Pete Santilli on His Deep Dive on Ron DeSantis

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Brannon Howse: Before we go to Pete Santilli, guys, let me know when we got Pete. We got him. All right. Before I go to Pete, let me just make a real quick announcement here, folks. My attorney has asked me not to say much. He says, looks, as an attorney, I wish you would say nothing, but I know you're a talk show host and you want to keep your audience informed. So I'm going to say, fine, go ahead and say something. But please, house, keep it limited. So let me do that. Saturday, I spent, as I anticipated, about six and one-half hours under deposition. That didn't count the few breaks we had. Thankfully, everybody agreed to push through. So there was no lunch break because everybody was quite eager to get this over with. Everybody was in the room. And there were quite a few of us, I should say, in the room. But the deposition took place. As many of you know, Mike has been sued again and again. I believe it's lawfare. And of course, any of us that have been working with Mike closely, many of us and even some we didn't expect have been subpoenaed. I've got a stack of them. And so my first deposition was on Saturday, not allowed to talk about the case or anything related to what was discussed. That's a court order.

Brannon Howse: But I can tell you I did have a deposition. It went on for six and one-half hours. And well, at the end of the day, after you hire an attorney at several hundred bucks an hour and you go back and forth and it gets all prepared and you get prepared and you have it, you know, it's going to cost me somewhere around $10,000 for that one deposition, everything leading up to it. And the day and I got yet another one coming soon. The point is, folks, many people well, you would get to a point, most folks where you say, I'm not sure this is really worth it. Maybe I have had a good long career, as you heard tonight. I started out with talk radio in 1995 through my friend who you just heard from tonight, Michael Reagan. I've been doing this for a long time. And believe me, there are days I think maybe it's time to just retire, to go into something a lot quieter. I am a businessman and I do a lot of things I don't talk about as an entrepreneur. And so I could just go off and do those things, keep my store going, selling the freeze, dried food, emergency supplies and doing some of the other things that I do. But I believe that what I'm doing now is very vital.

Brannon Howse: It's part of the information war, and that's a war that we must win hearts and minds. So I am going to continue on, even though there are days I sometimes question why. So I'm down one deposition with at least one more to go. When all is said and done, this is probably going to cost me in the neighborhood of 2020 $5,000 or more. So that's the way it is. Thankfully, I have a very supportive audience for many people that well could absolutely destroy them financially. But I do have a very supportive audience. Many of you have contributed to my foundation, which didn't as well get subpoenaed. So we've had to spend money for the foundation on this, and many have supported us at VW and we appreciate that VW Many of you have supported us through our bookstore. We often tell you that our store where we have emergency freeze-dried food, and emergency supplies is a big part of our general operating budget. Well, it is also a big part of what allows me to keep things going, including not just putting out free shows and my bandwidth of around $12,000 a month over at and paying some of the associate producers that take these shows each night, clip them up into the segments, get them up online so they're there for you the next morning.

Brannon Howse: Now we're transcribing many of these broadcasts and we pay for that and we pay for someone to take that transcript and put it below the respective video. So we have a lot of people on our staff that I pay, and one of the ways I generate the revenue is to pay them and keep it all going versus what many do, putting it behind a paywall, and only then do you see it. If you pay well, it's by people going to and making a purchase. So if you appreciate what we're doing and you want to help and help us cover some of these legal fees as well, you can do that by simply going to and making a contribution or I think there are multiple objectives here with what's happening in our country and with many people being sued or subpoenaed. One of them I think is lawfare. I think one of them is to cause people to want to just quit and get discouraged. If it wasn't for such a loving family and a loving audience. Well, I would. But thanks to my family and to you, we're going to keep going. Joining me now is Pete Santilli. Pete, welcome back to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us.

Pete Santilli: Thank you for having me. And I can't even. I was just. I was sitting here, I was listening to what you were saying. I can't even imagine a moment where you would walk away. The conversations that we've had and the importance of the work that we do at a time that we're living in, we can't afford to be in this business. And as patriots, we can't afford to get out of it, can we?

Brannon Howse: Yeah, It's kind of a double-edged sword, isn't it?

Pete Santilli: Yes. Yeah. There. You know, I refer to Lyndall Frank's speech, the work you're doing, you know, the mothership of the free flow of information, and all of this lawfare is designed to literally not just discourage us, but to break us, to break all of us, to shut us down that way. And how do we respond to that? Well, we're in a new economy. It's we the people. We step up when we push back with an equal and opposite overwhelming force. So I absolutely call upon everybody right now the work that's being done. It's important we protect the First Amendment and we keep information flowing. And it's all supported by us the people. I'd rather have a million people with a $1 bill than a, you know, billionaire like George Soros telling us what to do. Indeed.

