Trucker Calls For a Truckers Protests Against New York

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  • More shocking revelations come to light on just how deeply infiltrated the trans movement has become in American high schools. We have video that will make your blood boil.
  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has launched a petition calling for Julian Assange, a whistleblower and the founder of WikiLeaks, to be freed immediately and granted a pardon.
  • Globalists say citizens of the world should be required to purchase “carbon passports” that limit each person to a certain amount of travel in a given year.
  • American students fall dangerously behind in math skills.
  • And a Trump-supporting trucker tells New Yorkers they better stock up on essential items because the trucker boycott of the Big Apple is gaining steam.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

The Daily Wire reports that a high school girls basketball game ended in a forfeit at halftime after three girls suffered injuries in a match-up against a team that reportedly includes a male player who is 6-feet tall and has facial hair.

The coach of a Massachusetts high school team, Collegiate Charter School of Lowell, ended the game early against KIPP Academy after numerous injuries, a press release from the charter school says, alluding to the school’s commitment to “inclusivity and safety.”

The press release reads:

“The bench was already depleted going into the game with the 12-player roster having four players unable to play. When the coach saw three more girls go down in the first half leaving him with five players, he made the call to end the game early.”

The release further states that:

“Once the third was injured, the remaining five expressed concern to him about continuing to play. The players feared getting injured and not being able to compete in the playoffs.”

The school added that it supports the coach’s decision to call the game, notably emphasizing its commitment to “inclusivity” and “equity.”

“The Charter School supports this decision and reiterates its values of both inclusivity and safety for all students,” the release adds. “We take the standards set by the MIAA and our Board of Trustees seriously and strive to uphold them on and off the court. We also follow the guidance from the MIAA and state laws regarding equity and access for all student-athletes.”

Video allegedly taken from the game has been posted online, showing a tall male appearing to injure a female player from Collegiate Charter.


That is really hard to watch. What more will it take for parents to wake up and see the outright evil of this whole trans movement? Will it take their own daughter being brutalized like what you saw being inflicted on that young girl?

Riley Gaines, a top collegiate swimmer-turned-girls sports advocate, captioned the video:

“Trans-identified male player for Kipp Academy in MA injured 3 girls before half time causing Lowell Collegiate Charter School to forfeit. A man hitting a woman used to be called domestic abuse. Now it’s called brave. Who watches this & actually thinks this is ‘compassionate, kind, and inclusive’?”


One America News reports that Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. released a video online and launched a petition calling for Julian Assange, a whistleblower and the founder of WikiLeaks, to be freed immediately and granted a pardon.

Judges in London will determine whether Assange has used up all of his appeals in British courts and they will also decide whether or not to extradite him to the United States, where he could possibly be imprisoned for the rest of his life.

Julian Assange, a newspaper publisher, was sentenced to 13 years in prison for purportedly disclosing governmental atrocities and crimes to the public. The WikiLeaks’ founder is currently detained and may be extradited to the United States.

Assange has repeatedly exposed corruption within the U.S., from the torture at Guantanamo Bay, to the DNC’s anti-democratic acts, to civilian deaths in the War on Terror.

RFK Jr. made a statement on regarding the call to release Assange:

“Attacking the messenger is never good policy. The government’s war against whistleblowers has turned heroes into criminals. Only if we stand together can we protect free speech, which is why I am encouraging every American to sign our petition to demand the immediate pardon and release of Julian Assange from incarceration.”


The Hungarian foreign minister has provided an answer to those three U.S. Senators who arrived in Budapest as part of a delegation seeking to pressure the Hungarians to accept Sweden into NATO.

Hungary does not need U.S. congressional delegations to lecture it on what should happen in Hungary, because only the Hungarian people can decide on this, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó warned.

At a press conference following the EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting in Brussels, the Hungarian foreign minister responded to a journalist who had asked him about the visit to Budapest of U.S. senators at the request of the U.S. Ambassador to Hungary. The move was instigated to pressure Hungary to ratify Sweden’s NATO membership application. Such applications require unanimous approval from NATO’s 31 member countries.

He stressed that when similar delegations had been received in the past, it was as if “we had enrolled in a course on statecraft, and during the meeting, we had a very comprehensive lecture on how Hungary should be governed,” the foreign minister said.

