U.S. Farmers Having Land Stolen For Co2 Carbon Capture Scam



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Brannon Howse: All right. We're going to be going here in just a moment to the farmers of South Dakota, some of the farmers of South Dakota. Do you guys remember that? Well, I had on my radio show about a week or so ago. These farmers and some members of the state legislature related to trying to take some of their lands and using eminent domain to put in a carbon capture pipeline. A lot of them don't want that. They don't want that on their property and they don't want to give it up. And there also are some dangerous side effects to it. So, again, we'll go to them in just one moment. Before we do, however, how many of you guys watched the whole thing this weekend with the crowning of Prince Charles becoming King Charles? I guess he already was just the formal thing. Well, I didn't have a chance to watch it live. I wasn't going to get up in the middle of the night and do that. But I certainly did watch some of the replays of it. And I dealt with some of this on my show today. How many of you know that he had an invitation card sent out for him? Coronation. And on there he had a really weird little deal. I'm going to show you a couple of things you might find of interest here. He had on his card what is known as the green man. The green man is in the pagan. It's in the pagan culture and tied to paganism. I'll show you a picture of it here. I'll bring it up and show it to you. But I'm bringing up all these little clips I want to show you first. But I did stumble on this today.


Brannon Howse: I stumbled on this speech by Prince Charles at the World Economic Forum. Take a look at this, folks. Look at this behind him. I showed this on the radio and slash TV today. This is at the World Economic Forum. I'll show you a more visible picture in a minute. But these are three little streams coming up behind him. And if you count, there are six streams. So it's three streams of six. In other words, six, six, six. Now, I don't want to make too much of this. But folks, these people are so into symbolism. They're so into symbolism. Do you not think that someone would say, hey, guys? There are six streams popping up here. One, two, three, four, five, six. You can count them. And. That is six, six, six people are going to notice that. They're going to notice that and they're going to have something to say about that. Maybe we shouldn't use that graphic. Or maybe they're just gaslighting us. I don't know. But it's really weird. I just noticed that today in some of my research and I was able to find more photographs like that. In fact, here's one look at this one from the World Economic Forum. There it is really clear. I mean, you can count them one, two, three, four, five, six. One, two, three, four, five, six. One, two, three, four, five, six, six, six, six. Now, again, that's just weird. Is this symbolism or is this a mistake? Remember, he was at an event. This is the same dude, okay? This is the same dude that was at the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony where they had the bull. In fact, let me show it. Birmingham.


Brannon Howse: Welcome to Birmingham. And let me show you. I'll pull down the audio. Watch. Watch all this. Okay. Does that look like the Tower of Babel? We've shown you guys that before. And eventually, you got the people coming up out of the water around the Tower of Babel. Here comes Prince Charles and Kamala. Or is it Camilla? It doesn't really matter. There are kind of two birds of a feather. They kind of both got to the top the same way, didn't they? Um, so you're pretty soon you're going to see the tower of what looks like tower of Babel with a moat around it and people coming up out of the moat. It's very similar to what we read in the Scripture about Revelations 17 and 18 and the harlot that sits on many glasses of water there. The folks in the moat again. And as this thing progresses back in 2022, there they are coming up out of the sea. They eventually usher in a big, gigantic beast into the stadium. And they then have a lady that tames the beast with this new age, new age-looking crystals there. They're the people who are enslaved. They're pulling the beast and they're enslaved and they're in chains. And eventually, you'll see, like I said, there's. King Charles. Charles is in charge. That's a whole new meaning for those of us who grazed in the 80s. Charles is in charge. But pretty soon what they did was they tamed the beast.


