RFK Jr. Argues That NATO Should Be Dissolved

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  • The Federal Reserve will soon have complete access to all of your financial data. We’ll tell you why.
  • A global digital ID system will be ushered in for citizens around the world whether they “like it or not,” says the CEO of a new digital financial/identity product called Worldcoin.
  • Senator Rand Paul says the U.S. cannot afford to keep sending money and ammo to Ukraine in order to fight a war with Russia, because the country has run out of both.
  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. calls for the dissolution of NATO.
  • And a female university student in Turkey unfurls an LGBT rainbow flag during a graduation ceremony. We’ll show you what happens.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

The Federal Reserve will soon have access to and control over the ledgers and account information of all commercial banks, effectively providing the Feds your personal banking history.

The Winepress reports that Cleveland Federal Reserve President Loretta Mester provided insights into the Fed’s new instant transfer payment called FedNow, which went live on July 20.

Two weeks ago the Federal Reserve published a list of banks and creditors that have partnered with them to trial and provide FedNow, with many more expected to sign up in short order.

The Federal Reserve succinctly describes what their new platform is and its purpose:

The FedNow Service is a new instant payment infrastructure developed by the Federal Reserve that allows financial institutions of every size across the U.S. to provide safe and efficient instant payment services. Through financial institutions participating in the FedNow Service, businesses and individuals can send and receive instant payments in real time, around the clock, every day of the year. Financial institutions and their service providers can use the service to provide innovative instant payment services to customers, and recipients will have full access to funds immediately, allowing for greater financial flexibility when making time-sensitive payments.”


The CEO of Worldcoin has warned that a global digital ID system will be ushered in for citizens around the world whether they “like it or not.”

Worldcoin has developed a system that it pitches as “the world’s largest identity and financial public network.”

Slay News reports that the company has created a database that links digital cash, or Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), with a digital identity system.

The company has created its own form of digital money called the Worldcoin token (WLD).

Linked to WLD is another of Worldcoin’s products – World ID.

World ID is a digital identity system that collects biometric data for individuals and holds it in a database that links to WLD transactions.

WLD and World ID are connected and accessed via the company’s World App.

When it’s all in place and no longer “voluntary,” these technologies will be used to create and enforce 15-minute cities, says Christine Anderson, a member of the E.U. Parliament from Germany. Here she is describing how it will work.



World App is “an app that enables payment, purchases, and transfers globally using digital assets and traditional currencies,” according to Worldcoin.

People who voluntarily surrender their biometric data receive “small sums” in Worldcoin’s tokens in return for signing up for the World ID scheme.

Worldcoin is co-founded by Sam Altman, the head of the company, Open AI, that is behind the artificial intelligence chatbot ChapGPT.

According to Worldcoin’s executives, World ID, or “something like” it, will soon be mandatory for anyone who wishes to partake in regular society.

World ID uses iris scanners that require a person to have their eyes scanned to prove their identity.

And while that idea may sound like a dystopian nightmare that would never catch on, people in several southern European countries, notably Spain and Portugal, are simply itching to give away their iris biometrics as proof of identity and right to a cryptocurrency transfer wallet.


National Security Council spokesman John Kirby launched an impassioned defense of taxpayer funded abortions for military personnel and their families on Monday, July 17, pounding the podium of the White House press briefing room as he called military access to abortion a “foundational, sacred obligation.”

The outburst occurred when Kirby was asked by a reporter during the daily White House press briefing, about the Pentagon’s controversial policy for it to use taxpayer funds to reimburse the cost of travel and care related to abortions and how it was “critical to military readiness.”



Kirby was speaking from the heart as a true Marxist. They do consider abortion to be sacred. It’s a religious sacrament to their darkened hearts.

Kirby argued that anyone who signs up to serve – and potentially lose their lives while serving – has “every right” to expect the military to “take care” of them, regardless of “who you are, who you love, or how you worship or don’t.”

He described meeting an all-female group of service members and spouses who he said told him that abortion restrictions being passed in states across the country were “absolutely having an effect on their willingness to continue serving in uniform or to encourage or discourage, in this case, their spouses from continuing service.”

He added that “It can have an extremely, extremely significant impact on our recruiting and retention. Not to mention it’s just the right darn thing to do for people that raise their hand and agree to serve in the military.”

Kirby’s comments come as the debate over military funding for abortions continues to be waged in Congress, with Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., holding firm to his commitment to block all top military promotions and nominations as long as the Pentagon’s abortion policy remains in place.

