Todd Bensman From Mexico As 10,000 Line Up to Cross in One Location

Brannon Howse: Welcome to the broadcast. Glad you are with us. Joining me tonight will be Todd Bensman on the border for an update. As our border completely collapses and Title 42 goes away in less than 48 hours. Just a little over 24 today being the ninth. And it is happening, I guess, probably at midnight on the 11th. So we're about almost 24 hours away from that happening. Once it hits midnight tonight. We'll be joined also a little bit later by Leo Holman, as well as Patrick Wood. We've got some things to discuss related to the Club of Rome and the Committee of 300 as well as Smart Cities. I found out today that perhaps one of the first cities in America to be tested as one of these 15-minute cities is going to happen right here in the state of Tennessee. Chattanooga, Tennessee. I'm not shocked by that. Why? Because back in March of 1996, I spoke to the largest what was told by then, I was told at the time largest school board meeting in the history of Hamilton County, Tennessee. I spoke to over 1200 parents and was given 90 minutes because the guy was supposed to debate, chickened out, and didn't show up.


Brannon Howse: And what was I fighting? I was fighting the merger of big, big business with the government. A fascist program. Based really largely on the idea of the 10th the Communist Manifesto, the 10th plank of the Communist Manifesto, merging education with industrial production. It's called School to Work. And a lot of the big businesses in Chattanooga were going along with it. And when I tried to educate them about what they were doing, they didn't care. All they cared about was dumbed down. Cheap labor. We seem to be going in that direction now. It just won't be human, dumbed down, cheap labor. It'll be robots or automated automation. But I'm not shocked that that's going on in Chattanooga at all, because I've experienced that big, big merger of government with business back in 96 when I tried warning about it. We'll talk about all that and more with Patrick Wood and Leo Hoffman tonight. Joining me first is Todd Bensman. Todd Bensman, welcome to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us tonight.


Todd Bensman: To be here again from lovely Matamoros, Mexico.


Brannon Howse: All right. So you're on the Mexico side tonight.


Todd Bensman: Yes, I am.


Brannon Howse: What do you I've got a bunch of your I got a lot of Twitter feeds. So why don't you tell us what's going on? And I can show a lot of Twitter footage from your Twitter feed and we can talk about it.


Todd Bensman: Sure. Well, all day long, you know, we're just 2 or 3 days left until the end of Title 42, the big pandemic pushback policy that is supposedly this deterrent on illegal crossings from places like Matamoros. And what is happening all day long today has just been, you know, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds, maybe thousands. I couldn't count them of immigrants just pouring over the river right in front of me being invited into the United States for processing, uh, that the Mexican immigration service was out here kind of trying to traffic cop the situation. But very often they would just be Banzai charged by huge groups of mostly looked-like Venezuelans who just wanted to get across into the United States because they told me and many, many interviews all day long that all their friends and relatives were getting in and being admitted into the United States and not being 40 back. Um, maybe a few of them were, but the majority of them seem to be not being Title 42 back in the final days here. So this looks like kind of an early, uh, surge of what we can expect in the coming months and maybe longer than that. Think the administration is preparing for 13,000 a day. Uh, and this is what it looks like right here from the Mexican side.


Brannon Howse: Let's look at some of the footage. Maybe you can explain what we're seeing here. Let's go to some of these guys. Here we go.


Todd Bensman: Yeah. So what you're looking at here is just, uh, you know, they strung a rope across so that, you know, kids and women with children could have something to grab on to. And you could see that rope down there. They just strung it. That's usually a sign of, um, I saw this at the Del Rio Migrant Camp crisis, uh, when they expect to just have a kind of a permanent, uh, very busy mass migration route to the other side. Ultimately, this went on for a few hours. What you're seeing right there, uh, many, many hundreds of these immigrants ended up on the Texas side going right through the razor wire and then into processing Border Patrol processing.


Brannon Howse: Wow. All right, let's keep scrolling through. Did you take a lot of this footage? I took all of it. You took all of it. Wow. Look at our very own reporter down there on the border. Look at this one. Wow.


Todd Bensman: Yeah, that's right. When they stretch that rope.


Brannon Howse: Right. You guys can pick up this feed if you just go to it. That's good right there.


