Some U.S. Government Legalize The Terrorizing of Conservatives

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Brannon Howse: All right. Good evening and welcome to the program. Glad you are with us. We're going to be joined tonight, I hope, by Dr. James Thorpe. We're trying to make contact with him. Juan Menendez joins us tonight from down on the border with some shocking, shocking footage and commentary about what's happening on the border. Then we'll be joined by Leo Holman, another great article by Leo where the elite is planning on trying to starve us. We'll get into that. Wes Peters will join us with another financial update. Central banks are buying up gold and silver and big numbers and the BRICs banking system in Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Well, that's growing with groups like Argentina, Iran, and others joining as they go. Again, as we've been talking about for the well, for years, the war on the American dollar and then any Cyrus will join us remember Anni from Born and raised in Iran join us to talk about what's going on with Iran, America caving to Iran and. What was with this hijab-wearing, which means Sharia? Islamic law is your constitutional freedom. Goodbye. That's what they want. Why is she wearing a hijab? Because she believes in Sharia. She believes in Islamic law, not American law. Islamic law. And you're going to hear this woman. But her anti-Semitic rant in her graduation speech. We've got a lot to get to tonight. Before we do, let me take you real quick to Worldview It's our daily aggregated news site, constantly putting up new articles there.

Brannon Howse: Let me show you what we've got over there today, because this is something, again, I talked about on the radio. I want to discuss it here just very, very briefly before we go to one. Menendez And this is something I have warned about for years and years, marginalized, characterized, terrorized, and then legalized the terrorizing. Do you guys remember me saying this? Many of you alumni have been saying it for years marginalized, characterized, terrorized, and then legalize the terrorizing. And what am I talking about right here? Massachusetts man faces. Prosecution for defending himself from the anti-Republican violent, anti-Republican attacker. Wow. Defended himself against a violent anti-Republican attacker. And he's getting prosecuted. Well, this article goes on to say just this. By now, most Americans have heard of Daniel Penny, the Marine veteran being charged by the Manhattan Democrats district attorney for defending his fellow citizens from an erratic Jordan Neely on the New York City subway. There's also a good chance they've heard of Daniel Perry, the Army sergeant recently convicted in Austin, Texas, for protecting himself from an armed Black Lives Matter demonstrator on their own merits. Both cases represent a seemingly growing trend of Democrat prosecutors allowing violent criminals to walk free while punishing law-abiding Americans for defending themselves from horrendous acts of violence. Case in point, Kevin Mackey, a Massachusetts resident charged for allegedly protecting himself from a violent anti-Republican attacker. Then it goes into what happened.

Brannon Howse: But these folks are just a few of many cases. Okay. And we know many of the cases. We saw it in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, a few years ago. Did we not? However, in Wisconsin, that was I don't guess it was Oshkosh, whatever it was, where that happened, where that young man was defending himself. Marginalize, characterize, terrorize, and then legalize the terrorizing. That is what I've been telling this audience for many, many, many years. What's coming? The marginalizing and characterizing. Well, we've all seen that for years. And then terrorizing people. We've seen that attacking people that are America first. I got a video in my documentary, Brainwashed America of a Man, a self-avowed America's first Trump supporter being shot on the streets. Was that in Washington State? I believe Oregon or Washington? See my documentary, Brainwashed America just shot because he is a Trump supporter. Terrorizing conservatives. But now we have gone to the next level. Legalizing. Legalizing the terrorizing of your political enemies. Marginalized. Characterize. Terrorize and then legalize terrorizing them. And what are we watching now? People are law-abiding being prosecuted for defending themselves against people that are attacking them or others, but those folk get away with it. The ones who get prosecuted are the ones who are defending themselves or defending someone else. Why? Because we have Marxist DAs. Marxist DAs believe the source of all suffering and oppression is Christianity and capitalism. The source of all suffering and oppression is Christians. The free market system.

Brannon Howse: And so, therefore, those people deserve to be targeted. To not only be marginalized and characterized but to be terrorized. And we're going to do nothing about it, therefore, virtually legalizing the terrorizing of political enemies. And isn't that what we have seen at the highest levels of our government, the FBI targeting and terrorizing conservatives? If you're patriotic if you're a mom that goes to a school board meeting complaining about mask-mandating critical race theory. Children's books, believe it or not, have full-color cartoons of how children can learn to sodomize each other, even sodomize each other when they're of the same sex as if sodomizing each other of the opposite sex was bad enough. They want to make sure these kids know how to sodomize. Kids of the same sex. And this is considered education in America today. And if you're opposed to that and you're a mother or a father and you show up to complain at a school board meeting, the FBI is labeled you a potential domestic terrorist. And now what are they saying? Oh, it's the right-wingers that might put down the power grid to disrupt government. Really? I don't think so. Marginalized. Characterized. Terrorize. The government is now involved in the terrorizing of conservatives and then legalized the terrorizing. Get these folks arrested and then do nothing when you hear that. The people running those jails and prisons are beating the living tar out of them, beating them, causing some of them to lose one of them.

