Reports Of Mexican Drug Cartels Operating On US Soil With Military Style Weapons

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  • Israel strikes back in the war against Hamas and its brutal terrorists while Hamas starts to execute captured Israelis.
  • Mexican drug cartels are heavily armed and inside the United States. We have the shocking video.
  • The billions of dollars-worth of weapons Joe Biden left behind in Afghanistan have made their way into the hands of Hamas terrorists to be used against Israelis.
  • Gas prices are getting ready to skyrocket thanks to Biden’s draining of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
  • And school children could soon have legal access to marijuana in the state of Michigan.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

We start off tonight with a staggering report on the plans of Mexican drug cartels operating on American soil.

To make matters worse, military-grade weapons are turning up in Mexican border towns, creating a war zone at the border.

Ever since Biden took office, the violence and power of the Mexican drug cartels has been growing, and now we have evidence that they’re operating on the U.S. side of the border. The cartel’s latest display of strength was seen in a TV spot that surfaced online, showing cartel members wielding an anti-tank rocket launcher in a border town near Texas.

And along with them are cartels like the one that now controls a 170-acre island in the middle of the Rio Grande River that contains sniper nests and is possibly booby-trapped.

The island, located about 250 miles south of San Antonio, is one such area of the U.S. that is now under the complete control of a Mexican cartel.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 0:13 mark to 0:43 mark)

This was reported originally on my show, Brannon Howse Live, by investigative reporter Todd Bensman. Here is a clip from that interview.

WATCH VIDEO (clip several minutes from this interview with Todd)

America's southern border is already a war zone, according to eyes on the ground such as Todd Bensman. This didn’t start last week or last year. It has been going on for decades under several U.S. administrations, with a small respite under Donald Trump.

Since Biden took over in 2021, some five million illegal aliens have poured through and resettled here, including bad actors affiliated with drug cartels and Hezbollah.

After all these years it would be foolish not to assume they have sleeper cells inside America that are waiting for the command to activate violent attacks on Americans. What we saw go down in Israel over the weekend is coming here. Hopefully American civilians will be more prepared and less reliant on the government to protect them. We saw how that played out. And it wasn’t pretty. We all need to pray for the people of Israel as they now live in a war zone, that God will protect them in the midst of that war zone, and that He will protect Christians and Jews around the world from copycat attacks by Muslim terrorists.


Hamas said on Monday it would begin executing Israeli civilian hostages in return for any new Israeli bombing of civilian houses without pre-warning. 

A spokesperson for Hamas' armed wing, the IQB, said they have been acting in accordance with Islamic instructions by keeping Israeli captives safe.

Take a look at this video and make up your own mind if these young female captives look like they’re safe.


They were terrorizing those young girls as the gunshots went off in a room right next to where they were being held in deplorable conditions.

We know that Islamic scriptures condone the raping of women seized in wartime. Those young ladies were no doubt subjected to that kind of Islamic sexual violation.

The Hamas spokesman blamed the intended executions on Israel's stepped-up bombing and killing of civilians inside their homes in air strikes without warning them. 

Of course, the difference is Hamas targets civilians specifically while Israel goes after Hamas terrorists, who cowardly hide behind women and children.

Later in the day Hamas had reportedly already executed two of the Israelis being held hostage.


Australian reporter Sharri Markson broke down on air while reporting on the barbarity of Saturday’s Hamas terror attacks on civilians inside Israel.

Markson, a Sky News host, is a serious journalist. She was one of the key reporters to uncover the complicity between Dr. Anthony Fauci, the NIH, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Chinese Communist Party and the World Health Organization in unleashing the Covid bioweapon on the world.

She’s seen a lot and reported on more.

But this weekend Markson broke down on air while reporting on the barbaric attacks by Hamas inside Israel.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel’s response to the brutal attacks would live in people’s memories “for generations.”


In a staggering display of tone-deafness and detachment from reality, the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has condemned the Hamas attack on Israel but managed to draw what seems to be a moral comparison in Israel's response.

U.N. Secretary General Guterres condemned the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel on Monday, but also said he is “deeply distressed” by Israel's response.

Guterres addressed the ongoing conflict from a U.N. briefing room on Monday, telling reporters that “nothing can justify” Hamas' attack on Israel, which killed at least 900 people.

As noted by Red State Media, the U.N. Secretary General could have stopped right there, and that would have been a reasonable and effective statement from the global body. But he didn't. The final part of his statement on the conflict betrayed his own inexplicable hatred towards the only modern democracy in the Middle East and drew a hideous moral equivalency between Israel and Hamas.

