Project Veritas Has Imploded After Ousting James O'Keefe

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  • The Biden regime is already plotting to bring back forced masking at airports and potentially pressing forward with another lockdown. We have the details.
  • Mike Lindell unveils his plan to restore honest elections to America.
  • Project Veritas has reportedly imploded six months after bad actors infiltrated the undercover journalism organization and orchestrated the ouster of founder James O'Keefe.
  • And a brilliant scientist, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, blows the lid off of the global genocide taking place under the guise of a mass vaccination program.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

The Biden regime is preparing to reinstate full COVID-19 lockdowns, beginning with masking mandates for TSA and airport employees reportedly as early as mid-September, Infowars was first to report.

A high-level TSA official reached out to Infowars, detailing an August 15th meeting where TSA managers were informed of new memorandums and policies that would reimplement mask-wearing.

According to the TSA official, further details on how the policy will escalate were to be provided at a future meeting as early as this week.

The official added that by mid-October, mask-wearing will be mandated for pilots, flight staff, passengers, and all airport patrons.

Infowars reached out to a trusted Border Patrol source, also in a managerial position, who confirmed the directives, and that similar measures were being planned for Border Patrol personnel.

Infowars reported:

“They were told it was not a matter of if but when official Covid numbers will go back up and they expect by mid-October a return to forced-masking policies that the Biden administration previously only reluctantly ended after massive pressure.”

The news outlet added, “Both whistleblowers were told this rollout will be in tandem with the new Covid “variant” hysteria that the corporate mainstream media started hyping last week.


MyPillow founder and CEO Mike Lindell has been bludgeoned, bashed and bothered over his belief that the 2020 election was not above-board – that it was actually stolen from President Trump.

He's been sued for his opinions. His business has been the target of some of the harshest leftist cancel plans in history.

One of the speakers last week at Lindell’s event, billed as “Election Summit: The plan to secure our elections,” said Lindell remains undaunted. He is still charging forward, and there will be required serious action to restore honest elections to America.

One of Lindell's plans is to heighten election security by monitoring whether machines are connected to the internet – and thus could be hacked and data changed.

The report said Lindell discussed “a device that's been made for the first time in history that could tell you that that machine was online? Well, this is what we've been working on for over a year.”

He said, “We have it.”

A drone would be connected to a Wireless Monitoring Device, a “sophisticated network connection monitoring system designed specifically with election security in mind.”

According to a video tutorial presented to the audience, that device would detect whether election computers are connected to the internet not just at polling places but in municipal, county and state offices where votes are processed. Anyone with a smartphone, for example, would automatically be detected by the device based on technology that recognizes IP addresses and internal computer hardware. When a connection is detected, screens affiliated with a command center would display a webpage confirming the connections based on access points and the wireless clients in a particular room or building.

The data then would be archived for later analysis if needed.


Project Veritas has reportedly imploded roughly six months after bad actors infiltrated the undercover whistleblower organization and orchestrated the ouster of founder James O'Keefe.

On Thursday, the Project Veritas X account tweeted: “SOS Hannah Giles just fired us all,” before it was quickly deleted.

Sources tell the Post Millennial, however, that they've indeed all been fired.


The Post Millennial reported that on Monday, August 14th, five people were fired according to the report - including a more recent hire, producer Pam Browne, who was brought in by O'Keefe last year. Others who were fired were allegedly done so in retaliation for their undercover work. The remaining employees are primarily administrative, after around 20 people were fired on Thursday.

“Since James quit, the donations dried up...the donations never resumed,” one source told the Post Millennial, adding “The board were desperate to bring Hannah on board because they thought it would be cute but the problem is she's a charlatan and a fraud. Everything she's ever done has been a failure and she lied to everyone claiming she had all these donors she could bring in.”

James O'Keefe, meanwhile, can be found at his new venture, O'Keefe Media Group (OMG).


The Daily Mail reports that a California teen died on an annual family vacation in Minnesota after collapsing while paddleboarding.

Stanley Wilson, 14, from Encinitas, California, was with his family at Cross Lake when he had a suspected cardiac arrest and fell into the water for three-to-four minutes.

“We got to him after 3-4 minutes under the water and pulled him up to give him desperate CPR but he did not look good. They tried so hard - and I'll love them forever - but with tears in their eyes, you could tell it was not going well,” wrote Eric Wilson, Stanley's father, on Facebook.

“But for 15 agonizing minutes they tried and tried — all they could — but eventually it was done and he died right there in my arms.”

Wilson referred to the lake where his son died as Stanley's favorite spot in the whole world, adding the coroner told the family the teen had a “hereditary, undiagnosed heart condition.”

“He likely had a cardiac arrest-like event while on that paddle board and that he very likely felt no pain or terror.”

Stanley and his family had been on vacation at Pine Terrace Resort when the sudden death occurred on August 9.