Brannon Howse: They brought out those crystals. There they go. They brought out those crystals and they used them to tame the beast. And look at the woman up there. A woman rides the beast. Do you see her up there at the top? There she is. Look at her up there. There. A woman rides the beast. There you go. Now they're into symbolism. Folks don't think for one minute they don't know what they're doing. Come on. So I go back to the same question. What was going on at the World Economic Forum where Charlie was speaking? And they got this little look at that. Six, six, six. I'm not saying he's the Antichrist. I would put him on the shortlist, though. The dude's a weirdo and he's the one. He's one of the ones. By the way, folks, according to Joan White's book that we've quoted many times, he's one of the ones that got all the leaders together before the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992 on what was reported to be one of the royal Yachts and got Maurice Strong and all of them together. Remember, Maurice Strong worked with the Rockefellers. Maurice Strong went to work at the United Nations. Maurice Strong was the head of the Earth Summit in Rio in 92. And George H. Bush, who wouldn't be president? George H.


Brannon Howse: Bush on video in one of my documentaries, praises Maurice Strong for signing and leading the charge on the world stage of the Earth Charter, the Global Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, in 1992. The Earth Summit. They gave us Agenda 21 now today called Agenda 2030, the framework for world government, a one world economy, a one world religion, and A one world government. D population counting everybody. Getting everybody numbered. There's George H. Bush praising it, praising Maurice Strong, by the way, the same guy I've told you over and over that said, isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilization's collapse. Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about? And what are they doing right now, folks? They're collapsing the global economy. Preparing to hurt us all into digital slavery. We apparently eventually no one's going to be able to buy or sell unless you have the mark. Well, here's this dude. Charlie King. Charlie Charles is in charge. Speaking. Look. Show it again. Go look it up yourself and ask yourself, is this symbolism? So anyway he also put out a. Here he is. We need a new economic model or the planet will burn. That's what Charlie says. The pandemic is a chance to reset the global economy, says Prince Charles. Yeah, whatever. King Charles helped organize the original great reset meeting with World Economic Forum during COVID-19. All right. Bring that down for a minute because I want to see if I can find it real quick.


Brannon Howse: Let's see if I can find what I showed people on TV today real quick. And that is the green man on Charles's invitation. I'm sure I can find an article on it really fast. There it is. I knew I could. There it is. Slate even Slate magazine reported on it. Okay. Is the green man British enough for the royal coronation? And this was at the bottom of the invitation. Okay. Here's the royal family tweet. All right. So they tweeted this out and at the bottom of the invitation is this green man. Do you know what that is? Well, I. When I looked it up. I went and looked up the green man. Let me find it. Where? It's on here on Wikipedia somewhere. Now, don't run to Wikipedia for everything. But. But, I'm going to trust this because I did verify it with other sources. Okay, here's the green man, according to Wikipedia. Make this bigger so I can read it. Go bigger. Here. There we go. The green man is an architectural motif. The green motif has many variations, variations, branches or vines may sprout from the mouth, nostrils, or other parts of the face, and three shoots may bear flowers or fruit found in many cultures for many ages around the world, the green man is often related to natural vegetation deities.


Brannon Howse: So vegetation, deities. There you go. Spirit beings in nature. That's called spirit, animism, spirit beings in nature, vegetation, and deities. By the way, the environmentalist, you know who they accused of killing the idea of pagan animism. One writer by the last name of White. He accuses the Christians of the Christians. Don't you know the source of all suffering and oppression is Christianity and capitalism the free market, private property? Well, this radical environmentalist in one of his books, I quote in one of my books accuses the Christians of being the ones that accuse that got rid of the idea of pagan animism, spirit beings in nature, which then caused those spirit entities to leave nature, which is now created the ecological crisis we have. Pantheism. All is God. Panentheism. God is in all. This is the new world religion. It's nothing new at all, really. But there it is. It represents vegetation and deities. And they go on. If you use the word the old control F and type in pagan, look how many times the word pagan pops up. One guy writing a book, The Green Man in Medieval England, subtitled Christian Shoots. From pagan roots. He is talking about it. The green man may appear to be pagan, perhaps a fertility figure. Well, isn't that interesting? Because much of the whole false religious system of Babylon, which we're going back to, according to the Bible, Revelation 17, is based on the mother-son cult of Babylon the Babylonian religious systems is largely based on.


