Is RFK Jr. Getting The Same Treatment As President Trump?

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  • Violent crime surges in the nation’s capital, to the point where even DC liberals are admitting they don’t feel safe.
  • The Biden regime makes it far more expensive to drill for oil and gas on public lands.
  • Louisiana becomes the 21st state to pass a law protecting children from mutilating surgeries and dangerous chemical puberty blockers.
  • FedNow goes live in the United States, but there’s another digital instant payment system. We’ll share the details.
  • Three American preteens die suddenly and unexpectedly.
  • And the U.S. sends warships to the Persian Gulf.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report starts, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Starting off tonight, violent crime in the nation’s capital is raging out of control.

The Washington Times reports there has been a barrage of attempted stick-ups turning into fatal shootings, robbers ambushing victims on sidewalks, and small-time crooks making their first foray into felony crime with violent thefts.

The Times writes:

“No corner of the District has been spared from a surge of robberies taking place on busy commercial corridors and neighborhood blocks in recent weeks. The number of holdups reported by the Metropolitan Police Department has exploded this year by nearly 60% as thieves brazenly confront citizens outside bars, public libraries and the victims’ own apartments.”

The Times further reports that the sense of “randomness” in these crimes is what has residents most startled.

“The wave of robberies is contributing to the sense of randomness that has accompanied the District’s stunning surge in violent crime in the first six months of 2023.”

According to the report, even those who typically avoid discussions about public safety in the District, for political reasons, don’t deny the current crime wave is serious.

Cyclist Sabrina Valenti told The Washington Times:

“I hate this narrative of ‘Oh, D.C. is so crime-ridden. But at the same time, you do have these absolute nonsense, out-of-nowhere, irresponsible people, it almost makes me wonder if they realize that they have the potential to take someone’s life away.”      

Valenti took part in a memorial bike ride Sunday to honor Dzhoy Zuckerman, the 27-year-old bike messenger who was shot and killed during an attempted robbery just after midnight Saturday on 3rd Street Northwest. He left behind a 5-year-old son.

The cyclist’s slaying came days after construction worker Rafael Adolfo Gomez was shot and killed while walking to his job site at Howard University.

But none of this makes the national news because it doesn’t fit the narrative. It’s mostly black on black crime, or black on white crime or Hispanic on black crime, not a white cop shooting an unarmed black teen like the media loves to report.

The suspects in both shootings remain at large. But police were able to arrest Jaime Macedo, the 22-year-old ex-con who is accused of gunning down Kentucky teacher Maxwell Emerson on Catholic University’s campus earlier this month.

As was the case with Zuckerman and Adolfo Gomez, court documents show that Macedo was trying to rob Emerson before the victim was mortally wounded.

He was one of 10 people shot and killed in Washington during the first five days of July.

And, by the way, this is all the proof we need that gun control doesn’t work.

D.C. has the nation’s strictest gun laws.


The Associated Press reports that U.S. oil and gas companies will have to pay more to drill on public lands and satisfy stronger requirements to clean up old or abandoned wells under a new rule announced Thursday by the Biden regime.

A rule proposed by the Interior Department raises royalty rates for oil drilling by more than one-third, to 16.67%, in accordance with the sweeping climate law approved by Congress last year. 

The previous rate of 12.5% paid by oil and gas companies for federal drilling rights had remained unchanged for a century. The federal rate was significantly lower than what many states and private landowners charge for drilling leases on state or private lands.

The plan codifies provisions in the climate law, known as the Inflation Reduction Act, as well as the 2021 infrastructure law and recommendations from an Interior report on oil and gas leasing issued in November 2021.

Deputy Interior Secretary Laura Daniel-Davis said her agency “is committed to creating a more transparent, inclusive and just approach to leasing and permitting that serves the public interest while protecting natural and cultural resources on our public lands.”

The new royalty rate set by the climate law is expected to remain in place until August 2032, after which it can be increased. The higher rate would increase costs for oil and gas companies by an estimated $1.8 billion in that period, according to the Interior Department.

The rule also would increase the minimum leasing bond paid by energy companies to $150,000, up from the previous $10,000 established in 1960.


Louisiana legislators enacted “The Stop Harming Our Kids Act” which bans experimental puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and mutilating irreversible surgeries for minors. The legislature overrode Governor John Bel Edwards’ veto in a special session voting 76-23 in the House and 28-11 in the Senate, making Louisiana the 21st state to pass such a law protecting children.

The law will take effect on January 1st, 2024.

According to the bill, healthcare professionals are banned from “knowingly” engaging in any act that “attempts to alter a minor’s appearance” and are also barred from validating minors’ perception of their sex contrary to their actual biological sex.

The new law forbids the “removal of any healthy or non-diseased body part or tissue,” such as mastectomies, hysterectomies, and penectomies, as well as the construction of artificial genitalia, sterilization procedures, and aesthetic alterations.

