Richard Nixon Predicted The Russia-Ukraine War Back in 1994

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  • Israel is on fire with protests and the Biden regime is deeply involved.
  • New York Governor Kathy Hochul is catching heat for launching a controversial free healthcare program for sex workers.
  • A 71-year-old California man has been arrested for allegedly starting a devastating forest fire in Yosemite National Park that was previously blamed on climate change.
  • The 18-year-old son of NBA star LeBron James suffered cardiac arrest during a basketball workout at the University of Southern California, and Christian pop singer Tori Kelly is out of commission with multiple blood clots throughout her body. Are the vaccines the issue? We’ll take a look.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

General "CQBrown was nominated recently by Joe Biden to be the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the nation's most senior ranking military officer. In a ceremony at the White House Rose Garden, Biden said it was his honor to nominate Charles Quinton Brown Jr. to succeed General Mark Milley.

Brown could make Milley look like a raging conservative. Brown fully backed the 2020 “summer of love” protests that turned bloody.

The nomination requires Senate approval.

Frank Gaffney said in a recent interview with Steve Bannon that Brown is a “true believer” in Marxist theory and will be part of a coup launched against President Trump if he should get re-elected in 2024.

Take a look.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 0:43 mark to 5:11 mark)


Yes, Israel is on fire. And yes, the Biden regime is involved in fanning the flames.

Massive protests and violent riots have broken out across Israel after the Israeli Parliament voted to strip some powers away from the Supreme Court.

These now-accepted proposals were first introduced by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Israel has been split down the middle on this issue, causing continuous protests and demonstrations for many months. At times they have turned quite violent.

In April, more of 100,000 Israelis took to the streets to protest the reforms. Netanyahu said he would drop a top provision in the reform package earlier this month. But protests have remained fierce, including the blockading of an airport. Many have been arrested.

According to The Jerusalem Post, Netanyahu and his allies want to fundamentally change Israel’s court system.

At the end of last year, Israeli voters returned Netanyahu to office — and he assembled a coalition with far-right partners that hold 64 of the 120 seats in the Knesset, Israel’s parliament. Days later, his justice minister unveiled a plan that, in its original form, would have rendered the Supreme Court largely powerless. 

The initial plan would have given the coalition complete control over the selection of judges, and would have allowed the Knesset to overrule Supreme Court decisions with a bare majority, the Post reports.

Netanyahu and his allies portrayed the legislative package as a curb on an increasingly activist Supreme Court that was out of step with the country’s conservative majority. Its composition, they charged, was a vestige of Israel’s secular, Ashkenazi elite and did not reflect the country’s ethnic and Jewish religious diversity, including the country’s large number of Mizrahi Jews, according to the Post. 

A growing number of critics — from centrist and left-wing Israelis to foreign leaders to American Jewish organizations — cautioned that the overhaul would endanger Israel’s status as a democratic state. 

Because the governing coalition by definition commands a majority in parliament, they say, the court reform would effectively give Netanyahu and his partners complete control over all three branches of government.


The New York Post reports that New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s administration is going to bat for the “world’s oldest profession” by launching a free healthcare program for sex workers — a move critics are slamming as encouraging a campaign to decriminalize prostitution.

The state Department of Health has awarded $1 million in public funds combined over two years to two contractors as part of the new “sex worker health pilot program.”

Under the initiative, sex workers in New York City and western New York will be provided with primary care, sexual and behavioral healthcare, as well as dental care.

Some are blasting Hochul over the taxpayer-funded program — which is launching without approval of the state Legislature — saying it encourages vice.

State Assemblyman Sam Pirozzolo (R-Staten Island) said:

“The Democrats in New York are pushing everything that is antithetical to the norms of society. What are they going to have, a prostitution card? This is a 100 percent step in the direction to decriminalize prostitution.”

Bills have been introduced in recent years to decriminalize sex work in New York.

Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, bashed Hochul over her crime policies, adding: “Now she wants the taxpayers to fund healthcare for street prostitutes, the likely outcome of which will be to destroy the quality of life for New Yorkers.”

Donohue added:

“This policy will act like a magnet for more prostitutes, and will undoubtedly attract a host of new deviants to work with them. And no one in his right mind believes this will be a ‘pilot program’ — this is just the beginning. It doesn’t get more irresponsible than this.”

As part of the program, each of the contracted firms — Callen Lorde and EHS Inc./Evergreen Health — will receive $250,000 a year for two years to provide sex workers access to medical care via the Health Department’s AIDS Institute.

A DOH spokesperson said:

“The Health Department remains committed to providing affirming, compassionate support and quality services to all residents without stigma and discrimination. Access to comprehensive sexual health services improves the quality of life for everyone.”


A 71-year-old California man has been arrested for allegedly starting a devastating, massive forest fire in Yosemite National Park that was previously blamed on, you guessed it, climate change.


Edward Fredrick Wackerman was arrested last Friday on suspicion of arson for allegedly igniting the Oak Fire, which destroyed 127 homes, caused thousands of people to evacuate and ravaged nearly 20,000 acres of vegetation in July 2022.