A super-fit and healthy 38-year-old cricket star, Dave Orange, suddenly died last week, leaving behind his wife and baby daughter, according to reports.


Orange passed away last Wednesday from “natural causes,” leaving behind his 33-year-old wife, Kerry, and 7-month-old daughter, Eylea.

Orange was from Brisbane, Australia.

The unexpected death shocked his family, friends, and colleagues.

According to the Daily Mail, Orange’s family is waiting for a coroner’s report.

Cricket star Dave Orange was a South Brisbane District Cricket Club member playing A-grade cricket and was described as having a “real zest for life, a larger-than-life personality—constantly paired with a massive smile.”


The Gateway Pundit reports that a 56-year-old pilot from LATAM Airlines died suddenly and unexpectedly after experiencing a medical emergency during a flight from Miami, Florida, to Santiago, Chile.


In another disturbing report, LATAM flight 505, carrying 271 passengers from Miami to Santiago, was diverted to Tocumen International Airport in Panama due to a pilot’s medical emergency.

Captain Iván Santibáñez has been identified as the pilot who died while operating the flight on the night of Monday, August 14th.

The pilot, who had dedicated 25 years of service to LATAM, began feeling ill three hours into the flight, according to Simple Flying.

The news outlet added that the pilot collapsed in the bathroom and immediately received emergency treatment from the crew.

Despite the efforts made by the cabin crew and medical professionals on the ground, the pilot was declared dead on arrival.

LATAM Airlines, a Chilean airline company, released the following statement:

“LATAM Airlines Group reports that flight LA505 yesterday, which was on the Miami-Santiago route, had to land at the Tocumen International Airport in Panama due to a medical emergency for one of the three members of the command crew. When the plane landed, emergency services provided life-saving help, but the pilot sadly passed away.”


World public health agencies are closely monitoring a newly identified strain of the virus responsible for COVID-19.

The BA.2.86 coronavirus strain has garnered attention due to its high number of mutations and has been labeled a “variant under monitoring” by the World Health Organization.

“Although COVID-19 is no longer a global health emergency, it remains a global health threat,” WHO Director-General Tedros said Friday.

“Just yesterday, WHO classified a new variant with a large number of mutations, BA.2.86, as a variant under monitoring, highlighting once again the need for all countries to maintain surveillance.”

“More data are needed to understand this COVID-19 variant and the extent of its spread, but the number of mutations warrants attention,” the health agency stated on its X account.

“WHO will update countries and the public as we learn more.”

The organization further emphasized the importance of continued surveillance, sequencing and reporting as the virus evolves, noting that they are currently tracking three variants of interest and monitoring seven variants.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is also keeping a close watch on BA.2.86 and the mainstream corporate media has been reporting on the strain in typical alarmist fashion.

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, who was one of the first scientists to warn against mass-vaccinating the global population during the heat of a pandemic, now says his worst fears have come true. The mass vaccination program has become one big experiment in gain-of-function research.


Wow, indeed. This was the real experiment, global in scope, with the result being a super-infectious virus coming out of the many replications. That’s what gain of function means, folks. Replicating a virus with the goal of making it more infectious and easier to spread.


Rob Bluey of The Daily Signal reports that Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) represents a new breed of conservative senator who prefers to look into the individual background of each military officer nominated by the White House and Department of Defense. It’s been customary for far too long to just rubber stamp a batch of officers at a time, rather than actually checking to see if they’re qualified to lead.

And Tuberville is not a fan of wokeness in the military.

Enter U.S. Air Force Col. Benjamin Jonsson. He was nominated by Biden to be promoted to brigadier general. Col. Jonsson is white and “woke.”

Kevin Downy Jr. reports for PJ Media that Jonsson believes the “problem” with the Air Force is “white colonels” like himself—but not really him, just all the other white colonels.

After the death of George Floyd, Jonsson penned an article for Air Force Times calling out his fellow Caucasian Air Force colonels.

Col. Jonsson wrote:

“As white colonels, you and I are the biggest barriers to change if we do not personally address racial injustice in our Air Force.”

Downy writes, “the letter reeks of being written by a haughty, green-haired, virtue-signaling white kid who attends high school in an affluent neighborhood.”

Col. Jonsson’s letter continued:

“Defensiveness is a predictable response by white people to any discussion of racial injustice. White colonels are no exception. We are largely blind to institutional racism, and we take offense to any suggestion that our system advantaged us at the expense of others. That I addressed this letter to white colonels made many of you uneasy, and we have seen similar white defensiveness play out in many of our conversations since the murder of George Floyd.”

Like every narcissistic social justice warrior, Jonsson tells the evil Caucasians how he believes they should redeem themselves and flush the inherent racism from their souls.

One thing he doesn’t do? Well, he doesn’t volunteer to step aside and let a black man have his job.