Brannon Howse: The fertility god. Semiramis. And many others. Ishtar. Ishtar. Right. We call it Easter, but it's really Ishtar. That's why I prefer to call it Resurrection Sunday. Do you know why we have rabbits? Because it's acknowledging Ishtar, the queen of fertility. Did you get rabbits? And bunny rabbits. Right. Go study this. Got pagan roots. That's why I refer to it as Resurrection Sunday. But if you go and you study, you find this symbolism all the time. And when it goes on to describe in one novel that this green man is a pagan monster. A pagan god. It's a big part of paganism for many modern pagans. The great Green Man is used as a symbol of seasonal renewal and look of that ecological awareness. So if you paid attention to the thing the other day, yeah, people were talking about Jesus Christ and there was an Anglican pastor or so saying a few good things. But that's also part of the problem, folks. You're mixing the things of God with the things of bail, if you will, as the Scripture says not to do in Second Corinthians 614. If you want to really read a good article about this, you can go to WorldviewReport.com. Worldviewreport.com. I have an article here, The Ancient Symbolism behind King Charles's Coronation.


Brannon Howse: And this is by my friend Naomi Wolf. She wrote a great article on the weirdness and that the dresses that many of the women were wearing were not like what you used to see back in the day. Fitted dresses. They were more like dresses that you would see from a druid. There's and where many of them wore tiaras in their hair back in the day, Queen Elizabeth, etcetera, for her coronation, they were wearing all these flowers and whatnot in their hair. So she's making the connection here and saying, was there a lot of pagan symbolism there? And then, of course, you had this private screen that they gave him his, you know. Holy oil on, if you will. And. And the only point out that while there was a screen in the past for Queen Elizabeth, you could hear what she was saying and you could hear what the Anglican Church leaders were saying and they invoked the name of God. Well, this one, you get this privacy screen and they covered it with music. You have no idea who he just swore an oath to. You have no idea. Very good article by Naomi Wolf. You can check it out. I've linked it up at Worldview report.com. And then she also noticed the weirdness that some of the women were dressed like men.


Brannon Howse: Some of the men were dressed like women. Kind of a weird deal over there. Bring that down. Let me see if I can find one more thing I want to show. One more thing I want to show if I can find it real quick. And that is this was oh, boy, I wish I had pulled this up earlier. This was from this afternoon when someone noticed I dunno if I'm going to find it or not. Someone noticed something really weird. Let's see. What was it? The grim, Grim Reaper. Grim. Grim Reaper. It appeared as if the Grim Reaper was running. Running. And caught on one camera shot. Maybe I'll have to show it to you later. But it was really weird. Really weird. What's going on? Okay, we might be able to do that, but I'm really having a good time here. Someone else could squeeze in tonight, but I don't know if I need it with all this going on, but there was someone caught on social media, what looked like the Grim Reaper going walking through the lobby in the back of the building during the coronation, and it looked just like the Grim Reaper. Others said, you know what? That looks like The Masonic one of the Masonic leaders in their dark Masonic robes. So who knows? Who knows what paganism was going on there with King Charles?


Brannon Howse: But now Charles is in charge. And whether I'm not saying he's the Antichrist, but I do think he is an Antichrist. And now we're getting word from our friend, good old Leo Holman at Leoholman.com. Uh, now we're getting word that here it is, King Charles and Globalist set a meeting for September at which they will plot how to accelerate the goals of UN Agenda 2030 and the complete digitization of humanity. By the way, I see Leo's got another one. A coven of British witches and pagans pledged their allegiance to King Charles, claiming he was very pagan and supportive of our beliefs. Well, I know that to be true. You don't have to convince me of that. I've studied the dude enough to know. This is a brand-new article by Leo. I'm just finding it now while we're on the air. Who did? Okay, So there you go. Isn't that interesting? All right. So. All right. So we can grab Nicole and get a quick update from Nicole. That's fine. What is it? More than 2000 people were expected to attend a festival that featured a range of workshops from winemaking and spell casting to Crystal Skull healing. A series of night rituals were planned, according to the official website description of the event stated, quote, We have been tasked by the great mother to teach the ways of the witch and Pagan to those who need it.


