Trevor Loudon: China and Russia Are Planning Massive Attack on U.S.



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Brannon Howse: Joining me now is none other than Trevor Loudon. It's been a few weeks since we've talked to Trevor. I think he's been traveling around the world. What is going to happen in 2024? Who is even going to be running? What are these tickets? What's going to happen with Ron DeSantis? What's going to happen with RFK Jr maybe? Tulsi Gabbard I mean, there's a lot in the air. We're going to try to get an analysis of this from our friend Trevor Loudon, but we'll also talk to him about what just happened to Bolsonaro in Brazil. A court ruled he can't run for president for eight years. Why? They said because he put out disinformation about the electoral votes and electoral process and the voting systems. Wow. He didn't commit a crime. He shared his thoughts and opinions on the election system. Sounds an awful lot like what they're trying to do to President Trump here. Joining me now is author and expert on communism, Trevor Loudon. Trevor, welcome back to the broadcast. Thanks for joining us.

Trevor Loudon: Hey. Always a pleasure, Brannon. Thanks for having me, sir.

Brannon Howse: Thank you. Trevor, what do you think's going on with Bolsonaro? And they called him basically the Trump the Trump version down there in Brazil, the kind of the version of Trump. Isn't that what they're trying to do to Trump here is trying to get him on something and then bar him from running for for president for eight years or indefinitely?

Trevor Loudon: Well, I think Trump's very, very happy that he put three conservative, relatively conservative conservative judges on the Supreme Court. Now, the Brazilian Supreme Court is completely controlled by the left. It has been for some time. The current president, Lula da Silva, a bona fide Marxist, was in jail for corruption. The corrupt Supreme Court let him out. He won the election against Bolsonaro, the conservative, very narrowly, with obviously lots of suspicions of vote fraud. And now they are barring a legitimate former president from running again for eight years on no crime other than just, as you say, voicing an opinion. By the same standard, Donald Trump wouldn't be allowed to run again till about, I don't know, 2050, something like that. They wouldn't let him run for about 40 years. But this is what.

Brannon Howse: Well, they're saying. They're saying Bolsonaro can't run until 2030, which is the time frame. They'll have global governance in place. So they're saying you can't run again until 2030. Well, that's when they're trying to have the whole world government who will want to run. He What good would it do to run by 2030? Would they have outlawed nation states and elections?

Trevor Loudon: Well, that's right. You know, China has taken over Brazil right now. So by 2030, there will be no possibility of a conservative winning because the place will be such a corrupt mess. Well, it is now. But this is tell me if I'm exaggerating. If we had if President Trump had was working to a liberal Supreme Court, do you think they'd try and pull the same stunt here? I think they'd invent something to do it here as well. Same same principle would apply. It's just Brazil's further down the road. And Brazil has a communist run Supreme Court. So they completely lawless. They make up the law as they go.

Brannon Howse: Indeed. Indeed. All right. Let's talk about the ticket. 2024. Is Trump going to be the Republican nominee or are they going to stop him somewhere along the way from being able to run? Are they going to throw him in prison or what are they going to do? And then what's going to happen with Ron DeSantis? And then what are your thoughts about? Rf?cJunior and Kelsey Gabbard, because you have warned me some time ago about a Kucinich up there in Ohio. The former US senator. Right. Dennis Kucinich. And he mentored Congressman. Congressman, sorry. He was a congressman. He mentored Chelsea. Yeah. Congressman, he mentored Tulsi Gabbard, who I'm very I like Tucker, but I'm sorry he's put so much stock into Tulsi Gabbard, who spoken at communist events per your reporting to us. So if if if Dennis is now helping run RFK Jr's campaign, are we going to see him try to slip in? Tulsi And you're going to have a RFK Jr. Tulsi Gabbard ticket. What are your predictions and what will happen with Ron DeSantis?

Trevor Loudon: Yeah. Look, I think this is. This is very much on the cards. So you see what you're seeing with the Tulsi Gabbard. You know, Hillary Clinton described Tulsi Gabbard as a Russian asset. And I don't agree with Hillary Clinton very much at all. But I think she there was considerable evidence to say she might have been right on this one. Tulsi Gabbard, Her job is to sell her her modus operandi seems to be selling Russian foreign policy to conservatives. I have been to a meeting where she spoke to 3000 communists. I have she is still working with hardcore communists to this very day. And Dennis Kucinich, who is running, who basically mentored Tulsi Gabbard, took her to Syria to meet the pro-Russian dictator. Assad is running JFK's campaign. Rfk's campaign now. Now, Dennis Kucinich has deep, deep ties to the Communist Party USA, especially Rick Nagan of Ohio, the head of the Ohio Communist Party. They've endorsed each other in recent years. They've been friends for decades. Dennis Kucinich is a communist and everything but name on everything but name. He is also a very big fan of Russia.