He stated:

“While I recognize Israel’s legitimate security concerns, I also remind Israel that military operations must be conducted in strict accordance with international humanitarian law. I am deeply distressed by today’s announcement that Israel will initiate a complete siege of the Gaza Strip, nothing allowed in – no electricity, food, or fuel. The humanitarian situation in Gaza was extremely dire before these hostilities; now it will only deteriorate exponentially.”

Guterres is a socialist and a globalist. Should we be surprised?


An Israeli commander said that U.S. small arms that were left behind during Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 have found their way into the hands of Palestinian terror groups in the Gaza Strip. Weapons the U.S. abandoned during the tumultuous and deadly withdrawal were seized by the Taliban.

Following the August 2021 U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in which13 service members were killed, billions of dollars in US weapons and equipment, including Black Hawk helicopters, fell into the hands of the Taliban. An Israeli commander told Newsweek that IDF has seen the weapons in use by terrorist organizations in Gaza.

The weapons continue to be a revenue source for the Taliban, who have sold and smuggled the weapons out of Afghanistan. 

The commander was also concerned that “…they can research capabilities and then learn how to manufacture them. I'm talking especially about Iran.”

“The other problem,” he added, “is that we are very worried that some of these capabilities are going to fall to Hezbollah and Hamas' hands.”

It has been widely reported that Tehran has been reverse engineering U.S. weapons’ technology, including drones.

According to Newsweek, the Biden administration has alleged that Tehran has copied the U.S. design for TOW anti-tank missiles “…to develop the Toophan system, which has been wielded by Hezbollah and fellow militias in Iraq, Syria and Yemen.”

Speaking with Fox News on Sunday, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said, “I want to track the serial numbers of the weapons that Hamas is using against Israel. And I want to know if they came from Afghanistan or if they came from weapons that we provided to Ukraine.”


Get ready for some really high gas prices.

The United States continues to drain is strategic oil reserves, and those reserves are now so low that the nation is almost two weeks away from draining its fuel storage tanks. The likelihood of refilling them is low, as the Biden administration is fully invested in green energy and transitioning away from so-called fossil fuels.

We and others have warned that the U.S. is becoming dangerously low on energy supplies, thanks to the reckless policies of the Biden regime, at a time when OPEC announced it will be extending production cuts by the end of 2024, which will only force prices higher as the OPEC and BRICS-aligned nations have greater influence over the cost.

The reserves were drained and now the country is extremely low.

Refilling those reserves will take years. Reuters reported in March: “It could take years for the United States to refill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, the energy secretary told lawmakers on Thursday, after sales directed by President Joe Biden last year pushed the stockpile to its lowest level since 1983.”

And this draining of the strategic reserves comes at a time when the United States appears to be heading into a global war with some combination of China, Iran, North Korea, Hamas and Russia, possibly all five at the same time.

Reuters added: “Biden administration officials have said they want to refill the reserve, after last year’s historic sale of 180 million barrels, when the oil price consistently is around $70 a barrel. Oil from that sale sold at about $94 per barrel.”

Good luck with that.

Since bolstering and strengthening reliance upon domestic oil reserves is pretty much off the table, Lena Petrova, CPA, says the most likely outcome will result in oil costs that will be dictated by a coalition of hostile foreign countries.


Kids as young as kindergarteners will be allowed to use cannabis at school if Michigan passes a bill introduced in the state legislature last week.

The legislation, proposed by Democratic representatives in the Michigan House, would legally allow students with approved conditions to consume medical marijuana in the form of edibles, beverages, and other low-THC products on school premises or on the buses.

The administration of these products would be overseen by a designated school staff member. Only students with clear written authorization detailing the timing and purpose, such as for emergency relief or symptom prevention, could use them, or so they say.

The new initiative aims to increase accessibility to medical marijuana for eligible students.

Michigan State Rep. Jimmie Wilson Jr., told CBS News:

“What it does is allow medical marijuana pediatric patients to have their medication in the schools the same way anyone else has their medications stored. The same way, whether it be in a nurse's office or an administration office, they would go up and access their medication the same way anyone else would, and they would go back to class.”

This bill underscores Michigan's changing perspective on illicit drugs. For example, a bill introduced in September aimed to decriminalize psychedelic plants, and there was a recent revision to the drug-testing policy for new hires this month.


Eastern European Slovakia has been a major supporter of Ukraine, donating arms – including its fleet of Soviet-era MiG-29 fighter jets – and accepting refugees.

But the latest electoral cycle saw the Ukraine fatigue rise and three-time Prime Minister Robert Fico make an electoral comeback.

Widely described in the Western media as a “pro-Putin populist,” Fico has repeatedly stated his opposition to continuing military aid to Ukraine.

