People Want To See Biden And Kennedy Debate

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  • Barack Obama is on the record pushing a type of digital ID that would allow a small group of people, possibly a government agency, to decide who is providing legitimate information on the internet and who isn’t.
  • A U.S. Democrat from the Virgin Islands makes an extraordinary comment about Donald Trump.
  • Senator Rand Paul issues a stinging rebuke of Bill Gates’ involvement in biomedical research.
  • A professor at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine was recently suspended — and remains under the threat of termination — because he gave an honest medical opinion to a news outlet about why it’s unfair for mentally confused men to compete in women’s sports.
  • And the premier of Alberta, Canada, becomes the first politician of a major government to apologize for the Covid vax mandates.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Breitbart News reports that Barack Obama, who was instrumental in fueling the media’s “misinformation” narrative before he left the White House, is now promoting a controversial new buzzword — “digital fingerprints.”

The former president wants the origin of digital information such as photos and videos to be clearly traced, to fight the spread of “misinformation” and deepfakes.

“That technology’s here now,” said Obama in a discussion with his former advisor David Axelrod on the latter’s CNN podcast, adding, “So, most immediately we’re going to have all the problems we had with misinformation before, [but] this next election cycle will be worse.”

Obama further added that there is a “need” for the general public “to be more discriminating consumers of news and information, the need for us to over time develop technologies to create watermarks or digital fingerprints so we know what is true and what is not true.”

Obama knows what he is doing. He wants to set up a group of people who get to define what’s true and what’s not. This is about as anti-American, anti-First Amendment as it gets.

The idea of fighting “misinformation” by tracing the origin of digital information is not new. It’s not an original idea of Obama.

Breitbart reports that a coalition of tech and media companies led by Microsoft is already trying to make this technology the industry standard, as is a coalition with similar goals led by Adobe.

Before he left office, Obama helped spark the media panic over “fake news” — later rebranded as “misinformation” — that was adopted by the media, NGOs, and tech companies as a pretext to suppress conservative content.


An article in the Anchorage Daily News reports that several areas in northwest Alaska are without cell and internet service after a fiber optic network below the sea was mysteriously “cut.”

The outage is not as concerning as the cause of the outage. Someone, or some entity, would appear to be responsible for a “cut to the subsea fiber optic network,” which serves the western-most area of Alaska closes to Russia.

Yet, the company that owns the fiber optic network blamed shifting ice for the severed fiber optic line.

According to the Anchorage Daily News article, the cut might take up to two months to repair, and telecommunications service providers are looking for short-term solutions to bring service back online.

“All of our broadband services are impacted by this,” McHale told the newspaper, adding: “And they’re not compromised — they’re completely out.”

While the company was still confirming the cause of the breakage on Monday, heavy ice movement most likely cut the fiber cable, McHale said. The breakage is significant, given the fact that the cable is buried beneath the ocean floor, below 90 feet of water, McHale added.


With all due respect to Mr. McHale, I’m not sure how ice movement affects a fiber optic cable that is buried beneath the ocean floor.


South Africa’s richest city, Johannesburg, is crumbling under the effects of chaos and corruption, Bloomberg News reports.

The continent’s richest city was built on gold, but it’s now defined by chaos, crime and corruption more than ever, according to the outlet.

And some are saying that the problems in Johannesburg are simply a microcosm for the wider collapse of basic services across South Africa.

Reports Bloomberg:

“From a broken railway network disrupting trade to archaic sanitation that triggered a recent cholera outbreak near the capital, Pretoria, parts of the country increasingly look like a failing state.  Services and maintenance are the most visible casualty. Then there are the rolling blackouts implemented by Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd.”

The state-owned power utility, which has become a byword in recent years for South Africa’s troubles, has a fleet of coal-fired power stations that are old, poorly maintained and badly designed. The shutdowns are known locally as “loadshedding” and last for up to four and a half hours at a time.

Tessa Dooms, director of policy at the nonprofit Rivonia Circle, told Bloomberg:

“The country still functions, but the hurdles are getting higher. We may not be at a point in South Africa where we are a failed state, but we are certainly a failed government.”


Just the News reports that House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green, Republican of Tennessee, recently said China is likely sending military personnel into the United States across the southern border.

At a press conference announcing an investigation into Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Green said there are "Chinese Nationals, many of whom are military-aged men" with ties to the Chinese Communist Party who have crossed the southern border and been released into the United States.

Green said:

“We have no idea who these people are and it's very likely, using Russia's template of sending military personnel into Ukraine, China is doing the same in the United States.”

The revelation came from a Border Patrol sector chief, Green said, adding that he expects a classified briefing on the matter in the near future.

The House Homeland Security Committee released a preliminary report last Wednesday on the border stating that apprehensions of Chinese nationals at the border have skyrocketed. 

Overall, at the southern border, nearly 10,000 Chinese migrants were encountered at the border from October 2022 through April 2023, per the latest federal data. In comparison, during last fiscal year, which ran from October 2021 through September 2022, less than 2,200 Chinese migrants were encountered at the border. 