The U.S. military has become an abomination unto the Lord. Not only does it field 20 percent women (no offense to you ladies but good luck fighting those Russians and Chinese men) but it also upholds men pretending to be women as worthy of “respect” and sacrosanct part of the U.S. fighting force. All I can say is, when the fighting starts, good luck with that.


Summit News reports that Senator Rand Paul declared Wednesday that the U.S. cannot afford to keep sending money and ammo to Ukraine in order to fight a war with Russia, because the country has run out of both.

Appearing on Fox Business, Paul responded to the almost weekly announcement now that the Biden administration is sending another billion dollars in aid to Ukraine.

“From a fiscal conservative perspective, it makes no sense to borrow money from China to send it to Ukraine,” Paul urged, adding “It’s not like we’re sending them surplus funds. It’s like, ‘Oh, we have surplus ammo around.’”

“We’re actually out of ammo now, we’re out of money. And so, there’s no real sense in continuing to do this,” Paul further emphasized.

Biden himself admitted recently that the reason he is sending horrific cluster bombs to Ukraine is that “we’ve run out of ammunition.”

“This war can go on forever,” Paul continued, adding “I don’t think the Russians are ever leaving Crimea. I don’t think the Ukrainians have the might to push them out.”

“If the endpoint is Russia has to leave Crimea and all other parts they occupy of Ukraine then the war goes on, it will be a war of attrition over many, many years and the Ukrainian people are suffering horribly,” Paul further explained.

WATCH VIDEO (Start at 3:31 mark; not sure if you can use this but the link and the embed code is below)


<script type="text/javascript" src="https://video.foxbusiness.com/v/embed.js?id=6331498682112&w=466&h=263"></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href="https://www.foxbusiness.com">foxbusiness.com</a></noscript>


The Gateway Pundit reports that last month, South Korean cyclist Na Hwa-rin competed at the Gangwon Sports Festival in Gangwon Province. The 37-year-old biological male athlete underwent gender-affirming surgery in Seoul in 2022 and received a new birth certificate that expresses his gender as “female.”

He was then able to compete in women’s competitions.

After watching the United States and other countries disregard the sanctity of women’s sports, such as Lia Thomas, a fully-intact male, competing against biological females, winning a collegiate national championship and being nominated for “woman of the year”, or now-retired U.S. Women’s National Team soccer player, Megan Rapinoe, saying she welcomes transmen in women’s soccer, Na’s victory introduces the transgender issue to Korean sports for the first time.

And Na seems to hope it’s also the last.

After winning the cycling competition in Gangwon, Na told the Korea Times:

“I have no unresolved feelings over winning because that’s no longer what I want. My goal was to stir controversy and get my story heard by competing.”

When Na crossed the finish line in the women’s race, he was “more relieved than triumphant,” because he felt he finally made his point about male physical superiority and gender inclusion in sports. At the same time, Na felt sorry for the female cyclists who competed against him and offered them energy drinks as a kind of apology during the race.

“I am not honored. I am not proud of myself at all. I believe other transgender athletes would feel the same way. They may not want to admit it, but they’re being selfish. There is no honor as an athlete in that,” Na said, referring to international transgender athletes who have sparked heated debate about the fairness of their competing against biological women after transitioning.

Na advocates for the creation of a “third gender” category in sports competitions, alongside male and female categories, to make sports more inclusive and fair.

Na’s story is similar to that of Avi Silverberg, a Canadian powerlifter who entered a woman’s competition to prove a point.  In doing so, Silverberg shattered the women’s record.

Women across the globe are being disenfranchised from competitive sports by “transwomen” who oftentimes have lived their entire lives developing physically superior muscle and bone structure, only to “transition” and compete against biological females who are at a tremendous disadvantage. 


Students at American and Western universities find themselves silenced and persecuted if they don’t support the LGBTQ-plus agenda.

But in much of the world, it’s the opposite.

Turkey is a good example.

University student Melisa Caymaz on July 17 unfurled a rainbow flag during the graduation ceremony at Uşak University in Turkey and began to be targeted by social media users and pro-government newspapers.



As you can tell from that young lady’s apparel, Turkey is a moderate Islamic nation, nothing like Iran or Saudi Arabia. But even in Turkey, they don’t want the LGBTQ agenda leaking in from the West.

The pro-government Turkish daily Yeni Şafak published Caymaz's footage and name and reported the incident with the title “LGBT perversion propaganda at the graduation ceremony.” The daily added, “LGBT perversion, which targets the Turkish and Muslim family structure and demolishes public morality, has risen at the university” and called the student a “provocateur.” 

According to the Turkish news site, DuvaR, threats against Caymaz gained momentum after the daily targeted her and she began to receive numerous death threats. One of the users who shared Caymaz's images pointed to the website “anitsayac.com,” a digital memorial created for women who were murdered as a result of male violence, and said, “As soon as possible, we will write your name in golden letters on the memorial.”

