U.S. Military Tracking Social Media Posts that Make “Negative Sentiment” Against Generals

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Brannon Howse: All right. Good evening. Glad you are with us. Going to be joined tonight by Daniel Greenfield. Are we headed for a civil war or the Great divide, the great divorce? Also the United Nations, is a terrorist organization. We'll talk about that with Daniel Greenfield, along with China, Taliban, China discussing bank cooperation, the Taliban and China discussing bank banking cooperation. Then we're going to be joined by Wes Peters for a financial update on the reality that the dollarization of the American dollar is underway. Dan Bongino is one of the hosts out there like yours truly, warning about the fact that you better be getting ready and getting ready now while you can, because you could wake up one day and find out everything we have ever known is over as we knew it. And there will be no time to prepare. There will be no time to plan. There will only be if I had. Only if I had only. Don't be one of those people. Dan Bongino, out with a very stern and strong warning. I want to play you a clip. Also, John Mills, Colonel John Mills is coming in early tonight. Normally, he's on Tuesday nights. He's coming in tonight because Anthony Blinken has gone over to China and licked the boots of the CCP leader, Xi Jinping.

Brannon Howse: Blinken is licking the boots of the CCP and telling them Taiwan is all yours. Is that what he's saying? Also. He has said that this whole balloon thing, that's that's that's in the past. Let's let's not talk about that anymore. That whole balloon thing penetrating our national airspace with a spy balloon, that's old news. Let's move on now. Clearly, these people are bought and paid for, in my opinion, by the CCP, are they not? And then we'll be joined by Nicole Pearson, attorney extraordinaire out of California. I want to get an attorney from California to talk about what the state senator from California just said last week, which is if you have children. Under the age of 18. It's time for you to flee the state. This a warning you guys know we've been giving here over and over. To flee those states is too dangerous. But now a state senator and a lifelong resident born and raised in California native is saying he's leaving. And he's going to move to America. We talked about it last week, but I want to get a response from an actual attorney and parent living in California. So Nicole Pierson will check in with us tonight. Let's start out with our friend Daniel Greenfield. Dan, welcome back to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us.

Daniel Greenfield: My pleasure. Thank you.

Brannon Howse: Well, I noted that today is June 19th. So this is the, you know, part of this celebration, I guess, now. Right. That's happening. The Biden regime, do they pass some executive order talking about this day? And for those who don't know, what is it? What is it all about?

Daniel Greenfield: And they have made it a federal holiday. In theory, it's supposed to commemorate the emancipation of the slaves. But it's not the date when President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. And it's been turned into this radical, divisive, racially separatist event rather than a day for bringing the country together. And this is what Martin Luther King Day was supposed to be about. It's supposed to be about bringing Americans together. That's generally what American holidays are supposed to be. They're supposed to be for everyone rather than just something that is racially divisive for a particular group.

Brannon Howse: And so. Is June 19th about celebrating the fact that a lot of white Christian businessmen spent a lot of money and effort and family, sacrificed their kids in a great civil war. And the Civil War was fought for many reasons, not just slavery, and some would say wasn't fought about slavery at all. But people can argue and disagree on that. I think it was more about state rights, to be honest with you. I think it was more about economics and anything But are they acknowledging the white Christian businessmen that started the abolition movement? Are they acknowledging the white families that did indeed oppose slavery and were a part of the emancipation of slaves that worked for the abolition movement? Is that being acknowledged on this day by black leaders?

Daniel Greenfield: No more than that. It was Republicans that did it, and it was the Republican president who set out to free the slaves. Of course, they're not recognizing any of that, and we're not even hearing any kind of appreciation, any memorialization of the sacrifices, the great sacrifices, because, yes, there were people who were there fighting for the union there were there people who also were fighting for slavery. I mean, there were people who were fighting to free the slaves. Certainly, there were plenty of northern soldiers who were motivated by the belief that this was a Christian duty to free the slaves. Yet there's no appreciation of that, no appreciation of where America is now. But this conviction that America is still racist, we keep hearing from this. Obama recently resurfaced to claim that America is systemically racist and that there are just generations born into poverty because of the legacy of slavery. So really, their conviction is that nothing has fundamentally changed since the days of slavery. You had a Democrat congresswoman get up and describe herself in the halls of Congress as a escaped slave. So this is their idea that really there's been no liberation of slaves, that we still have slavery now.