Brannon Howse: Indeed. Yeah. Well, let's talk about what's happening, because you and I know that a lot of this is the uni party, right? The uni party. And, you know, Ron DeSantis. I think that's kind of why you wanted to come on tonight talk a little bit about the fact you've been digging in on him. A lot of people are confused by this guy, so much so that his poll numbers, I think in some instances are really dropping because a lot of people are conflicted about him. They like some of the things that he's doing in Florida. And many people are moving to Florida because of the policies that he's put into place. Others say that smoke and mirrors. I know Laura Loomer has been pretty tough on him. What have you found out? Being if we're trying to be fair and I know you did some deep dives on him, what is the deal with Ron DeSantis? Because again, I know many people that are confused. They don't know what to make of it because they're hearing people on both sides of this internal fighting, because right now it's kind of basically Republicans and America First people and rhinos talking about it. Well, I guess later it'll be the Republicans versus the Democrats. But what do you make of the crosstalk back and forth about Ron DeSantis?

Pete Santilli: You know, before we get to DeSantis, I want to make a quick comment that I'm understanding the strategy. Any time you see Jeb Bush out there rallying for anyone, you know that there's something nefarious going on behind the scenes. I believe this because of what I know about Ron DeSantis and his shady background. I mean, there are questions, not just questions of conflicts of interest, but his ties to secret societies are unquestionable. He was a member through Yale. He was a member of the Saint Elmo Society. What is Saint Elmo's? It's a higher level of secrecy than what we know about Skull and Bones. Saint Elmo's is and this is documented. But before I get to that, everyone needs to consider the following, one of the best ways that the Deep State, the Unite Party, as you mentioned, can take out President Trump is to strip potential donors and potential voters. It's vote stripping. And what do they do? They'll ultimately usher in whatever candidate they want. But I believe that that's a strategy that's vote stripping because I don't think that DeSantis, first of all, on a debate stage, he's going to be like Marco Rubio just shaking. And, you know, I mean, President Trump, you know, is one of the most skilled debaters. He will crush DeSantis. Now, that's just with his presence on stage. But when we start digging into connections, for instance, have you ever heard of Kinetic Corporation?

Brannon Howse: I don't believe I have.

Pete Santilli: Kinetic Corporation is a CIA-backed operation that's run by George Tenet.

Brannon Howse: Okay. Oh, he was the CIA director for George W.

Pete Santilli: Absolutely. Through Kinetic Corporation. Um, Ron DeSantis as the lawyer in the military for an admiral, Admiral Giambastiani, Edmund Giambastiani, he's an admiral struck a deal to essentially on behalf of the crown cut a deal to use equipment essentially through kinetic to surveil the United States of America. That deal alone should disqualify him from any run for any office. Now, this is documented. I've done deep research. That's just one of many, not just conflicts of interest, but questionable activity by him as an attorney throughout the Far East. Ron DeSantis, they don't emphasize his work as an attorney, essentially as a JAG officer, doing the dirty deeds of some of the highest level people within our military and not very good deeds. Now, this Saint Elmo's Society and the secret society that he was associated with, Saint Elmo is a higher level of secrecy. If you go do some research and they scrub the Internet, by the way, there's plenty of documentation to show that he was, in fact, a member of that secret society. Well, that's part of the Knights of Malta. Now, this is not a conspiracy theory that the Knights of Malta, Brett Brennan, you're familiar with Seymour Hersh, when Seymour Hersh. Seymour Hersh in 2011 did investigations into our military infrastructure, at the command level. And he established a small cabal. Knights of Malta. Those from the Order of Malta had overthrown our country at the military level. And Seymour Hersh wrote those words in 2011. So this connection between DeSantis, the Knights of Malta, his Saint Elmos, and his military expertise connects directly to Seymour Hersh's work. And he's one of the most credible journalists on planet Earth, as we all know.

