Time for America to Exit the W.H.O. Before They Turn Us Over to China

Brannon Howse: Let me now go to Frank Gaffney with the Center for Security Policy. He and Reggie just put together a press conference there on Capitol Hill, a significant press conference about our sovereignty and how the Biden regime is trying to trade away our power through the World Health Organization, dominated by Bill Gates and China. Of course, they are in the United Nations, let's not forget that. Who's pushing the agenda? 21 Agenda 2030, which is the world government, is tracking everybody you wonder why they want to get everyone tracked with biometrics and a digit. That's one of the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 George H. Bush signed us into back in 1992. Joining me now is Frank Gaffney and Reggie. Guys, welcome to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us.

Frank Gaffney: Oh, thank you.

Brannon Howse: Great to have you with us. Now, you got a website. Make sure I've got this right because I went searching for it. Is your website sovereignty coalition.org, is that right, Frank?

Reggie Littlejohn: Correct.

Brannon Howse: Okay. Sovereignty coalition.org and you guys just held a press conference right in front of the Capitol with several members of Congress. Correct?

Reggie Littlejohn: That was about.

Frank Gaffney: Members of Congress. How many? 18. Oh, that's pretty good. Wow, that was amazing.

Brannon Howse: Let me start with Frank, and I'll come to you, Reggie. Frank, were you was it the center that put this together? Who put this all together?

Reggie Littlejohn: The guy who deserves the lion's share of the credit was Congressman Ralph Norman of South Carolina. He took the bit in his teeth and pulled in a good-sized group of thoughtful, I think influential, and certainly conservative members of the United States House of Representatives. And he did it to throw down, I'd say, on this issue that, you know, in a way, it's right out of what Patrick and you were just talking about preventing world government is so passé now. It's called global governance, right? Global governance arrangements that will essentially enslave us all will eviscerate the key elements of our sovereignty, both national and personal, by the way, which starts really with your health and whether you can have a relationship with your doctor that protects you from the disease most efficiently and least dangerously possible. Reggie's done some terrific work with our Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force on the Digital Gulag piece of this. And that's where that, you know, social credit system and the digital IDs and all come in and the object of the exercise as far as the World Health Organization and its masters in Beijing and Bill Gates and the like, Big Pharma, they are concerned, is to essentially eliminate the nation-state, most especially ours, in the furtherance of wait for it the Chinese communist agenda of global hegemony. Wow.

Brannon Howse: Reggie, tell me a little bit about yourself, how you got involved, and what your concerns are here. Please.

Frank Gaffney: So my name is legible a little bit back here, I'm hearing. But anyway, I started. I'm an attorney and I. Representative Chinese refugee cases in political asylum in the United States. And. So one of them was forcibly sterilized under the one-child policy. So from that price without frontiers, we saved baby girls in China and abandoned widows as well. And having watched the whole population control in China. I saw the way the totalitarian ism works, and I saw it coming to the United States and the world through the World Health Organization and this vaccine. Which can be combined with a central bank digital currency to enslave all of us. In my opinion, the World Economic Forum and the United Nations, the World Bank, all globalists, the Cabal are using the World Health Organization and weaponizing health to take control over the world.

Brannon Howse: Absolutely. So your audio is breaking up a little bit, but I agree with you. You're looking at the world. You're looking at China. Their one-child policy, what they're doing with population control. You expand that idea out with the W.H.O. being dominated in a large part by the W.H.O., by China, you're concerned about using a global health crisis to bring about a totalitarian government. You know, global governance, as Franck so aptly said, is going to enslave every one of us. So I want to go to I agree with you 100%, Reggie. I want to go to a little bit of the video just because it's kind of refreshing to show some good news, isn't it, folks of 18 members of the US Congress that included Reggie and Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy at this press conference warning that the W.H.O. and the Biden regime are going to trade away our sovereignty. Listen to a little of this press conference. Here we go.