Democrat U.S. Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands) went on MSNBC and made a shocking slip of the tongue that only a Democrat could get away with.

During an appearance on MSNBC Sunday, June 18, Plaskett warned that President Donald Trump should “be shot” before quickly correcting her comment to “stopped.”

Plaskett was on “The Sunday Show” when she was asked about the Democrats’ ongoing politically motivated classified documents case against the 45th president.

Here’s how she answered.


I have no words for that. It speaks for itself.

Plaskett is a non-voting member of Congress.

She was previously a Republican and civil servant under former President George W. Bush but joined the Democrat Party in 2008.


Senator Rand Paul recently had some tough words for billionaire Bill Gates, particularly how Gates uses his billions to fund biomedical research.

Appearing on Fox News, Senator Paul said Gates is not acting responsibly when it comes to the “manipulation” of viruses that can make them more of a threat to humans than if they were left alone in nature.

Take a look.



Zero Hedge reports that Russia's foreign ministry announced on Monday the tactical nuclear weapons Moscow moved into Belarus will be stationed there indefinitely.

Both Presidents Putin and Lukashenko days ago confirmed delivery of the first batch of nuclear warheads to Belarus. The new deployment is in response to 'aggressive policies' from NATO countries, and had been initially announced after months ago the UK said it would supply Ukraine with depleted uranium shells.

A Russian foreign ministry official said the move was a necessary “forced response” to the West upping its involvement in the Ukraine war, particularly through increasing supplies of heavier and heavier weapons systems, most recently tanks.


The College Fix reports that a professor at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine was recently suspended — and remains under the threat of termination — after he told a news outlet his stance on trans-athletes in women’s sports.

Administrators suspended Professor Michael Joyner without pay for a week, citing his “use of idiomatic language” and comments he made in a June 2022 New York Times article as justification for the disciplinary actions, according to a March 5 disciplinary letter that recently came to light.

The memo also told him to refrain from speaking to the media unless given permission.

The college expressed that Dr. Joyner’s opinions “proved problematic in the media and the LGBTQI+ community at Mayo Clinic,” according to a letter Joyner received from the college, which was recently published by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression.

In June 2022, Joyner told the Times that, when it comes to telling the difference between biological males and females, “you see the divergence immediately as the testosterone surges into the boys,” he said. “There are dramatic differences in performances.”

It’s no longer safe to state scientific facts on American university campuses. That should disturb every American regardless of political affiliation.


Danielle Smith, the current premier of the province of Alberta in Canada, has done something remarkable that you don’t often see among politicians of any stripe.

She took the unprecedented step of apologizing to unvaccinated Canadians who’ve faced unfair treatment from the government throughout the “pandemic.”

But Premier Smith actually went beyond just issuing an apology and actually made a promise: anyone who was terminated from their job due to their refusal of the COVID-19 vaccine will be reinstated.

Here is a clip of her statement complements of the Jimmy Dore Show.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 2:37)

Revolver News, in commenting on this story, stated:

“This apology and promise from Ms. Smith sends a powerful message to globalist elites: you were all wrong, and everybody knows it. Thanks to her humility, Danielle Smith has set a new standard in political leadership. Her acknowledgement of the horrors faced by the unvaccinated and her willingness to take responsibility for the government’s disgusting actions during the pandemic show she has the potential to be a good leader. However, the proof is in the pudding. The next time something like this happens — and you know it will — Danielle better be on the side of the people, not the government.”


LifeSite News reports that more than 5,000 congregations have left the United Methodist Church (UMC), the second-largest Protestant denomination in the U.S., over its pro-LGBT stance. The “disaffiliation” movement saw churches leaving in droves over the past several weeks, with UM News, the official news service of the United Methodist Church, reporting the disaffiliation of 5,458 churches just this year and 25,500 Methodist churches remaining. 

According to the reports, the mass exodus of Methodist churches comes after “liberal leaders in the UMC disregarded a 2019 vote upholding the church’s ban on ordaining LGBT clergy and officiating at or hosting same-sex weddings.” 

In 2022, Fox News reported that “several conservative members of the Methodist clergy” stated that “far from settling the issue, however, the 2019 vote was disregarded by many liberal leaders within the UMC who decided to remain in the denomination while commissioning openly gay clergy and officiating same-sex weddings anyway.” 

In 2019, the Methodist General Conference also “approved a church law allowing UMC churches to leave with their church property if two-thirds of their congregation and regional governor body approved,” paving the way for the current mass exodus over the open acceptance of the LGBT agenda. 


Publicly funded National Public Radio, NPR, used Father’s Day to do a feature profile on a woman who became pregnant while identifying as a man.

This was NPR’s salute to Father’s Day.

Fox News reported that a woman pretending to be a man received a Father’s Day tribute on NPR for giving birth to two daughters.