Todd Bensman: The one above that. Yeah. Well, even the one above that one. Yeah.


Brannon Howse: Wait, what's this razor wire up here?


Todd Bensman: So the Texas Department of Public Safety has been stringing razor wire along with the National Guard troops. But you can see it's not that effective. They just kind of go right around it. And eventually, that little section there all got torn out. There are no no badges over there. No guns. No no law enforcement at all. That to to repel these people or stand in their way or really kind of stop this kind of thing. So it's just all day long. This is what it looks like all day, all guess maybe all night tonight I might go out there again. But I'm kind of tired, as you can tell.


Brannon Howse: Yeah, I can imagine. You would be. Look like you got some sun today.


Todd Bensman: I think I did get a little sun. Yeah.


Brannon Howse: What are they saying to you? Are you able to speak to some of them?


Todd Bensman: Yeah, I've been. I've been interviewing dozens and dozens of them. You know, they're coming because they, you know, went to the bus station, Matamoros bus station. It's always a good place to kind of take the pulse of what's happening with the migration. And, you know, sure enough, every single bus that came into the station was just filled with migrants from coming in from all over Mexico. And, you know, I stopped as many as I wanted and said, what are you doing? And they said, well, we heard that we can get in here. They're going to let us in on the American side. We'll cross the border. And all of our friends and relatives and neighbors did this, just did this the other day. And they're in New Jersey and Denver and Chicago and everything worked out great for them. So we're coming in for it.


Brannon Howse: And of course, that's all provided by the taxpayers of the US. Right. Bus tickets, train tickets, hotels. Right.


Todd Bensman: You know, I think they may be paying for their bus tickets, but, you know, that's not big it's not a big expense. I mean, what does it cost to take a bus to Chicago, you know, from Texas, maybe a couple of hundred bucks? But, you know, the point is, is that you know, the greater enticement here is that, you know, all their friends and relatives. I mean, one guy I met today said, yeah, my wife, we both crossed together two days ago. My wife got accepted, but I got 42 back. But, you know, no skin off my nose. I'm just coming, going back again. I'll make it this time. So it's worth the gamble.


Brannon Howse: I noticed some of the people in this shot here are crying. I don't know if you know why they're crying.


Todd Bensman: So what's going on here is that there is an agreement between the Biden administration and the Mexican government to manage the flows over the border.


Brannon Howse: So I don't know what's being said. Do you know did you pick up on it?


Todd Bensman: Yeah, They're being they're being blocked from getting in the river for the time being. They all got in an hour later, but they're just frustrated that Mexican immigration is making them wait a little bit longer until the Americans can clear their load off the bank on the Texas Mexican.


Brannon Howse: Mexican. The Mexican officials are slowing it down and coordinating with the other side. Our side?


Todd Bensman: Yeah, they're on they have an app that they all share and they're saying, okay, we can bring in you can let them come in again and then they'll Mexican immigration will open up and let them pass. But there's frustration because there are hundreds and hundreds of immigrants all ready to go in the river and they're being told, yeah, you got to wait a little bit, you got to wait your turn. And quite a few times the immigrants just Bonzai charged the immigration officials and bowled right through and over and around them and into the river. I've I was in the middle of one of those. I have a great video on that if you can find it. Okay.


Brannon Howse: I will. I noticed these little girls here got their life jackets already on and one of them here looks kind of apprehensive. The one on the left and the green. The other little girl, she's waving, smiling. She's pretty excited. She gave you a thumbs up. She's ready to go to America.


Todd Bensman: That's right. Way right back at her, you know, cute little girls, A cute little.


Brannon Howse: I know you got your heart kind of goes out to the kids, doesn't it?


Todd Bensman: Um, yeah. And those two guys, they were like, Oh, should we go? There's a Humvee over there. There's, you know, should we stay or should we go like kind of the Clash song? And then all of a sudden they were like, Yeah, we're going for it. And, you know, there's the National Guard up there, and you could see all the immigrants are just, you know, walking around up there. And then these guys just decided to go for it and. You know, this is the way it is. Just all day long from Matamoros to Brownsville, Texas. Ahead of the end of Title 42. You know, I think that we probably are going to see a whole lot more of this in the coming months.