Video: The reason my colleagues behind me are here is to call attention to something that is very serious and threatens this country. The reason is on May 21st through May 30th is a possibility that this president will be giving away our sovereignty. It's a possibility that several agencies have been compromised by China, which they have. What Tedros has done is undermine not only the W.H.O. but every country that's a member. We sent out a letter on May 10th to Kevin McCarthy to defund for the United States to defund the World Health Organization. We are now putting in roughly 700 million, which is unbelievable that this country is doing. The reason is to call attention to it. The reason is to make sure this country is not undermined by what Joe Biden and his administration are doing. I've got Frank Gaffney, who I don't think has come yet. But if you want and if you want here he is. If you want a good rundown of what the perils we're facing, you need to read this book. Frank was in the Reagan administration. He's a true patriot. And let me call on him to say a few words. And folks, we've got 18 House members that are going to speak. I'm going to ask for you all to be under a minute and a half. And because I want everybody to be heard. Frank, would you come forward, sir?

Video: Thank you, Congressman. Thanks to all of you, most especially thanks to all of you. The Chinese Communist Party runs the World Health Organization. It runs the World Health Organization in furtherance of its long-standing objective of global governance. That's one world government. There's no room in the world government for the United States of America, certainly not the free America that we love. We've created a sovereignty coalition to fight against the World Health Organization's efforts to obtain global dominance through public health dominance. And we are very appreciative of you, Congressman Norman, most especially for taking the lead, along with your colleagues, to get us out of the World Health Organization before it finishes off America.

Brannon Howse: Wow. Frank, good for you. Frank What? 18 That's great. Reggie and Frank, I'm glad to see 18 there. I'm glad to see some recognizable faces, including President Trump's former doctor standing back there as well. And Lauren Boebert. I mean, you got some powerful names that are recognizable to the conservative movement. I hope many of them will join us and become very, very vocal on as many radio shows and TV shows as they can because it's great they're there. But, you know, they can go to a lot of shows just because of who they are. Is there going to be an all, you know, a real aggressive push here now as we come up on this to get more people to be aware of this? And do you think we can bring more than 18 congressmen onto this issue, Frank?

Reggie Littlejohn: There's no doubt about it. There were more that wanted to come and were unable to just because of the nature of the scheduling of it. But I think this is the beginning, the public evidence of the beginning of a course correction that has to be taken and it has to be taken very quickly. As Reggie was saying, we're looking at the distinct possibility that the Biden administration stealthily behind closed doors, for the most part, worked with the World Health Organization. Yes. But also the World Economic Forum and the Chinese Communist Party and Bill Gates and Big Pharma are going to come up perhaps as soon as in the next ten days with some arrangements that advance this agenda. Maybe it's a full-on passage of two different agreements that they're working on. Maybe it's something less than that. But here's a really important point. And it came out in this press conference. The one health agenda, as it's being called, is designed to not only give this World Health Organization a wholly unaccountable international bureaucracy with all of the pedigrees that I've just talked about, the authority to dictate to our country what our public health policies must be and how we must respond to so-called public health emergency of international concern. But, Brandon, what they're doing now with this idea of a one health program is they want Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, the director general of the World Health Organization, to be able not only to dictate our human health policy but the health policy concerning animals and plants. You know, it reminds me of that old song. He's got the whole world in his hands. Well, that's what the idea is here. Only it's not Tedro's hands. It's the hands of Xi Jinping, the Chinese Communist Party, and his dictator.

Brannon Howse: Wow. Center for Security policy. Org let me show you their website. Center for security policy.org. Center for security policy.org. And then the website where I was watching that press conference there to learn more about it is sovereignty coalition.org sovereignty coalition.org. Closing comment Reggie, please.

Frank Gaffney: Yeah. The World Health Organization is negotiating these two instruments. They will no longer be part of the World Health Organization process. So the only way the United States to not come under this kind of control is to withdraw from the World Health Organization. So we are pushing for the W.H.O. to be defunded and for the US to withdraw from it.

Brannon Howse: Absolutely. I agree with that. We need the W.H.O. We need to get out of that. Absolutely. There it is, folks. Center for security policy. Org and sovereignty coalition.org. Frank Gaffney and Reggie thank you and Frank thank you so much for being with us guys.

Frank Gaffney: Thank you so much.

Brannon Howse: Thank you. Look forward to having you guys back.

Reggie Littlejohn: Attention to this. Important.

Brannon Howse: Absolutely. Thank you. God bless you. Yeah, you too. Thank you for bringing it to our attention and organizing it. Excellent job. We'll get you guys back on this and other issues I know you're covering over there in the center. Thank you, guys. Check out their website, center for Securitypolicy.org, and again sovereigntycoalition.org.

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