Brannon Howse: We work hard to develop young, curious minds, draw out nature, nurture natural talents, and end quote. The event was organized by Aspinall and her coven, the Coven of Gaia. She told the Sun. She told the Sun that King Charles has always been very supportive of the pagan community, end quote. Well, I know that to be true because I've got quotes from him. Oh, look, he's included this in his. In his little article as well. So there you go. Good old Charles is in charge. He's definitely not Scott Baio. Oh, by the way, I see Scott Baio is selling his house and getting out of California. Good for Scott. But the whole I got a whole new meaning now of Charles in charge with King Charles the little Antichrist. Maybe he's the Antichrist. I don't know. I kind of doubt it. I think. I think Satan can do, you know, a little better as far as something a little somebody, a little more with personality. But he certainly seems to be paving the way, does he not, with all the things he's talking about? So anyway, we'll keep tabs on Charlie, and see what King Charlie's up to. All right. Joining me now is a collection of folks, guys, Margaret Byfield has helped put this all together. Guys, welcome back to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us.


Julie: Hi. Thank you, Brannon.


Brannon Howse: Thank you, guys. I wanted to make sure I get everybody. There's a lot of you tonight, So let me start with you. Margaret. Margaret, why don't you introduce everybody to us?


Julie: Sure. So I'm Margaret Byfield, executive director of American Stewards of Liberty. And who else we have on the show for you is two of our state representatives from South Dakota, Julie Osh, and Karla Lems, and then one of the landowners in the middle of this pipeline controversy. Mark.


Brannon Howse: Excellent. All right. Let's let you want to lay out for us what we're going to talk about tonight real quick.


Julie: Margaret. So so the the carbon capture pipeline that is crossing five states and the Summit pipeline is the one that South Dakota is particularly dealing with right now. It crosses 2000 miles. It is to capture CO2 from ethanol plants and push them through these pipelines at about 300 PSI, which is very explosive. And then sequester them in locations in North Dakota or Illinois. And this is just absolute nonsense. We're talking about capturing plant food, CO2, so and treating it as if it's a pollutant. And we're talking about condemning a lot of land to make this happen. And right now, that's what's happening in South Dakota. Summit is either in the process of condemning 200 against 200 landowners and they're getting very active. And I think what's happening on the ground is really what's most concerning because the landowners are taking the direct impact of this pipeline. They are the people who are going to have absolutely no benefit from this pipeline. And they are they're it's their rights, their property that's being destroyed. And it's just very unfortunate. I know that our two state representatives worked very hard to try and get the state legislature to step in and stop this, but they didn't have help from the governor, which would have been very helpful in this in this situation. And so right now, landowners are having to face the surveys on their land and people walking all over the land and very strange drilling going on. So I just think, Brandon, it's something that, you know, people in America need to know is going on right now.


Brannon Howse: Absolutely. Margaret, let's start with you, Carla. Carla, you're a South Dakota state representative, correct? That is correct. Tell me. Tell me how this is going over with the legislature. I know in your state, I am told that there are a lot of Democrats that run as Republicans. So they claim to be Republicans, but they're Democrats and they run as Republicans so they can get elected. Steve Haugaard has told me this is the case. And so how is this going over in your state with your efforts?


Carla: Well, you know, we had a great effort by a lot of the legislatures this last session. What we were trying to do was get through some different you know, we tried to come at it from various angles. I had a specific bill that I brought forward HB 1133, which would have defined a commodity for the purpose of qualifying as a common carrier. And basically, what we were trying to do there was to define commodity so so specific that it would have excluded the carbon capture pipeline because we were wanting to say if you have a commodity that you're you're saying you're going to permanently sequester this and you're also going to get 45 Q tax credits for it, then we are that is not going to be considered a commodity because if you are transferring a commodity and then you are considered a common carrier, then you are able to use eminent domain in the state of South Dakota. And so that's what we were trying to address with this because all many of us that supported this particular bill were saying this is not a commodity. And so we passed that bill in the House, 4228. It went over to the Senate and it was killed in the Senate Commerce and Energy Committee. And there were similar efforts that were made in North Dakota, in Iowa. Some of these other states addressed this as well. And so far, we haven't got any traction in any of these states. But when you start connecting the dots, there are a lot of political connections with this. So as far as our legislature as a whole, as you said, we have a lot of rhinos, if you want to say, in our state. And so even though our state appears very red from the outside looking in, we are probably more pink, I would say, than true red.