Brannon Howse: Gosh, what other video would you recommend? I mean, you got so much great footage here.


Todd Bensman: Scroll down and let me pick. Oh, there, there. Wait, that one right there with the orange. Yeah, that one. Play the sound on that if you can. Okay, let's pull.


Brannon Howse: Let's pull some sound up on that, guys. Okay, I'm going to pop it up there. Okay, here we go.


Todd Bensman: It's not working.


Speaker3: Nino? Nino. No, no, no.


They have no authority here.


Todd Bensman: Running turtles can't stop them. Not willing to wait any longer.


I'm powerless to stop it. These guys don't even have guns.


Brannon Howse: What aren't these? Some of the kids we saw a while ago. Or not? Are they?


Todd Bensman: Yeah. Mean, if you listen carefully, you can go to my Twitter feed. Yeah. You'll. You'll. You'll notice that the immigration officers are saying don't take the kids in there. The ninos, the ninos. You know you're going to. It's dangerous to take the ninos in there. And the women are just like, whatever, man they're taking. We're taking our ninos.


Brannon Howse: Are they worried that they're going to drown?


Todd Bensman: Guess mothers know best, right? Yeah. Yes. Yeah, that's what the problem is. Okay, here, here's.


Brannon Howse: Here's a.


Todd Bensman: Map. Here we go. Okay. I'm in Matamoros, Mexico, at a massive migrant camp. There must be 10,000 migrants here. And behind me, you can see what's going on. This has been happening since this morning. Hundreds and hundreds of mostly Venezuelans in anticipation of the end of Title 42. They think that the Americans are going to let them in. And as a matter of fact, the Americans are letting a lot of them in. And so you can see they're just defeating this barbed wire right here at this major river crossing, just going right around it, going to turn themselves into border patrol. And I just want to point out that over here, you have a lot more waiting. They're going to be coming next. And also, you have the Mexican immigration officials right here who are just powerless to do anything. I'm Todd Benjamin, Center for Immigration Studies, Matamoros, Mexico.


Brannon Howse: Wow, Great reporting, Todd. Excellent reporting. You said there are 10,000 standing behind you and that's just that one location. So what's with this number? 13,000 a day. That doesn't even seem I mean, that seems so low.


Todd Bensman: Well, it's border wide or border length rather. Um, that, you know, think about Tijuana and, you know, the Arizona sectors and El Paso also. I was just in Juarez not that long ago. A few weeks ago. And, you know, this was exactly what was happening there. They were just pouring in hundreds and hundreds. I was right there with them, just sick of waiting. Not they know. And not just that, but, you know, the Biden administration was supposed to be. Title 42 in all of them back into Mexico, but they just blew it off. They were letting a lot of them into the country. And, you know, that just breeds disrespect for even that that policy. And so I don't think that there's going to be a lot of respect for the replacement policy either. All of these immigrants, you know, I've interviewed, I don't know, mean many dozens. I've been just interviewing them all day, all last night. And what they're telling me is that when Title 42 goes away on Thursday and the new policy takes effect on Friday, the thing that they're going to be watching, I mean, on the edge of their seats, any little whisper of news is that the Americans are letting them in. The Americans let them in under this new Title Eight policy. Then you can expect to see all 10,000 of these people just cross over the border.


Brannon Howse: One of your tweets If Title Eight release releases happen in even medium numbers, they'll have no choice. Immigrants over here in Mexico will tell me are telling me nothing will hold them back if that happens. What Title 42 can we've talked about that? That was what stopped people from coming over during COVID because of the policies of Donald Trump. What's Title Eight?


Todd Bensman: Title eight is the replacement for Title 42, which is expedited removal. Get familiar with that one, folks, because you'll hear a lot about it. What it means is that if you come if you cross the border illegally, we will put you in removal, expedited removal proceedings. Do you believe that?


Brannon Howse: Do you believe that?


Todd Bensman: Well, no, because if you read the fine print of the policy, which they have a proposed regulation that's published and they constantly refer to this as this is going to be our policy, this proposed regulation. And when you read that regulation, you can see that it is just punched full of holes, loopholes. For example, all you have to do to get out of expedited removal immediately is say, I declare asylum. Boom, you're out of expedited. You're that's delayed. So this is.