Brannon Howse: I heard his eyesight. This is where we're at today, folks. And I hate to do the old I told you so, but any of the alumni of my broadcast know that I have rattled off that, rattled off that list again and again for many, many, many, many years, warning this was coming. And now it should be all clear for all to see. Even now the Federalist is reporting it, even if they don't realize it goes in the list of marginalized, characterized, terrorized, and then legalize the terrorizing of your enemies. Are your political enemies dehumanizing Americans? How do we get to the point where we have so dehumanized one another? Well, I'll tell you real quickly, I've been doing a series on television and radio between 1 and 2 p.m. Central Time, not only on television here but on the 63 terrestrial stations I'm on. And today was part four. Some of you know I have a daily radio show. Some of you don't. You can join us every day right here at 1:00 Central, 1 to 2 Central. And many of you listen to the Vcy America Radio Network. And today was part four of One Nation Under Man. How the left has used the courts to overthrow America? How the left has used the courts to overthrow America. One nation under man. Not under God. You can't have God. Now and then we get a good ruling by the Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade.

Brannon Howse: One last week, 9 to 0 protecting private property. We get a few good ones now and then, but the Supreme Court is going to have to go a long, long, long, long way to make up for literally about 100-plus years of pathetic decisions, literally making them up. Out of thin air. 1962. 1962, the Supreme Court ruled that there could be no prayer in schools. One state they took the case, I think it was New York 1962, no reciting of Christian prayer. Somehow that was the student's, I guess, establishing a religion. But isn't that interesting? Because the Constitution declares that Congress shall make no law establishing a religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. What happened to that last part? But how are kids praying in a school room in New York establishing a religion? But the Supreme Court decided in 1962 that that was a problem. Did you know that the courts went on to define church? Church They went on to define the word church as any. Public expression of Christianity. That's what they define church as. I went over all this on radio and TV the last few days. Let me just show you this one from 1962. Here you go. Look at that church by the courts to mean, quote, religious activity in public. So now these kids, by praying a recited prayer in New York, we're establishing a church. Wait a minute. It says no.

Brannon Howse: Congress shall make no law establishing religion. How is this the US Congress establishing a religion? How is this a church? Do you see how they make up things? They make. They just make it up. Then in 1963, the School district of Abington Township versus Schempp. The US Supreme Court rules that Pennsylvania public schools cannot be involved in the corporate voluntary reading of the Bible. I don't want to read the Bible, but we can read how to sodomize each other at 11 years old. Nine years old. Oh, yes. Even how to sodomize people of the same sex. And you ought to try that, by the way, because how? You know, you won't like it until you've tried it. That's actually what's being taught. Or how about the curriculum I found in Minnesota, North Dakota that kids are not necessarily disturbed or harmed by child molesters? That's been in schools for years. I wrote about that in my 1993 book. Cradle to college, an educational production. Kids are not necessarily disturbed or harmed by child molesters. 1993. That was in my book. Quoting a curriculum out of North Dakota. This is not new. But don't you dare read the Bible? But read all the perversion and porn you can. Disguises succeed, but not the Bible. Then 68, the Supreme Court ruled that Arkansas cannot require that creationism is taught in the schools. Creation versus evolution?is being taught side by side. Let the kids decide. No, you can't do that. You can only teach one religion the religion of.

Brannon Howse: Atheism, naturalism, Darwinian evolution. And then in 1971, in Lemon versus Kurtzman, the US Supreme Court ruled that what became known as the Lemon test, if you guys want to show it on the screen. Said this. Requires that state policy have no religious purpose. Really? Where's the federal government get off saying that a state can have no policy that has a religious purpose? First of all, what is a religion? Religion is a system set or collection of beliefs. Religion. Is defined by almost every dictionary as a system set or collection of beliefs. Everyone has a religious worldview. So this is dumb because someone's going to teach a worldview that's a religious worldview. And of course, what they did was they tried to outlaw Christianity because, again, the goal is to marginalize, characterized, terrorized, and then legalized the terrorizing. So you can go after those who embrace a Judeo-Christian worldview. But first, you must strip the schools of any belief in God. Thus, in the beginning, God created. Thus we are. We are guaranteed certain inalienable rights by God. And the purpose of government is to defend those God-given rights. No, we got to destroy that. Because your rights come from the government. For government is your God. So they completely deconstructed Christianity. From the public square and our schools. And then in 1973, of course, we got Roe v Wade, which thankfully the courts have overturned. That allowed for abortion on demand, dehumanizing people.

Brannon Howse: They have no life has no value. And now we wonder why we got where we are today. One Nation Under Man How the Courts. Have used the law to overthrow America. If you can watch the full series I've been doing, I'm on part four. It's on-demand right now at W-v. But right in the middle of this series comes all of these articles talking about people being prosecuted for defending themselves. Why are so many people being prosecuted? Because our educational system and our media and Hollywood always declare the evil person is a Christian. Remember Shawshank Redemption? Who's the evil guy? The warden? And what is the warden? A Bible-thumping Christian. But he's an evil guy. And I could list for you movie after movie after movie where the villain is a Christian. Our quotes. The Bible is some kind of complete psychopath, but they make him out to be a Christian. Well, that's what Sigmund Freud declared. The truly sane individuals were those who had rejected Christianity and were practicing their natural inclinations of lust, cannibalism, incest, and killing. That's what Freud believed. The Christians were the crazy ones for suppressing their natural inclinations of lust, cannibalism, killing, and incest. And now through our media and education. Courts. Christianity has become, well, domestic terrorism. So legalize the terrorizing of them after decades and decades of marginalizing and characterizing them. That's how we got where we are today. The quick little lesson there in my opening commentary tonight.

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