In his diatribe Jonsson even capitalizes “Black” while leaving “white” lower-cased, proving he’s not interested in equality.

In other words, he’s just another loud-mouthed hypocrite whose opinions are not meant to lead to great equality but rather, greater division. He and his cultural Marxist comrades will succeed, if we let them. Good for Senator Tuberville for standing up to this nonsense.


With Republican support for the U.S./NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine continuing to erode, the notorious neocon Bill Kristol has launched a $2 million ad campaign to rally GOP voters and legislators to the lost cause.

Specifically, Zero Hedge reports, they want Congress to approve Joe Biden's request for another $20.6 billion in Ukraine war funding.

While congressional leaders in the Uniparty are expected to back Biden's request, more and more Republican legislators are saying enough is enough.

Kristol is back up to his old tricks. His M/O is to create new political entities to advance the neocon agenda for perpetual war. In this case, a group called Defending Democracy Together—an anti-Trump 501(c)(3) of which Kristol is president—has itself spun off a new entity called Republicans for Ukraine

Zero Hedge calls it “a textbook example of astroturfing, the term that describes a political drive that fosters the illusion of widespread grassroots support for a particular political position.” A political position that in reality does not exist.

Both organizations are led by Kristol and Sarah Longwell, a Never Trumper who is also the publisher The Bulwark, a neocon website she co-founded in 2018 with Kristol. Defending Democracy Together's other projects include “Republicans Against Trump,” as well as a pro-immigration entity and another that promotes alarmism about Russian tweets

Kristol and Longwell's hopeless effort to materially change the Ukraine poll numbers centers on a collection of video testimonials from self-identified Republicans who want the U.S. government to continue shifting wealth away from U.S. taxpayers and into the pockets of fat cats at Raytheon, General Dynamics and Northrop Grumman, all in the name of fighting Russia, as if American security had anything at all to do with which government controls the Donbas region.  

A TV spot will run during the first Republican presidential debate on Wednesday, August 23. 

Here’s a look at the propaganda ad put out by Kristol and his neocon warmongering buddies, many of whom by the way would love to see the government draft your sons and daughters to go fight and die in Ukraine.


There was not even one compelling reason listed in that ad as to what makes Ukraine’s border dispute with Russia even remotely part of the U.S. national interest.

Longwell told the Washington Post that the “real drop-off in support for Ukraine” is one the most “alarming trends” of the past two years. An August CNN/SSRS poll found that 71% of Republicans oppose new funding for the Ukraine war, while 62% of Democrats support it.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Biometric Update reports that the Philadelphia Phillies of Major League Baseball are launching ticketless stadium entry with facial recognition.

Fans can register to use the service at dedicated lanes by submitting a selfie through the MLB Ballpark app. The images are converted into biometric templates and then deleted. Fans do not need to scan a ticket or their phone when entering. Security screening is carried out separately but simultaneously, reports KYW Newsradio.

Groups can use the dedicated lane, as long as the person holding all the tickets is enrolled in the service. Only fans 18 years of age or older can enroll their face biometrics. The app also provides an option for users to “un-enroll.”


Go-Ahead Entry” is a pilot program initiated by the MLB, and launching at Citizens Bank Ballpark on Monday, August 21. MLB plans to expand the system to other ballparks next season. Philadelphia marks the third Major League ballpark to use biometric facial ID to digitally identify those who enter the stadium. Facial recognition is reportedly already being used for entry to New York Mets’ games with a service provided by Wicket, while a program called Clear is used for biometric entry to baseball games in Cleveland and elsewhere.


They call it “ticketless” or “frictionless” entry. All so nice and convenient. It’s all for your safety, of course. Don’t forget that. Safety, security and convenience, as we march on toward a total surveillance state where no one moves anywhere without pre-approval.


Let’s be honest about what’s going on here. Major League Baseball is testing the waters. They want to see how many of their fans will voluntarily sign up for this invasive global digital ID program, and if enough of them do sign up, they will make it mandatory within a couple of years. You won’t be able to attend a ballgame without being digitally marked. It will work the same for concerts, airlines, public transport of any kind, and eventually even shopping malls and grocery stores.

And it’s not just baseball stadiums where these tests will be going on. You’ll see them spring up all over in the coming months as the globalists prepare for their final end-game scenario, the final stage of what they hope will be a total takedown of any semblance of individual freedom, resulting in a new world order under their tyrannical control.

A bill has already been introduced in the State of New York to offer biometric digital IDs as a means of “conveniently” checking people’s ages at restaurants and stores where alcoholic beverages are sold. These test programs will be popping up all over. So pay close attention. If you don’t, you won’t pass the test. You’ll be digitized into the system.

It’s my opinion that whoever opts to participate in these digital ID scans, turning over their personal biometric data to the state or some corporation, whether out of fear, convenience, or pure ignorance… Well, those individuals are enabling the creation of a global beast system and digital tyranny.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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