lot of Christian words used and maybe even some very good Christian messages about the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ coming from, I think, one of the Anglican pastors. But that doesn't make it a Christian event. In fact, some could say that makes it worse because it's mixing the things of God with the things of the Bible mixing that which is holy, which with that which is profane. But how many people really picked up on what was going on in that service or ceremony? I referenced it today on my radio show, a great article I read written by Naomi Wolf.


Brannon Howse: I want to make reference to that, bring it to you, and then a few other things I've found since being on the air this afternoon. We'll try to cram all that into tonight's broadcast. Starting out first is Pastor Art Pawlowski. His video went viral of him letting the police know he would not be shutting down his church during COVID, and that he was going to have Resurrection Sunday services. He went on to preach at the trucker rally there on the border of Canada, I think Montana. We were on the phone. I was interviewing him on the phone at my 63 terrestrial stations while he was in transit there to go and speak to those truckers and to then also offer up the Lord's Supper. In fact, he even made reference in his speech that he just was on 63, 62 stations. He makes reference. That was the show he was referring to. And the whole thing is on video encouraging as a pastor and exhorting and encouraging those people to stand for liberty and freedom and then offering up the Lord's Supper. And for this, he has been charged. And under a weird piece of legislation, I read, we're going to have him tell us about it. Pastor Art Pawlowski, thank you for joining us tonight.


Artur Pawlowski: Thank you so much for having me back on your show. It's always a pleasure. You're absolutely right. I was referring to our conversation. I remember we spent an hour, maybe an hour and a half while we were driving to that event. And you got to remember, I have been asked by the truckers and the farmers to come and bring music. I brought my worshipper, Lord's Supper. We were praying with each other. And then I did a sermon to the people that needed encouragement, to the people that needed hope. And it was that sermon, 19 minutes sermon when I referred to the solidarity movement that I saw growing up in Poland in the 1980s, I told them, Stand your ground, stand for your God and state-given rights. Do it peacefully. I said three times during that speech, no guns, no swords. This is a peaceful non-compliance, uprising, and solidarity style. And yet it became so dangerous that I was charged as the first Canadian ever with interfering with the crucial infrastructure under the Defence Act, which is like eco-terrorism. I also was charged with inciting mischief and behold, I am the first Canadian in the history of this country to be convicted for inciting mischief. It has never been done before. I am the first Canadian to be charged with this crazy eco-terrorism and convicted in double jeopardy of the same crime. Plus they through a breach of probation. I'm facing ten and a half years of imprisonment for speaking to desperate people, telling them don't use any violence, to do it peacefully, and stand their ground, but to do it peacefully.


Brannon Howse: You're looking at ten and a half years. So when do you find out your fate? And are your attorneys appealing this? Is it a chance that this could be overturned?


Artur Pawlowski: Yeah. So the process is it goes this way. I had my trial a year later in February. There were no witnesses called. The only thing the Crown prosecutor was using was my sermon word by word. They were arguing back and forth about what I meant by what I said. He accused me of causing the Canadian economy over $400 million worth of damages by my speech. He said that I was inciting people to commit acts of violence, murder of RCMP police officers. He also compared my speech to the Rwanda genocide, believe it or not. So Judge convicted me on all the charges. We filed a constitutional argument. This will be heard in another court, King's bench court. It can be a half a year from now. It can be a year from now. After that, if we are not successful, then the judge will render his decision. If it comes to sentencing, what is going to happen to me when that happens? We are going to appeal that decision, the whole decision to the Court of Appeal so this fight can go on for me for another five years.


Brannon Howse: Oh, wow. So they're not going to throw you in jail while this is going on. You're going to be able to stay out while you appeal.


Artur Pawlowski: Well, I'm on house arrest as we speak right now, so I am detained from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. for 14 months. I'm already on house arrest.


Brannon Howse: 14 months. Well, now, why would they do that? Why would they? Why would they choose to do that for 14 months? And then on top of that, you could get ten years. I mean, this seems a little odd.


Artur Pawlowski: Well, why they were arresting Martin Luther King Jr. Over and over again? Why they arrested Mahatma Gandhi over and over again? Why they were arresting Valenza, Lech Valenza over and over. Everyone that stands up, everyone that becomes a symbol of resistance. And you got to remember, I was invited to be part of the truck convoy because I was called Canada's pastor freedom pastor. I led 20,000 people at times during our protest. So they are afraid. They are afraid of this. They are afraid of solidarity. We we created a political party here in the province of Alberta called Solidarity Movement of Alberta. It's a political movement. It's a political party, and it scares them to their deaths. So what they want. They want to keep me under the gun. They want to eliminate the leader. You know, Jesus said it when they will strike a shepherd, the sheep will be scattered. So I think that's what they're hoping to achieve. If they will, you know, pounce on me. They are hoping that they will scare others from rising up.


