Is Secretary of State Blinken a CCP and Biden-Crime Family Useful Idiot?

Brannon Howse: Good evening. Welcome to the program. Glad you are with us. We're going to be joined tonight by Colonel John Mills. He joins us every Tuesday to give us a quick update on well, pretty much whatever's in the news related to national security or China, Taiwan. Then we'll be joined by Leo Hoffman. Leo is going to talk to us about a new article he's got out over at Leo I think we've also linked it over at our page at Worldview, King Charles and the Globalist set meeting for September in which they will plot how to accelerate the goals of the UN Agenda 2030 and the complete digitization of humanity. Also, we're going to add to this something I informed Leo of today. There is not often I get to tell Leo something. He generally is on it. I said, Hey, by the way, Leo, did you know that during this whole coronation routine coming up here, they want the people to swear out loud a public oath to King Charles? What? You got to be kidding me. No, We'll bring that to you tonight. They'll be joined by Alex Newman. He'll join us and then Selwyn Duke. We've got a lot of topics to get to tonight. Some video clips as well. Let's not delay. Let's go right to our first guest, Colonel John Mills. Thanks for being with us, my friend.


John Mills: Brandon, you are so fast. You caught me putting eyedrops in. How are you doing? Well, at.


Brannon Howse: At least we didn't catch you, You know, checking your makeup or something else. You know, putting yours. Put your teeth back in, you know, that kind of thing.


John Mills: Well, I want to apologize mean, because last week when I was on a mission in Southern California and then Seattle, once again, we are not actually the first time, but we had some, uh, old blue goats who had been drinking too much that were triggered by our conversation.


Brannon Howse: Yes. I was actually worried about your physical safety.


John Mills: Well, fortunately, my son and daughter stepped in. And if the most horrible thing we have to deal with is old blue goats who've been drinking too much, they came up to me and she was standing next to me. And all she could say was, I'm a Democrat. I'm a Democrat. I'm a Democrat. I mean, she'd already dropped her drink ten feet back on the other couch. We had found this nook and cranny in this wonderful resort on our own. And how dare they intrude? Mean a bunch of squatters there. Part of the Antifa squatter movement, obviously. And so, you know, can't even have an I can't even say certain words without one of these old. You triggered them. Yeah, I triggered them. That's my God-given gift. I'm very good at triggering people.


Brannon Howse: Well, but, you know, I got triggered today and had to send this over to you. Look at this over at Worldview Unable to meet recruiting targets, the US Navy is turning to drag queens for help. Brought me to an article by The Federalist. And sure enough, over there. Oh, wow. There you go. They're turning to drag queens. And I guess they're I don't know. We're we're.


John Mills: Going to talk about it.


Brannon Howse: That. All right. What do you have? We're going to talk about what you have to say about this.


John Mills: I think it's absolute insanity. Could I was you want me to go now? Because actually had I actually had this. You have.


Brannon Howse: If you have it in an organized presentation, then don't let me distract you. I'll give you the floor. Give us your briefing, would you?


John Mills: Okay. I hope you enjoy these. I'm trying. 


Brannon Howse: Enjoy them. Are you kidding? I think General Flynn, General Flynn is going to be launching a new show with us soon here. And I think he's going to be doing some of the same things. I think a lot of people are enjoying this. People call you. I hear some lady came up to you in California and called you the map man. Liz came up to you and said, I know who you are. You're the map man. Do you know who I'm talking about?


John Mills: Yeah, well, we had a great time. This. Are you talking about the American Freedom Alliance? Yes and yes. Yeah, it was great. I kept on saying Redondo Beach, but it's Torrance. But Torrance is a great city. Redondo Beach is a great city. So the problem is you got some great enclaves out there. These are independent cities that are holding the line for sanity and it's great. But yeah, that was I saw Liz. It was very nice to see her. That was an absolute boffo blowout. It was great. And Dr. Karen Sigman did a great, great program here. So maybe she and you and I need to get together and do some strategery.


Brannon Howse: Absolutely. Absolutely. By the way, he's going to be one of our keynote speakers at our Ozarks Worldview weekend, coming up on October 19th, 2021, with Dr. Peter McCullough, General Michael Flynn, Mike Lindell, Alex Newman, and a whole host of people. It's going to be awesome. But anyway, the floor is yours, my friend.