Trevor Loudon: He started the Russia caucus in the US Congress. He used to go to big Russia propaganda events around the 2000, 2010, 2011, and 2012. So yeah, I think if Trump doesn't get the nomination, well, either way, if Trump doesn't get the nomination, I think I think RFK and Tulsi Gabbard will start a new third party to attract the Trump element. That will probably leave mean big trouble for Ron DeSantis if he has the nomination. If Trump wins the nomination, I think. I think that that that third party may not eventuate. So on the Republican side, the only two that have any chance really of getting the nomination are Trump and DeSantis. And I think it's going to be a lot more even than people think at the moment. Um, Trump is leading by a large margin at the moment at most polls, but DeSantis has caught up in some polls and I think is running a very, very strong campaign. So I wouldn't I'd say Trump is a favorite right now, but I wouldn't guarantee you would get the nomination, put it that way.

Brannon Howse: All right. So let's ask let me ask you about other events that you're watching. What other events are you watching right now that are of great concern to you? Trevor Loudon is an expert on communism. What are you seeing happen in America from the borders? And now we've got 200,000 illegals still coming over the border every month. We have China, according to Gordon Chang, who's on here about every two weeks, saying that China will move against Taiwan. And when they do, they will come after America. That these this 1,000% spike in military age Chinese males coming over our border. These are shock troops. He says they will carry out bombings and terrorist attacks in America and go after our power grid. We have the World Economic Forum calling for the great Reset. Biden is calling for build back better, which means destroy it, burning it to the ground. I think a lot of this sounds like the Weather Underground there, 19, I think 74, 73, 74 manifesto Prairie Fire, which was all about burning everything to the ground and then rebuilding it right in the model of of of of Mao. That's what they write. I think build back better is prairie fire. Yeah. Burn it to the ground, rebuild it. So out of all these things, what are you the most concerned about? And then we have the banking problem and the banking problems that can be exploited. How do you see the communist using all of these different crises, one or the other or multiple at the same time?

Trevor Loudon: Or multiple at the same time. We are living in a Maoist revolution right now. Everything from Black Lives Matter to the pandemic to the response to the pandemic. To the stolen elections, can be traced back to China to some degree or another. The border border situation can also be traced back to China. We have members of Congress in the Senate who are doing this to keep things open. These people are usually involved with the Communist Party, USA or Liberation Road, both pro-Chinese, communist groups. So the border has been kept open to flood the country with new Democrat voters, but also now military. And these military have been coming here for a long time. You know, Hezbollah was putting sleeper cells here back in the 80s. So we've had a whole bunch of time where Hezbollah, Hamas, Russian Spetsnaz, it's Chinese troops. Cuban Cuban saboteurs have been coming across the border for for a long time. And they'll be now virtually every city in the United States. And they'll be casing out bridges, casing out reservoirs, looking for things to blow up, looking for people to assassinate. And as Gordon Chang's 100% right when China and it's still, you know, some miracle could avert it. But if and when China attacks Taiwan, we will see massive violence on the American homeland. Sabotage, assassinations, well, poisonings, biological weapons, you name it, maybe even maybe even an atomic weapon set off on American soil.

Trevor Loudon: All of it, is because the goal is to destroy the United States of America. We got to get past the idea that the Chinese want to dominate us economically or be the number one world economic power. They want to destroy the United States and everybody living here. That's what they want to do. They state it in their books like Unrestricted Warfare. That's their goal. And so we're coming very close to that. And the Biden presidency is a great opportunity for them because Biden is pretty much a controlled asset of China. So he's not going to do anything to stop them. So we're in major trouble. You know, we somehow have got to try and hold this country together over the next 18 months. And but everybody should be looking at food supplies. Everybody should be looking at personal security. And anybody who can ex-military, etcetera, should be liaising with the local sheriffs, local patriot groups. What do we do when the bomb goes off? Where do we assemble? How do we go and assist our local law enforcement? How do we track down saboteurs? How do we work with our local military to to stop this kind of thing? All of this because of you.

Brannon Howse: And I, you and I know that going back, you and I know the Weather Underground and some of these people going back to the 60s and early 70s all spoke and wrote extensively with manuals and the whole nine yards on guerrilla warfare in the streets of America. And that's what you're talking about. Yeah.

