Shocking Demise of U.S. Dollar's Purchasing Power Since 1971

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Brannon Howse: All right. Still got Wes Peters and Annie Cyrus. We got to go fast, Wes. Welcome back to the broadcast. Thank you for being with us. Hey.

Wes Peters: Brannon, Good evening. How are you?

Brannon Howse: Good evening. I'm on limited time. I always am crunched. We got to get you on again. Go through this. But I want to go through a little of this tonight. Here's a report that here's a report Wes Peters put out and sent to me. And I started going through it. Look at this urgent economic report. And you can, by the way, get this. He'll tell you how you can get it in a minute. But I want to go through this because some slides in here were impactful to me. Here are some of the topics we'll cover. Cyber warfare, National debt, debt ceiling out of control. Government spending. Inflation. Economy. Stock market Volatility. Federal Reserve. Quantitative Easing. Easing Banks. Bail-ins. Derivatives. Rising Interest rates. Higher taxes. Petro Dollar. The BRICs Banking System. War on cash. Digital currency. Geopolitical Challenges. Central Banks Loading up on Gold. I saw another one on that today, by the way, folks. Benefits of owning gold and how to be prepared. Let's go through some of these things. How many cyber attacks does the US get each day now, Wes?

Wes Peters: Um. Hundreds of thousands, if not over a million in a day. A single day. Brannon. Wow. It's. It's unbelievable. Um, whether it be, you know, our, our power grid, the banking system. And if you remember back when China was flying the balloons across our country and circling our missile silos. That's the same time frame where the FAA had a ground plane for a couple of hours. Um, Bank of America clients were missing money from their Zelle. I believe it was a Zelle payment system. Um, there were several things. There's an attack on the power grid. The stock market had to close for a couple of hours. And I'm not saying maybe it was just a coincidence, but maybe China was doing some little tests there and say, ah, now they're saying, okay, we could do that if we wanted to. Yeah, we could do that if we wanted to. Again, all of these things were referred to as glitches, which is just kind of, you know, again, it could be a big coincidence that they were flying around these balloons and objects around our country at that time.

Brannon Howse: Yeah. How about this one? National debt. The national debt is racing toward $32 trillion. And of course, this is interesting. We're going through this tonight because you wrote this report a few weeks ago. The debt ceiling has now been raised. I guess a bunch of Democrats had to help pass it. About 29 Republicans resisted. Kevin McCarthy may lose his speakership over this, but the national debt, it's going to just keep going up. It looks like Leo or Leo was correct.

Wes Peters: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. The crisis was averted. You know, they've, uh. And I love when they make it sound like they've, you know, they've paid our bills. Like they, you know, we had money in the bank and they paid our bills when all they're doing is just, you know, increasing the debt. It's no big deal. Just waving their magic wand and. All right, we're all set. We can continue to run the government into the ground, you know, and dig that hole deeper.

Brannon Howse: Yeah, indeed. Indeed. How about let's go on to this next one out of government-controlled spending? I'll let you guys deal with that one. Inflation. Now, this is an interesting chart. 1970, your home, 23,450. The price of gold is $38.90. Then look at that. Going down to 2020, the average price of a home went from 23,450 in 1970, to gold at 3890. In 2020, it was 266,300, and gold was at almost $1,800 an ounce. Same thing with cars in 1970 gold.

Wes Peters: That's how many ounces of gold you take to buy that home at that time.

Brannon Howse: Oh, look at that. So look at that. Look at that 602oz of gold in 1970. Today, you could in 2020, you could buy the house for 150oz of gold. Doesn't that show you how gold preserves its purchasing power and that what that shows?

Wes Peters: Well, that's the whole point of the slide and you know it again gold you don't invest in gold and silver to make money. It's to preserve and maintain your purchasing power. I've told people, you know, over the years, if your gold and silver is your best-performing investment, don't get excited about that because that just means food at the grocery store is costing you more money. Fuel at the gas pumps costs you more money. Homes are costing you more money. But, you know, if you put $10,000 in a safe today and $10,000 worth of gold and pulled it out 15 years from now, the dollar is not going to be around, first of all. But let's say even if it was, it's going to be buying you a lot less than it buys you today. That gold you put in there, whatever it was buying you today, it's going to buy you ten, 15, 20, 30 years from now. That's the beauty of gold. It's to maintain your purchasing power and preserve your wealth.

Brannon Howse: I was reading an article on how many stores are going to close over the next five years. Thousands. Tens upon. Tens of thousands of stores. Have you read that same report?

Wes Peters: Absolutely. And there's a crisis coming in the commercial real estate market, too. Um, you know, there are so many companies that when Covid started, they forced their employees to go home, companies that would have never thought of letting their employees work from home, like like our company, Swiss America. They would have never considered letting us work from home. And now they saw how much happier people were more productive. If I want to come into my computer, you know, to my desk at 10:00 at night and send some emails or get caught up on things, I can do it. And we never have to go back. We have this huge, beautiful, empty building, uh, sitting 45 minutes away from my house here that in the last two and a half years I've probably been there five times. Wow. And that's just you know, I was.

Brannon Howse: Reading a report the other day that.

Wes Peters: With these companies.