John Mills: Well, first of all, you know, I really try to call balls and strikes fairly at all times. At all times. And, you know, so I just I'm not in the business of just bashing the Biden team for bashing the Biden team. I'm going to if they do something good like the Aukus arrangement, which was really a Trump idea, Australia, UK, US, which is now really essentially including Japan and essentially almost including Taiwan, it's great, but I'm also going to call strikes and there were a lot more strikes than there are balls with this team. Now, one of the things I did for several years in the Department of Defense, I was given broad latitude to score cards by the Deputy Secretary of Defense. I'll mention his name Bob Work who was Obama's SecDef mean for Ash Carter. I don't think Bob was in on the steal. Ash Carter. He was in on the steal. I don't think Bob was. Bob lives very close to me, and I see him Saturday mornings over at Costco and BJ's. He gave me a great top cover and we score carded all the Department of Defense and the intelligence community on the state of their cybersecurity. And if you want to see a four-star jump, just give him a yellow or a red on a scorecard and they will be calling you and saying, John Doe, John, buddy, old pal.


John Mills: Can we just make that red, maybe a yellowish red, or can we make that yellow? Maybe a yellowish-green? Sir, Ma'am? No. We agreed on the standards. So greeted our Secretary of State, Blinken, who I think out of all the people I think is the first one that should be impeached. I think we have now. It's today. I think he gave away the farm as he appeared on that other network that's collapsing and said, Yeah, I did participate in the letter, but it wasn't my idea. Yeah. So classic Eddie Haskell behavior by Secretary Blinken, but wanted to show a scorecard of Blinken's performance. And it starts to quantify, you know, give a qualitative and quantitative assessment to the incompetence of this. Just the not just incompetence. I mean, this is the willful destruction of the country here. But let's go through several categories. Oh, it's getting a little dark here. So let me wake it up there. Okay. That should be. Whoa, whoa. You don't want to see my FedEx number. There we go. Okay. Okay. So. So let's go. First of all, secretary of state. And let me get this. For some reason, I'm way off-screen here and you want to see me for sure.


Brannon Howse: Looking good.


John Mills: Okay. Well, can you see me? Yeah.


Brannon Howse: Okay. No, not you. But we can see your pointer and you're in your chart. Okay.


John Mills: So along here we list all the strategic partner countries and organizations. That's job one. It's called Dime. The instruments of national power, diplomatic information, military and economic. And the tip of the spear should always be State Department diplomacy. And Blinken and team is just the master of disaster on whatever they touch now. So these are the countries, key countries, and organizations. These are the topic areas. These are the topic areas. So gave him a red, yellow, green. There were some that really the score was not it didn't it really not a scorable thing. But you know, a red gives him a negative one, a yellow gives him a zero, a green gives him a one. So we're going to quantify, Mr. Secretary of State. Blinken his performance. And so let's first of all, let's talk about the dollar as the reserve currency. This is now you say, well, that's a Treasury. That's. Yellen Well, yeah, kind of, but it's also secretary of state. He should be on frenetic overtime, making sure everybody stays on the dollar as the reserve currency. How is that going? Well, first of all, NATO, NATO doesn't really have a position on that. Eu wobbly, the European Union wobbly, the European Union. Nobody, even the EU can't explain their role in Europe. As far as are Now the predominant governance thingy is the OR they're still sovereign independent nation-states. But this is a bureaucracy on top of bureaucracy, on top of the bureaucracy.


John Mills: They're wobbly in the UK, well, they're broke. They need the dollar. We took over from the pound as the reserve currency at the end of World War Two. They're definitely on our team. Japan, and South Korea, are absolutely rock solid with us. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They flipped. They flipped. Brazil flipped Israel and India. I think they want to be on our team. They want the dollar as the reserve currency. But they have really gotten the cold shoulder from Blinken and the team. They just don't like Israel or India. I think it's it's shameful. Okay. So overall, this is the best score he gets is cumulative. He gets a positive one. Hooray. Barely over the goal. Now, let's talk about the response to Chinese Belt and Road influence operations. Again, NATO doesn't really have a position. There are a lot of EU countries that have been that have been kowtowing to this. Also the UK, our friends in the UK several times. Remember years ago when I was in government in 2015, GCHQ, the British NSA said, Don't worry, this Huawei thing, we can handle this Huawei. And then about a year later, they said, We don't get this. They're out of control and we can't control them. So the UK is wobbly. Japan and South Korea again rock solid with the US Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, and even Israel, our good friend Israel. But hey, Israel is going to go with the best value, the best deal.