Brannon Howse: Wow. Mark, you're a landowner, Correct? You're facing this problem at. Yes. Are you the one that recently had some officials show up and start nosing around on your property?


Mark: No, it wasn't me specifically. It was somebody in the general area. And, you know, the invasive surveys have really begun to take effect here. And I call them invasive because there is no permission given by any of the landowners for that to happen. Our state has a particular law that allows a company with an active application in front of the PUC to survey private property without permission. Well, before this come out, you know, none of us knew that that was the case. So we were quite taken off guard by all of that. And what makes him so invasive, when you think about surveying, you think that they're going to come in, you know, and walk across the property, shoot some elevation readings, and not much more than that. But what's going on is they're coming in with excavators. They're digging ten-foot by ten-foot by ten-foot holes. They're coming in with drilling rigs, drilling holes, you know, 100 to 200ft deep.


Brannon Howse: Without any advance notice or permission.


Mark: No, they do give advanced notice by about one day. But they're not asking your permission.


Brannon Howse: They're not asking permission. No.


Mark: No. They're just telling you. They're just telling you that they're coming and you're informed that you are not to interfere with them or they will call the authorities. And so it's really making people feel like, you know, prisoners on their own property. You know, I've received a lot of phones calls the last few days, and these individuals are out there watching this happen to their ground. 


Brannon Howse: What is your governor, Kristi Noem, doing about this?


Mark: Crickets. We haven't heard anything.


Brannon Howse: Is she planning on running for anything above governor again?


Mark: Because that's a question above my pay grade.


Brannon Howse: Well, I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm getting a little tired of hearing from people around the country how wonderful and great she is. But when I actually go and stand on the ground in South Dakota and I've spent a lot of time in Huron hunting and James Valley Christian School years ago and friends of mine there in Huron. And when I go there and spend time there or at the Corn Palace in Mitchell, I hear a completely different story from people in South Dakota telling me, you know, what you guys hear about her and the truth are two different things. She's not what you guys think she is. If you came and lived in the state, is that true or false? Does anyone want to comment or did I just take a bridge too far for any of you?


Mark: No, I think it's very concerning when, you know, a lot of the way that she has always portrayed herself to be, you know, is in direct conflict with what's going on. And, you know, why why isn't she out here standing beside us? It's so frustrating because, as I said, these individuals have such a sense of helplessness, like there's nothing that they can do about it, and they stand and watch their property that's been accumulated over many lifetimes. And they're helpless. They can't almost.


Brannon Howse: I like watching Yellowstone but in South Dakota.


Mark: A precisely like that. And it's very reminiscent to me of the stories that the grandfathers told of the whole reason that we're here in the first place. It's oppression.


Brannon Howse: Is that is that Carla? Carla, Is that you or Julie? Which one of you shaking your head in the bottom right corner? Julie. Julie, Julie, I see you shaking your head. I said this is almost kind of like hearing the read about the script of Yellowstone. It sounds kind of like that, doesn't it?


Julie: Oh, yes. Well, and here in South Dakota, you know, we were supposed to be free. We're supposed to be a conservative state. And I do believe the people are conservative. But unfortunately, we have leadership in PIR, our state capital, who have taken money from Summit. And, you know, a lot of organizations in South Dakota have taken money from in one form or another in the form of donations or to give to the organization here in South Dakota. It is quite alarming. We really do need our leadership in South Dakota to stand up for these landowners. Um, I live on a five-generation farm myself in the southern part of South Dakota in District 18, you know, a couple of hundred miles from these folks. And it's unfortunate that we just can not get any help from anyone who can help us here in this state. And, you know, we're trying to draw attention in any way we possibly can. And we just simply cannot get the right kind of help we need. How and I know this?


