Secretary of State Makes Comment That Increases Risk of World War III with China

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Brannon Howse: Joining me now is Colonel John Mills. Colonel, welcome back to the broadcast. Thanks for joining us.

John Mills: Hey, Brannon. An honor to be with you. How are you doing tonight?

Brannon Howse: I'm great. And you're somewhere in Florida tonight, right?

John Mills: I'm in Miami. That is correct.

Brannon Howse: And what are you doing tonight when you get off the air at 935 at night? Going to bed. Are you going to go out partying in the clubs in Miami?

John Mills: Yeah. That's not me. That's not me.

Brannon Howse: I'm already kept you up past your bedtime, haven't I?

John Mills: That's right. That's right. Hey, no, no. Just down here, you know, so we're just. We're just down here kind of checking things out and. Wait a minute.

Brannon Howse: You're checking things out. Are you? Are you thinking about a move?

John Mills: Uh. You're getting into classified territory.

Brannon Howse: Well, when someone goes to Florida and says they're checking things out, what am I supposed to think?

John Mills: Yeah, we're just. Just wanted to come down and kind of see what was going on here.

Brannon Howse: Yeah, well, I like to get down there and see what's going on myself. If you. If you find a place that's got a next-door neighbor for sale, let me know. Maybe we could be neighbors.

John Mills: Yeah, well, you know, you got the communist 90 miles to the not even 90 miles. 40 miles to the. To the east. You got the communist 90 miles to the south. You got Chinese have Gulf oil rigs to the west. So Florida is kind of surrounded by the by the communist Chinese right now.

Brannon Howse: Maybe I'll stay where I'm at. Tennessee sounding better all the time.

John Mills: Yeah, well.

Brannon Howse: And I don't have to worry about getting eaten by a shark.

John Mills: Yeah, that's true.

Brannon Howse: Or. Or my dogs getting eaten by an alligator.

John Mills: That's right. Well, we were in the water today. Didn't see any sharks close by. So everything was okay. Everything is okay. But, you know, you're closer to Chinese missiles than I am. We're a little further. We're about as far away as you can get from Chinese missiles as you can get in the United States.

Brannon Howse: So I'm closer.

John Mills: Well, you're closer from their launch points in China. Yes, you are. You are definitely closer. Okay.

Brannon Howse: Okay. Well.

John Mills: You didn't think of that one, did you?

Brannon Howse: No, I didn't. I'm feeling melancholy right now.

John Mills: Yeah, we're. Unless they already. Unless they put missiles back in Cuba. Yeah. You're actually closer. Yeah.

Brannon Howse: You know, speaking of melancholy, I turned on last night trying to unwind. After I did some computer work, I turned on a concert of Glen Campbell. With the South Dakota Symphony in Sioux Falls, South Dakota concert I own on DVD, but I turned it on and. It was from 2001. And I thought to myself, how much has changed in this world since 2001? Of course. Good old Glenn. I was a big Glenn Campbell fan. Good old Glenn is gone. And I was just looking at the audience in this live concert that he did and in this full orchestra. And I was just I got speaking of melancholy, I got a little melancholy thinking, you know what? 20. 20 years ago now, 22 years ago now, a lot has sure changed in this country in 22 years, hasn't it, Colonel?

John Mills: Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. Well, we got an administration that is just hell bent on doing everything to undermine the country, undermine the values, undermine everything. They're forcing country after country. They're going to. You're having a Bric conference. So Brazil, Russia, India, China in August and South Africa. Ladies and gentlemen, this is essentially the first stage of the world's reserve currency, traveling, going somewhere else besides the US. And nobody in this administration really has enough brains or sense to understand the significance of that. And they're going, oh, hey, no big deal. No big deal. This a digital currency thing. Hey, hey, this is just going to reinforce the US dollar. I mean, come on. I mean, yeah, I mean, combined, you know, America, you know, most of Europe, Japan, South Korea. Yeah, they're in the dollar system. And, you know, we still dominate GDP, but it's getting tenuous. And this administration just does not have the brains to understand this. They're running around making sure men can be girls, girls can be men, all kinds of crazy stuff. This is how civilizations collapse. And they are just they're just hell bent on this. So, yeah, 22 years from that, from that concert, you're talking about. Absolutely.

Brannon Howse: All right. Here's an article. Blinken says spy balloon chapters should be closed after China talks. So let's not talk about the fact they penetrated our airspace. An act of war, at least it should be considered such. It would have been at one time. Let's not talk about that anymore, Blinken says. Among other things, he's now also saying that, you know, I guess the headline today with Blinken was that they don't he doesn't we don't believe in the independence of Taiwan. I don't know what that means. Here it is. Here's another headline. I'll show it to you. Blinken ruffles feathers by stating us, quote, does not support Taiwan independence, end quote. After meeting China's Xi Jinping. I don't know what that means. Can you explain what that means?