Over the weekend, a delegation of three U.S. senators, Democrats Jeanne Shaheen and Chris Murphy, and Republican Thom Tillis visited the Hungarian parliament to urge it to sign off on Sweden’s NATO bid. Not a single member of the Hungarian government came out to meet with the U.S. delegation.

“Now, the situation is that the Hungarian people will decide this, and we will implement it. We don’t need U.S. congressional delegations to lecture us on what should or should not happen in Hungary.”


Democrat state lawmakers in New Hampshire grew uncomfortable and halted a hearing this week as a Republican representative began to read sexually graphic material from books available in public middle-school libraries.

Highlighting how leftists were mischaracterizing a bill aiming to ban “obscene or harmful sexual materials” from schools as “book banning,” State Rep. Glenn Cordelli attempted to read a passage from one of the proposed banned books to illustrate the depravity of the so-called literature.

WATCH VIDEO (clip no more than the first 1:32 as after that it gets very graphic)

And it got much worse from there. We had to cut it off because the content in the book that Democrats say should be in the hands of children got way too graphic for us to show. So, it’s not permissible to read this book before a chamber of adult lawmakers but they say it’s absolutely necessary to have in our schools for children of middle-school age to read. I think the lawmaker at the podium proved his point.


CNN analyst Ross Bennett-Cook, a lecturer at the School of Architecture + Cities at the University of Westminster in London, says citizens of the world should be required to purchase “carbon passports” that limit each person to a certain amount of travel in a given year.

According to Bennett-Cook, the end of the COVID pandemic has brought with it a resurgence in public travel that he feels is generating too many so-called greenhouse gases, which he believes “are driving the climate crisis.”

This is an agenda item of the globalists that we have reported on many times previously. They believe the average joe is too free to move about and must have that freedom monitored and curtailed.

Tourism, Bennett-Cook insists, “is part of the problem” because of all those jet fumes that allegedly “warm” the planet and create fictitious problems like “boiling oceans.” The only apparent solution, he says, is carbon passports that restrict travel for the world’s non-elite.

Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce and other celebrities will still be allowed to travel on their multiple private jets everywhere they go, but middle-class families will have to stay home for the rest of the year once they reach their carbon limit.


The most recent results of the Program for International Student Assessment highlights a disturbing trend for American students in the field of mathematics.

In comparison to their counterparts in other industrialized nations, American students are falling behind. The rather sobering results revealed a 13-point decline for U.S. students when compared to the 2018 exam.

By comparison, 28 countries and economies managed to either maintain or improve their 2018 math scores, with countries such as Switzerland and Japan leading the way—and leaving the United States in the dust. These considerably more successful nations share a number of common characteristics, including, most notably of all, shorter school closures during the pandemic, as noted in the report.

Obviously concerned by the findings, the U.S. Department of Defense has called for a new initiative to provide support for education in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. As The Hechinger Report reported, China, the United States’ biggest rival, has eight times the number of college graduates in these disciplines compared to the United States, while Russia, another major foe, has four times the number of engineers. This alarming disparity, noted the Hechinger Report piece, has prompted concerns beyond the realm of education. The United States’ mathematical failings pose a direct threat to its technological supremacy.

Other commentators have gone a step further. Falling math scores, they suggest, should be viewed as a national security threat


The Daily Mail reports that a Trump-supporting trucker has advised New Yorkers to “stock up” - as he warned that plans to avoid driving semi trucks to the Big Apple are moving ahead and picking up steam.

In a video shared by the driver known as Chicago Ray, he suggested people living in the Big Apple ought to start stockpiling essential items because Republican-leaning truckers will be refusing to take loads to and from New York City.

The scheme was hatched in support of Donald Trump after the former president was fined $355 million in a civil fraud verdict in the city last week.

Ray warned that there are “millions of Truckers for Trump” - so the Republican hopeful, 77, must be “left alone” or else there will be potential shortages in New York City.

He posted in a message to X:

“I'm in Wisconsin and I'm hearing guys refusing loads..... this could take longer than a week.... my advice for New Yorkers is start stocking up... there's millions of Truckers for Trump, millions of us .. leave Trump TF alone.”

We can’t play you the video because of the gentleman’ choice of language but he does sound resolute.

According to Ray, those he had spoken to had already alerted their bosses that as of Monday, they would no longer be driving any rigs into the Big Apple.

