Teachers Play “Disgusting” Licking Game With Students

Brannon Howse: Redrawn by Selwyn Duke in just a minute, by the way. Forget about, you know, the traditional way of making a baby. Technology soon will create babies without eggs or sperm. Selwyn Duke will join us to talk about that and a few other big articles. And then I have some very shocking video clips. Is the US government literally, literally, and deliberately one of the largest traffickers, human trafficking traffickers of children in the world? Well, that would seem to make sense when you look at the curriculum in America's schools that tell children, as I've been reporting in my book, in 1993, Cradle to College, an educational abduction. I reported in that book that a curriculum called Finding My Way actually declared that children are not necessarily disturbed or harmed by a child molester. That was in my book. In 1993, I was reporting on the curriculum in the schools of America, teaching that children are not harmed by child molestation. Well, who is pushing all of this curriculum on our kids, and why? For decades it's called grooming. And is our government one of the largest traffickers of sex children? We'll get to that in a moment. But before we do, let me take you quickly to how we do all this, how we pay for all this. You are our sponsor. If you go to WVWTVStore.com, you will find a lot of things, including the potassium iodine tablets that Colonel John Mills has now brought up twice over the last two weeks on his own.


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Selwyn Duke: Brannon. Good to be with you. And after hearing about all of those wonderful sleep products, I think I just want to slip into a slumber.


Brannon Howse: There you go. That's. That's why my pillow exists. To help you get a good night's sleep. Well, you're not going to sleep too well after you hear some of the things folks that he's been covering, they are a little alarming. Here's one you've got speaking of the New American. We've interviewed three of you guys from the New American tonight, Rebecca, and Alex. And now you. Technology will soon create babies without eggs or sperm. Oh, no. Tell me about this, please.


Selwyn Duke: Yeah, well, the process Brennan is called in vitro gametogenesis. And basically how it works is they take cells from some part of the body and they can transform them. At least this is what they working on into sperm cells or egg cells. And this has already been accomplished with male mice. They took, I believe they were skin cells from male mice and they transformed them into eggs and sperm. And then they created mouse pups and they had their own pups and grand pups that were healthy. So they know that in principle this process works. So we believe that this is going to be applied to people down the road somewhere. And of course, this is a very troubling prospect. And perhaps the most troubling thing about it, Brannon, is that this could be used to help people have designer babies. And what's really bad about it, aside from the fact that you're commodifying human beings, Brennan, is that they would make multiple embryos under this scenario. Then the couple in question would choose the embryo they wanted and the rest presumably would be destroyed. And of course, that is the murder of nascent human beings. That's perhaps the worst aspect of this, although there are many bad ones.


Brannon Howse: I want to go to this one here. I and religion. Will our children be forced to worship a digital god? This is. This whole thing is getting out of hand. I'd like your take on this, please.


Selwyn Duke: Yeah, I think this is very, very interesting. And I like talking about this topic because I don't think, Brannon, that people put it in perspective the way they really should now. Elon Musk has warned about this recently. He was interviewed by Tucker Carlson, and he really believes that we need a pause in development because it could pose a real danger. We know that the late famous physicist Stephen Hawking issued the same warning, and the deepest fear is that I would eventually become sentient, self-aware. In other words, I know it sounds who thought.


Brannon Howse: That was me. I've seen this.


Selwyn Duke: Yeah, we've seen this portrayed in a lot of movies on shows for many decades now. The Terminator franchise, for instance. And a lot of people think, well, that's not possible. But I think it probably is. And let me explain why. Okay. I believe that if we can observe something if something exists in the physical world, obviously it's possible. And if it exists and we can observe it for long enough, I believe that eventually, we can replicate it. Okay. Now, obviously, human beings, these beings with free will and with intellect exist. Okay? And obviously, we couldn't create a soul, but a soul does not exist in the physical world. Okay. So I'm trying to put it in perspective in a way where Christians even might say, Yeah, this really is a real danger. I believe that over time we possibly could create an entity that has free will and intellect. And if that happens, we've got a real problem. Because what is for sure is that artificial intelligence is becoming more impressive all the time, and it's going to reach a point where it's 1 million or 1 billion times as intelligent as the most intelligent human being and understand something where this digital god business comes from.