Pete Santilli: So this isn't something that came from, you know, the conspiracy theory. Dredges. Here's another thing that's little known about Ron DeSantis. Why is it that nobody has been really focusing on his sister? They never speak of it. You know, when you dig into the story of Ron DeSantis, his life story. And you cannot skip over his sister, Christina DeSantis, who at a very young age passed away mysteriously. All of the details have been swept under the carpet. But the following details that I'll bring to your listening audience is that she was an advisor. She was part of the advisory council on Cpmg, a major global accounting firm, and the division she worked for was the Volcker Division. And if you're familiar with the name Volcker, that's he's one of the highest-level banksters ever known to the Treasury. But the Volcker division and KPMG and Christina DeSantis work. Remarkably was. Accounting and doing audits for the bank. And who is the Coutt's Bank? The Coutts Bank is where the monarchy holds all of their money. Now her fiancé and this is all relative if you do this is open source research. Stephen Paskowitz was an employee at the Coutts Bank. He was he had access to and was privy to some pretty shady transactions will say as an employee of the Coutts Bank. That was Ron DeSantis's sister's fiance and she died at a very, very young age. So these anomalies, his connections to the secret societies, and the very suspicious circumstances of Christina DeSantis's death that are have been covered up. Of course his transactions with Admiral Giambastiani on behalf of Kinetic, which was run by George Tenet, a CIA operative.

Brannon Howse: So that begs the question because I've heard some pontificate that DeSantis himself may have worked for the CIA as a was he a Navy? He was a naval officer, right?

Pete Santilli: Naval officer. That's correct.

Brannon Howse: Jag. Jag Officer.

Pete Santilli: That's correct.

Brannon Howse: So I've heard that he was down there at Guantanamo Bay overseeing what was going on. So I've heard some people say they believe he was actually working for the CIA. I have a friend that was a Navy officer. He actually ended up working for another three-letter agency. So sometimes know these guys work for those agencies, even though they're military people. What does this tell you? Does this give credence to the idea that DeSantis may be a former CIA or I guess one CIA, always CIA? I don't know.

Pete Santilli: You know, I haven't been able to make the direct connection as I did this morning, by the way, for the first time before I go. You need to ask me about this one. But I made a direct, documented connection between George Soros and the Central Intelligence Agency. How so? Excuse me. How so? Uh, I have it from a memoir with George Soros and Admission and also pulling CIA FOIA documents that dating back to 1953, the CIA set up a storefront called Prologue Corporation, a Roman Kuczynski who served in the Army in Vietnam and was tasked with running Prologue Corporation. They were running an anti-Soviet propaganda outlet and have it documented from one of the memoirs, uh, from, uh, from George Soros as one of his associates who described the meeting that was set up for George Soros to finance Prologue Corporation. Wow. So he met with the CIA agent. And in the Atlantic Council, it's not a conspiracy theory that Roman Shushensky Kopczynski was CIA. The Atlantic Council published that he was a known CIA agent. So there is that meeting and George Soros's public admission.

Brannon Howse: So let me ask you this before I let you go. What are your thoughts, your former Marine, Right? That's correct. So let me ask you your thoughts. What do you make of the 30 tons of ammonium nitrate that have gone missing from a train?

Pete Santilli: Got immediately. What popped into my head was Merrick Garland's cover-up of ammonium nitrate involved in the Oklahoma City bombing. As to the US government's involvement and was thinking of Timothy McVeigh. Ammonium nitrate. That tells me that the operatives, of course, that work for that same entity that blew up the, um, the Murrah Building, the federal building during the Oklahoma City bombing, and then, of course, Merrick Garland's cover-up of the government's involvement of all of that. So and show my screen.

Brannon Howse: Show my screen, because I'm sure you've seen this. We played it. Brigadier General Ben Parton lecturing on Oklahoma City bombing part one of two. He was the military's number one leading expert on explosives and the kind of bombs and things you'd need to hit bunkers or buildings or what kind. He was the dude. I mean, you should read General Ben Parton's bio. Go look it up. He died not too long ago. In fact, my friend ended up conducting his Arlington National Cemetery. I think that's where he was buried. Service. This guy is on YouTube. I can't believe it's still there. Go look it up. Brigadier General Ben Parton lecture, Oklahoma City part one of two. He says there were definitely explosives on the inside, and that the fertilizer truck was a cover. And he goes into all the details from his expertise with the military as a general and why it was not that fertilizer truck, that was the cover. So I'm a little concerned right now. And we've been warning about terrorist attacks around the country and then being blamed on so-called America First people. I'm afraid there's a setup coming. What say you in closing?

Pete Santilli: You know, it's a rinse-and-repeat model. It's an old, stale technique. When you hear about ammonium nitrate and the potential government involvement, you need to be very suspicious and plug your ears.

Brannon Howse: every morning. What time?

Pete Santilli: 8 a.m. Eastern time. It's the best morning show live morning show on the Internet right here on

Brannon Howse: Pete Santilli thanks for being with us.

Pete Santilli: Thank you, sir.

Brannon Howse: That's our broadcast for tonight. If you appreciate what we're doing, we appreciate your support.,, use promo code B66, and Take care.


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