Saudi Arabia Announces Its Intention To Collaborate With China

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  • More Americans are identifying as conservative than at any point in the last decade.
  • Joe Biden disgraces the American flag during a ceremony at the White House.
  • A large percentage of Americans are completely against the Federal Reserve launching a central bank digital currency.
  • Saudi Arabia announces a new collaborative relationship with Communist China.
  • And the world’s largest meat-processing company announces plans to build a giant factory supplying lab-grown meat to the world.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Starting off tonight, 38 percent of Americans now identify as “very conservative” or “conservative” on social issues, a level unseen since 2012, according to a new Gallup poll.

The percentage of Americans saying they have “very liberal” or “liberal” views on social issues has fallen from 34 percent to 29 percent in the last two years. Thirty-one percent of Americans identified their views on social issues as “moderate.”

Republicans had the largest shift toward social conservatism, with 74 percent saying their social views are conservative, a 14-point increase from 2021. Twenty-nine percent of independents said the same, up from 24 percent two years ago. Just ten percent of Democrats said they have conservative social views, a figure that remained unchanged from 2021 to 2023.

The biggest increases in social conservative ideology have been among middle-aged adults, Gallup found. In 2023, 35 percent of Americans ages 30 to 49 said they were “very conservative” or “conservative” on social issues, up 13 points from 22 percent in 2021. There was also a double-digit bump among Americans ages 50 to 64 — 46 percent now say they are “very conservative” or “conservative” on social issues, up 11 points from 35 percent in 2021.

Among those social issues is the question of whether transgender athletes should only be allowed to play on sports teams that match their biological sex. The poll found 69 percent of Americans believe transgender athletes should be limited to participating on teams that match their biological sex, compared to 62 percent who said the same in 2021.


Kansas Republican Senator Roger Marshall is furious with the Biden administration.

Over the weekend, the White House draped a giant transgender pride flag over the balcony. It was adorned on either side by American flags.

Many have pointed out that this was a flagrant violation of U.S. flag code.

Under Rule 7 of the code, the American flag should always be at the center and must be posted higher than other flags.

“This is a disgrace,” Marshall tweeted. “Not only is it in breach of U.S. Flag Code, but it’s a glaring example of this White House’s incompetence and insistence on putting their social agenda ahead of patriotism.”

The flag was on display during a huge gay pride party on the White House lawn.

Biden doubled down by posting a photograph of the so-called “progress pride” flag on his official Twitter page. Both American flags were cropped out of the picture.

“Today, the People’s House – your house – sends a clear message to the country and to the world,” Biden wrote. “America is a nation of pride.”

Thousands expressed their fury and righteous indignation on social media.

Talk radio host Michael Savage wrote on Twitter: “Men died for our flag and Biden spits on their graves.”

First Lady Jill Biden declared:

“Outside the gates of this house are those who want to drag our country backwards, and so many battles yet to be braved. But today, we’re not here to be strong. We’re not here to be courageous. Even though for so many of you, just coming to this event is an act of bravery.”

Biden defaced the White House and desecrated Old Glory.

The bottom line is this: We can pledge allegiance to a flag that was carried into battle by American soldiers who fought and shed their blood for this country.

Or, we can pledge allegiance to a flag that represents something ugly and dishonest – the grooming, sexualization and medical mutilation of children.

But we can’t pledge allegiance to both.


poll from the Cato Institute indicates that, while about half of Americans do not have an opinion regarding whether the Federal Reserve should “begin offering a government-issued digital currency, called a ‘central bank digital currency’ (CBDC),” among those with an opinion on the matter over twice as many — 34 percent of poll participants — oppose the prospect compared to those who support it, just 16 percent.

Adam Dick, in an article for the Ron Paul Institute, says this result of the poll, conducted from February 27 through March 8 in collaboration with YouGov, is promising for Americans concerned about the threat a CBDC, which the Federal Reserve and big financial companies have been testing in preparation for its potential introduction, poses to freedom and privacy in America.

Dick says the poll results further indicate that, if Americans can be educated about the abusive government powers a CBDC would advance, many Americans currently undecided regarding the introduction of a CBDC will see good reason to oppose it.

Emily Ekins and Jordan Gygi wrote in their May 31 in-depth Cato Institute article concerning the poll results:

“Overwhelming majorities would oppose the adoption of a CBDC if it meant that the government could control what people spend their money on (74%), that the government could monitor their spending (68%), that a CBDC would abolish all U.S. cash (68%), that a CBDC would attract cyberattacks (65%), that the government could charge a tax on those who don’t spend money during recessions (64%), or that the government could freeze the digital bank accounts of political protesters (59%). Americans were marginally opposed (52%) if a CBDC could cause some people to stop using private banks, resulting in some banks going out of business.”

