President Trump Pleads Not Guilty to 37 Charges Regarding Classified Documents

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  • The FBI is again caught grooming an unstable and impressionable teenager to commit a crime.
  • A new AI platform claims to be giving advice from Jesus Christ.
  • The Chinese are seeking to replace the United States as the mediator in the decades-old conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
  • President Donald Trump is struggling to find a top-tier lawyer to lead his defense against charges that could put him behind bars for life. Alan Dershowitz explains why.
  • And a California state legislator issues a warning to all parents: “If you love your children, you need to flee California.”

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

We start off tonight with a disturbing story published by The Intercept on what appears to be a case of the FBI grooming a mentally unstable 16-year-old boy to become an ISIS terrorist.

The Department of Justice announced on June 8th the arrest of a teenager in Massachusetts on allegations of providing financial support to the Islamic State.


The suspected terrorist is the now 18-year-old Mateo Ventura of Wakefield, Massachusetts. News reports echo government claims that Ventura is a dangerous international terrorist.

As The Intercept reports, the DOJ’s own press release framed Ventura’s arrest as being for “knowingly concealing the source of material support or resources that he intended to go to a foreign terrorist organization.”

But here’s the problem. In the government’s own criminal complaint, Ventura never actually funded any terrorist group.

The Intercept writes:

“The only ‘terrorist’ he is accused of ever being in contact with was an undercover FBI agent who befriended him online as a 16-year-old, solicited small cash donations in the form of gift cards, and directed him not to tell anyone else about their intimate online relationship, including his family.”

The arrest has shaken his family, who denied allegations that their son was a terrorist and said he had been manipulated by the FBI. Ventura’s father, Paul Ventura, told The Intercept that Mateo suffered from childhood developmental issues and had been forced to leave school due to bullying from other students.

“He was born prematurely, he had brain development issues. I had the school do a neurosurgery evaluation on him and they said his brain was underdeveloped,” Ventura said. “He was suffering endless bullying at school with other kids taking food off his plate, tripping him in the hallway, humiliating him, laughing at him.”

Contrary to the sensational narrative fed to the news media of terrorist financing in the U.S., the charging documents show that Ventura gave an undercover FBI agent gift cards for pitifully small amounts of cash, sometimes in $25 increments. In his initial bid to travel to the Islamic State, the teenager balked — making up an excuse, by the FBI’s own account, to explain why he did not want to go. When another opportunity to travel abroad arose, Ventura balked again, staying home on the evening of his supposed flight instead of traveling to the airport. By the time the investigation was winding down, he appeared ready to turn in his purported ISIS contact — an FBI agent — to the FBI.

More information may come to light as this case moves through the courts.

But, based on the Intercept’s initial investigation, there is reason to believe that his case is less about a serious terrorist being removed from society than it is about one of the many instances in which a troubled or mentally weak young man was groomed by undercover FBI agents to commit a crime that would not have otherwise happened.


Now we turn to another story that also involves deception of the highest order, only instead of political chicanery, this is a story about spiritual deception.

Jesus stated in Matthew 24, “See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray.”

At least one of those deceivers is turning out to be an artificial intelligence program called “ask_jesus.”

According to The Independent, a Berlin-based technology group has developed a chatbot that mimics Jesus Christ, and it already has thousands of followers seeking advice and guidance.

The chatbot, referred to as “AI Jesus,” has the appearance of a bearded white man with a radiant halo and utilizes artificial intelligence reportedly trained on the teachings of Jesus and the Bible.

Operating under the Twitch channel name “ask_jesus,” The Western Journal reports that the live stream has amassed a following of over 36,000 devoted users. Viewers are encouraged to pose their questions to the “AI Jesus,” who responds with gestures and answers, providing advice on topics ranging from gaming to relationships.

The chatbot has the ability to remember previous interactions with the user which gives it a false sense of omniscience.

The ask_jesus AI was created by The Singularity Group, a team of self-described “driven and ambitious volunteer activists working on innovative projects to make a real difference in the world.”

A closer look at the “projects” page on the group’s website reveals their interest in “tech philanthropy.” The website also claims to be “using innovative technologies such as the PRPS & DUBI blockchain tokens alongside the Giving Works charity” towards “a universal basic income for all.”

One user asked it about gay marriage, and it gave them the noncommittal “all love is love” answer, staying politically correct at all times.

Another user asked the chatbot to explain the Book of Genesis in terms of pizza, and the AI dutifully complied.

Take a look at this chilling video.


