"Sound of Freedom" By Angel Studios Out-Sold Indiana Jones

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  • Jim Caviezel’s new movie, The Sound of Freedom, has been a surprising box office smash, outselling its nearest competitor by 25 percent this summer, so why are certain mainstream media critics trashing the film?
  • A U.S. rancher comes out firmly against mRNA vaccinations for beef cattle, explaining why these jabs are not needed if ranchers raise their livestock properly according to more natural practices.
  • Planned Parenthood is offering $150 gift cards and free lunch to entice teenagers into participating in their week-long sex-ed summer camp.
  • Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, also known as BRICS nations, will soon announce plans to introduce a new digital trading currency backed by gold.
  • And China moves to potentially cut the U.S. off from the supply of rare-earth metals critical to the manufacture of electric vehicles as well as weapons systems used by the U.S. military.


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

The biggest box-office seller in the entire film industry this summer has been “Sound of Freedom” put out by Angel Studios.

This has no doubt shocked the Hollywood elites, as the film was spurned by all of the major studios, including Disney.

Sound of Freedom has out-sold the number-two rated movie this summer, the latest Indiana Jones blockbuster, by nearly 25 percent.

Sound of Freedom is about the international child sex trade that’s centered here in the U.S. with tentacles reaching into Mexico, Central and South America, Ukraine, Thailand and many other countries.

Yet, the mainstream corporate media has been slow to write about the smashing success of this movie and many of the outlets that have written about it have done so with a negative slant.

Zero Hedge reports that “The pedo-loving propagandists at the once-great Rolling Stone are at it again, this time seemingly defending child traffickers with a scathing review of Jim Caviezel's anti-child-trafficking film, Sound of Freedom - which they described as a ‘QAnon-tinged thriller about child-trafficking’ which is ‘designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer.’”



Rolling Stone further described the movie as “A superhero movie for dads with brainworms.”


That’s a spurious attack on a film that is based on the true story of Tim Ballard, a former Homeland Security agent who has rescued scores of children around the world who have been kidnapped and sold as sex slaves.

The Rolling Stone article shows just how deeply the corporate media is in bed with the deep state, working with corrupt law enforcement to protect the human trafficking and child trafficking cabal.

They are showing themselves to be willing accomplices to these horrendous crimes against humanity.


Carter Country Meats, a ranching and beef-producing company based in the Big Horn Mountains area of Wyoming, has made it plain that it will resist, at any cost, the movement toward jabbing livestock with toxic mRNA vaccines.

Here is the owner of the company, explaining his position, that “if it is mandated, we will not comply.”



Playing God, indeed.

Kudos to that man and his company. We need more farmers and ranchers to take a stand on this, or the integrity of our meat supply will soon be compromised, further adding to the massive toll on human life and health caused by the mRNA jabs that went into the arms of people over the last two years.


Blaze Media reports that Planned Parenthood is offering $150 gift cards and free lunch to entice teenagers into participating in their week-long sex-ed summer camp, according to an advertisement posted by the Planned Parenthood Minnesota Advocate's Twitter account Thursday.



A Minnesota mother of six identified only as “Karin” told Fox News Sunday morning on Fox & Friends Weekend:

“I care passionately about the well-being of all children and the generation my kids are growing up alongside ... I think most families and most parents would firmly agree that we don't want people sexualizing our children, and that's exactly what this camp will do.”

The “camp” is for Mankato, Minnesota, area youth ages 15-18. It is slated to run July 24 through July 28, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., the advertisement posted by the @PPMM Twitter account says.

“Lunches are provided and participants receive a $150 gift card upon completion,” the flyer also says.

The link included in the Twitter post leads to a Google form for potential participants to apply. On the form, the camp is described as a “sexual health peer education certification program.”

Covered topics include sexual anatomy, birth control methods, sexually transmitted infections, healthy relationships, consent, and more, according to the sign-up page.

The form says, “Participants will use knowledge they learn to educate friends and peers.”

The application form requests personal details from potential participants like name, age, pronouns, email, and phone number. One section asks potential participants to write about “what excites/interests you about Sex Ed Summer Camp?”


The Discern Report has recently reported that the U.S. dollar could suffer another massive blow that could send it down the drain as heads of state meeting at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, or SCO, announced a landmark decision to conduct the majority of transactions in national currencies instead of the American dollar.

This decision follows that by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s proposal to also ditch the dollar.

Raisi warned against the world’s dependency on the dollar in global exchanges and pointed out the importance of de-dollarization to form a “just international system,” during a speech at the July 4th virtual 23rd SCO Summit held after Iran gained full-fledged membership in the bloc.

The meeting was also attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif. 