Brannon Howse: All right. You wrote an article not too long ago last week, actually, about a great divorce, a great divide. I don't want a civil war in America. I've been warning about a civil war. I warned about it in my 8.5-hour documentary Siege that came out in December of 2019 that we were in a civil war. In fact, the whole documentary starts. The very first clip is you giving a speech saying, we are already in a civil war when when people will not accept the outcome of an election. And you have an administrative state that is involved in trying to harass those who voted for a certain president and that president, you are effectively in a civil war. You said the shooting hasn't started, but there's a civil war nonetheless. You're the opening scene of my documentary Siege, in which the subtitle has to do with globalism, the Civil War. Et cetera. Um, and you wrote an article last week about the fact that the alternative to civil war is a great divide, a great divorce. Has that great divorce or great divide? Is it already underway? And if so, how?

Daniel Greenfield: What argue is a kind of soft secession? Nobody wants a civil war. Nobody wants to split up this great nation. But we are facing unprecedented challenges. And one of those is that the left is determined to seize absolute, total power. And people are looking for various options. And this is a proposal for something that can be dealt with immediately. And it is based on what the Democrats themselves have been doing. When they began declaring the states and cities were sanctuary states where immigration law was, they would not cooperate with federal authorities when it came to enforcing immigration law. And now there are a lot of options for Republican conservative red states to follow suit and begin ending cooperation with federal authorities, whether it's the EPA, the IRS or the FBI in various areas where it is legally defensible to do so. And that is what a soft secession looks like. It's not an immediate civil war. It's not a hard conflict. What it is, is states deciding what we can do without certain parts of the federal government. We're going to limit penetration of the federal government, whether it's the Department of Education, whether it's the various environmental regulators. We're going to say that we're not going to cooperate with them. We're going to pass legislation stating that no state body can cooperate with them, no local body can cooperate with them, and that local businesses within the state will have to choose between doing business with the state and doing business with these federal authorities. And this is all based on things that the Democrats in their states have already done when it comes to immigration enforcement. So it's not breaking any new ground except the Republicans actually are doing what the Democrats are already doing, but they're doing it on potentially and a more sweeping scale. The Democrats focused largely on immigration. Republicans can focus on the environment, on education, and other areas.

Brannon Howse: So do you believe this gigantic sucking sound coming off the West Coast, being people fleeing California, Washington state, Oregon off also on some of the New England states, they're doing the same thing. Do you believe that this is already underway where there's going to be a lot of folks that are saying, look, we're now stronger in numbers, we want more, we want liberty, we want freedom, and it's time for the federal government to back off? We didn't We created the federal government, the people, the states created the federal government. It has gone outside of its legal constitutional bounds. It has rewritten the contract. We didn't agree to this contract. It breached the original contract. And we're now being enslaved by something we created that was never created to do what it's doing today. Do you think we're going to get to that moment?

Daniel Greenfield: People are certainly reconsolidating. I'm in California myself. How other people are getting out. Conservatives are moving to areas that are more conservative. People on the left are also moving to areas that are more on the left. So there is a kind of slow demographic process by which increasingly areas are consolidated one way or another. You go back to the 1960s, there were a lot of mixed areas, a lot of swing areas. There are a lot fewer of those now and think the number of those is going to be increasingly diminishing. On a purely social level, political intermarriage is rapidly on the decline. People who are getting married, younger people are saying they do not want to marry. People who have different beliefs are members of different parties. They don't want to live next to them. So there is a kind of national divorce that is slowly underway. But in the big picture the left is not going to want to cede any kind of authority. And even though they've abandoned, as you've said, really the primary function that the federal government, any government is Now the reason we have a government, the central government is, you know, its primary function is to defend the nation, to defend it against foreign enemies, to defend it against, to defend its borders, which is the most basic elementary function of a national government. This government will not even do that. It will just wave across millions of people coming across the border, which means it has no legitimate authority at all.