Dick adds that the candidates now in second place in the Republican and Democratic presidential primaries — Ron DeSantis and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. — appear to be in the anti-CBDC camp.

Hopefully, he writes, “we will see more and more politicians joining them over the coming months in standing up against this threat posed by the Federal Reserve and U.S. government.”

Meanwhile, it is also important that Americans across the country educate the people they come into contact with about why a CBDC in America is unacceptable. The new poll from the Cato Institute suggests that many people will be receptive to this message.


The Daily Caller reports that Saudi Arabia announced its intention to “collaborate” with China as the two nations inked a multi-billion-dollar deal during the first day of the Arab-China Business Conference on Sunday.

Saudi Arabia wishes to avoid a “zero-sum game” and does not want to “compete” with its largest trading partner, China, Saudi Arabian Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman said during the 10th Arab-China Business Conference in Riyadh, according to CNBC.

In evidence of the nations’ deepening ties, Chinese electric car manufacturer Human Horizons sealed a $5.6 billion deal with Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Investment on the same day, making up approximately half of the over $10 billion in investments inked during the conference thus far, Reuters reported.

Saudi Arabian Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman told CNBC:

“We came to recognize the reality of today that China is taking, had taken a lead, will continue to take that lead. We don’t have to compete with China, we have to collaborate with China.”

In 2022, Saudi Arabia exported 87.49 million tons of crude oil to China, making it the communist nation’s largest supplier of crude oil for the year, according to Reuters.

On top of sharing deep energy ties, Saudi Arabia also recently joined China’s Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as a “dialogue partner” in March 2023, CNBC reported. SCO is an intergovernmental organization “mainly focused on regional security issues,” including “counterterrorism and prevention of violent extremism,” according to the UN.

“We are Saudi Arabia; we don’t have to be engaged in what I call a zero-sum game. We believe that there are so many global opportunities,” bin Salman told CNBC on Sunday.

Meanwhile, Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s three-day visit to Saudi Arabia to discuss Iran, Israel, energy and a host of other issues concluded last Thursday, according to The New York Times.

“We’re not asking anyone to choose between the United States and China,” Blinken said Thursday, according to The Times. “The United States remains the number one partner of choice for, I think, most countries in the region.”

Relations between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia have become increasingly tense following the desert kingdom’s recent announcement to cut oil production at a time when the U.S. anticipated an increase and is struggling with high energy prices, according to The Times.


The world’s largest meat-processing company, Brazil-based JBS, has announced plans to construct the world’s largest lab-grown meat plant in San Sabastian, Spain.

The factory will be headed by JBS’ subsidiary BioTech Foods, which has recently obtained the support of the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX) to research and cultivate these cell lines for production, according to the Northern Ag Network.

JBS said in a press release:

“In this line, the project led by BioTech Foods, ‘Research on cell lines, cultured media and biomaterials for their correct bioprocessing to enable the production of cultivated meat’ (investMEAT)’ will allow a highly efficient cultivated meat production line, which will solve the challenges of current technology linked to scalability.”

Reuters reported: “The factory, which JBS says will be the world’s largest lab-grown meat plant, should produce more than 1,000 metric tons of cultivated beef per year, JBS said. It said it could expand capacity to 4,000 metric tons per year in the medium term.”

Eduardo Noronha, USA’s head of value-added business for JBS, said the new BioTech plant puts JBS in a unique position to lead the segment and ride this wave of innovation.

BioTech Foods co-founder and CEO Iñigo Charola added in a statement: “With the challenges imposed on global supply chains, cultivated protein offers the potential to stabilize food security and global protein production.”

The large-scale facility is set to launch in mid-2024.

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association President Todd Wilkinson, on the news of JBS’ latest investment,  told Northern Ag Network that this move is one of the biggest to face the industry.

Wilkinson said, “We’ll gladly compete against that, but the consumer needs to know at the counter what they’re buying. I just don’t want the beef industry to go by way of what happened to milk and lose the ability to identify our product as unique and natural. They can say that it’s designed to feed the world, but it’s feeding the world a non-natural product and it’s a product that is going to require more energy to produce, and don’t tell me it’s sustainable.”


Yuval Noah Harari, the Israeli historian, author and advisor to the World Economic Forum, says the Bible could, in a few years, be rewritten by artificial intelligence. Or maybe it will be a whole new bible tailored to the delusions of modern man.