Brannon Howse: So this could be five years before your appeal is done. But is there any chance it could be sped up and a higher court throws this out and says, look, he has freedom of religion in Canada? Otherwise, what I'm hearing is there is no freedom of speech and freedom of religion in Canada. Say something the government disagrees with and you're going to jail.


Artur Pawlowski: And there is none. Here is the implication to others. So, for example, in the show, we are doing right now, if you say to me, Art, stand up for your rights, you can be charged with inciting as well. Pastor That gives a fiery sermon while he can be charged with inciting a politician from another party that challenges the corrupted politician that has the power. That politician can be charged with inciting. So the implications are unbelievable. We are truly living behind the Iron Curtain. We've lost democracy. And that's why this case is so crazy important what they're doing, why they're doing it because they're scared. They're implementing their ideology. They are depriving us of our rights left and right, Lawlessness from the highest levels, and double standards. One law for me, one law for the mean. This is the Canada of today. And I said that many times we have no longer democracy in Canada. We're living in China under the boots of the Chinese right now.


Brannon Howse: Indeed. You know, I know right now in Canada you cannot go on the airwaves on terrestrial radio like I'm on every day on 60 to 63 stations up in Canada. If I were in the air, I could not speak the truth about Islam. I could not say the truth about Islam. You couldn't say the truth about the LGBTQ lifestyle and movement up there in Canada. If you did as a pastor, you could be fined or imprisoned. True or false?


Artur Pawlowski: 100% true. My son was protesting the drag queen story and he was detained. And you can face one year of imprisonment only for protesting the grooming of the children. So this is serious stuff. They passed a law that if you cancel a person that comes to you, to a clergyman and says, hey, I am struggling with my sexuality, I'm feeling like a man, but I'm a woman or this. And if you cancel them, you face a year of imprisonment and a $10,000 penalty.


Brannon Howse: Yeah. Here in the US, they call that conversion therapy. And if you're involved in that conversion therapy and on that's in some city council meetings have passed these ordinances in their towns that even parents cannot cancel their minor children the way the legislation anyone that counsels any child or anyone's a parent and anyone under 18, anyone is a child. So a parent with some of these ordinances written, could be charged with a crime for counseling their own child against the LGBTQ lifestyle. So we're fast catching up with you. But what you're saying is if you verbally express your opposition publicly to the LGBTQ transgender movement, you can go to jail for one year in Canada.


Artur Pawlowski: You can actually a friend of mine, another pastor, Derek Reimer, just spent two months in prison for protesting. I mean, those people are not. No, not joking anymore. They are vicious. They are evil, and they are not stopping. If American people think that this is just behind the Iron Curtain in China, it's not. When we fall, you're next. And I can hear you. It's creeping in already. Those people are vile, they're perverted. They are grooming our children. Because you gotta remember, they cannot really produce. So they have to indoctrinate the next generation. I grew up behind the Iron Curtain, and that's exactly what we were subjected to. They couldn't they couldn't really copy-paste communism. They had to indoctrinate children. So they were doing this with us. And of course, eventually, the Solidarity movement tackled that craziness and Europe got free.


Brannon Howse: So as someone who was raised behind the Iron Curtain, I'm sure you give speeches on this. Can you give us a few talking points? You know, I know the former communist KGB officer who flipped and began to warn the world, Yuri Bezmenov warned about demoralized, destabilized, chaos, the new norm. I've been quoting him for years and years and years. He gave a great speech or a great interview with my friend G. Edward Griffin back in 1984. It's a video in an interview that's gone viral and been seen by tens and tens of millions. So he laid out and said, this is kind of the stages. What are your own personal reflections, having been raised behind the Iron Curtain in Poland, what are the stages you see repeating themselves today?


Artur Pawlowski: Controlled media, controlled educational system, controlled banking system. Um, you're not allowed to criticize your government. I remember when I was a kid, as long as I remember, we were always told to say, Dedushka Stalin, which in Russian means Grandpa Stalin. We were always told that Stalin was the savior of mankind. He was the greatest hero ever. Later on, of course, we learned that this was a bloody murder that murdered over 80 or 60 million human beings. So this is happening right now in front of my eyes. That's why I am so vocal. I am doing my best to awaken Canadians that are completely oblivious to what's really going on. This totalitarian regime is not going to stop. It must be stopped. They're like cancer that spreads on the entire body. You got to take the scalpel. You got to cut that out. If you don't do it, I'm telling you, eventually will destroy you and kill you. Also, what I see happening in the United States and in Canada is the elimination of the middle class, totalitarian regimes, communist socialism, and fascism. The only world wants extreme, extremely powerful, and extremely poor. The slaves.


