Roger Stone Responds to Fake John Durham Investigation and The Lies Now Being Told About Him

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Brannon Howse: All right. Joining me now is Roger Stone. I had on General Flynn last night to talk about the John Durham testimony before Jim Jordan's committee. And I wanted to reach out today to Roger. Roger, welcome back to the broadcast. Thanks for joining us.

Roger Stone: Brannon, It's late here, but it's great to be with you. Well, it.

Brannon Howse: Is. It's 947 East Coast time, so thank you for getting back into a suit and joining us at such a late hour. Roger, first of all, your reaction to the testimony of John Durham yesterday. Matt Gaetz said you are helping with the cover-up. General Flynn last night said the man sandbagged his own investigation. What does Roger Stone say tonight about John Durham's report and John Durham's testimony?

Roger Stone: It's really very simple. Brannon, what did John Durham know two months ago when he released his report that he didn't know before the last general election in this country? It's I find it fascinating that the prosecutors who are pursuing Donald Trump over his handling of top secret documents want to take him to trial just weeks from now in August, but that John Durham took more than five years to uncover under uncover the fact that the FBI, the Department of Justice, the CIA, never had any probable cause to justify the opening of the counterintelligence investigation. Crossfire, hurricane. They all knew. Barack Obama knew. Vice President Joe Biden knew. Attorney General Lynch knew the head of the FBI. James Comey knew the CIA director John Brennan knew I could go on and on. They all knew that there was no Russian collusion. They knew that the Steele dossier was a fraud, yet they still went forward and used it both as the rationale for opening the FBI investigation into Trump also used it as the rationale for the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel, and they used it to justify FISA warrants that were used to spy on Donald Trump and his associates. Mr. Durham has known this for a long time now. He waited five years, Brannon, to make sure that the statute of limitations had run out and that none of those major criminals will be prosecuted, including Hillary Clinton.

Roger Stone: The other thing Mr. Durham very clearly documents is that all of those people just named knew that the entire Russian collusion narrative came from was invented by was fabricated by Hillary Clinton and those around her, including Robby Mook, her campaign manager, Jake Sullivan, who was then the national security adviser for Hillary today is the national security adviser for Joe Biden. They knew all this. What took Mr. Durham so long instead? Well, here's what Durham did. He did bring three cases against the lowest level thugs in the Clinton crime family, which is essentially the same as charging the guy who drove the getaway car in a bank robbery for double parking while you let the bank robbers testify against the driver, thus incriminating themselves and you let them keep the loot. So bringing a prosecutions against Sussmann and others at the very bottom of this conspiracy, when you didn't charge Hillary Clinton herself or any of that retinue of Obama administration fakers, who knew there was no Russian collusion? You have to conclude that Durham's job was to go as slowly as possible and then to make sure that nobody went to jail. And sadly, that is precisely what he has done.

Brannon Howse: So, again, nothing is going to happen, it looks like, to these people. And yet here we have another headline tonight over at, your aggregated daily news site, Bombshell Evidence. In massive cover up. Doj and FBI prohibited obstructed blocked Biden investigation. Joe quote was in the room and quote when Hunter was demanding a Chinese CCP payoff. This means tonight, based on what I'm reading, we've got a guy that should be criminally charged as attorney general while we've got people sitting as political prisoners in DC for J six. So you've got a corrupt FBI, a corrupt IRS, a corrupt DOJ, but a corrupt attorney general. I mean, have we ever seen such lawlessness at high levels in full display in American history?

Roger Stone: The answer is never. And the real question is the only branch of government where Republicans are in the majority, where they have some actual power is in the House. Now, I think some members of the House have done a very diligent job of methodically uncovering the handling of the entire Hunter Biden matter. I think Congressman James Comer has done an excellent job. There are others. But in the end, if they don't use their impeachment power and move articles of impeachment and move to a Senate trial, then the mainstream media has an excuse to cover this all up. The whole indictment of Donald Trump, in all honesty, just as the Russian collusion hoax was invented essentially to hide the crimes of Hillary Clinton. Remember, she destroyed 33,000 emails with bleachbit with a hammer. She knew that those emails were under government subpoena at the time she did it. What better way to distract from her crimes than to invent this entire false narrative about Donald Trump and Russia? That's what we see going on right now. The charges against Donald Trump regarding his handling of documents are essentially cooked up to distract the American people when amplified by the media from the epic crimes of the Biden crime family. If, as James Comer has indicated, they have evidence that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden each received $5 million bribes from a Ukrainian energy company to pay for Joe Biden to use his influence to ensure that the prosecutor investigating his son in Ukraine be fired. That is most definitely an impeachable offense. And I haven't had a chance to read these stories today, so I really can't assess them. But if they pan out to be what the headlines indicate, then they would presumably have the same authority when it comes to the DOJ or the or the head of the FBI.

Brannon Howse: So we have another headline tonight. The Federalist FBI knew Hunter Biden's laptop was authentic a year before pressuring big tech to censor it. This is that, again, corrupt FBI that did everything they could to put to go after Donald Trump what they knew was fake Russia, Russia, Russia to go after and arrest you in the middle of the night at your home with CNN in tow. I mean, this is scary. Roger, when we realize this agency is so powerful and most unfortunate. Sheriffs in America don't understand their constitutional responsibility or power and would stand down if the FBI were to come to their town and try to arrest any of us for any reason. Trumped up, not trumped up. They wouldn't they wouldn't. They wouldn't do anything. This is scary that we have so much corruption. It's mind-blowing.