He said AI is the “first technology ever that can create new ideas.” A.I. doesn’t just spread or promote ideas created by the human mind; it has creative powers.

He said, “AI can create new ideas. It can even create a new Bible.”

Take a look.


A scary reality, that any technological entity could claim to write a bible that competes with the actual Bible.


The Post Millennial reports that nearly 13,000 Chinese nationals have been apprehended trying to cross the United States' southern border illegally since October 1, 2022, a nearly 1,000 percent increase from last year's total. 

According to Breitbart, approximately 84% of those apprehended are single adults who are eventually released to pursue asylum in the U.S. The apprehensions grew steadily over the last year. In March 2022, 74 Chinese nationals were apprehended, 146 in April, and more than 1,000 a month by January 2023. 

The Chinese government opened its ports of entry and loosened travel restrictions in January 2023 for the first time since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The information that agents can get from migrants indicates that they are fleeing from an oppressive Chinese regime and economic hardships caused by their pandemic policies. 

An anonymous Customs and Border Patrol agent told the outlet that due to the language barrier, they are struggling to find a definitive reason for the increase. 

The agent explained about the challenges brought by the language barrier:

“Having to use third-party translation services, Border Patrol agents and intelligence officers who are already struggling to cope with thousands of migrant apprehensions daily are getting limited intelligence information from the migrants.”

Dr. Kenneth Allard, a retired Army intelligence officer and author of “Warheads: Cable News and the Fog of War,” said he is concerned about the lack of intelligence coming from the influx. “Totalitarian governments like China are great exploiters of opportunity,” he said. “They recognize weakness and capitalize on it immediately. What we are seeing reflects a deliberate policy choice by the regime.”


The Exposé reports that a study conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration has shown that the risk of myocarditis following mRNA COVID vaccination is around 133x greater than the background risk in the population.

This means Covid vaccination increases the risk of suffering myocarditis, an autoimmune disease causing inflammation of the heart, by 13,200%.

The study, conducted by researchers from the CDC as well as from several U.S. universities and hospitals, examined the effects of vaccination with products manufactured by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.

The study’s authors used data obtained from the CDC’s VAERS reporting system which were cross-checked to ensure they complied with CDC’s definition of myocarditis; they also noted that given the passive nature of the VAERS system, the number of reported incidents is likely to be an underestimate of the extent of the phenomenon.

1626 cases of myocarditis were studied, and the results showed that the Pfizer-BioNTech product was most associated with higher risk, with 105.9 cases per million doses after the second vaccine shot in the 16 to 17 age group for males, and 70.7 cases per million doses after the second shot in the 12 to 15 age group for males. The 18 to 24 male age group also saw significantly higher rates of myocarditis for both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s products (52.4 and 56.3 cases per million respectively).

The study found that the median time to symptom onset was two days, and that 82 percent of cases were in males, consistent with previous studies. Around 96 percent of affected people were hospitalized, with most treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Among the reported symptoms were: chest pain, pressure, or discomfort (89%), shortness of breath (30%), abnormal ECG results (72%), and abnormal cardiac MRI findings (72%).


ABC News reports that JPMorgan Chase has announced a tentative $290 million settlement with the victims of Jeffrey Epstein who had accused the bank of being the financial conduit that allowed the financier to continue operating a sex-trafficking operation.

Epstein was arrested in 2019 on federal charges accusing him of paying underage girls for massages and then molesting them at his homes in Florida and New York. He was found dead in jail in August of that year, at age 66. A medical examiner ruled his death a suicide.

The lawsuit sought to hold JPMorgan financially liable for Epstein’s decades-long abuse of teenage girls and young women. A related lawsuit has been filed in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

ABC reports that the proposed settlement comes roughly two weeks after JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon testified in a deposition for the case, where he denied knowing about Epstein and his crimes until the financier was arrested in 2019, according to a transcript of the videotaped deposition released last month.

JPMorgan Chase said June 12 in a written statement:

“We all now understand that Epstein’s behavior was monstrous, and we believe this settlement is in the best interest of all parties, especially the survivors, who suffered unimaginable abuse at the hands of this man.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

A brave mother from Wake County, North Carolina, gave a rather amazing speech to her local school board about the books being used in schools exposing kids to confusing sexual identities. She read from one of the books and described it as “insanity.”

This video deserves to go viral.

Take a look.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 3:05 of vid)

Leave our children alone. Yes, that says it all. There’s not really much we can add to her discerning, brilliant speech.

On that note, we wrap up another edition of the Worldview Report.

Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.


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