Brannon Howse: Let's talk about this other article you've written right here, and that is Armies Top enlisted officer Threatens anyone questioning Sexual Identity Politics. This is a brand new article out just today. Tell me about this, please, Daniel.

Daniel Greenfield: Well, the military has unfortunately doubled down on the triple down on identity politics. They've gone so far as to admit that it is the wokeness that is hurting recruitment, but they're instead of actually admitting that it's their wokeness that's hurting recruitment, they're going out and saying that it's conservatives, Republicans pointing out the wokeness that is hurting recruitment. Shoot the messenger. You caught us, shame on you. And they're threatening and intimidating veterans. They're threatening and intimidating active service members who question the whole pride month shenanigans. Meanwhile, you actually have the Army putting up flyers that say no harm done. Guess you can still join. It doesn't matter if you don't speak English. It doesn't matter if you don't have United States citizenship. We welcome you in because the obsession here is with boosting minority numbers. They want to get in people who absolutely are not fit to serve, people who are security risks. You can be a man who lives with a woman. You are welcome to serve. But if you're a white male Christian who has politically incorrect views, then you will be forced out of the military. If you're not vaccinated. In the past, they would have done everything possible to force you out. So the recruitment crisis is of their own making and they are bringing in unfit people. Meanwhile, they're threatening the people who are there to keep quiet or they themselves will be purged.

Brannon Howse: Look at this. This is coming from intercept.com. Here's the headline, Pentagon's Secret Service. I guess it's the equivalent of the Secret Service. Pentagon Secret Service trolls, social media for mean tweets about the generals. Well, I'm not on Twitter. I mean, I guess I am. I don't run my own Twitter. Someone else runs it for me. I'm not busy putting out mean tweets. I think we just put out clips to my show or whatever. I don't know. I don't have time to run social media. But if the Pentagon wants to monitor my show, oh, they'll hear me saying plenty of, quote, mean things about these morons posing as generals in the Pentagon. So listen up, guys. You're idiots. The bulk of you are absolute morons. Debased, darkened-hearted Romans one fools pushing an LGBTQ woke agenda. Cultural Marxism. Good old General Milley wanting to understand white rage and saying teaching critical race theory, i.e. Marxism, cultural Marxism to the troops is a good thing. Pushing that they got a shower with the transgenders and those in transition. I mean, it's disgusting what you guys have done, but apparently, you're so weak and you're such an effeminate group of feminized, effeminate morons. I'm surprised you're not all wearing skinny jeans up there that you now got to troll the Internet to find something that might hurt the general's feelings. You don't respond to this. I mean, this is this, again, just shows what a bunch of effeminate, effeminate, domesticated, milquetoast, yellow belly scum they are.

Daniel Greenfield: Well said. And this follows the.

Brannon Howse: Well, well said. Thank you.

Daniel Greenfield: It follows the 2020 search for extremism, which began with the stand-down order on racial intolerance. Then the search for extremists, which meant the search for conservatives. So there they've been doing this for at least three years where they are constantly looking for people with opinions that are the wrong opinions whom they can force out. So this is, again, about a larger purge of the military, which is overall the only part of the federal government that is generally the most conservative. So the left is taking it over and they're doing it through the usual political commissar tactics. They've turned members of the brass into political commissars who are constantly monitoring, indoctrinating, telling the troops what they need to believe, and going after anybody who dissents in any way. This is, you know, the Soviet Union. This is communist China. This is not America. And it is a disgrace and an outrage that needs to be stopped right now.

Brannon Howse: And what is the so-called Secret Service of the Pentagon doing their monitoring mean tweets about the generals? What are they doing? They put them on a list. So when they implement martial law, they know who to round up and throw in the gulag. I mean, what are they doing with this information is what I'd like to know. And don't you think the enemies of America kind of find it interesting that the generals and the Pentagon are so thin-skinned that they're upset with someone hurting their feelings?