Artur Pawlowski: You are the slaves. They are the elites. No middle class, no middle ground, no middle class. And that's exactly what is happening. That's why small businesses were attacked during the COVID lie. You could go to IKEA, you could go to Costco with hundreds of people. That was perfectly okay. That was science. But you couldn't go to a store across the street by yourself because then the virus would wipe out the entire neighborhood. We knew immigrants like me. We knew that this whole thing was a hoax. It was a lie. I'm not denying that there was a virus. I'm just saying what they were saying, what they were doing was a lie. A was an elimination of opposition, subduing and enslaving people. So they're not done yet, as you know. They are. They're telling us publicly, your own nothing. You will be eating bags and you will be extremely happy while at the same time they went to Davos with their private jets. They were eating Japanese steaks and they were driving their SUVs. So if people cannot see that, I mean, I don't know what to do.


Brannon Howse: Yeah, exactly. I want to get your response on this. This is over at the National Post. National Post is reporting from May 2nd. Just a few days ago, the federal government talked about Canada stripping religious symbols from the crown adorning the royal coat of arms, Saint Edward's Cross which has been part of the coat of arms since 1957 will be replaced by what critics are calling the Trudeau Crown. It says. The Trudeau government is set to use the coronation of King Charles the Third on Saturday as an opportunity to reveal a new design for the Canadian crown that sits on the royal coat of arms. Sources say the Saint Edward's Cross has been part of the coat of arms since 1957, and on a myriad of police and military badges across the country will be replaced by what critics are calling the Trudeau Crown, a new design created by the Canadian heraldic authority, the body responsible for granting coats of arms in the country. People who have seen the design say it replaces all Christian and religious symbols, crosses and fertilizes with maple leaf snowflakes and stars, leading to claims that the Liberal government has politicized the symbol of the crown and the royal coat of arms. Quote, It means the proposed Canadian crown is totally unconnected to the king or the coronation. It means the unity of the symbol of the royal crown that represents the sovereignty throughout the realms will be broken. Further distancing the king and the monarch as an institution, end quote, said Christopher McCreery, an author, and historian with expertise on Canada's relationship with the Crown. What are your thoughts? What are people saying about this tonight in Canada?


Artur Pawlowski: Well, people are shocked. They can't believe it. I was warning them that what we are observing right now is wrestling, if you will, between the Titans. So the wannabe tyrants, the modern-day pharaohs, as I call them, they hate competition. They hate anyone that says anything about accountability, checks, and balances. Those are tyrants. And the idea of God idea that there is someone that watches you. The idea that there is someone that you are accountable to, it's a must-go. It's unacceptable to them. So this is a war between good versus evil. This is a war against Christianity. This is an open war against God. Canada has fallen and is still digging unless Canadians rise up. I don't see this country recovering. You got to remember, don't trust me, trust my accent. I grew up in a nation where everyone was bribing everyone. Everyone was terrified of everyone. It was chaos. It was bankrupt. The country's economy was completely destroyed. You spent most of your time in a lineup just fighting to survive, just to get the necessities of life. And that's exactly what we are heading to right now. There are these shortages. There is already the signing on the wall. And if Americans and Canadians will not stand up, rise up now, while there is still that window of opportunity, I'm telling you, there will be nothing left. And it's I always said to people, if you don't want to do it for yourself, that's fine, but please do it for your children and your grandchildren. Because I grew up in hell and I don't want my children to grow up in hell. I don't want your children to be subjected to this level of tyranny like communism, socialism, and fascism. And that's exactly what we have in front of our very eyes. Justin Trudeau said it publicly that he adores he loves the Chinese dictatorship and that he is just simply implementing it. He said he loves it and he's doing what he loves.


Brannon Howse: Do you believe that Trudeau is the love child of Castro? Fidel Castro?


Artur Pawlowski: I mean, I have not taken DNA. He looks like his father, Castro, but we don't really know. But it doesn't matter because we know that his wife had sex with Fidel Castro multiple times. You mean.


Brannon Howse: His mother? His mother? Do you mean his mother?


Artur Pawlowski: His mother? That's right. Yeah. Margaret. The mother of Justin Trudeau. So the wife of Pierre Trudeau. They had an affair. This is a very well-known story. It's not. It is not a conspiracy. So it's very interesting because when Justin Trudeau was born and he was a little baby Castro, Fidel Castro took him and he lifted him up and he showed him to his people. I mean, only a father does stuff like this. A proud father showing his baby, his son to the whole world. So, I mean, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. He is a tyrant. When Fidel Castro died, Justin Trudeau went on television and said that one of the greatest statesmen died. So we know he was in love with his adopted father or real father. It doesn't matter. But he's implementing the same tyranny on Canadians as we speak right now.