The suspect is facing charges of suspicion of aggravated arson, arson that causes great bodily injury and arson causing damage or destruction of inhabited structures, the California Department of Forestry said.

It isn’t clear how Wackerman may have started the blaze or what finally led to his arrest. Mariposa County District Attorney Walter Wall said in a statement posted online:

“Ed Wackerman is facing several felony charges, including aggravated arson. These charges carry serious legal consequences and the District Attorney is committed to ensuring a fair trial and upholding justice.”

At the height of the massive blaze, about 6,000 people living in the nearby mountain communities were ordered by officials to flee their homes.

While no one was killed in the inferno, the fire injured three firefighters, scorched 30 square miles of land and destroyed 127 homes and 66 outbuildings.

At the time, smoke from the fire drifted more than 200 miles, reaching Lake Tahoe, parts of Nevada and the San Francisco Bay Area. And all the liberals living in those areas I’m sure still believe that they were suffering the effects of climate change. As the saying goes, you just can’t fix stupid.


Another day, another 18-year-old athlete in peak physical condition suddenly collapses.

Bronny James, the 18-year-old son of NBA star LeBron James, suffered cardiac arrest during a basketball workout at the University of Southern California on Monday.

After collapsing during the morning workout, LeBron “Bronny” James was rushed to a hospital via ambulance and TMZ sources described the incident as a “Code 3”, meaning the ambulance lights and sirens were on, signifying the seriousness of the emergency.

As of Tuesday morning, James is out of ICU, according to a family spokesperson.

“Yesterday while practicing Bronny James suffered a cardiac arrest,” said a James family spokesperson. “Medical staff was able to treat Bronny and take him to the hospital. He is now in stable condition and no longer in ICU. We ask for respect and privacy for the James family and we will update media when there is more information.”

According to multiple reports, James has been “fully vaccinated” against Covid.

But it couldn't have possibly been the vaccine because LeBron James said he “researched it” and gave it his blessing.

In September 2021, LeBron James stated:

“After doing my research and things of that nature, I felt like it was best suited not only for me, but for my family and for my friends, and that’s why I decided to do it.”

He added that he was initially skeptical about the vaccine before deciding to get it.

He should have stuck with his initial gut instinct. He followed the “science,” and how he’s got a son with a damaged heart. The “science” is only as good as the scientists behind it. And when you have corrupt career bureaucrats like Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx promoting something, along with a non-scientist science “expert” like Bill Gates, that’s a good indication that you should run the other way.

The corporate mainstream media and the “brought to you by Pfizer” CNN newscasters immediately went into cover-up mode.

Here’s a clip showing CNN’s coverage of James’ collapse by globalist Big Pharma puppet Dr. Sonjay Gupta.


This is rare. Very rare. And it seems to be getting rarer by the day, if you believe these quacks.


Moving on, we have yet another rare event to report. This is like, what, the fifth or six such rarity we’ve reported in just the last week. This time it involves popular singer Tori Kelly, who was hospitalized Sunday after collapsing at a Los Angeles restaurant.

According to TMZ, Kelly complained that she was suffering from a rapid heartbeat and then passed out. TMZ said its source said the star was “out for a while.”

The report said that an ambulance was not called to ensure that Kelly would not be treated at a downtown Los Angeles hospital.

Instead, the report said, her friends wanted to take her to Cedars-Sinai, so they carried her into a vehicle and drove her there themselves.


Multiple blood clots have been found around Kelly’s lungs and in her legs.

Initial reports said doctors were trying to learn if there were blood clots around Kelly’s heart.

TMZ said its source said the episode is “really serious.”

Since Kelly has been hospitalized, she has been unconscious at times, the report said.


Investigative journalist Leo Hohmann reports that, last week on Friday, July 21, the Biden administration quietly announced the creation of a new permanent office within the White House called the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, or OPPR. 

Joe Biden has named a military man, retired Air Force Maj. General Paul Friedrichs, to head up the new office.


Hohmann asks, why now? Biden himself said the pandemic was over. Done. Part of history. He saved us from it. Remember?

So why is he creating this new permanent pandemic office of preparedness and response?

Hohmann writes that by creating this new office and emphasizing that it will be “permanent,” and by placing it under military management, this is a red flag that points to the continuation of the medical martial law we saw take over the nation in 2020 and 2021, ending in the rollout of a new type of deadly toxic mRNA vaccines.

Is the government – still drunk with new powers gained from the last pandemic – signaling to we the people that another pandemic is right around the corner?

It sure looks that way.

The July 21 White House press release states that this new office will, “Coordinate the Administration’s domestic response to public health threats that have pandemic potential, or may cause significant disruption, and strengthen domestic pandemic preparedness. This includes ongoing work to address potential public health outbreaks and threats from COVID-19, Monkeypox, polio, avian and human influenza, and RSV.”