Alongside the story of a military father and an immigrant refugee parent, the publicly-funded news site described 37-year-old Kayden Coleman, who experienced a surprise pregnancy after she temporarily stopped taking male hormones for a double mastectomy in 2013.

You can file this one under the category of – your tax dollars at work.


A majority of Democrat voters want President Joe Biden and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to engage in presidential primary debates for 2024, according to a Monday poll.

Roughly 78% of likely general election voters hope Biden and Kennedy will debate, including 57.5% of Democrats, 92.8% of Republicans and 80.1% of those not affiliated with either major party, according to a Trafalgar Group/Convention of States Action poll. The Democratic National Committee is not holding debates for the 2024 primaries, which has drawn criticism from many who want the two leading contenders to take the stage.

The Real Clear Politics (RCP) average for a 2024 national Democratic primary, based on polls conducted between May 17 and June 15, indicate that Biden and Kennedy have 62% and 15.6% support, respectively, and author Marianne Williamson has 6.1%.


The Daily Caller News Foundation has posted an exclusive article on a battle going on within the world’s oldest secret society over whether to admit transgenders.

According to the article, members of some of the most well-known orders of Freemasonry, an all-male secret sect whose history goes back more than 300 years, have been “struggling to deal with the transgender movement infiltrating their ranks over the past several years,” according to members who spoke with the Daily Caller.

In 2018, the United Grand Lodge of England, founded in 1717 and considered by Masons to be the most senior of all lodges, announced that it would allow transgender individuals to retain their membership at the lodge or be eligible for membership if they were transitioning to a man, according to the BBC. In the U.S., the issue is far from settled, with conservative Masons in states like Texas clashing with the more liberal fraternities on the coasts, and according to several Masons who spoke with the Daily Caller on the condition of anonymity, the issue is splitting the society with real consequences for those not falling in lockstep. 

A prominent central Texas Mason told the Daily Caller:

“Now that all of these English lodges have been forced to allow females in and the mother Grand Lodge of the world is now being required by its own country’s Supreme Court to force all of its own members to break their oath and let females in, America and every other Grand Lodge is now stuck in a gray area, and we don’t know what’s going to happen.”

In March, the Grand Lodge of Texas, which oversees all the Freemason chapters in the Lone Star State, issued an opinion on the transgender debate directly contradicting the U.K. decision from five years prior. The Texas Grand Lodge said that it was not possible for a transgender individual to be a Mason based on the way the membership rules were originally intended to be interpreted in 1722, five years after freemasonry became a nationally organized fraternity in England and specific rules were established.

“A biological woman cannot be a Mason,” the opinion reads. “A transgender man (meaning an individual who was assigned female at birth whose gender identity or gender expression is now male) cannot be a Mason. A transgender woman (meaning an individual who was assigned male at birth whose gender identity or gender expression is now female) cannot be made a Mason nor remain a Mason.”

A longtime Scottish Rite Mason from Houston told the DCNF that despite the decision, however, other lodges in Texas continue to have multiple openly transgender members.

“The problem is lots and lots of lodges in Texas have been admitting transgender people, very visibly,” the Mason told the DCNF. “[One lodge] has several visibly transgender people, these are people who either already took the oath as a guy and then changed or took the oaths saying that they were nonbinary, gender fluid, or something … and this is considered a big provocation.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States does not “support Taiwan independence” during his trip to Beijing this week, clarifying U.S. policy toward Taiwan that President Joe Biden himself has been unclear on.

“We do not support Taiwan independence,” Blinken said Monday. “We remain opposed to any unilateral changes to the status quo by either side.”

Blinken added that the United States continues to “expect the peaceful resolution” of the countries’ differences but that America also “remain[s] committed” to “making sure that Taiwan has the ability to defend itself.” Blinken is the first U.S. cabinet-level official to visit China since 2019 and ended the trip on Monday with an unexpected meeting with Chinese president Xi Jinping.

Take a listen to Blinken making what sounds like mutually exclusive comments about Taiwan.


How can you remain committed to the status quo and still be committed to a “one China policy?” How can you be opposed to Taiwan independence and claim that Taiwan has a right to defend itself?

This statement will do nothing but sow confusion among world leaders and put on full display that America is trying to have its cake and eat it too. It simultaneously supports both Taiwan’s position and China’s position, which is an impossibility because the two positions are diametrically opposed to each other. Both cannot be true at the same time.

Biden himself has made conflicting statements on U.S. policy toward Taiwan. He said in September 2022 that the United States would come to Taiwan's defense in the case of a Chinese invasion, drawing anger from China. He made a similar comment in 2021—in both cases the White House walked back the remarks.

Because of the absolute absurdity of these conflicting public statements, it’s likely that the U.S. position will do nothing to prevent a violent outcome to this dispute.

In the end, it sounds like Blinken and the Biden regime just gave China the green light it needed to attack Taiwan. That’s how China will see it, and at this point, that’s all that matters.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.


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