Selwyn Duke: Elon Musk was saying that Larry Page, co-founder of Google, expressed that as his desire he wanted to create an artificial intelligence entity, a computer that would essentially be a digital god. And other people have said that this entity would be everywhere at all times. It would have all the answers instantaneously. And of course, when you say that all the correct answers are instantaneously, you're talking about God because you're talking about infallibility. Okay? Now we know that this entity couldn't be infallible because only God is so. But therein lies the danger. You know, you could create something that is immensely powerful and is it going to have the best interests of mankind at heart? That's something that Elon Musk is worried about, and that's why he said he now is going to get into the artificial intelligence business because he thinks the only solution is to create and I'm going to frame this in very simple terms good AI that could possibly neutralize the negative effects or negative intentions of any bad AI that might come down the pike.


Brannon Howse: Of course, you know, I don't really trust Elon Musk is that he had apparently a witch for a girlfriend he had a child with. And I think he's praised, does a lot of his business with the CCP, and has pushed the idea I've read of mandatory minimum income. So you know the guy to me says things I agree with, does some things I agree with, and the next thing I know I'm going, Is that the same guy? I mean, he seems a little schizophrenic in his worldview, you know.


Selwyn Duke: Yeah, well, you have to remember, he's not a man of faith. Obviously, he doesn't have a perfect.


Brannon Howse: He's a transhumanist, I think.


Selwyn Duke: Yeah, maybe. I'm not sure. 


Brannon Howse: Patrick would. And many are telling us he's a transhumanist.


Selwyn Duke: Wouldn't be surprised because a lot of these very wealthy people subscribe to that. Because you see, Brannon, what it is, is they're hoping that through transhumanism, they can live for a thousand years, you know, by maybe enhancing their body, maybe uploading their consciousness. And that's the whole.


Brannon Howse: Neurolink computer talking about, you know, that Neuralink before I run out of time, I want to cover this because this isn't being covered enough. This is shocking. I got to move fast because I still have another segment here. But this is something you wrote a whole article on at The New American and you have embedded it in your article. I want to play this for the audience to see and think about when you guys went to high school. Think about when you went to high school. If this would have been an activity your school would have ever sponsored for you to do as a student in junior high or high school with your adult teachers? Watch this.


VIDEO: Who thought this was a good idea? That's what some parents are saying about an icky stunt at a middle school.


VIDEO: As I was watching it, I was like, what is actually happening in this video?


VIDEO: Students and teachers licking whipped cream off a plastic screen. It gives the impression that the students are kissing their teachers. You can hear students weirded out by the competition. It looks so wrong. This was a good idea. The event in Kennewick, Washington, was held to kick off spring break, but it's causing a firestorm.


VIDEO: It just felt unbelievable that there were so many adults in the room participating in this activity. And what really got me was the students and the teachers were participating at the same time.


VIDEO: Highly concerning, says the school superintendent. This activity does not reflect the high standards we hold for our staff.


Brannon Howse: Yeah, that is gross. But that's the perverts running Washington State. We've seen what they're doing when it comes to LGBTQ, persecuting Christians, gun rights, and a bunch of perverts running that state, by and large. And I can say that as someone who went there and spoke and was at the state capitol, I mean, it's a weird state.


Selwyn Duke: Yeah. Yeah. Well, as far as that activity goes, you have some people in the school system saying, look, it was meant very innocently, but I don't think that's the point. I think the deeper point is this. I made it in my article. Very few people have. This reflects how nowadays Brennan Adults have completely lost a sense of propriety. That is the deeper issue. They don't understand what their role is. They don't understand that they have to be mature, that they have to guide kids. And we talk about how disrespectful many of the youth are now, but we forget something. There's a prerequisite for getting their respect and that is being respected. It's very, very important. Your job is not to be their friend. Your job in this case is to be their teacher, to guide them. Or if you're a parent, your job is to be their mother or father, not their friend. And so many people have forgotten that nowadays. And I think that's the deeper issue here, because, yes, this particular activity was very, very unsavory. Let's say, it and off-putting and maybe even salacious, but it could be something else like that assistant coach recently who got fired, I believed or at least he was placed on leave because he sent a message to the kids on his team saying something like Happy Valentine's Day, N-word. And he didn't mean that as a racial epithet. He just meant it like buddies. But again, this is immaturity. Unfortunately, we've gone down this road where no one understands his place anymore in this world. Very, very.


Brannon Howse: Destructive. Well said. Selwynduke.com. He also writes over at the new american.com, the new american.com. Selwynduke.com Is always thanks for your great research writing and for being a guest tonight Selwyn.


Selwyn Duke: Thank you, Brannon. Great to be with you. And God bless you too, my friend. Keep well. You too.


Brannon Howse: You too, my friends. And do check-in.


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