China’s Xi called for an increase in the use of national currencies in trade between members of the SCO. He pointed to a variety of financial instruments that members should focus on to expand mutual economic ties.

Xi, who pledged to provide Chinese partner states with access to Chinese markets, stated:

“It is necessary to ramp up cooperation in sovereign digital currency and work on the establishment of an SCO development bank.”

Putin revealed that cooperation between Russia and China in trade deals already has over 80 percent of settlements between them currently made in rubles and yuan. Putin added that trade volume between Russia and fellow SCO member countries reached a record $263 billion in 2022 and even went up by 35 percent in the first four months of 2023.

So much for those anti-Russia sanctions imposed by the U.S. and its Western allies.


The gold market could see new bullish momentum as the world moves to a new type of gold standard.

The Russian government confirmed on July 6th that Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, also known as BRICS nations, will introduce a new digital trading currency backed by gold. The official announcement is expected to be made during the BRICS summit in August in South Africa.



The latest news is adding new momentum to the ongoing de-dollarization trend unfolding in the global economy.  Since mid-2022, central banks worldwide have been buying gold at a historic pace in part to diversify their reserve away from the U.S. dollar.

For many analysts, a gold-backed currency is the next evolution in this process. Many analysts have seen China's recent gold purchases as an attempt to bring international credibility to the yuan.

At the same time, the U.S. government's weaponization of the U.S. dollar against Russia for invading Ukraine has created some geopolitical uncertainty among some nations allied with Russia.

While the prospect of a gold-backed BRICS currency will provide significant support to gold, some analysts expect that it will take time before the impact is felt in the market.

Thorsten Polleit, chief economist at Degussa, said that while the announcement is a step in the right direction, there is still a long way to go to become reality.

“At first glance, a new transaction unit, backed by gold, sounds like good money – and it could be, first and foremost, a major challenge to the U.S. dollar's hegemony,” he told Kitco News.

However, Polleit added that the devil is in the details, stating:

“For making the new currency as good as gold, a truly sound currency, it must be convertible into gold on demand. I am not sure whether this is what Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa have in mind. Using gold as money, the unit of account would be a true game changer, no doubt about it. It could lead to a sharp devaluation of many fiat currencies vis-à-vis the yellow metal (including the BRICS fiat currencies), and it could catapult up goods prices in terms of fiat currencies. It could be a shock to the global fiat money system. I am not sure that this is what the BRICS wish to achieve.”

Some are predicting a “crack up boom” in the market.

Here is a clip from an interview with Florian Grummes, managing director at Midas Touch Consulting

WATCH VIDEO (Clip from 2:54 mark to 6:50 mark)



A trade war between China and the United States over the future of semiconductors is escalating.

China controls rare-earth minerals that run the world —and it just fired a warning shot at the United States, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal.

China’s decision last week to restrict the export of two minerals used in semiconductors, solar panels and missile systems was more than a trade salvo. It was a reminder of its dominant hold over the world’s mineral resources—and a warning of its willingness to use them in its escalating economic rivalry with the U.S.  

Roughly two-thirds of the world’s supply of lithium and cobalt – essential for electric cars – is processed in China. And China is the source of approximately 60 percent of the world’s aluminum.

But it’s two other critical metals that China has announced it will start limiting the output of that could have a far-reaching impact on not just cars but the U.S. military-industrial complex.

The Chinese government has announced buyers of two metals used in computer chips and solar panels will need to apply for export permits, starting on Aug. 1. The metals, gallium and germanium, are also used in military applications.

The U.S. has been imposing trade limits for several years to try to restrict China's access to semiconductor technology. In a statement, China's Commerce Ministry said the new controls on exporting the metals are to safeguard China's national interests.

NPR's Emily Feng, reporting from Taipei, noted:

“These controls aren't a ban. But it's possible China could reduce the amount it sells as retribution.”

That's a scenario the U.S. and allied countries have long been worried about — not just for these two fairly obscure metals, but for the many minerals produced and processed in China in large quantities.

China produces 60% of the world's germanium and 80% of the world's gallium, according to the Critical Raw Minerals Alliance. It also dominates supply chains for rare earth minerals used in many high-tech products, as well as the lithium, cobalt and graphite used in batteries.


The American Center for Law and Justice has filed a brief with an oversight board for tech companies Facebook and Instagram that challenges their censorship of pro-life speech.

The fight is growing in the U.S. these days just a year after the Supreme Court tossed out the fatally flawed Roe precedent from 50 years ago that created a “right” to abortion and inserted it into the Constitution.

The ACLJ said the fight right now is over the “fair and equal right to use public platforms for the communication of sanctity of life views.”

The digital corporate giants have been censoring such speech for years.

The ACLJ has delivered to Meta, the corporate ownership of Facebook and Instagram, its argument that the 300-some million users of the two computer software programs should be allowed to express their pro-life views.