John Mills: Their cyber security is top-notch. So but they're even playing games with Belt and Road India again. They want to be on our side, but we aren't giving them anything but lectures and military capability. I'll fly through the rest of these here military capabilities. Nato is a disaster. Eu depends on their assuming they have control of the NATO forces, so they're double counting force and the EU is a disaster. Uk is pathetic in its military shape. Japan and South Korea are again rock solid. They will fight China in the Pacific, I guarantee it. And they have very good militaries, uh, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. You know, I'm giving them a red because they're military. There are a lot of dependencies already going back. Even as far as the 80 seconds, they were buying ballistic missiles from China in the 80 seconds. And we were saying, hey, Saudi Arabia, you don't need ballistic missiles. Well, they want ballistic missiles. And they went to China. Brazil, they don't have a Bolsonaro was in. He would be building up the Brazilian military. It's not that good. Uh, Israel and India. I'm not counting them. They have excellent military capability for the most part. But again, they're getting the cold shoulder negative, too. But let's go straight to the economy of these organizations here again, you know, you see a trend line here. Japan and South Korea are always good, but this is one of the good ones.


John Mills: Will they take a call from Blinken? I'm not making this up here. This is quantitative. This is science and fact. This is based on actual reporting. Even NATO, the secretary general, is wobbly on taking calls from Blinken. The EU is essentially ignoring Blinken. The UK is wobbly on Blinken again, and Japan and South Korea rock solid kingdoms of Saudi Arabia. They just blow off Blinken and Biden. Brazil is mean. Israel and India are again, they've been treated. Israel and India can never figure it out, are treated very shabbily, and don't like it at all. But you know energy sufficiency is key in the showdown with China. You know read, read, read, read, read food. Sufficiency. Read, read, read, read, read, mean. America is the world's food supply. We are great at making food. China needs it. Everybody else. It's a disaster. Lean, globalist, or nation-state. Bottom line, you look down here, our secretary of state, -15, -15 in most schools, unless they have critical race theory as their curriculum, -15 is bad. If those people don't understand a negative score. So bad, bad, bad. So so there you go. There you go. And that's okay. I went to sleep here. Went to sleep. Hello. Hello. Sorry about that. Wake up. There we go. There we go. Let's go to the next slide here because it's related to your drag queen story. And this got my attention on April 18th.


John Mills: So Navy and nine, it is a congressional requirement for Navy to report there, you know, 30-year shipbuilding plan. It's an Excel spreadsheet. They have been a disaster in this since 2015, 2013, eight years, and ten years. They can't. How many Navy captains does it take to run an Excel spreadsheet? This is a disaster and mean and this is bipartisan. Both both both sides of Congress are just beside themselves because they want to increase. The president's budget signed in December massively increased. There is they can't meet it. They can't meet it. And it's like fire people. If you can't get Navy captains who can't run an Excel spreadsheet fire. And this is an absolute crisis, but it's related to the Drake story. It is directly related. And this was a big news point. The key Navy admiral is it's the Navy and nine, it's Admiral Jamie Pitt. James Pitts was just looking over Navy leadership and both civilian and military and realized, oh, my I know several of them very well personally and have worked for them for years already, and always knew they were jokesters. But James Pitts has now been nominated, if confirmed by the Senate to become the Navy and nine. So this is the guy who's going to run the spreadsheets and beat the Navy captains into the ground for their failure to run a spreadsheet.