Brannon Howse: A big PR thing. This is a big deceive the American people is what you're telling me. We're going to they're going to expedited removal. But the average person will say, oh, the Biden regime is working on this. But you're saying it's baloney.


Todd Bensman: Right. Because what the administration what you will hear them say all the time is this is not an open border. We are not open for business here. We are going to subject you have to listen to the verbiage here. We're going to subject every single immigrant who crosses illegally to Title Eight expedited removal while subjecting them to it and expedite removal are two different things. They're a universe apart because as.


Brannon Howse: Soon as you subject them to it, all they have to say is I want asylum.


Todd Bensman: Yeah, they just say they just dodge it a little bit. It's not even an artful dodge. They can say, I want asylum. The administration is surging asylum officers so that they think that they can get a quick adjudication right away, like within a day. But you can appeal that to a judge. It's in the regulation. If you appeal to the judge, then you're in custody for days on end and there isn't any. They've already filled up all the space. The whole system is already at 150% capacity now and we're not even there. So that means releases. We'll have to release them. These people over here in Matamoros are looking for that. They want to see releases because there's no bed space. The second that they see that, I can't I can't imagine why anybody would stay in a camp like this when they can just get right in and be released immediately in the United States. So and I've got, you know, ten different immigrants on tape saying if I see that I'm abandoning this camp and I'm heading straight over immediately. The second I see that.


Brannon Howse: Is this going to be historic or is it already historic or has someone compared it to the fall of Saigon? What are your thoughts here?


Todd Bensman: Well, it's already historic. I mean, the numbers that have come in, I mean, we've been I've been going on about this on your show for two years now. I think the first time I might have been on your show, I was down in Tapachula, surrounded. They were all around me. Right. Well, you should see Tapachula now. I mean, it's way worse. But the point I'm trying to make is that I don't think it's going to be worse. I think that it's going to be the same horrendous, terrible catastrophe, but just more visible again. And it could get much the rate the flow rate may very well increase to the highest level we've seen yet. The flow rate is what to look for.


Brannon Howse: You mentioned that several of these people are coming from Venezuela now. I could understand why they would want to leave Venezuela. Todd, they've had hyperinflation over there. And one of my videos from a few years ago, I got pictures and video videos of what are middle-class people in their middle-class clothes, very, very middle-class clothes, eating out of dumpsters under hyperinflation. I could understand why they would want to get out of there under that. Really? What is it communist regime now? What I'm concerned about, however, is I think you've told us that you've got we got a bunch of Iranians there. We've got fake passports being made. And how do we know that some of these people aren't working for Russia or working for the CCP or working for Iran or working for who knows who? How do we know these aren't really bad actors coming in?


Todd Bensman: Well, first, let me back you up a little bit there because the vast majority of the Venezuelans that I meet and interview have not lived in Venezuela in six, seven, or eight years. Oh, wow.


Brannon Howse: Where have they been?


Todd Bensman: They've been living in 17 other countries in the Caribbean and, you know, Brazil and Ecuador and Chile and Argentina and Peru and everywhere.


Brannon Howse: And let me ask you, why are none of those countries appealing to them? I mean. The Caribbean. I mean, why are none of these? Is there not an economy in any of those countries?


Todd Bensman: Well, yeah, they were very happy. A great many of them were prosperous that were had businesses, had jobs, and were welcome to be in those countries. Those countries liked Venezuelans. They were doing well. There was no persecution going on.


Brannon Howse: They could work. A lot of those in the Caribbean could be working in the hospitality industry and do quite well.


Todd Bensman: Yeah. I mean, you know, all of them were working. Nobody was starving to death in Venezuela. These people are coming from a very large diaspora of 7 million Venezuelans who left that country-like move pushing on to a decade ago. And they were very happy and safe. But what happened is when you ask them, well, why did you come now after seven years of like, you know, running this great business and whatever, being happy and Chile or Ecuador and all the rest, And the answer is the door was open. We saw the way they were letting us in. And like, who doesn't want to live in America? You know, it's an upgrade. So so.


Brannon Howse: So they're coming for the American dream.


Todd Bensman: They're coming for the American dream. But they're coming. They're getting they're gaining the American dream by lying about political persecution in Venezuela. They weren't coming from Venezuela. The whole thing is a fraud.