John Mills: Well, that's been US policy consistent even through Trump, that we don't actively support Taiwan's independence. But here Blinken obviously is not read US law out of the 23 National Defense Authorization Act that his boss, the big guy, signed in December. It's chock full of no, it doesn't say Taiwan independence, but it is extremely strong that the US will defend Taiwan. So I don't see this as the problem with Blinken. Technically, he's correct because that actually has been a consistent US policy position, even though Trump, that we don't advocate for the independence of Taiwan. However, the world is changing. Blinken doesn't get it and he's bought off and he was part of that. He did use his time at a C3 nonprofit to cook up the greatest election steal in history with the 51 Intel officer letter. So, ladies and gentlemen, this Blinken is hapless, inept, corrupt bought off all of the above doesn't matter at this point when he says things like this, although he thinks he's being so sophisticated and everybody in state and everybody in the industry, Oh, we only believe in one China, they don't they're totally clueless because they know China at this point has selective hearing and only hears what they want to hear to them.

John Mills: A statement like that from Blinken is only a statement of a green light to invade Taiwan. And even though, again, Blinken needs to reread the 23 FY 23 National Defense Authorization Act signed by his boss, the big guy, which again, see, he's totally conflicted. This administration is conflicted. The law actually states very, very strong support for Taiwan, and doesn't use the word independence. Okay. Technically and will admittedly and we should be careful about that phrase. But his first thing within his groveling tour to China, his first word should have been we want to make it very clear, Mr. Xi, we will we will defend Taiwan from any invasion or coercion, period. Now, what would you like to talk about, Mr. Xi? That should be his opening comment if he really wants to prevent world conflict. Instead, this groveling, just this they are so they feel they are so sophisticated. But the problem is they don't even know what they mean. Their audience do they think they're talking to? Doesn't even know what their mean. Their audience is tuning them out and has selective hearing. The Chinese at this point in time only hear. Thank you. Blinken That means we can invade Taiwan. This is shameful.

Brannon Howse: This is so in other words. In other words, it doesn't mean the Biden regime will stand down when China invades Taiwan. It simply means that China now think has the permission of the United States to go do it. But you're not saying we're going to stand down as a nation and military, which tells me maybe what they're doing is trying to lay you know, they're trying to lay the foundation for China. They're goading China to do this. Because I think personally, that's what my gut tells me, that when you're the CCP puppet, your job is to destroy the military, weaken the military, throw the good guys out, throw the war fighters out, bring in the clingers from Mash in the high heels, demoralize the military. And then after you've done that and got the country fighting with each other and in bad economic shape and the banks on faulty territory and the just in time inventory is touch and go and the food supply is touch and go and the dollar is going down the toilet. This is a great time for Biden's regime to entice China to go to war. So they can go to war. And then China and Russia and Iran and other North Korea working in concert together can say, yeah, we just needed to go to war so we could take down America. And Biden's doing it all on purpose on their behalf. It's all a set up from the inside. We're being set up from the inside. That's what my gut tells me.

John Mills: Yeah. At this point, it doesn't matter. This administration is careening us into conflict and so some of them are bought off, and some of them are incompetent. Some of them mean, well, doesn't matter. They are setting us up. He Blinken is so. Illiterate on US law because actually what he's saying actually in many ways begins to broke. Violating US law because 23 everybody please look at the F.y. 23 which greatly updates and clarifies the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act. It's so it says we will go to war. It says we will defend Taiwan from both invasion and coercion. That's the original language of the 79 Taiwan Relations Act, but it's far stronger now. So it's very, very irresponsible for Blinken to just say things his first like said, his first comment to she says, I want to make it extremely clear we will defend Taiwan from invasion or coercion. Now, Mr. G, what would you like to say? And if they want to quibble over this Taiwan independence thing, even Taiwan itself's President Tsai is very careful. They don't use the word independence. They're going to essentially and I think it's wise in many ways run the clock out as long as possible. One of the grand hopes is that the Chinese Communist Party collapses first. But this is just it's irresponsible. It actually begins to broach violation of what is now US law.

Brannon Howse: Do you are you still holding to the belief that we could be at war with China before the year is over?

John Mills: I think so. The way it's going, this actually accelerates it because people are now going, well, you know, 27 is the year, you know, and I can't remember which senator they said because people are saying 27 is when the window opens for invasion. No, no, it's open now. And it was a US senator who said that today that really it's left of 27, not right of 27. And I'm very concerned she is under I can't emphasize enough and I know Gordon Chang will reinforce that but it's he is they are they cannot feed their people. They need food from America. So this is hard.