And while Fico’s Smer party is still to form the coalition to govern, the interruption of the aid has already taken effect.

Associated Press reported that President Zuzana Caputova said in a statement Thursday that the current caretaker government of technocrats has only limited powers, having lost a confidence vote in Parliament on June 15, a month after it was sworn in.

The party of populist former prime minister Robert Fico captured 22.9% of the vote on Saturday. It will have 42 seats in the 150-seat Parliament.

The AP reports that Fico has vowed to withdraw Slovakia’s military support for Ukraine, and his victory could further strain the fragile unity in the European Union and NATO.

President Caputova, a huge supporter of Ukraine, has not changed her view on military assistance for Kyiv.

The president said she is ready to support military assistance “proposed by any government with full powers.”

Euronews reported:

“If he succeeds in forming a coalition government, Fico will become prime minister for the fourth time, campaigning on a pro-Russian and anti-American message. ‘Slovakia and people in Slovakia have more serious problems than Ukraine. That’s all I can say at this moment,’ he said following his victory last weekend.”


Susan Duclos, writing for All News Pipeline, maintains that the media’s wall-to-wall war coverage is good for Joe Biden because it takes the focus off his dismal performance as an illegitimate president.

While all eyes have been drawn to what is happening now with the terrorist group Hamas attacking Israel, and Israel officially declaring war for the first time in 50 years, the “benefit” for the Biden regime is that all of those same eyes are not quite as focused on what is happening right here in America.

Granted, some are rightly pointing out the $6 billion in Iranian funds that was frozen by President Trump in 2018, being unfrozen by Biden as part of a trade deal for American prisoners, was used to fund the Hamas attack on Israel. This is something proven true when a Hamas “spokesperson told the BBC that the militant group had backing from its ally, Iran, for its surprise attacks on Israel.”

A couple of points come to mind in watching the news media and their back-to-back coverage of Israel/Hamas:

• The fact the U.S. has just basically funded two wars. The tens of billions sent to Ukraine to be our proxy in a war with Russia, and allowing the release of $6 billion to Iran to fund the attacks against Israel.

• The distraction of covering two wars, with a sudden lull in reporting the border issues, Biden bypassing Congress and the courts themselves by eliminating school loan debt, the recent blockbuster reports showing the FBI has now created a category of "extremists," which targets Donald Trump supporters, and the many other ways the Biden regime and Joe's handlers are actively working to destroy this country.


Presidential candidate Robert. F. Kennedy Jr. held a campaign event in Philadelphia and officially announced he’s now running as an Independent.

Kennedy told a huge crowd of supporters in Philly, “I’m here today to declare myself an Independent candidate for President of the United States.”

He continued, “We declare independence from the corporations that have hijacked our government. And we declare independence from Wall Street, from Big Tech, from Big Pharma, from Big AG, from the military contractors and their lobbyists. And we declare independence from the mercenary media that is here to fortify all of the corporate orthodoxies from their advertisers and to urge us to hate our neighbors and to fear our friends. And we declare independence from the cynical elites who betray our hope and who amplify our divisions.” 

Shortly after making his announcement, the gathered crowd cheered and chanted his name.



Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

It’s bad enough to see Muslims throughout the Islamic world out in the streets celebrating the murder of Israeli Jews, but to see that type of behavior in American cities is downright chilling.

We saw it in New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, in Florida and many other states.

Here is one rally in Chicago.


What kind of person celebrates the death of another, especially civilians who played no role in the military conflict between Israel and its enemies?

Only a person given over to Satan could harbor that level of hate in their hearts. But it’s this kind of bloodlust that is taught to many children in Islamic culture from the time they are old enough to comprehend the meaning of hate.

Our nation is sitting on a powder keg, folks.

All it will take is one match to light the fuse and off we go into civil war. Chaos in the streets. And I’m afraid that when you unleash Islamic violence, it will make the violence that took place in the summer of 2020 look like child’s play.

It’s time to get ready. Get ready mentally, physically and spiritually for what’s coming. The stage has been set, with the situation at the border, with the decades of refugee resettlements in this country from nations that hate us … Because of all that, the same type of hatred you saw on display in Israel is also here in America. It’s not coming. It’s here. Hamas is the Muslim Brotherhood and the Muslim Brotherhood is Hamas. This shadowy group operates in America under the brand name of the CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations. They are ruthless and they are brutally committed to the domination of society as called for in their holy book, the Quran.

The barbarians are inside the gates, and our government is not going to protect us. In fact, they’re the ones who brought these monsters here.

Protection will be on us. We must protect our own families. If you don’t already own a good firearm or two, what are you waiting for? Get armed, get trained, and have a plan in place.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching, and thanks for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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