Brannon Howse: I'm glad you're. I'm glad you're here to explain it. It's a.


Todd Bensman: Mass fraud. It's a mass fraud. It's huge. All of these people are getting either one humanitarian permits or they're going to claim asylum. And they're going to say in government documents that they were fleeing some kind of heinous, horrible thing when, you know, I just did a piece recently for a video piece and then a New York Post piece about this very thing. All these Venezuelans that I've been interviewing are like, I was so happy in Ecuador. You know, I loved it. I'm going to miss it. It was so beautiful. The fruit was so incredible. And Ecuador, the people were wonderful. Why are you leaving? Well. Because they said we're going to get in. We could get in. It's a chance in a lifetime.


Brannon Howse: What do they think they're going to get that they don't already have in those other countries?


Todd Bensman: More of what they had in those other countries.


Brannon Howse: So they see this as getting a lottery ticket.


Todd Bensman: It's unbelievable. They can't even believe that the Americans are just letting them in. Do they say?


Brannon Howse: Anything like, why is your country being so dumb and stupid? Why does your country? Do they even? Are they making comments about why is your country doing this?


Todd Bensman: No, they wouldn't do that. But they're probably thinking it. And in private, they're like, God, what are they thinking? Let's do it. Let's get in there. But, you know, it's not just Venezuelans that are doing this. I'm here in a hotel. It's the best Western. Uh, I don't know. I hope no cartel people are watching this. Well, by the way.


Brannon Howse: Be very careful what you say, but because there is. Here is something you tweeted. Okay? Dagestan, Belarus, and Russia are all represented here at this Mexican hotel, along with many Kazakhstanis from Kazakhstan. Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyzstan. Thank you all. Granted, humanitarian parole. We put that in quotes. Appointments in two weeks using CBP, one app on their merry way to Philly, Denver, and LA. Now again. Um. I guess they look like nice people, but I'm not. Everybody in Russia is a bad person. Many people in Russia are victims of what Putin is doing and what's going on over there. But again, we're about at a world war. Are we already in a world war with Russia through a proxy war in Ukraine? And you see CCP people, you see Iranians coming into the trunk of cars. You have Russians. I mean, again, am I wrong to say, wait, I'm quite concerned here.


Todd Bensman: Right? I mean, we you're right. I mean, I was about to tell you about the Dagestanis I met. I've never met an I think in my entire life. I think I've never met somebody from Dagestan until today. Uh, but, you know, when you look at the map, Dagestan is right next to Chechnya. It's a Muslim-majority country.


Brannon Howse: So this is where he's sitting talking to him.


Todd Bensman: Yeah. Uh, Kyrgyzstan is a Muslim-majority country. The women here are wearing burkas and, you know, the hijab. And it's a Muslim-majority country. And it's also known for having terrorist organizations active there. And, you know, they're just we're handing these things out without any vetting. We give we permit 99% of all applicants. We give them we turn down 1%. We approve 99% and there's no vetting whatsoever going on. So, of course, these people are coming. I talked to a Kyrgyzstani last night on an app on a translation app. And I asked him, you know, what were you fleeing at your home? And he said I can't tell you that. That's what's going to be the part, a piece of my hearing. I'm not supposed to tell you anything about that for my hearing. Meaning that? And I said, Well, why are you coming? And he types in because the door was open.


Brannon Howse: Uh, here's. Here you go. Here's more from Todd's Twitter feed, in which you want to get a pin. I'm going to give it to you. Otherwise, just type in the search engine. Todd. Benjamin's Twitter pops right up. A lot of these folks you say are from Venezuela. I put quotes on that now because a lot of them haven't been there, some of them almost a decade. But, I mean, the footage you have is just amazing. Sis org is fortunate to have you on their staff. I hope they know that.


Todd Bensman: Thanks. I'm going to I'm going to clip just that part and send it to my boss.


Brannon Howse: I was going to say if you ever need a job, let me know. Lindell TV might need a correspondent. Oh, wow. Yeah. This is very blessed by the way.