Brannon Howse: Is this the picture you're referring to? Show that, guys.


Artur Pawlowski: And there is another one. There is also another one when he is holding his son, kind of like showing it to the whole world.


Brannon Howse: Wow. Uh, you're all over the news when you put your name in. Here's one. Pastor is a Fox News pastor facing ten years in prison for preaching at Canada Trucker Blockade Protesting vaccine mandates. The legislation. You're the first one charged. Is this basically declaring that you're a terrorist? Did I hear that right?


Artur Pawlowski: That's right. Not only I am the first one to be charged with this, but I am the first one also to be convicted. And during my trial in February, there were no witnesses. The crown didn't call any witnesses. The only thing that was before the judge, it was 19 minutes script of my speech and they went ward by ward. What this guy said, what he meant by what he said. It was a total Gong Show. It was insanity. He compared my speech to the Rwanda genocide. He said that what I did was inciting the murder of the police officers. He said that the solidarity movement was a violent movement. This guy was crazy. He's still crazy. His name is Steven Johnson. Steven Johnson is a totally pathological liar. A crown prosecutor from a special unit in the province of Alberta. So everything that was done to me and is still being done to me is political. Everything the judges, the prosecution, the charges, everything is political. I'll prove it to you with a statement from the Deputy Premier, Kaycee Madu. He said all the mandates and restrictions had nothing to do with keeping people healthy and safe. It was all about control. It was all about politics. And that's exactly what is happening to me.


Brannon Howse: Wow. I want to get your take on this real quick because I want to try to be as accurate as possible. Obviously, here's the garden guardian Fidel Castro. Justin Trudeau ridiculed over praise of remarkable leaders. So even The Guardian knows he said this. They also have this picture down here. They say that it's Margaret Trudeau smiles as Cuban President Fidel Castro holds her youngest son, Michael after Trudeau arrived in Havana in 1976. Who is Michael?


Artur Pawlowski: That's his brother. So she has two sons. I mean, he has a brother, too, my knowledge, one brother. And they are both working for the Communist. Michael worked for the Chinese propaganda machinery. He produced movies for them.


Brannon Howse: Oh, really?


Artur Pawlowski: Yes, He wrote books for the Chinese government.


Brannon Howse: What is your website and how people can help you?


Artur Pawlowski: If people want to help, we're still feeding thousands of people. We have never shut down our soup kitchen. We are constantly getting tickets. We are under attack, but we're standing strong. God has blessed me with warriors, with amazing people that are just simply refuse to quit. And we will keep plowing. We'll keep fighting. We'll keep speaking. And I know that in the end, just like during the solidarity movement, we were fighting against the Soviets, with the cross, and with our faith. And today we must fight those tyrants with the cross and with our faith. On my t-shirts and, you know, hoodies, we have a write-up that says Solidarity movement, but also in a bag. It says, With God, we win.


Brannon Howse: Yeah, absolutely. All right. I'm going to try to see if we can track it down because some websites are saying that's Justin. Others are saying that's Michael. So I've got to try to figure out which kid Castro is holding there. Any thoughts? Because I'm trying to be accurate here. Yeah.


Artur Pawlowski: I don't know. Telling you the truth to me does not matter. What matters is that this guy is following in the steps of those totalitarian regimes that were living before him, either Adolf Hitler or Fidel Castro or Joseph Stalin or Mao Zedong. The guy is just repeating his story in front of our very eyes. Who is his father to me absolutely matters and not he's just doing what those tyrants have been doing before him.


Brannon Howse: Absolutely. Pastor, we're going to stay on your story, follow it, and obviously, we're going to be praying for you. And, you know, you seem to have a lot of peace and we want you to have peace. So you seem to have a lot of peace. You don't. I don't I hate to think that you're under constant threat and having your life upended by this. But you seem very confident in great, great peace over this.


Artur Pawlowski: You know, at the end of the day, I have read the Bible many times and I know how this story ends. We win, and they lose. And so we have to go through the valley. I mean, in the fire, God deals with our enemies. In the fire. He shows up to set us free in the fire. We have a testimony and in the fire is our promotion. So guess I'm waiting for my promotion.


Brannon Howse: Amen to that. Your encouragement to millions and millions around the world. Thank you, Pastor Art, and thank you for being with us tonight. I know you have a lot of demands on your time, so thank you for making time for our broadcast.


Artur Pawlowski: Thank you so much. God bless you. And remember, go out there and keep roaring.


Brannon Howse: Amen. Pastor Art Pulaski. Check out his site, folks, and pray for him. Pray for his family. Pray for his family, will you?


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