Under the law, healthcare practitioners found in violation would have their professional licenses revoked for a minimum of two years. The law also makes provision for victims of these treatments and procedures to sue for damages for injuries suffered from any violation of the law. 

While many American medical associations repeatedly advocate for hormonal treatments to treat gender dysphoria – a position parroted by the Biden administration – doctors from around the world are citing no evidence of positive outcomes to support these often-irreversible actions. On July 13, a group of 21 doctors and medical researchers from nine countries – Finland, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, France, Switzerland, South Africa and the United States – issued a letter in response to a claim by the Journal of the Endocrine Society that these treatments and procedures reduce the risk of suicide among gender-confused children.

While the group of doctors noted the “unfortunate” nature of how politicized healthcare for gender dysphoria has become, they recommended medical societies to align with the “best evidence available” which shows mental health therapy should be the “first line of treatment” for gender dysphoria. The doctors concluded there is “no reliable evidence” that these banned treatments are effective in suicide prevention.


WXYZ TV, an ABC affiliate in Detroit, reports that 10-year-old Monea Pace of Oakland County, Michigan, had just started with the Southfield Falcons cheer team when she suddenly and unexpectedly collapsed at practice Friday.

Just after 8 p.m. Friday outside Thompson K-8 International Academy in Southfield, where the Falcons practiced, Monea collapsed.

Someone started CPR as 911 was called.

Paramedics said the girl wasn't breathing and despite life-saving measures, she never regained consciousness as she was rushed to the hospital, where Monea was later pronounced dead.

GoFundMe page has been started to help the family with funeral expenses.

Rondalyn Johnson, one of Monea's aunts, said:

“It's like a nightmare. To watch a kid go so soon... It's nothing I've ever seen in my life.”

The Oakland County Medical Examiner's Office is awaiting toxicology results before determining a cause of death.


10-year-old Kelsey Morand, daughter of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine executive Mike Morand, died suddenly and unexpectedly from a seizure.

She began having seizures on July 1 and flatlined for 20 minutes. She was intubated, continued having seizures and died on July 5.



A New Jersey mother wants answers after her 12-year-old son died after collapsing during a no-contact football practice.

Elijah Jordan Brown-Garcia, a sixth-grade student at KIPP Rise Academy in Newark, was running drills Feb. 10 when he collapsed and became unresponsive, according to his family and a school spokesperson.

“He was so happy to be there. He didn’t know that it was going to be his last day,” the boy’s mother, Raven Brown, told News 12 New Jersey.

Elijah played for the Essex County Predators league. Brown said he was at the practice with his 10-year-old brother, who called her to tell her that Elijah was not responding.

The boy’s mother said:

“I said, ‘What are they doing? What is anybody doing?’ And he said, ‘They are pouring water on him, and they are fanning him.’ And that’s when I got my kids together and I said, ‘I’m on my way.”

Brown told the news station that CPR was not performed on her son and it took the ambulance a while to get to the field. Elijah was eventually taken to University Hospital in Newark where he died.

Brown said that her son did not get hit during practice and was a healthy child. It was “no contact. It was just drills running back and forth,” she said.

A cause of death has not been disclosed.

But, per the usual protocols, the obvious question is never asked. The elephant in the room is never acknowledged. It’s getting old.


The U.S. is sending two amphibious warships and thousands of Marines to the Middle East to bolster regional security after Iranian forces threatened commerce in and out of the Persian Gulf, the Pentagon announced Thursday, July 20.
Amphibious warship USS Bataan and USS Carter Hall and elements of the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit on the two ships are being dispatched to the U.S. Central Command on orders of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

A Department of Defense statement reads:

“Through these actions, the United States is demonstrating commitment to ensuring freedom of navigation and deterring Iranian destabilization activities in the region.”

The announcement comes days after the U.S. sent additional warships and fighters to the Middle East to deter Iranian forces from interfering with merchant traffic.

On July 5, the Iranian corvette IRINS Bayandor (81) fired on the merchant tanker Richard Voyager in an attempt to seize the ship off the coast of Oman.


Peter Barry Chowka, writing for American Thinker, says that prior to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s testimony last week before the Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government of the House Judiciary Committee, he thought President Trump had gotten the worst treatment of anyone in public life by the assorted powers that be. 

And that may still be the case, given the two sham impeachments and post-presidency criminal indictments.

However, Chowka writes:

“But in terms of a one-day nuclear shutdown of an American citizen and his rights to free speech, I have never seen anything on the level of what was meted out to RFK Jr. – by both Democrats in Congress and the mainstream media...”

In fact, Chowka says, you'd have to go back to the Army-McCarthy hearings of 1954 to find such enmity in the halls of Congress.  Even the bipartisan Watergate hearings of 1973 were tame in comparison.

Even before the hearing started, as reported by Michael Nevradakis in his excellent article on the hearing at The Defender, Reps. Dan Goldman (D-N.Y.), Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) and Judy Chu (D-Calif.) sent a letter signed by 102 House Democrats to the House Republican leadership, requesting they “rescind Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s invitation to testify.”