Todd Bensman: That video was interesting because what it was is I was asking them, you know if you they're all like, I'm going to stay in line for one. I'm staying here. I'm not moving. I said, But what if you start hearing that under Title Eight that they're letting you in? How many of you would leave then raise your hand and they all raise their hand immediately? That's what that was.


Brannon Howse: Wow. Let me go back to this one here. Why are all their phones? Why are all their cell phones lined up like that?


Todd Bensman: Well, because one is a cell phone-based app. So they have their applications all up and they're working on them. They're doing things. I think some of them were going to be crossed over the port, uh, later today or tomorrow. And they're all getting ready for their big walk, their last, final walk into America. They'll never leave either, even though these are temporary humanitarian parole, uh, permission slips.


Brannon Howse: Wow. This is something. So in conclusion, of course, folks, you need to get his book. His book. I have one other question for you, but you need to get his book. It is if you go to Cisco org, you'll see it linked right there. Cisco, show it here. Cisco, org, there it is overrun. There's the subtitle How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in US History came out February 1st, available now at Cisco. Org at Amazon at Todd Todd We can type in Todd right there you'll see there's his. Information. Um, so I guess I ask you in conclusion here, Todd, thank you for the update. We'd like to get another one from you tomorrow if you're available. But certainly, on the 11th, you know, as we watch this coming Thursday, the average American right now watching, let's say they're up in Minneapolis or they're over in New York or they're up in South Dakota somewhere, and they're thinking, you know, we're far from the Mexico American border. You're shaking your head. So let me go ahead and ask you why.


Todd Bensman: Yeah, every state is a border state now because we've had, you know, more than 5 million people enter the country and they don't stay down here in Texas. They're on a conveyor belt to every single city in America. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands are coming into your school districts, into your emergency rooms, putting pressure on your housing markets and your service industry jobs, and your criminal justice system in a big way. And your social safety nets in your municipality. Believe me, there is a good reason why the mayor of New York is squealing like a pig right now. And the same with Chicago. Denver, all declared states of emergency. Uh, Washington, D.C., begging for federal bailouts. That's why this matters. This is going to hit you in your pocketbook deeply and for years.


Brannon Howse: Indeed it is. Todd Todd and sister. Org Great reporting great video footage. Incredible. We'd love to get you back tomorrow night if you can squeeze us in for another update.


Todd Bensman: Yeah. If you don't mind looking at this bedraggled figure here.


Brannon Howse: Hey, you know what? We would. We would all look like that. Or worse if we had just done what you did. So no one cares. We appreciate you. Stay safe and try to get a good night's sleep. Crank the AC down. I hope you have a good AC in your room and get a good night's sleep. By the way, why did you? Why did you say I hope no other cartels are watching? What have you done?


Todd Bensman: Oh, don't know. Don't want to. You know, point out where I am. There may be some, you know, who knows. You never know better than they do not know. We have had Madame Morris over the past week and have had a lot of gun battles in the streets right out here. And they had to send I think they've got about they sent about 500 troops in to kind of calm things down. So, uh, it's not a good town right now. It's probably why I'm the only American reporter out here. A writer out here. There's nobody here.


Brannon Howse: Are you telling me that the other reporters aren't there because they're afraid?


Todd Bensman: I'm just saying, maybe they're smarter than me. I don't know. But there's nobody here, man.


Brannon Howse: But that's because most of them are afraid to be there.


Todd Bensman: Yeah. I mean, it's been all in the news. Madame Morris has been blowing up because of the cartel. They're fighting each other. Does your wife.


Brannon Howse: Ever, ever lecture you about this?


Todd Bensman: Uh, yeah. I just say don't pay the ransom.


Brannon Howse: Oh, gosh, Todd. Well, you be careful, my friend. You be careful. We appreciate what you're doing, but do. Do be careful. All right? I know our audience loves you and appreciates you. It's been two years since they've gotten to know you. They've been reading your books, and people are concerned about you, so be careful.


Todd Bensman: I appreciate that. Thank you. Thank you.


Brannon Howse: Todd. All right, folks, pray for Todd Bensman. Wow. And check out his book. Support Him. One way you can support him is by going to Amazon or and buying his book. This is how he makes his living in part so help him out because we sure appreciate him being down there on the border and taking incredible footage like that and bringing it to us. Wow,


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