Refuting The Word of Faith Claim That the Spirit of Elijah is on the Earth Today
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Refuting The Word of Faith Claim That the Spirit of Elijah is on the Earth Today. Hear false teacher Rick Joyner claim that the Spirit of Elijah is on the earth, that he went to heaven, talked to Elijah and Enoch, and that some Christians can heal Ebola. Brannon Biblically explains why the spirit of Elijah is not on the earth today, and what is meant that John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah. If Elijah comes to earth during the tribulation, what are the signs of the tribulation and what will Elijah do while on earth? What is meant by the phrase that Elijah will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and children to their fathers? This detailed study will reveal how we know that the spirit of Elijah is not on the earth today.
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