Brannon Howse: I was reading the other day and a lot of the? e young people are being asked. I was reading the other day, a lot of these young people are being asked to come back to work and they're saying no. And then those who are being hired and said, well, we want you in the office, I'm sorry, that's a deal breaker. I don't want to work for you. Then for a lot of them, that is a deal breaker. They do not want to do that anymore.

Wes Peters: Then what? You see the Amazon employees that are going on strike about their being asked to come back three days a week and they're like, we're not going to we're going on strike.

Brannon Howse: Well, look at all these stores that are closing JCPenney, Bed, Bath and Beyond, Victoria's Secret, Walmart, Walgreens, I mean, Target. Target. Established in 1902. But the number of stores are closing at 13. It may be more now that their stock has lost, what, $10 billion? I mean, Starbucks is closed 400 stores. I mean, Wowza. And then we got 401. Ks losses in 2022. That's not good. Let me go over to Worldview, by the way, before we go to that report. Another report, if people want to get this report, this free report that you've put together about the Federal Reserve and so much more, how do they get a free report? How do they get this?

Wes Peters: They can text or call me, you know, 6025588585. Text me. Let me know if you've already gotten information from us or the information kit. Just let me know. You only need the free report. Unfortunately, I don't have them printed. I can email them in an attachment. Just let me know if you want the information kit and the report or if you just want the report. If you want everything, include your name, your physical mailing, and address your email. Let me know if you need information for retirement accounts or not. And I'll get the information out in the mail to you tomorrow.

Brannon Howse: Yeah, well, the thing is, it's easier to just send it to them as a pdf. So that's what you should do. Right.

Wes Peters: Yeah, that'd be the easiest way. What was?

Brannon Howse: The name? What was the name of the bank on the West Coast that was not letting people get their money out last week? Did you see that? What was the name of that bank?

Wes Peters: Um, I don't recall offhand which bank it was, but I've had it again, I think I mentioned this recently. Here it is.

Brannon Howse: Here it is. Here it is. Here it is. Found it. Found it. Here it is. Withdrawing your cash. Natwest Bank wants to know why and see proof. Now, this is according to an article over at zero no bomb which was also linked at ZeroHedge. Reportedly this is what was put on the door. Looking to withdraw cash. Our primary aim is to have you verify this story.

Wes Peters: I haven't had any.

Brannon Howse: It says if you go to their website, there it is. Look, look, look. You go to their website and there it is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow.

Wes Peters: What people need to realize, Brannon, is I don't care if you're with Wells Fargo, Chase, you know that this.

Brannon Howse: This will include asking you questions about the purchase the purpose of your cash withdrawal or and in some cases, supporting documentation. Yes.

Wes Peters: Yeah.

Brannon Howse: Oh, yeah. So now the bank wants to know why you're taking it out. And look, there it is, NatWest. So the article has a link right to it, which is the same thing that was in the article about this. Yeah. So now the bank wants to know why. Maybe show us an invoice. Now you know why I don't like the banks, don't trust the banks. Never really have nice people work there. I'm sure I know some. But you know what? Not a big bank guy. Not crazy about the banks. Prefer to diversify into other areas.

Wes Peters: Right? I've had clients. I had one client not long ago that made a purchase with us and was going to wire money. And I almost sent you the voicemail she left me, but she said her name and maybe you could have you probably could have bleeped it out. But, um, she said where she was calling from her name and said, You have a client here looking to wire money and we're refusing to send it because we don't think it's in our best interest.

Brannon Howse: And. All right. So if they want to get the full report, you'll send it to them as a PDF. They just text you at that number. Put that up there again. 6025588585 6025588585. Ask for the report and what you could name it. The report is called me. Go back to the top. It is called West. What do we call it? Here it is. Well, it's a big old report. I'll tell you what.

Wes Peters: I did When?

Brannon Howse: Urgent Economic report.

Wes Peters: Yeah. And I just wanted to try and put something together to make the case why everybody should own some physical gold and silver and try to think of all the different topics that I could go into and just cover some information on. I call this the why. Why you should invest in gold and silver. If the why makes sense, then you can talk about how how to go about it. So this is my is why you should own gold and silver if this makes sense. Let's schedule a free, no-obligation educational call to talk about the process. Talk about the products, what products are reportable, and what products are private. You know, we explain all of that. A lot of these companies out there want to be the expert and they want to tell the client what to buy. And unfortunately, the way a lot of these companies determine that Brannon is when Brannon is ready to buy, they pull up their inventory, take a look and see what they currently have. Too much of that. Their sales managers probably paying them an incentive to move and get rid of them. And that's going to be the greatest product there is for you. And it may not be in your best interest, especially if you're looking for privacy and you buy something like a South African Krugerrand or Bars or something like that, that's going to generate 1099. And a lot of companies don't even go into detail about that. They act like all gold and silver are created equal. And it's not.

Brannon Howse: It's no, it's not. All right. Text him. (602) 558-8585. Ask for the report. Urgent economic report. He'll send it to you by email as a PDF and you can read it and get educated. Then talk to us after you've gotten some education. West is all about education, not pressure tactics. As you can see, he's a laid-back teddy bear. He's not interested in pressuring. His phone's ringing off the hook as it is. It's ringing off the hook as it is. (602) 558-8585. Thank you, West. Appreciate your being with us. Hey, thanks for joining us now. You too, my friend.

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