Uşak University on July 19 issued a statement calling the rainbow flag a “LGBT rag.” The university administration stated, “During the graduation ceremony, one of the graduating students opened an LGBT rag hidden in her clothes with a sudden move for provocation without the permission and knowledge of any authority. It is impossible for the administrative units of our university to approve and support this personal action.”  

Official procedures have been initiated against the graduate.

Turkish authorities in 2023 banned nearly all pride week events and attacked pride marches across the country. Dozens of LGBTI+ activists have been detained and subjected to violence. Turkish authorities have been implementing a de facto ban on “rainbow” flags and objects with the same colors even though there is no official law against them.


Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently argued for NATO to be dissolved because its existence threatens global peace.

During a fundraiser dinner on Tuesday, Kennedy stated:

“I think it is insane to even keep NATO going. Russia lost the cold war. The people who run Russia are people who we want running Russia. Let’s help them the way we did Germany and Japan after that war with the Marshall plan. That’s not what we did.”

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 10 seconds)


Kennedy made the remarks during a question-and-answer portion of the dinner.

He went on to say that, “If you treat somebody like your enemy, it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. They’re going to become your enemy. I certainly would not have moved NATO to the east if I had been president.”

Kennedy’s NATO position closely resembles former President Donald Trump’s stance on the alliance.

Trump had been openly critical of NATO while he was president and reportedly suggested the U.S. should withdraw from the bloc in 2019.

Fearing a second Trump term would harken the end of NATO, Senators Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Tim Kaine (D-Va.) introduced a bill earlier this month that would prevent the president from withdrawing from NATO without congressional approval.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

The Post Millennial reports that a former NBC contributor who served as a spokesperson for the pro-pedophile organization Prostasia has harsh words for the new anti-child trafficking film “Sound of Freedom.”

The film, which has been praised by conservatives for bringing attention to the problem of human trafficking and child trafficking specifically, has been smeared by mainstream press and liberals as having ties to shadowy anti-pedophilia movement QAnon.

Now let me get this straight. QAnon or no QAnon, whether you like that group or not, this much is clear. In the eyes of the leftists and globalists, being anti-pedophilia is bad. The rules of basic logic tell us that if that’s true, that makes them pro-pedophilia.

For Berlatsky, who became the spokesperson for Prostasia in 2021, “Sound of Freedom” is a “QAnon dog whistle” that does “little to help victims” who are portrayed “as innocent and sympathetic as possible.” 

So to this guy, apparently it’s not right to portray victims of child sex trafficking as innocent and sympathetic. That makes him a monster.

Tim Ballard, on whose work the film is based, addressed the QAnon accusations at the recent Turning Point Action conference, saying that the film was made years ago, before QAnon even came into existence, and was only released this year by Angel Studios.

Berlatsky has written about child-trafficking, saying that the term “trafficking” itself is misleading. He writes that it “conflates underage people trading sex, consensual sex work, immigration and all kinds of labor exploitation in industries.” In his Bloomberg piece on the film, he continues to make that claim. 

“Anti-trafficking experts,” he writes, “have also argued that the film's presentation of trafficking is misleading.” He cites statistics that “67% of the children who are sexually trafficked are 15 to 17 years old rather than young children. In 41% of the cases, a family member was involved.”

So let’s look at his numbers. Assuming they are true, that still means that 33 percent of children being trafficked for sex are under 15 years of age. That’s a tragedy that should enrage any decent human being.

“Behind those numbers,” he writes, “are often stories of addiction, disowned LGBTQ+ people and trading sex on the street to survive. That's why experts worry that Sound of Freedom's stranger danger narrative, and the way it centers on victims who are as innocent and as sympathetic as possible, may make it more difficult to organize help for less perfect victims when they are targeted by those close to them.”

Less perfect victims? There is absolutely no excuse, ever, under any circumstances that would justify an adult taking sexual advantage of any minor, whether they are “perfect” or not. By the way, I know perverts like Berlatsky can’t fathom it, but that same zero tolerance for sex trafficking should be applied to adults as well as children.

Ballard rightly questions the motives of people like Berlatsky. He told The Post Millennial, “They love to say it's overblown, and the kind of metrics they use are ridiculous to do it. So what's the agenda behind there?”

Ballard cited groups that try to legitimize pedophiles by changing the terminology from “pedophile” to “minor attracted persons,” something Berlatsky has worked to do. In his view, this is an effort to make children more sexually available to predators. And he’s exactly right.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.

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