Post Covid Shots Pilots Are Lying About Their Poor Health on Forms

Brannon Howse: Good evening and welcome to the broadcast. Glad you are with us. I'm going to be joined tonight by Josh Yoder. He is a pilot and he represents a lot of pilots that are wanting freedom and liberty and not to have COVID shots forced on them. Et cetera. Et cetera. We got some more things to talk about in relation to the safety of our airline. And then we're going to be joined by Anni Cyrus of Iran. She's an American, Iranian, and Usama Dakdok. He is an American Egyptian. I put America before Iran. I put Americans before Egyptians because they are first and foremost proud Americans. But Annie is from Iran and Usama is from Egypt. Then we'll be joined by Patrick Wood with a very interesting update video we found today of a guy who was with the Club of Rome calling for about 89% of the population of the world to be killed. Well, this is a common theme among the globalists. Don't forget, recently there was an organization that seems to be tied back to the military and the CIA predicting a 70% decline in the US population. But with Russia and China continuing on just fine, we'll get into the Club of Rome, their history and their agenda, and how really the Club of Rome from so many decades ago is well being represented quite well according to their worldview by the World Economic Forum and the United Nations and Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. Then we'll be joined by Joe Allen. Joe Allen is back to talk more about transhumanism and more. Big night on the broadcast tonight. Joining me first is Josh Yoder. Josh, welcome back to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us.


Josh Yoder: Thank you so much for having me on. Brannon Well.


Brannon Howse: It's great to have you back on. I want to talk with you about a few bullet points here. I've got in my research. Let's talk first about the AA pilot strike. Tell me give me the latest up on that, will you, please?


Josh Yoder: So the latest is that American Airlines pilots voted to strike by a 99% margin. 99% of pilots at American Airlines voted to strike. This doesn't necessarily mean that a strike is imminent. There is a process that has to be carried out before that would actually occur. There has to be mediation. It has to follow the Railway Labor Act process. But what American Airlines pilots have told the company is that they're fed up with the status quo. They're tired of the terrible schedules they've been flying. The pay that they've been paid is far below the industry standard. You know, Delta Airlines just got a new contract, which is like 30 to 40% above the pay that American Airlines pilots are making. And they're fed up with it. They're making their voices known to management and do believe that American Airlines pilots will see a contract soon.


Brannon Howse: Okay. All right. So they haven't walked off the job yet.


Josh Yoder: It's not just as easy as walking off the job. As I said, there's an entire process that has to be followed. I'm sure many of them wish that were the case. It was as easy as that. If they were able to just walk off the job, the contract would be done within days. But unfortunately, there is a legal process that they do have to follow.


Brannon Howse: All right. All right. Let's talk next about pilot and vaccine injuries. What's the latest on that?


Josh Yoder: Well, the latest on that is it's an issue that's not going away. On a personal note, last night I had a friend that works for the same company that I did, came over to my house for dinner. And after his second Moderna shot, he's been having chest pains for about the past year. Just another story of what I speak about on a frequent basis at American Airlines. Once again, there was another pilot, the first officer at American Airlines who just dropped dead a few days ago. And this just adds to the ever-growing body count and the list of people who are being severely adversely affected by these shots. I think I.


Brannon Howse: Reported on one of these guys. One of them I think is on camera having collapsed and being given medical care as fast as they can by some TSA officers. Is that one of the ones you're talking about recently?


Josh Yoder: That's another recent one. There was a pilot at the Richmond International Airport in Virginia. You know, he was walking up to approach security when he collapsed in cardiac arrest. And very fortunately, the TSA, there was a TSA agent there who was paying close attention. He ran to his aid. They got him hooked up to an, you know, performed CPR. The paramedics came. And fortunately, that pilot's life has been saved. But, you know, had that been an hour later, that pilot could have been in the flight deck, you know, on take off. The very things, Brannon, that we've discussed many times on this program about pilot incapacitation happening during a critical phase of flight, whether that's low to the ground on takeoff or close to the ground on landing. We're playing a game of Russian roulette here. And without serious action being taken by the FAA and the airlines, it's only a matter of time, especially when you're playing the law of averages until something happens. And we do have a critical accident.


Brannon Howse: And when you say to do something, what would they do? They have to bring all these people in. They're going to have to look at who's got myocarditis. They're going to have to test their blood. And then all of a sudden, we're going to have a pilot shortage. Right.