Trevor Loudon: Yeah. Black Lives Matter was a trial run for this kind of stuff. That was low level guerrilla warfare. But they weren't usually carrying guns. They weren't shooting people or poisoning reservoirs. They're throwing bricks at cops and breaking windows. But what you know, they got away with it pretty much. You know, Chinese Operation Black Lives Matter. Well, we're going to see a lot worse than that. If if and when China attacks Taiwan, they would be absolutely stupid not to do sabotage and terror attacks in this country. And the fact that hundreds of young men have come across the border, according to the war correspondent Michael Yon, many of them believed to be strong evidence, believed to be attached to Chinese special forces. You know, these are Chinese, the equivalent of Chinese Navy SEALs or Green Berets or Delta Force. These are elite Chinese troops coming across the border doing whatever they want, obviously liaising. They've got rendezvous points. They have instructions. And just by the way, I believe that when Joe Biden gave Afghanistan to China and $800 billion worth of. You know, US military equipment. He also gave the machinery for making genuine US military IDs. So wonder how many of those are in the backpacks of people coming across the border that may be used at the right time to walk onto a US military base? You know, if I if I were if I were.

Brannon Howse: A restaurant or a.

Trevor Loudon: Restaurant right now, I'd be changing. I'd be you're a restaurant. I'd be changing the current military IDs or doing something so that these can be identified because that's a potential disaster right there.

Brannon Howse: Let me show you before we go to the next guest. Got two more to slip in tonight. I just put France into Twitter and then did a, you know, hit return. And what do we have is, as I reported earlier tonight, a total meltdown going on in France. We have a muslim young man that was stopped. He got into something with the police. It didn't end well. And now the Muslims are in fury over there and people are on social media. They are putting there's Amy Meek right now. France has fallen. Police are unable to control the migrant and left-wing riots taking place across the country. French media has surrounded and cannot keep track of the number of towns and cities across the country being looted, set on fire, and destroyed. We I mean, I just saw that one. I happen to know her name. We have other people in here that we know of. We know their names and what they're saying is happening. New footage of a rioter in France shooting out cameras with illegal guns. We have you know, that was not in France. We have other people saying they're in a civil war or near civil war. In France, riots have been spread, spreading across France. Rioters are looting grocery stores. Um, you know, it's just non stop this as we put in the word France and we look at what's happening over there. Is this a result of their rejecting borders. Orderliness. And is this, as I asked Anni Cyrus in the Lindell Report tonight, a warning to America? What's coming here?

Trevor Loudon: Of a lot of Muslim migration, a lot of very lax security policies. I think it's also the Russians who would be involved in this to try and take France's stops, France supporting Ukraine. I think that you know, this is Moslem, this is Maoist. This is every communist in France would be involved in this. So absolutely this if they you know if they can do this to France, which has very strong riot police, by the way, a lot tougher than we often see in America. There are a lot more used to riots than we are. If they can't control them, well, we saw cities burn in 2020, you know, with Black Lives Matter. That was low level stuff. How would we handle that kind of level of stuff that we're seeing in France now?

Brannon Howse: Here's what Robert Spitzer put out tonight. Our friend, mutual friend Robert Spitzer. Allah Akbar. We are Muslims. If the police kill us, we have the right to kill. It's written in the Koran. And Robert Spitzer is showing again what is going on over there. This is all over the place tonight. I don't know how much the mainstream corporate media is covering it, but they're certainly not going to cover it from the perspective we are. And that being the red-green axis, the red being the Marxist, the green being the Islamist, and they're working together to bring down Western civilization. Closing comments, please. Patrick I mean.

Trevor Loudon: Trevor Well, the French left caused the open immigration policies. The French communists and the government allowed mass immigration. They used that to take over various cities to increase the left-wing voter base. And now they're using it to cause a revolution to bring the country down. While the Democrats and weak Republicans have done the same in this country, building up communities within the country that are not particularly loyal to America, that have grievances, can easily be stirred up and will go on the rampage where necessary. Plus all the foreign agitators here, the Chinese, Russians, etcetera, are in there ready to stir up trouble. So, yeah, we could be in a French situation in a week. We could be in we could be having saboteurs here in a week. It depends on the timeline of Russia and China and what they want to do.

Brannon Howse: Trevor Trevor Tell us about some of your books and resources available on your site, please.

Trevor Loudon: Sure. Thanks. It's Trevor. Yeah. Trevor have security risk centers parts one and two profile 30 currently serving US senators with their ties to Communist China, to Cuba, North Korea, Iran and local communists. We're penetrated at the government level and have a new book out called House Un-americans. That's part one of six where profile 100 current serving congressmen for the similar kind of ties for absolute treasonous ties. None of this could be happening. And when will that be? When will that be out? Trevor Government house un-American. They're all out now. Security risks in it are part one and part two are out. How Some Americans Part One is out and part two is coming out in the next month.

Brannon Howse: Okay. Now, you know, I interviewed you on parts one and two of the senators. I didn't know the one on the congressman is out. To see that I get a PDF or a hard copy. I'll have you back. We'll do an extensive interview on that next book. All right.

Trevor Loudon: Yeah, absolutely. Thanks, Brannon.

Brannon Howse: And by the way, His Daily Show is available live and on-demand on my channel at Trevor Loudon. Dan Eastman Alex Newman many more Rob Linstead Andy Woods are on demand over there at

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