Brannon Howse: What kind of feedback, what kind of feedback did you get after you guys appeared on my TV show and radio show that's on 63? The station airs on about 5 or 6 stations throughout South Dakota. What kind of feedback did you get?


Julie: Unfortunately, you know, I heard from a few constituents in my district that they saw the program. But, you know, this is all about education and this whole 30 by 30. 30% of private property by 2030 is something that is just people who are not educated and they just don't believe it can happen here in South Dakota. And it's happening. And these farmers up north are getting hardly any media attention. We're trying to draw attention to it.


Brannon Howse: So we're one of the few national media outlets giving this kind of airtime to this.


Julie: Correct. Correct.


Brannon Howse: So. What about the 200 farms? Margaret, didn't we cover the fact that you got, like, 200 farms so far that are facing this land grab and using eminent domain to take swaths of their land to put this CO two carbon capture pipeline?


Julie: Yeah. And I think last we heard it was 88 landowners have been filed on to start the surveys. But there's up to 200 that that's going to be happening too. And I think the other part of this that you have to remember is that's just one of the pipelines. So when you talk about the five states, there are other pipeline companies that have the same expanse and will be impacting the same amount of landowners or a similar amount of landowners. So when you put all this together, it is absolutely massive. And I think what's really horrible about the situation is the companies that are doing this, it's all about profit and the people who are going to suffer the impact. They're the people who have been taking care of this land, who are the middle class of America. You know, these are the hardworking people that have been the stewards of these lands for generations. And they're the ones who are getting run over. And this is supposed to be, you know, to help climate change, which is just ridiculous on its face. And it's just, you know, it's just such a shame that this is happening in America. This is not America.


Brannon Howse: Well, this is a boondoggle or what do you call it? It's a scam. It's kind of like the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, which it's completely unconstitutional. And Andrew Jackson from my home state of Tennessee warned about it, said don't ever get one again. I think it was his speech in 1837, but we didn't listen. We got the Federal Reserve and they create money out of thin air and they debase our currency. And now they're going to go to another scam between big companies, big corporations, and the government, which is what the Fed is its banks, given a federal charter. So it's big government, big business working together. Now they're going to do it through carbon credits and co to, you know, capture lines and you're going to go to Bill Gates and read and showed the websites where Bill Gates has started something along with other people involved, Jeff Bezos, it says Richard Branson and others where you go and you buy carbon credits and guess who owns the solar and the windmills? They do. So you work in conjunction with big government and big business to offset your carbon footprint. And it's a scam. It's an absolute scam. This is plant food, as we know. And now they're going to create this pipeline through your state, use eminent domain to steal your property for this scam and fake science of carbon capture. And yet who wants to speak to the fact that how dangerous these pipelines are and what can happen with these pipelines? Who wants to speak to that?


Mark: Well, I guess I can take that one. You know, like Margaret had alluded to earlier, they're a very high-pressure pipeline, you know, 2 to 3000 PSI, which is enormous. Um, and what they do, it's not like they're transporting the gas of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a gas that is a relatively inert material. We know, you know, we're breathing it every day. Our plants utilize that. But in order to make it more easy and efficient to transport, they compress that gas into a kind of a liquid that, um, stays in a supercritical state. And in order to keep it into that suspension, it has to remain under that immense pressure. And what happens in the event of a release is that will come out and then it expands from that supercritical state into it, back into a gas and at a volume of about 535,000 times 211 part of the supercritical. And so you're looking at just a small leak that is going to create such an expansive cloud that for a time being is still heavier than air. It will follow low-lying areas, and move around generally with the wind. And there are so many factors that can make it so much worse. If the ambient air temperature is cold, it's going to stick around for longer and disperse more slowly. And, you know, that's why the plume modeling that is shown here is something that, you know, we would like to see so that we know what kind of setbacks to establish with our counties, you know, how that we can protect ourselves and the people in our counties. But it's something that they say is critical information and that information will not be made public. We're not allowed to see it. We're just supposed to solely take their word for it. And the word of the federal government that it is safe and well. We ain't buying that. Wow.