John Mills: And it's Scott Caan, who I did years ago, worked with, worked together with a little bit. But James Pitts is going to come in and just shellac those Navy captains who can't run an Excel spreadsheet. This is pathetic. But this is the fruit of Wokeism We can't even have Navy sixes was an Army zero six. I know how to run a spreadsheet. Believe me, I can. I can show you. When I landed in Iraq in 2003, my job was for me to create a huge spreadsheet of everything we would need once we were for following through on regime change. I know how to run. I know how to run. Spreadsheets mean the Navy captains are obviously too busy with their training. So what do you get out of this? Recruiting and retention are so bad that the Leadership and Guild Admiral Guild I'm sorry, I worked with them very closely when he was at Cyber Command and was at the Secretary of Defense. I thought very highly of Admiral Guild. Now, the chief of Naval operations, Admiral Gilday, needs to resign. This is pathetic. They're so smart. They're stupid. This is pandering because they're recruiting. Intention is so bad and they're so smart. They're stupid. They think if they pander to the dragsters and and the transgender, the cult of transgenders who just had another insurrection today. So we had another insurrection at a state capitol in Austin by these crazies.


John Mills: This is. It's the same people. It's literally the same people. Antifa, black lives matter, Violent transgenders, drag queens, squatters. It's all this literally the same people. These people are unhappy. They're psycho. They want everybody else to be unhappy. And now we have Navy leadership pandering to these absolute psycho-wingnuts. These people are mentally deficient. And people go, Oh, that's unfair. You're being unkind. No, no. These people, anybody who wants puberty blockers in this cult of they want to cut off body parts. I mean, now we have this crazy thing called, what is it, Disablers. They want to associate themselves with Disablers So they'll cut off, cut off hands and legs and feet because they want to be disabled. This is absolutely in the Bible talks about this. In the end times, people will become crazier and crazier. We cannot accept. We have to totally reject these people. We will lose thousands of sailors and several aircraft carriers in the opening stages of the war with China because of these crazy people. So, ladies and gentlemen, our sons and daughters. And there are only two sexes. Our sons and daughters are in danger because of this craziness. And then Admiral Gilday and the Navy leadership, I just saw a new Biden appointment on the Navy staff who I worked with very closely. Uh, this is going to cost American lives. This is absolutely unacceptable. So other than that, everything's going great.


Brannon Howse: Great report. By the way, we didn't plan this. So here you're talking about Blinken and I had a clip that I saw today that I wanted to play. So this is a perfect time to play it. Look at what Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin has to say about Blinken, who you just did a scorecard on. Listen to this. Here we go, guys, in the control room.


Speaker3: What is interesting, Marie, and here's a little news for you, Anthony Blinken finally did come in and sit down for a voluntary transcribed interview in December of 2020 because he wanted to be secretary of state. And now because of more information that's come out, we know that he lied boldface to Congress about never emailing Hunter Biden. My guess is he told a bunch of other lies that hopefully we'll be able to bring him and his wife back in. Tell them to preserve their records. You cannot trust Joe Biden. You cannot trust Hunter Biden. You can't trust the Biden family. You can't trust so many of the people that they have surrounded themselves with. I mean, these made men. I basically agree with that statement. Yeah. I mean, that is here's the problem. What what what do you do when you have an effect? Co-conspirators of the Biden family inside the agencies, inside our intelligence agencies, the Department of Justice, the FBI, and you have the political party, the Democrats who couldn't care less, have no interest whatsoever in the corruption that is being uncovered bit by bit as we pull back the layers of the onion here as we peel them back. So just to be clear.


Brannon Howse: Winners in all of our government agencies. Colonel, final comments.


John Mills: This is a sad and shameful time in American leadership, but I still have faith, confidence, and optimism. There is a pony somewhere in this pile. We will win if we put our shoulder to the wheel. Focus on action and don't spend a nanosecond of complaining and squabbling. We can win this as bad as it is. But yeah, so. And that's where I put down at the bottom and was talking to a lawyer today, a very respected lawyer on the. Mr. Blinken And and we're counting almost eight charges possible on him at this point in time. And I'm counting Ron Johnson Senator Ron Johnson who's an incredibly false statement under oath on the UPenn Biden IRS 990. Where is it doesn't exist. That's a possible crime. Eupen and Eupen Biden's involvement in the 51. 


Brannon Howse: Have we had a likely Chinese CCP compromise criminal as secretary of state? Correct?