Josh Yoder: We already have a pilot shortage, but the number one thing that US Freedom Flyers is calling for is an amnesty program for pilots. Let's not forget that these mandates were illegal, to begin with. The FAA broke the law when it allowed pilots to take these vaccines. The airlines once again broke the law when they came out with the mandates and the unions broke the law when they didn't defend the very pilots who pay union dues in order for protection. So this is something where, you know, pilots aren't coming forward because they'll be placed on long-term disability, which is a fraction of the money that they make as an airline pilot. So amnesty at full pay is the number one thing that we need. And I believe if a program like that were put into place, many, many pilots, just like my friend who was at my house for dinner last night, would come forward. He told me in no uncertain terms.


Brannon Howse: You're telling me is we have pilots that no, they're not in good health, but they're not saying anything and they're continuing to get into the cockpit.


Josh Yoder: That's correct. There was a poll that just came out from Fox News, I believe it was reported two days ago that 78% of the pilots polled said that they had lied on their flight physicals because they didn't want to be honest with the FAA because, you know, they're afraid of the punitive, the punitive nature of the FAA and the possible loss of their careers. So this is an issue that's not it's not a new issue. It's something that's been going on for a long time. But as it pertains to the vaccine mandates and the incredible medical fallout that we've seen from this, there must be an amnesty program. These pilots need to be able to come forward at full pay. And the airlines need to the airlines need to step forward and do the right thing. They created this problem and it's time for them to come out with a solution. All right.


Brannon Howse: Now, one of my talking points with you tonight is misinformation circulating regarding pilots. What is that about?


Josh Yoder: Well, that's always a lot of fun. Us Freedom Flyers has been fact-checked on multiple occasions. So actually, we're quite, quite proud that we've made it to the status where the fact-checkers are following us closely. The most recent one that reached out was from a prominent fact-checking organization. I spent the better part of a day actually compiling evidence to verify the statements that I had made on several occasions. And when I presented him with pilots who were willing to speak with him, these were pilots that are currently flying with cardiac issues and neurologic issues, among other items. This fact checker refused to reach out to them to verify the claims that I had made. He actually told me that he didn't want to speak to them. I have that. It's documented. It's an email. And then he came out and he fact-checked my statements false. So once again, if a fact checker fact checks you falsely, typically what you've said is completely true, and what the fact check is true is most likely false. It's an upside-down world that we live in.


Brannon Howse: All right. So what kind of programs are you recommending to pilots that have gotten the shot? Is there anything that you have studied with medical doctors that you're recommending these pilots do in order to clean out their system so they can get on with their health and career?


Josh Yoder: Yeah, absolutely. I'm not a doctor and we don't give medical advice at Freedom Flyers, but we do have a medical team that we collaborate with. And there are things out here. There are very effective solutions that pilots have been able to take to detox. That's always the first step, is getting this, you know, getting as many of these toxins out of your body as possible. DNA, DNA, detox solutions. That's a company that people are using. There's something on there called the Trinity Pack, as well as Relive greens that taken in combination seem to be very popular. We've seen a lot of positive results from that. But anyone who is experiencing issues should reach out to us at US Freedom Flyers. Just feel free to email us and what we'll do. Depending on your issue, we will connect you to a variety of doctors. We have cardiologists that work with us as well as functional medicine, different people that are truly focused on helping and curing vaccine injuries. And we're having, you know, incredible successes. We're seeing people with, you know, diagnosed with myocarditis that is coming back. They're making full recoveries. And that's it's very promising. You know, we don't know what the long-term effects of this are going to be, even with treatment. But there are solutions available that we believe will fundamentally make a difference for people.


Brannon Howse: Excellent. Excellent. Give your website one more time.


Josh Yoder: Josh The website is And in addition to everything that we discussed, you know, we're also bringing litigation against the FAA. That's the Stop the Shot mandate for pilots and also for the general flying public. And we would ask the public to get behind us, support us. We need your donations right now. We have an immediate need for $250,000. Now, this is to file a lawsuit against the FAA to bring a stop to this nonsense and to bring safety back to the airline industry. And we would appreciate your support.


Brannon Howse: Now, I think I was told you also want people to comment on something, right? You want to go somewhere and fill out something, is that right?


Josh Yoder: Um, not. Not at this present time. We are coming up with a public action campaign where you will be able to contact the airlines, and the FAA, get directly to the leaders, to the decision-makers, and make your voices heard, especially as the flying public. The pressure coming from the passengers is going to be far more valuable, actually, than what we can do. Just as pilots and other aircrew, there's a lot more of you. And when you start to vote with your dollars and you make your voices heard, that's where you're going to see true change.


Brannon Howse: And we'll get that on the air. We will. Thank you. Awesome. Thank you, Josh, for being with us. Josh, thanks. Brannon Check out his website, Check it out, folks, and be careful out there.


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