Once the hearing began, Wasserman Shultz and several other Democrat committee members continued to demand Kennedy's ouster and, when that tactic failed, they fell back on a coordinated strategy to demean and libel him without giving him the courtesy or right to answer or to respond to their attacks.

When questioned by Republican members, Kennedy was finally allotted some time to make his case.  The best account of the hearing itself is the aforementioned article by Nevrardakis at The Defender, the newsletter of Children's Health Defense, the tax-exempt public and health policy organization that Kennedy founded and of which he is currently the chairman on leave.

Here's a clip from that hearing.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 0:40 mark to 3:43 mark)

You heard it. Not a single placebo-controlled test on any of the vaccines. And now they want your kids to be given no less than 72 of these injections before they reach the age of 18.


The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency sees no signs of Russia’s preparations to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, CIA Director William Burns told the Aspen Security Forum last week.

“We do not see today any concrete preparations for the potential use of nuclear weapons,” Burns said, adding that “the nuclear saber rattling is reckless and deeply irresponsible.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in late September 2022 that all situations where Russia may potentially use nuclear weapons had been clearly spelled out in its military doctrine.

XXX reports that Polish leaders are planning to form a NATO-backed coalition to intervene in the Ukraine conflict and take over parts of western Ukraine as well as, possibly, Belarus, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed on Friday.

Speaking at a meeting with permanent members of Russia’s Security Council, Putin said the government in Kiev is willing to go to any lengths to stay in power, including selling out its own people and handing over Ukrainian territories to “foreign owners.”

The first in line, according to the Russian president, are the Poles, who he claimed “probably expect to form some kind of coalition under the ‘NATO umbrella’ and directly intervene in the conflict in Ukraine, in order to then tear off a bigger piece for themselves, to regain, as they believe, their historical territories – today’s western Ukraine.”

During Friday’s meeting, the head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, Sergei Naryshkin, also alleged that Warsaw was considering capturing western territories of Ukraine by deploying its own troops to the region as part of a Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian security initiative.

According to Naryshkin, Polish officials are gradually coming to the realization that “the issue of Ukraine’s defeat is only a matter of time,” regardless of the amount of Western military assistance sent to Kiev.


FedNow was not the only digital instant payment system to launch last week in the U.S.

Two systems were actually launched. The Federal Reserve introduced its system, FedNow, which went live on July 20. The other to launch was Real-Time Payments, or RTP, a platform operated by The Clearing House.

RTTNews reports that this has raised questions about whether having two parallel systems is beneficial, especially considering that they are not currently interoperable.

FedNow boasts the capability to facilitate instant and round-the-clock processing of paychecks and invoice payments.

In terms of early adopters, 35 banks have signed up for FedNow, including major players like JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo. However, notable exclusions from this initial group include Citigroup and Bank of America. The U.S. Treasury has also joined as an early adopter of FedNow.

RTP, on the other hand, has already garnered the participation of 353 banks and credit unions, positioning itself as a formidable competitor in the instant payment space.

To utilize either FedNow or RTP, both the sending and receiving banks must be registered participants in the respective system.

Despite the launch of these systems, widespread daily usage of instant payments is not expected to happen immediately. In countries like the UK, India, and Brazil, instant payments have already become an integral part of daily transactions.

But the U.S. government has not imposed any mandates on banks to join either system, leaving the decision in the hands of individual financial institutions.

According to RTTNews, “This has resulted in limited incentive for banks to adopt either system, leading to a slower adoption rate,” adding that “It is evident that it will still take time before most people in the U.S. embrace instant payments as a part of their daily routines. The absence of strong business cases for banks to adopt these systems further adds to the cautious approach towards their widespread adoption.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Greg Reese and Banned Videos reports that the Bank for International Settlements recently published a report called, “Blueprint for the future monetary system: improving the old, enabling the new.”

This report proposes that a Central Bank Digital Currency will serve as the new reserve currency and calls for the digitization of all physical property by assigning every real-world item its own unique digital token, complete with rules on how it can be used, while enabling the implementation of universal basic income and human chip implants.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 3:30)

This drive to digitize humanity, forcing digital IDs and digital tokenized money upon us, will play out, by most estimations, over the next two to three years. That’s it, two to three years before we are fully digitized transhumans walking around like zombies, tagged and tracked everywhere we go, with no freedom and no free will. A shell of our former selves.

That’s unless we all stand up against it. We as Christians must resolve now, not in two or three years, to back out of this digital system.

These systems are launching in countries around the world, and many of them begin as voluntary programs. You can opt in and be rewarded with “contactless” payments, as long as you surrender your iris scan or facial scan.

If we wait for the mandates, it will be too late.

Use cash as much as possible. Wait in line for the human cashier at the grocery store, even though it might be faster to use the self-checkout.

Reject the trends toward electric vehicles and lab-grown meat.

And never, ever, offer up your biometric data simply for a promise of “safety, security and convenience.”

Because whenever you do participate in these systems, you are enabling the beast system.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.

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