John Mills: Yeah, I've always been hesitant to make statements like that. I really want to be careful. But at this point in time, with all the information available, there are documented money flows. And it was just there was a war room yesterday. There was a US House member from Tennessee who was one of the small group who went to the Treasury and should know this. It's not the swift financial system, but they used to have to work with Treasury very close on terrorist targeting of terrorist money flows and they revealed the money flows. So the US government knows the money flows and you're saving money.


Brannon Howse: Flows, you're talking about money flowing to the Penn Biden Center, of which Blinken worked there. The money flowing from the CCP.


John Mills: Even even more direct directly to the Biden family. And it's so I'm not a trained fraud expert, but I've had to do some work in, you know, following money flows and figuring out who's doing what wrong. And boy, I'll tell you what they said and I've seen it. I've identified it in a heartbeat. You can without being super trained, you can identify this real quick. And the US rep yesterday on the war room said, oh, it's they're not even hiding it. It's going straight from China and Chinese corporate interests, which are the CCP, straight to the Biden family. Ladies and gentlemen, we have our White House on fire and we need to do whatever we can not in any way advocate violent overthrow, but we have an absolutely corrupt administration. And I've always been very careful and hesitant to make statements like this.


Brannon Howse: Indeed, the nation will The nation will That's the name of the book that's also his website. The nation will Check it out. Colonel, thank you as always for our Tuesday night briefing.


John Mills: Hey, thank you, Brannon. Looking forward to October at your event. Also, potassium iodine. I'm really looking forward to that. Thank you. Well, there you go.


Brannon Howse: If you hadn't gotten some severe droughts, I'll send you a few bottles as a gift. Why is this important? You're a military guy. Explain to our audience why this is important, and why you brought it up now in a couple of shows. So why do you find this so important?


John Mills: Yeah, well, we have reasonable preparedness and my basic logic is you don't want to be in the first 30 days, you don't want to be part of the mob at Costco and you don't want to be part of the mob on the interstate as everybody's freaking out. So be able to support and sustain yourself where you're at for 30 to 90 days. Have the basics and that there will be very likely. Sometimes people are freaking out. When I say this, I think nuclear exchanges are very possible. So I think those that's some of the basic things that citizens can do to protect themselves and their families.


Brannon Howse: Well, as you just mentioned, I have it over at Worldview Here's the headline from Houston. The FBI will be conducting large-scale nuclear training in Houston this week. That was yesterday, May 1st. So whenever this agency starts practicing for something, I get a little nervous.


John Mills: Uh, there are white hats inside the FBI. I can assure you. But, uh, yeah, there's also a number of the leaders that are corrupt, bought off, and not trusted. But here they're trying to do. They're telling they're speaking the truth out loud and they're saying they're preparing for the worst. Wow.


Brannon Howse: All right. Thank you, Colonel. Yeah, Appreciate it. The nation will folks. And what he's talking about is potassium iodine. We got 3000 bottles in. It's going fast. One vendor we went to get it from couldn't even let us have it because they couldn't keep it in stock. We were able to acquire 3000 bottles. They are flying out the door. You can get them at Protect your thyroid in case of a nuclear emergency. Includes a dirty bomb, by the way. Doesn't have to be a full nuclear strike. It could just be some terrorist group that lets out a dirty bomb. Or you can call the number on the screen. (901) 468-9357 (901) 468-9357. While you're at it, I'll just mention another product we have I've been taking for years and years. I developed this with an FDA-approved facility. This is called Extract Jevity. It includes bilberry, extract, grape seed, extract, red wine extract, and pine bark extract. Now, you don't have to take my word for it. Just go look up the benefits of these various extracts and you'll see it's loaded with antioxidants. And so again, if you're looking for something loaded with antioxidants and antiviral that has benefits for those supplements, and again, I challenge you to do the research on your own and the benefits that you'll find on various medical websites and articles about the benefits of red wine. Extract bilberry, extract grape seed extract, and pine bark extract. Check it out. It's powder. Take a scoop. Mix it with water. Stir it and drink it. I've been taking this every day for years. I develop this energy, all-natural energy, and healthy drink. Several years ago, as I said, with an FDA-approved facility, you'll find it at my My Use that promo code B66 and you'll also find it on my website I have to throw out that disclaimer it has not been evaluated or approved by the FDA and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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