Trump's Documents "Crime" is a Deep State and National Archives Lie and Set-Up

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Brannon Howse: Joe, you're a journalist, you're a writer. What do you make of what you just said there and heard And I apologize, we're off, but I had to just let him keep going. Did you hear what he said about the current attorney general of the United States and what he was wanting to do with the terrorist bomber versus what he's doing today with mothers?

Joe Hoft: Yeah. Yeah, sure did. It was a great interview. I really enjoyed listening to that, to tell you the truth. That was fantastic. I think, yeah, what he shared there, It's a bit puzzling, isn't it, Brannon? Because he's saying that, you know, back when this Merrick Garland seemed to seem to care about individual rights, and today it appears to be the last thing on his mind. Is it because the Unabomber was a criminal and he had more compassion for criminals? Or is he that because he.

Brannon Howse: Were they a leftist? Was it that he was a leftist, radical environmental leftist, eco-terrorist?

Joe Hoft: Yeah, it doesn't, you know, it's. It's a puzzle, isn't it? It's like, how could you go from that to what he's doing today? Because today he's, you know, just like he said, this, this has been destroyed. I liked all his suggestions, too, for fixing it. That was a great interview, Brannon.

Brannon Howse: Well, thank you. Thanks to Terry Turchie. Yeah. So, You have some new articles there. Let's get your take on President Donald Trump tomorrow being, you know, I guess processed He's been indicted over January 6th over those documents The American people this gets into the weeds but the more I read about these documents I mean it looks like the National Archives dumped them in his lap, literally carted them out to the sidewalk and said at the White House said, here you go, these are yours. Get rid of them. Take them somewhere, they're yours. And then so he did. And then the same federal government that said, These are yours, do something with them is saying now, Oh. You had those documents that we wheeled to the curb. And you took them. And now we want to prosecute you for taking what we gave you. Is that what I'm hearing?

Joe Hoft: I think and what I heard was this. This government agency, the archives, always helps presidents whenever they leave the office with this effort in taking their personal belongings with them and helping them find a safe place for these once they do with President Trump. They didn't do that. They refused to help President Trump, which seems to me is.

Brannon Howse: Like almost like a setup from the day.

Joe Hoft: One. Absolutely. Absolutely. And so then they didn't help him, but then they come back to the FBI sometime later and say, hey, we're concerned about what President Trump took with him to Mar a Lago. So the thing is, the one guy I've been listening to since the day after the raid at Mar a Lago is this attorney, Mike Davis, who's been saying consistently since then there was no precedent for the FBI to raid President Trump's home. There was no reason for them to raid President's Trump home. He's been he was working with them. And then he says and there was it was illegal what they did as well. There was no you know, they they illegally raided the home of the president of the United States. According to the Presidential Records Act, and this is my understanding from what Davis says, President Trump had every right in the world to take any documents that he wanted with him when he left office. And this was proven in a case and there's case law on this now, a Bill Clinton case, he took with him these numerous files or discs or whatever they were, information tapes of discussions that he held with apparently world leaders and people, all sorts of information. We don't know what all was in there, but he took those and had them in the sock drawer when it was there was an attempt to get a hold of this information. The Obama judge ruled that, no, the according to the Presidential Records Act, the president can take whatever he or she wants with them when they leave office.

Joe Hoft: And only the president can make that decision. What they take, it doesn't matter if they're classified or not. So this whole methodology of going after President Trump sounds squirrely. One analogy that I put together this morning that thinks kind of says it about the comparison so yesterday, see some of these comparisons to Hillary and the Bidens. And it's not a comparison when they do that, we're losing because if President Trump's losing because it's not a comparison, he did everything legally. He had the Presidential Records Act and the ability to do that when Hillary Clinton had classified information on a server in her bathroom and when Joe Biden had these classified documents all over the world, they had no right to have them because they were not the president. They weren't you know, Joe Biden was a vice president at best and a senator, and Hillary Clinton was a secretary of state. Yet they had these documents and they took them with them. My analogy would be like me going to the store, borrowing my wife's car, which I'm a part owner of, and telling her I'm going to go get some groceries. I go, and I bring the groceries home. My next-door neighbor, the Bidens, and the Clintons, they go, they steal a car, they destroy it, and then they try to destroy anybody that wants to bring to the police the fact that they destroyed this information and then the police turn around and go, come after me, and to try to put me in jail for doing what I legally did, go to the store with my wife's car.

Joe Hoft: There's my car's partial owner. So President Trump is the owner of these documents and they work it out with the National Archives. All the presidents have been able to do that. They're still negotiating with some of these presidents. And there was no reason to bring in the DOJ to get these documents. Now, several people, and we wrote about this very early on, believed that they came in to steal the documents about the Crossfire hurricane because they didn't want those to get into the public realm. And so that is why they took those. President Trump declassified him. They go down there and make up a crime of President Trump. But the real goal was to get these documents so that President Trump could never use them against these scandalous, you know, criminals that have been in our government for some time. I think that makes some sense, too. The other thing related to that is that the DOJ and the FBI will not tell President Trump's team what documents they took. They're saying they're classified. And President Trump had classified documents, but they won't tell us what those documents are. And to me, that really reeks of an Andrew Weissman tactic, something he's been doing for years. He's this DOJ corrupt, corrupt DOJ actor who was running the Mueller exam, which we all know was bogus.