Roger Stone: Frankly. We are living in a police state. The mainstream media suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story. Look, we know for a fact that the current secretary of state, Mr. Blinken, who is over in China, groveling to the Chinese, begging them to just open a simple phone line between their military and ours. And the Chinese say, no, we're not interested. And essentially signaling to the Chinese government that if they want to move to Taiwan, they can do so. Joe Biden will send a strong letter of protest. That will be his response. I predict none of neither of these things would have happened under Donald Trump. Trump's unpredictability on the world stage kept Vladimir Putin at bay when it came to Ukraine, and kept the Chinese at bay when it came to Taiwan because he was a wild card. After all, he was unpredictable. After all, he was not afraid to project American power or more importantly, to threaten to do so. It made for a much more peaceful world. We had no new, you know, foreign wars under the Trump presidency. Now we learn that Mr. Blinken was a key player in rounding up the 51 current and former intelligence officials who co-signed a letter that they knew was a lie, indicating before the election that Hunter Biden's laptop, which is shocking, the contents of which are shocking, was genuine and contained very real evidence of serious crimes such as influence peddling, bribery, illegal lobbying for foreign nations, and I would argue treason. But they still suppress that disappeared that Mr. Blinken will pay no price whatsoever for this. All right.

Brannon Howse: Tell us in the remaining four minutes, Roger Stone, the media, there's a false narrative going around right now about you and taxes. Tell me about that.

Roger Stone: It's very annoying. Some woman named Jessica Tarlov claimed on Fox yesterday that my wife and I had somehow evaded $2 million in taxes. Trying to equate that with the wrist-slap that Hunter Biden is suffering. Let me be very clear. Even though there was a mainstream attempt at this after we lost our home, our savings, and most of our insurance after my wife was diagnosed with stage four cancer, we were sued in a civil action by the Biden Justice Department, which initially claimed that we had hidden income or underreported income or hidden assets, but we were able to document that that was completely and false. And this matter was settled. I owe the IRS $2 million from 2006. Brannon, I made eight years of monthly payments without ever missing a payment until they bankrupted me. They basically destroyed me. And now they're suing me simply over my inability to pay. That lawsuit was settled when I agreed to go back on a monthly program and pay them off, which ultimately will have to do. But that cannot be equated with Hunter Biden, who failed to declare income. I didn't do that. Who hid assets? I didn't do that. And I also have to say, every penny that I got, I earned in legal activities. I wasn't illegally lobbying for Ukraine, lobbying for Russia, lying for lobbying for China, lobbying for Romania as Hunter Biden was without a registry. Remember, Paul Manafort went to prison, did a hard time for that crime. So this is yet again, it's a false equivalence. This Jessica Tarlov woman doesn't know what she's talking about, but people are now online calling me and my wife tax cheats. We didn't cheat. We reported everything honestly. And we still end up having to pay our taxes. Hunter Biden, on the other hand, did not declare the income until he got caught. And then he had a sugar daddy in Hollywood, some guy who popped up to pay his taxes because the guy's a clout chaser.

Brannon Howse: And as I hear him reading tonight, Hunter is at the White House for a lavish state dinner.

Roger Stone: You know, if you don't follow Marco Polo, which is an excellent tax, you know, nonprofit which has posted the Hunter Biden laptop contents online, also made it available in book form and does an excellent job of footnoting it so you know exactly who's who and what's what. I strongly urge people to go there to Marco Polo I had a great interview on my show the stone zone right here on frank speech. You can hear us every day at 4:00 Central, 5:00 Eastern. You can go to stone zone dot live. You can watch it not only here at Lindell TV, too, but you can also watch it on Rumble. You can watch it on Telegram. You can watch it on Twitter, live streaming. I interviewed Garrett Ziegler, the head of the Marco Polo Foundation, regarding the epic corruption of Hunter Biden. Do you want to check that?

Brannon Howse: Wow. Roger Stone. Stone Right. Stone

Roger Stone: That is my website. And for the show, go to Stone. Stone, dot live.

Brannon Howse: Thank you, Roger, for staying up so late on East Coast time tonight for us.

Roger Stone: Brannon, God bless you, and never quit fighting.

Brannon Howse: You too, my friend. Roger Stone checking in. Check out his site, folks, and his great broadcasting and work. All right. Well, that's our broadcast for tonight. If you appreciate what we're doing, we appreciate your support. Three ways you can do that. One is by simply going to using the promo code B66 for sheets, towels, blankets, pet beds, slippers, sandals, mattresses, mattress topper toppers, and more. But use that promo code B66. Another way is by going to and purchasing emergency freeze-dried food emergency supplies of all kinds or using that phone number 901 468 9357. Another way is by going to contributing to any size Don't forget I put the show up every day We put up articles brand new every day at and Worldview you get to one, you'll get to the other, you'll find it. Articles, radio shows, and TV shows are all free, not behind a paywall pushed out there for free front and center. and your support help push those shows out and cover the bandwidth for the many many that come here 12 grand a month in bandwidth bill to give away free programming. We appreciate your support by going to That's the broadcast thanks for watching. Till next time, I'm Brannon Howse, Take care.

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