The two companies, the ACLJ explained, “are an integral part of the new public square. In practice, though, these powerful Silicon Valley platforms have had a troubled record when it comes to restricting pro-life messaging.”

Meta's oversight board – made up of ex-judges and political leaders, journalists, legal experts, and academicians – is reviewing three challenges to its pro-abortion ideology.

The ACLJ said it is urging the board to require Facebook and Instagram to recognize that “pro-life messaging must be protected.”

“We also pointed out exactly how that could be done.”

It explained one of the censored comments was from a pro-lifer who cited the morally bankrupt and illogical claim from pro-abortion radicals.

They “suggest that abortion somehow rescues an infant from being unwanted, and therefore is a form of compassion. The Facebook post described ‘Pro-Abortion logic’ of the ‘liberal left’ as saying, in effect, that ‘We don’t want you to be poor, starved or unwanted. So we’ll just kill you instead.’”

That message was censored because it included “kill,” even though the company rules allow the use of that word in other contexts such as, “Terrorists deserve to be killed.”


The Daily Mail reports that a swarm of grasshoppers invading Tooele, Utah, was so large it registered on weather radar systems. 

The plague of grasshoppers that moved into northwestern Utah late last month it was picked up by the National Weather Service. 

The plague-like surge was captured around 6 pm on June 21 heading northeast toward the Great Salt Lake before hitting Tooele, Utah, leaving farmers with destroyed crops. 

“Every bit of alfalfa that’s in my fields is gone,” rancher Michael Dow told KSLTV. “I planted a pasture and all the seedlings were about 3/4 of an inch tall Sunday morning, and on Sunday evening, they were gone; it was bare dirt,” he explained. 

There have been other reports of insects terrorizing the region for the last few weeks. 

Swarms of grasshoppers can destroy crops in a short amount of time, quickly eating their way through fields of wheat, spinach, corn and other plants. 

The insects also bite, but this is usually more irritating than serious, as the bites tend to cause mild discomfort. Many humans don't even realize they have been bitten by a grasshopper. 

Scientists were able to recognize the radar movement in Utah as grasshoppers because the group was very “non-uniform,” and weather events like rain and snow tend to be more consistent in shape, meteorologist Alex DeSmet told the Salt Lake Tribune. 

“This is not a common thing,” State entomologist Kris Watson, who manages Utah’s insect and pest program at the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, said.

“Grasshoppers themselves are common, but for them to show up on a radar detection — to my understanding, it’s not very common.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

A biological man won Miss Netherlands 2023 for the first time and will compete in the upcoming Miss Universe competition in El Salvador.



Rikkie Valerie Kolle, a 22-year-old Dutch-Moluccan transgender model, beat out 10 finalists and was crowned “Miss Netherlands 2023” on Saturday, July 8, at the AFAS Theater in Leusden.

Mint reported that the new Miss Universe Netherlands “made history as she became the first-ever transgender woman to win the national title. She is also only the second transgender person to have participated in the prestigious Miss Universe pageant. The trailblazer before her was Spain’s Angela Ponce, who made history in 2018.”

The article goes on to say that Kollé, “aspires to be a prominent voice and role model for the Queer community, and aims to dedicate her career to supporting individuals who have faced rejection from their families during their transition journey.”



Let’s be honest, this is not a “Miss” Netherlands. This is not a “Miss” anything. This is a man suffering from a mental disorder that makes him confused about his gender.

So why are we enabling mental illness? Heroizing mental illness? When I say “we” I’m referring to we Westerners – the U.S., Canada, Europe.

You don’t see this type of thing going on in China or Russia or the nations of Africa. You don’t see it going on in Saudi Arabia, Iran or the Islamic countries.

This is strictly a Western phenomenon. And unless it changes, one can only see sadness and failure in the future of Western civilization. This will either be a very short-term failed experiment or it will be just the latest symptom of a dying culture – a culture that was once proudly rooted in Judeo-Christian values.

Successful civilizations don’t go to war with God. They may not be paragons of Christian virtue, but they don’t go to war with God, arguing that He doesn’t know what He is doing when he creates male or female babies. That God somehow “got it wrong,” and now we must insert our man-centered “scientific” solutions to make it right. Using surgeries and chemical treatments to try to undo what God created. It’s all lies based upon fake science.

This is what a civilization looks like in its final death throes. If we can’t even agree on what makes a human being in the womb, and what makes someone male or female when they come out of the womb, then how are we ever going to agree on the far more difficult matters of our political differences, issues related to the border and immigration, education, taxation, the Second Amendment and getting back to the Constitution?

No, we’re still having to debate like children the differences between boys and girls.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.


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