Daniel Greenfield: Well, it's no different than what the Altarian countries do in the United States. Generally, we're supposed to be able to take some criticism, but this is again, about purging anybody who is in any way a dissenter. So they have their names, they put them on the list of extremists, and then they look to see whether they can fast-track them through the military justice system in order to force them into either resigning or pushing for dishonorable discharge. This is a process that's been underway for a while. There's been very little attention paid to it. And they've narrowed down they've watered down the standards for extremism so much that pretty much anything can be treated as extremism. So in this case, in the post you had up, you had the army, the top enlisted officer going out and saying that anybody who's questioning Pride Month is guilty of harassment and thus obviously subject to sanctions or discipline. In the past, even if you were a member of a church that disagree with gay marriage and you donate to it, well, you could be accused of actually engaging in extremism and again, they've set the bar very low. Any kind of disagreement on sexual identity politics in particular is considered extremism. And at that point, they can fast-track these people to a purge.

Brannon Howse: And I want to make it clear, this isn't from what I'm looking at at this in this article at The Intercept. This is not about the Pentagon monitoring the social media of military people, saying respect the command, respect you know, the rules of the military. You sign up here, you don't come on social media and you don't trash your commanding officer or the generals. You know, there's a code of conduct. That's not what I'm talking about. I think you're right, though, that people that are in the military, they're being tracked and followed so they can find some reason to bring them up on charges and boot them out. But apparently, go back to this article here. This is about. Just identifying the social media of non-military people. Average, non-military, civilian Americans are having their information gathered up and looked at to see if we could charge somebody. As it says here, they're concerned about negative sentiment, not just threats, but they're identifying negative sentiment. What does it say about our military when our military is becoming a policing force, looking for the tweets and social media of people that might be making negative sentiments? Isn't that turning your military against the American people and into a politically correct policing Gestapo?

Daniel Greenfield: It's an integrated policy with the White House, which created the Disinformation Governance Board and as part of different disinformation and extremism monitoring. Now, this is they're doing this in virtually every federal agency. The search for extremism is dovetailed with the pursuit of equity. And one is rewarding the left and elevating the left. The other is about purging and punishing conservatives. So they're doing this across the board. And all this is aimed squarely at the American people.

Brannon Howse: Well, here's the last article we can talk about. He has so many that are great. You should read them at Daniel greenfield.org. Daniel greenfield.org or front page mag.com. Here's the last one. This one just came out today as well by Daniel Greenfield. The Army needs a few good trans men of color Awoke military struggles to Meet racial quotas. Well, we already talked about how they're having a hard time meeting their quotas. But what do you mean when they say they need a few good a few good trans men of color? Are they really actively looking for non-whites that are transgender?

Daniel Greenfield: Well, I mentioned I think the last time I was on that the Air Force signed off on a quota system where it would be the number of white male military officers would be reduced to 43%. That would be the quota, which means everybody else would have to go. And this was part of the larger concept that they were doing, which is making a military that looks like America. What does a military that looks like America mean to them? It means that it has to match census data. So, for example, you've got 20% black people, 7% Asian. You need to have 20% black people and 7% Asians. In the military, you can't have too many or too few. You have a guidance, which is that it has to be within 1% of census numbers. This is not the way you win any wars or assemble any kind of military that is based on merit. It's all about race. And of course, they're not meeting recruitment statistics, or quotas because of that, because they're obsessed with only having the right percentage of everybody. And of course, you need a certain percentage of gay people or whatever it is estimated to be in the population, whatever percentage of transgender people that are estimated population, probably pedophiles, whatever percentage is estimated to be in the population until you have a military that is incapable of doing anything except serving as photo ops for Democrats, which is what they want.

Brannon Howse: In closing, do you want to mention the new book by our mutual friend Jamie Glazov? His new book, Barack Obama's True Legacy, subtitled How He Transformed America.

Daniel Greenfield: It's a very important book. General Flynn wrote the introduction. It covers the impact that Obama had in America that he's still having in America to this present day on the military, on foreign policy, on illegal migration and so much else, and the dividing Americans by race.

Brannon Howse: Yeah, absolutely. Daniel Greenfield, dot org and front page Malcolm Thank you so much, Daniel, for being with us.

Daniel Greenfield: It's always my pleasure. Thank you.

Brannon Howse: Daniel Greenfield checking in Check out his site Danielgreenfield.org.

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