That is creepy. And yet the mindless cyborgs of modern society flock to it in their futile attempt to fill the spiritual vacuum in their lives. Very sad, indeed.


Journalist Sara Carter is reporting that the Chinese are seeking to replace the United States as the mediator in the decades-old conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

Chinese President Xi Jinping signed a “strategic partnership” with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas during Abbas’s recent four-day visit to China. 

Abbas is the first Arab leader to visit China in an official state visit this year, and this is Abbas’ fifth such visit to China, according to Chinese media. The strategic partnership reportedly includes laying a framework for future negotiations on free trade, humanitarian aid and development projects.

According to Carter:

“China looks intent on using this strategic partnership as a springboard for greater influence in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. China’s vision of brokering an Israeli-Palestinian peace comes with a strong bias based on flawed logic that will doom it to fail. But China will attempt to resuscitate the Israeli–Palestinian ‘peace process’ regardless as a tool to upend U.S. influence in the Middle East, much like it accomplished with its brokering a détente between Iran and Saudi Arabia and its supporting role in Syria’s re-integration into the Arab League.”


Former President Donald Trump has been arraigned and pleaded not guilty to 37 counts related to the removal of classified documents.

Renowned defense attorney Alan Dershowitz penned a June 15th article at The Gatestone Institute explaining why Trump has been unable to attract top-tier lawyers to his case.

The former president was represented at his arraignment by two lawyers, “neither of whom he apparently wants to lead his defense at trial,” Dershowitz writes.

Trump has been interviewing Florida lawyers, and several top ones have turned him down.

Dershowitz says, “I know, because I have spoken to them. There are disturbing suggestions that among the reasons lawyers are declining the case is because they fear legal and career reprisals.”

He then goes on to reveal that there is a nefarious group that calls itself The 65 Project that has as its goal to “intimidate lawyers into not representing Trump or anyone associated with him.”

This group has threatened to file bar charges against any lawyers who dare to represent Trump or Trump associates.

When these threats first emerged, Dershowitz writes, “I wrote an op-ed offering to defend pro bono any lawyers that The 65 Project goes after. So The 65 Project immediately went after me, and contrived a charge based on a case in which I was a constitutional consultant, but designed to send a message to potential Trump lawyers: If you defend Trump or anyone associated with him, we will target you and find something to charge you with. The lawyers to whom I spoke are fully aware of this threat -- and they are taking it seriously.”

This sounds eerily similar to the bullying and intimidation tactics directed against doctors who questioned the Covid narrative. Give your professional opinion about the Covid vaccine and, if it doesn’t line up with the desired narrative, they report you to the medical boards for disciplinary action. Shut up and follow the given talking points of “safe and effective,” and you maintain your practice free of persecution.

Dershowitz concludes his piece by saying “the threats to the lawyers are greater than at any time since McCarthyism.”


LifeSite News reports that a California state senator has issued a warning to parents following the passage of a dangerous new legislative bill: “If you love your children, you need to flee California,” said Republican state Senator Scott Wilk.

The bill in question is one we’ve reported on previously here at the Worldview Report. It could brand parents as “abusive” for not “affirming” a child's “gender identity.”

California’s Senate Judiciary Committee voted 8-2 on Tuesday night (with one abstention) to pass Assembly Bill 957, which would characterize a “parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child.”

The measure would alter Section 3011 of the California Family Code to require judges to consider whether or not parents “affirm” a child’s “transgender” identity as one of the factors in the consideration of custody disagreements, LifeSiteNews previously reported

The Washington Free Beacon noted that the vaguely worded new amendment has sparked worries that “non-affirmation” will be regarded in the Golden State “as abuse.”

“In the past, when we’ve had these discussions, and I’ve seen parental rights atrophy, I’ve encouraged people to keep fighting,” California state Senator Scott Wilk said during the Tuesday night Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

“I’ve changed my mind on that — if you love your children, you need to flee California,” he said. “You need to flee.”

Here he is speaking to his Senate colleagues.


Wilk said the bill’s language could be used by the state to remove children from their homes if their parents don’t “support the ideology of the government.”

Think about that. In light of all that we’ve reported on the loss of freedom just in this broadcast regarding medical freedom of speech for doctors and freedom of attorneys to defend who they want, now a parent has to be concerned about supporting a child’s gender confusion or risk losing custody of that child.

If that’s not the boot of tyranny coming down on us, I don’t know what is.


In a story that first appeared in the New York Post, former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio was hit with the largest fine ever issued by the city’s watchdog group on Thursday for misusing government resources during his failed bid for the White House in 2019.