Brannon Howse: And don't the don't the deep staters need war something traumatic and drastic to happen to put the American people back under their control Because right now, the left, the right, and the center are all uniting in their hatred of the crimes by the Washington elite? They have awakened. They realize they've been played that the right, left, right, dialectical process, the Hegelian dialectical process has been to divide us as a nation so we can be easily controlled. The many on the left, many of the so-called progressives, are realizing now, I'm not so progressive. I didn't want socialism after all. Now I get a taste of what it's like. No, I'm not interested in having my First Amendment stolen. So as the left and the right, Republicans, Democrats, Independents wake up and the crimes of the Biden regime at the highest levels of the government, maybe even other people who are complicit. Shit, they have every reason to have the biggest catastrophes in the US. They could have to take this off the headline. Get the American people not to care and destroy this country before many of them go to prison. True or false?

John Mills: focusesWell, yeah. Everybody focus on 1023, the FBI reporting on the Biden family. And it's only growing and there's more than more than just 5 million from Burisma.

Brannon Howse: Well, there's a congressman now who's come out saying 20 to 30 million. The congressman said today that the Bidens have gotten 20 to $30 million. And he says and there's even more than that.

John Mills: Yeah, yeah, they're irresponsible. I mean, it sounds like they're short on cash themselves. I'm talking about the Biden family and so also the suspicious activity report from the Treasury. So all between the Treasury, between the FBI. But we have an executive branch that's fighting and is being unlawful in behavior. And yes, we have a military that, you know, now, it came out today that Army Criminal Investigation Division, which helps run some of the personal security detachments now is part of now is part of this whole routine of monitoring social media. Right. Be careful. Be careful what you say. Don't, don't, don't ever make threats. That's very it's very ill-advised. So don't, don't, don't say things. You can be unhappy with Milley all you want. Just don't be careful about making threats. But it's. But it's like. So where did this begin? And my thesis is it was the 2013 Smith-mundt update. Update about, uh, essentially the law on the use of US government prepared. Uh, you can call it propaganda. It was supposed to be beamed overseas at foreign audiences. It's now okay to use that with American audiences. And this is where I believe my thesis is.

John Mills: This is where things started to fall apart. And this is where you have even career government bureaucrats who took an oath of office, just like the uniformed military and the uniformed military. Now have been weaponized and now it's criminal. Not only can they use that government propaganda, i.e., you know, virus, you know, the Covid vaccinations, you know, you've got to take the vaccination. And then but now it's if you question the government propaganda, now, you could be criminalized and followed on social media. So everybody needs to start drilling deep on that. And I encourage everybody to start drilling deep with your local police department, your local law enforcement, and ask them how many of you are part of the customer access portal out of DHS, which is essentially the mechanism and the environment where which they this is how they're spying and throttling and censoring Americans. So yeah, I mean, this is all it's it's all coming together, not in a good way. And this is Blinken's whole trip over there, you know. You know, you know, I think Blinken at this point, you have to put them in the bot off and corrupt.

Brannon Howse: Category bought off and corrupt category. Wow. Colonel Mills, his book is called The Nation Will Follow and The Nation will follow. Dot com is the website the nation will He's got another new book coming out. Colonel, are you going to be at the Election Crime Bureau summit coming up in August again in Springfield, Missouri this year? Yep.

John Mills: Yep. I'll be there. I'll be there and have some great information. So I'll be there, you know, also have Colonel John on Substack, Colonel John on Substack Gettr and Truth.

Brannon Howse: And then you'll also be at our Ozarks conference in the middle of October. Now I'm going to switch gears for a minute before I go to Nicole Smith. Mccall Smith, Who is Nicole Smith? Nicole, before I go to Nicole Pearson, who's Nicole Smith? Oh, is that Anna Nicole Smith? All right. I read an article about her. Focus. Focus, Brannon.

John Mills: Focus. Brannon.

Brannon Howse: All right, here we go. I read an article about her little girl today I saw that was out there. So maybe that's why. But Nicole Pearson, see, unlike Tucker, I don't I mean, what's his face over there at Fox Hannity? I don't read a teleprompter. There's no teleprompter in this whole 90 minutes. All right. Um. Because I know you're a Christian. I'm going to switch gears on you a little bit and get your response to this. You're a good Baptist, right?

John Mills: Independent Baptist.

Brannon Howse: Yeah. Thank you. I'm glad you're not Southern Baptist Convention. They've gone woke. They're in the toilet. He's a good independent Baptist. Okay. Have you heard about the New Age? Jesus.

John Mills: How me? A few bars, please.

Brannon Howse: Hum me a few bars. Well, how about if I show you the news? I did my whole radio show on this today, folks. For a whole hour. Jesus warned us in Matthew 24. I talked about it in my worldview report tonight to beware of false Christ who will who will deceive many. Well, now a company that happens to be, according to the research we've done in favor of universal basic income, which tells you they're there for social justice Jesus. They've now added artificial intelligence, Jesus. Thousands, tens of thousands are now engaging him in questions online. This is on a Twitter feed. Watch this. Colonel Mills will have you respond to this. Here we go to Nicole. Look at this.