Joe Hoft: He knew, too. And he ran with this thing for three years trying to get Trump. Now he's back at it, trying to get Trump. He and this guy, Norm Eisen, as we talked about last week, drafted this memo just a week and a half ago explaining why Merrick Garland has every reason to indict. President Trump for crimes of having these documents there under the Espionage Act. And the other thing that's just lunacy is if you talk to people because of the Espionage Act, President Trump has every right in the world to classify and declassify documents. That, too, was his right unique to the president. This is a fallacy. And I heard one person say, the thing is here is that if there is a broad law like the Espionage Act and there comes to be a new law that's more specific. That new law will trump the prior law. In this case, it's the Presidential Records Act. It will trump the Espionage Act. And yet the Espionage Act is all that they use to come after Trump and then maybe some obstruction based on no crime in the first place, like Russia collusion. And then at the same time, President Trump had every right to do this and he's got the Presidential Records Act in his back pocket. So a lot of stuff going on here that's just absolutely outrageous. You can't keep you know, and more and more is coming out and over the weekend, just kind of finished with this brand over the weekend, Jim Jordan came out with a document where he says and he sent it to Merrick Garland.

Joe Hoft: He wants some answers. And still, Merrick Garland won't tell him who's on this team, who invaded the what? What members of the FBI invaded President Trump's home, who's on the case with Jack Smith? And they brought in this really what would say a corrupt FBI agent interviewed him on this. And even this guy said four things that were kind of shocking. He says typically they will have the local office handle this kind of stuff. But in this case, they didn't even notify the local office, which would be, I guess, down in Miami, the local FBI, about this whole event. They didn't tell them that they were going to go to the Mar a Lago. They also that the US attorney's office locally down here in Florida wasn't assigned to the matter. So all of this is being run out of DC and Merrick Garland. Similar situation to what they did with the bogus Mueller gang. They this group of crooks that are running the FBI and DOJ, they're running this thing. They're not allowing anybody local to handle it and they didn't ask for consent for their search. And another thing that Jordan mentions is that they refuse to wait for President Trump's attorney to show up that morning. And they just started invading the president's home. When she got there, it was Christina Bobb.

Joe Hoft: She was not given the warrant for some time. I think they finally showed it to her from a distance. I don't think she ever got to get a copy of that. I think it was lacking a bunch of documentation and support related to the warrant. And she was forced to stand outside in 90-degree heat for hours that day while the FBI rummaged through President Trump's home unabated. Nobody there to nobody there to stop him. I mean, this kind of stuff is why people say we're in a banana republic. And then we got this media that keeps pushing this narrative. And this is why nobody's nobody's going to the media. Everybody's coming here. Brandon. Everybody's going, you know, to various websites and new media outlets, not the legacy old media, but the new media where people are going because they want the truth and this is garbage, and people can smell right through it. It's a horrible thing. I guess. Brendan, one last point is I've heard rumors that tomorrow Antifa is going to show up down in Miami. Could be a dangerous situation, obviously, and I wouldn't doubt if Antifa is there, then they're going to have some actors for the federal government working against any Trump supporters as well. So we'll see what happens tomorrow. But there's there are some warnings that I've heard I heard over the weekend from a pretty good source. Don't be surprised if Antifa shows up down there in Miami tomorrow.

Brannon Howse: Wow. Well, wouldn't they just love that again? It's always about the thesis and antithesis idea, the opposite idea. Get them to conflict, get them to fight, create chaos, and then blame it on the people they just agitated and poke a stick in the eye of or have them, as I said with Terry Turchie, have them dress up as your political opposition, i.e. MAGA people and carry out, you know, illegal activities and then blame it on them after the provocateurs hand-picked by whoever does that in their name and their dress and literally in their dress, wearing their dress clothes, that they would wear the MAGA gear or patriotic gear. Very dangerous days, very dangerous times for our country, no doubt about it. Look at the website, folks. Joe, Joe Biden committed the most egregious crimes. Hillary's crimes were colossal and President Trump did nothing wrong. Several articles over here by Joe Hoft at Joe Joe, thank you as always for checking in. Thank you for your patience tonight sitting in waiting to come on. But I knew also as a journalist, you would be intrigued by what we were hearing. Breaking news tonight, literally letting out for the first time information about. Attorney Merrick Garland, who is now the attorney general, and how he handled the Unabomber case of Theodore Kaczynski. Thank you so much, Joe. That was great. Wow. Thank you.

Joe Hoft: Appreciate it. Brannon.

Brannon Howse:, folks. I haven't even had time to promote anything tonight, folks, so let me do it very quickly. We are brought to you by you. You know, that's one thing about this broadcast. You get your money's worth, don't you? Because we don't just stop and interrupt and promote and promote and have commercial after commercial. We do long-form interviews. We just had the former assistant deputy director of the counterterrorism division of the FBI, who is in charge of that case, the Unabomber. And he just disclosed tonight's information and we let him go for nearly an hour. It was only set for 30 minutes. We let it go for an hour because how could you interrupt such a historic interview again if we were on a clock that was all about selling advertising, we would have never done that. But it's about getting out the information. But we do have to have funds. So listen and listen carefully before we go to Naomi Wolf. If you appreciate what we're doing, here are the ways you can support us. Three of them one and use promo code B, six, six sheets, towels, blankets, pet beds, slippers, sandals, mattresses, mattress toppers, robes, and more. Promo codes B66. There's a bunch of sales over there too. Emergency Freeze Dried food that has a 25-year shelf life.

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