The Conflicts of Interest Board ordered de Blasio to cut taxpayers a check for nearly half a million dollars: a $155,000 fine as punishment, plus another $320,000 to reimburse the treasury for the expenses the NYPD incurred as the security detail accompanied him around the country, the Post reports.

The fine comes more than a year after de Blasio was excoriated by a Department of Investigation report that detailed how he repeatedly used his city-funded security detail during his presidential campaign. The report also revealed that he had done this against the rules of city ethics guidelines and explained that it amounted to using government resources for political purposes.

DOI Commissioner Jocelyn Strauber said in a statement:

“The Conflicts of Interest Board’s conclusions regarding former Mayor Bill de Blasio’s misuse of his security detail reaffirms DOI’s investigative findings, and shows that public officials — including the most senior — will be held accountable when they violate the rules.”

De Blasio’s presidential campaign lasted just four months and he never rose above 1 or 2 percentage points in the polls in the 2020 Democratic primary.


Parents have expressed objections after the official Sesame Street Twitter account posted a LGBTQ+ flag and acknowledged ‘Pride’ month.


Respondents on the platform questioned why children are being repeatedly exposed to the LGBTQ+ propaganda machine.

A physician, Dr. Mary Talley Bowdon, MD, delivered this stinging blow to the woke crowd targeting children.


“Children do not need to be subjected to the sexual preferences of adults,” Dr. Bowdon tweeted.

That prompted another response from a woman named Joan Rose, who said it’s not only children who don’t need to be subjected to this filth.


“Neither do adults. I don't understand these people who think we want to celebrate peoples kink and sex life.”


The Tennessee Star reports that Tennessee’s Republican Senator, Marsha Blackburn, joined two of her colleagues in sending a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland requesting that his office appoint a special counsel to investigate any wrongdoing by President Joe Biden and his family in their alleged overseas business dealings.

U.S. Senators JD Vance (R-OH) and Mike Braun (R-IN) joined Blackburn in sending the letter to Garland.

In their letter, the senators describe the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) as “two-tiered,” pointing to the indictment of former President Donald Trump last week, among other examples.

“Meanwhile, your DOJ has blatantly ignored the credible allegations of President Biden’s and his family’s corruption,” the senators write, pointing to the FBI’s redacted information relating to the alleged bribery scheme involving President Joe Biden, his son Hunter Biden, and a Burisma executive.

“Recent reports indicate that Burisma—a Ukrainian natural gas firm where Hunter Biden sat on the board—allegedly paid then-Vice President Biden $5 million to influence United States policy decisions—conduct that would clearly constitute bribery,” the senators continue. “To make matters worse, the FBI has stonewalled congressional oversight of this matter, refusing to comply with a subpoena from the House Oversight Committee. Additionally, both Joe and Hunter Biden pursued numerous business deals that were allegedly arranged by individuals with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).”

The Senators concluded:

“Given these concerning allegations that continue to come to light with each passing day, we urge you to appoint a special counsel to investigate any wrongdoing by President Biden and his family in their business dealings. Only then—with the appointment of a neutral and independent special counsel with broad authority to investigate these credible claims of the Biden family’s corruption—can the American people be assured that there is truly one set of laws in this country and that they apply to everyone equally, regardless of their viewpoint or political affiliation.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

In other news, a reporter asked Joe Biden on Thursday why he was nicknamed “The Big Guy” during his tenure as vice president as described in the FBI informant file about Biden’s Ukraine bribery allegations. Biden gave an answer not becoming of a president.


His response to the question, if you didn’t catch it, was “Why did you ask such a dumb question?” He smirks and smugly turns his head away from the reporter as if he doesn’t exist.

This is the height of arrogance on display, a level of arrogance and classlessness that you really can’t compare to any other president in history.

He answered a perfectly legitimate journalistic question by turning the tables on the reporter, asking him a question in a way that completely blew off the reporter in the most demeaning and dismissive way possible.

That’s typical of how a dictator would answer a question he didn’t want to be asked. It has a way of sending a chilling message to all the other reporters in the room. Don’t ask the dictator questions that he doesn’t want to answer, or he will ridicule you publicly and possibly never call on you again.

And this comes from a president who has enjoyed copious amounts of totally undeserved, unearned positive press coverage. I guess this explains why. They are afraid to confront him with legitimate questions. They’d rather keep it light, ask him about his favorite flavor of ice cream. It’s safer that way. And most of them are just working for a paycheck anyway. So why push the envelope? Stay on the good side of the dictator. It pays. Confronting him doesn’t.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report.

Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast…

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.


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