AI Jesus (Video): Jesus. Can you explain the book of Genesis using pizza as a metaphor so Italians can understand Demented Spud? I appreciate your creative question. Let me explain The Book of Genesis using pizza as a metaphor for our Italian friends. Imagine the creation of the universe as crafting a delicious pizza from scratch. In the beginning, there was just dough representative, formless and empty earth Gog the master pizzaiolo began to shape and stretch the dough, creating the foundations of the pizza. Just as he shaped the heavens and the earth dividing the ingredients. God separated the light from the darkness like the cheese and the sauce and then combined them to form the perfect base. Gun adorned the pizza with various ingredients, each representing his work during the six days of creation.

Brannon Howse: Well, at least they're not saying it was a big boom and big explosion, and out popped a pizza. So for right now, they're at least not theistic evolutionists, but the whole thing goes on from there. Folks, I'm not kidding you. You go on social media or Twitter, you'll find asking all kinds of questions to this air. Jesus. I don't know what's going to be set up in the temple during the tribulation, but something will be set up. The Bible says it speaks words of blasphemy, artificial intelligence. We've been pontificating and guessing could be included, but here we go. Artificial intelligence. Matthew 24. Jesus said, Beware of false Christ, an eye, politically correct Jesus, who went on to say when asked about LGBT, said, Love is love. So it's a politically correct Jesus they've created. I mean, no kidding aside, I think this is blasphemy. I think it's horrible. And I think it's laying the foundation for a lot of people to be deceived. They can make it funny. But I think this kind of thing is going to grow in popularity. What say you in closing?

John Mills: Well, I hope it doesn't grow in popularity. And I'm I like to have a good sense of humor and could be a joking guy, but don't find anything about this funny, right? The Bible Bible is clear to come together with fellow believers in something called a church, right? Where you have you have a pastor who preaches out of something called the Bible. And so this silliness, I mean, just the deranged silliness, it'll always be something, whether it's transgenders and you know who. And in six months, something will come out. It'll offend the transgenders. It's just that will they will get it'll get more and more crazy to watch ads where you just need to have, you know, stay focused on the Bible, stay focused on coming together with fellow believers. But they're also leveraging this. Everybody wants to be kind of a lone Ranger, do your own thing. Don't need a church. You know, I'm just going to use I'm going to go online. This is this is Come on, come on, everybody use your head. This is the Bible is it's it transcends time and generations here. So what was written back during Bible time still applies and is correct today. So people don't say, well, you know, they just didn't know about this thing called AI. Yes, yes, yes. Christ did know about false prophets, which is AI. And so this is a misuse of AI and think there are a lot of good things that can come out of AI, But this is a classic misuse and they're preying on a lot of people who have been thinking the whole virus scam and the whole vaccine vaccinescam created a very a segment of the population that is very confused, very befuddled and searching for answers.

John Mills: And, you know, we need to all be good witnesses and try to lead them to Christ and to lead them again to a local church. We're not perfect. That's what they are. Their biggest hit always says, Yeah, but the church is filled with imperfect people. That's right. Amen to that. And that's why we're here. So amen. And anybody if you found the perfect church, please let everybody else know about it, because that's we are all imperfect and they're preying upon this and think this is very insidious, mischievous and willful. And it just it's going to confuse and deceive people here. You're not going to find God through some caricature, through artificial intelligence. It's called the Bible. It's called a local church. You got it. You got to get into a Bible-believing church that believes in the word of God and the King James and the independent Baptist faith think, you know, didn't start with that. Didn't start with that at all. But I think it's like if you start doing Bible study and Bible research every time it makes more sense than any of the other translations. So let's stay focused, Stay focused, amen to that. Come together with fellow believers that are Bible-based, and Bible-focused.

Brannon Howse: Well, I knew you were the right guy to ask that about. In closing, I knew you'd respond and we'd be in agreement. I think it's blasphemy. I think it's setting people up. And I think beyond being thought to be a joke, I think more of this is going to increase and it's going to become more compelling, more deceitful. And I think this AI stuff could be used in a good way, but in an awful, horrible way. And I think we're going to see more and more of this, and I think it'll fit with the Bible talks about this blasphemous image set up in the temple during the tribulation period, the nation will, the nation will as always. Thank you, Colonel. Have a great time. We'll let you go. I know it's 9:45, or 9:47 where you're at. We'll let you go for the day so you can get some sleep. Thank you, Colonel.

John Mills: Okay, Brannon, thank you. Always an honor. Thank you so much.

Brannon Howse: You too. Check out his book and his site.

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