Brannon Howse: All right. Who wants to give anybody give a closing comment?


Julie: Well, let me just say one point on that, too, to tell you how harmful these are and how dangerous these are. The state of California has banned the carbon pipelines until there's a further study on it, and that's liberal California. So I was going to say, that's crazy.


Brannon Howse: California leaders and they know better. Do you think South Dakota would have leaders that have more common sense than California leaders?


Julie: You would think.


Brannon Howse: And our two state reps are on the right here. I mean, are any of your colleagues coming up to you and saying, be quiet, stop this, there's a lot of money here, or go get them? I would like to be out there with you, but I'm bought and paid for and can't say anything.


Carla: Well, Brannon, I will just add that I did send a letter to Kristi Noem. Governor Kristi Noem on April 17th of this year, called her office and gave her the heads up. It was coming. And I did have 22 other legislators sign on to that letter with me. Lot of good things that Governor Noem has done. You know, one of the things that we were talking about was the 30 by 30 land grab. And she took a stand with 16 other state governors signing a letter addressed to President Biden a while back with a warning against this potential overreach. But I am pointing out to her in the letter that this is that that is what is happening. And so far, we still haven't heard back from the governor. We will be having a meeting next week, Monday, May 15th, in the county of McPherson, the county seat up there. And that's where a lot of these surveyors and things are moving in. So I'm calling on other legislators around the state to meet us up there at the county courthouse at 1030. And so anybody else hearing this that is in the area, we would welcome you to come. And we just are trying to elevate this to get even national coverage like yours and have people start paying attention to this issue.


Brannon Howse: Absolutely. Is there a website you guys want to promote where you guys are getting organized?


Carla: Go ahead, Mark.


Mark: The website we have is SDpropertyrights.com. That's where we have a petition. Yeah, we have a petition there that we people can sign online that at some point we would like to deliver to our governor. And there's no data on that. We just want to simply get as many as we can.


Brannon Howse: SdPropertyrights.com. Obviously, SD stands for South Dakota. Sd property rights.com. All right. So we appreciate Governor Noem doing a few good things, but go ahead and push it through. And, you know, so she kind of needs to get off the fence, says some things. Great. But now it's time for the action. Is that what I'm hearing? Right. Okay. We're going to keep up to speed on this. And if you guys need to come back for any reason, let us know. And anyone watching in another state, need to be paying attention because this is coming to a state near them, if it hasn't already, it's coming there. So this isn't just a South Dakota thing. This is a national thing and it's very much tied to the World Economic Forum Agenda 2030 Agenda 21. Right, guys?


all: Absolutely. Absolutely.


Brannon Howse: But we do see correct me if I'm wrong, we do see some of the people tied to this project, some of the money people around the legislature and around some of the governor's people. True or false?


all: True. True.


Brannon Howse: So some of the big players in the governor's administration have been involved in some of the same organizations that are going to financially benefit from this. Co2 capturing pipeline. That's I want to be very clear. Right.


Julie: Absolutely.


Brannon Howse: So follow the money.


Julie: Mhm.


Brannon Howse: Okay. And if any of you want to put together a PowerPoint presentation of the who, what, You know, I'll have you back and we can talk about who we're talking about and what groups they're working with. It'd be great to have a PowerPoint presentation. You guys come back next week if you want. We'll go through a PowerPoint and let's just document it and make it lay it out like a court case and let the public decide.


Carla: Okay.


Brannon Howse: Sounds good. Yeah, me too. I think it sounds great. Property rights. Dot com. Property rights.com. Thank you, guys. Thank you, Margaret, for putting all this together. I want to thank all of you, Carla, Julie, Mark, and Margaret. Thank you, guys.


all: Thank you. Thank you, Brannon. Thank you.


Brannon Howse: Thank you. Look forward to talking to you guys again. Keep it up.


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