“I’ve been talking to a few guys on the radio. This is real man. There’s guys that ain’t going. I talked to a guy that denied a refrigerator load to New York City. That’s pretty good money so you gotta give that guy his credit for that. I ain’t wishing anybody anything. I’m just telling you what I hear. From what I’m hearing, these guys are serious and this could take longer than a week.”


Kevin O'Leary, the “Shark Tank” investor known as Mr. Wonderful, said he would “never invest in New York” again and other investors feel the same way after a state judge ruled that former President Donald Trump would have to pay more than $350 million in a civil fraud case brought by New York Democratic Attorney General Letitia James.

O'Leary, the chairman of O'Leary Ventures, said Monday on Fox Business:

“Leaving the whole Trump thing out of it and seeing what occurred, I'm no different than any other investor. I'm shocked at this. I cannot understand or fathom the decision at all. There's no rationale for it.”

O'Leary also said “New York was already a loser state” due to its policies, including high taxes, and this title was only cemented further after Judge Arthur Engoron found Trump responsible for fraud before the trial even began.

The judge later ordered Trump to pay about $355 million and he banned the former president from serving as a director of a New York-based business for three years. Engoron also fined Trump's two eldest sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, $4 million and banned them from being directors of businesses in the state for two years. 

O’Leary further stated:

“I would never invest in New York now, and I'm not the only person saying that.”

Rather than investing in New York, O'Leary said he is looking into Oklahoma, North Dakota and West Virginia because they are “winner states.”


Illegal aliens in the sanctuary state of New York continue to make headlines by committing crimes and brawling with police officers.

On Tuesday, the Daily Mail reported that one person was arrested following a violent confrontation with police officers at New York City’s Randall Island migrant shelter.

Last Thursday, NYPD officers were called to remove immigrants who were not authorized to stay at what the outlet described as an “increasingly lawless tent camp.”

A belligerent migrant refused to comply with camp staff who asked him to leave. When police attempted to remove the man, others tried to intervene and scuffled with responding officers.

A portion of the chaotic engagement was caught on video.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 3:17 minutes)


New York City launched a $53 million program to provide pre-paid debit cards to illegal immigrants earlier this month.


According to an analysis of the contract by the New York Post, the initial number is just a fee for the pilot program, while the contract allows for debit cards to be issued as high as $10,000 per illegal alien at a cost of $2.5 billion annually.

Post columnist Nicole Gelinas writes:

“One misperception is that the program allows the city to give out just $50 million to migrants.”

But it’s much worse than that.

Gelinas, a financial analyst and senior fellow of the Manhattan Institute for Policy, describes the debit card program as “an open-ended, multibillion-dollar Bermuda Triangle of disappearing, untraceable cash, used for any purpose. It will give migrants up to $10,000 each in taxpayer money with no ID check, no restrictions and no fraud control.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Vigilant News reports that an elderly English couple was shocked to receive a letter from their county’s council ordering them to sell their home to house migrants.

The North Northamptonshire Council sent a strongly-worded letter to Jose and Ted Saunders in January claiming their home, valued at approximately $160,000, could be subject to compulsory purchase from the government to be used to house young migrant men.

The retired caregiver Jose, age 76, said she couldn’t believe her eyes as she read the letter, adding, “We moved to Rushden to help provide childcare for my grand-daughter and found this nice little place to live.”

As time went by, someone else would have their eyes on that nice little place.


Following a backlash, the council soon apologized for the “error” but blamed pressure to find accommodation for migrants on the British Home Office speeding up asylum claims.

UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman claimed in October that BILLIONS of migrants flooding into the country was a realistic possibility.

She said:

“The wind of change that carried my own parents across the globe in the 20th Century was a mere gust compared to the hurricane that is coming. Because today the option of moving from a poorer country to a richer one is not just a dream for billions of people, it is an entirely realistic prospect.”

In America, virtue-signaling liberals are already beginning to voluntarily take in migrants at the request of state officials amid the unprecedented illegal invasion of the southern border. We’ll see how that works out for them.

Don’t think this can’t happen here, folks. What starts in Europe makes its way to the United States, often given a trial run in California before it gets introduced into the other blue states and eventually the red states.

The mass migration into Western nations is part of the globalists’ plan for a one-world totalitarian system. Notice you don’t see any migrant invasions into China or North Korea or Iran. Those countries are already totalitarian in nature. This is a military invasion on Western lands, with the great replacement of you and me being the goal.

Don’t fall for it.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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