Notice the word “potential” is repeated twice. It doesn’t even have to be a pandemic to trigger their response. It just has to be something that carries the potential of becoming a pandemic. This mimics the draft Pandemic Accord being considered by the U.N. World Health Organization with the full support of the Biden regime.

Listen to the WHO’s Marxist director general, Dr. Tedros, pitch his pandemic accord.


The very next paragraph of the news release spells out the real reason for creating this office. It says General Friedrichs will be working with private technology and biotech industries to get more “next generation” vaccines out to the public. Next generation is code for mRNA jabs. The release states that the new office will:

“Drive and coordinate federal science and technology efforts related to pandemic preparedness. Specifically, OPPR will oversee efforts to develop, manufacture, and procure the next generation of medical countermeasures, including leveraging emerging technologies and working with HHS on next generation vaccines and treatments for COVID-19 and other public health threats.”


Former President Richard Nixon predicted the Russia-Ukraine war back in 1994.

The ex-US president believed the situation in the country was “highly explosive,” according to a recently declassified letter.

Nixon warned his successor Bill Clinton nearly 30 years ago that Ukraine could plunge into bloody turmoil, while predicting major political changes in Russia, according to a document made available to the public last week.

In a seven-page letter dated March 21, 1994, and cited by the Wall Street Journal, the late president gave his take on the volatile post-Soviet political landscape right after he returned from a trip to Russia and Ukraine.

Nixon described Ukraine as “indispensable” and warned that the situation there was “highly explosive.” “If it is allowed to get out of control, it will make Bosnia look like a PTA garden party,” he said, referring to the 1992-1995 ethnic conflict in the Balkans that claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people.

The former president pointed to an “unpredictable” political situation in the country, lamenting that “the Ukrainian parliament… is even worse than the Russian Duma.” He urged Clinton to strengthen the American diplomatic presence in Ukraine and prioritize funding for Kiev.

Nixon also noted that the political clout of then Russian president Boris Yeltsin had “rapidly deteriorated,” adding that “the days of his unquestioned leadership of Russia are numbered.” He also remarked that Yeltsin came to indulge himself in longer drinking bouts and could no longer deliver on his commitments to Western leaders in “an increasingly anti-American environment in the [State] Duma and in the country.”

The former US leader was uncertain who could replace Yeltsin but suggested that Russia’s anti-Western forces could produce a “credible candidate for president.” Yeltsin stepped down in late 1999, with Vladimir Putin taking up the reins.

Relations between Ukraine and Russia rapidly deteriorated in 2014 after a Western-backed coup in Kiev and the onset of hostilities in Donbass. Russia sent troops into the neighboring country on February 24, 2022, citing Kiev’s failure to implement the Minsk agreements, designed to give the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk special status within the Ukrainian state.

The protocols, brokered by Germany and France, were first signed in 2014. Former Ukrainian president Pyotr Poroshenko has since admitted that Kiev’s main goal was to use the ceasefire to buy time and “create powerful armed forces.”

Shortly before the start of the current conflict, the Kremlin recognized the Donbass republics as independent states and demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that would never join any Western military bloc. 


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

The list of appliances and home essentials the Biden administration is targeting continues to grow, now setting their sights on water heaters and potentially slapping new regulations on them in the name of fighting climate change.

This past Friday the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) released new home energy proposals touted as being more energy efficient and money-saving for Americans, by $11.4 billion on electric and water bills annually as a whole.

The DoE basically wants to phase out and replace the gas and oil-fueled heaters with electric ones.

The proposal would require the most common-sized electric water heaters to achieve efficiency gains with heat pump technology and gas-fired instantaneous water heaters to achieve efficiency gains through condensing technology.

The DoE explained in a press release

“Replacing common-sized traditional electric resistance storage water heaters with electric heat pump water heaters meeting the proposed levels would save consumers $1,868 on average over the life of the appliance, with savings even higher for renters and low-income households who spend a higher percentage of their income on utility bills,” the DoE added.

If accepted, however, the new standards would officially take effect by 2029; which the DoE says will “reduce 501 million metric tons of harmful carbon dioxide emissions cumulatively over 30 years.”

U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm, said:

“Today’s actions—together with our industry partners and stakeholders—improve outdated efficiency standards for common household appliances, which is essential to slashing utility bills for American families and cutting harmful carbon emissions. This proposal reinforces the trajectory of consumer savings that forms the key pillar of Bidenomics and builds on the unprecedented actions already taken by this Administration to lower energy costs for working families across the nation.”

That, of course, is pure nonsense spewed by one of Biden’s anti-carbon fanatics. These measures will enormously increase the cost of utility bills, not decrease them.

The DoE noted this is currently the 18th item and appliance they have addressed this year so far.

The Biden administration has been going after things like portable generators, which, if the proposals are accepted, would eliminate 95% of all those currently sold on the market today; which is on top of the White House’s calls to eliminate gas and oil-powered cooktops.

It’s all part of a plan, fully endorsed by the elitist World Economic Forum, to make you poorer. Because when the middle class is impoverished, they will join the ranks of the fully dependent, fully docile, fully controllable Americans.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.

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