U.S. Treasury Secretary Admits U.S. Dollar's Days Are Numbered. And What it Means For You

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Brannon Howse: All right. Joining me now is Rebecca Walser. Hey, Logan, do me a favor, will you? Logan. Logan, what are you giving me for Father's Day, By the way, I forgot his Father's day. What do you got planned? Oh, it's a surprise. All right. I wasn't supposed to be here till now. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I was planning on taking a little trip for the weekend, but I got cancelled. But, yeah. Anywho, I'm here. Sorry, buddy. Sorry I didn't work out for you. I'll be here, so you better plan something big. Logan. See if you can find the clip. It was in today's Worldview report. See if you can find the clip real quick of Janet Yellen talking about De-dollarization. I want to play that for Rebecca Walser real quick. All right. All right. Joining me now is Rebecca. Rebecca, welcome back to the broadcast. Thanks for joining us.

Rebecca Walser: Thanks for having me, Brannon. Glad to be here.

Brannon Howse: I appreciate you being here on a Friday night. You know, it's not easy finding guests on Friday night. Did you know that?

Rebecca Walser: That's sad. That means I have no life.

Brannon Howse: Well, I'm not I'm not implying that. I'm just I'm always thankful for my guests, but I'm very thankful for my Friday night guests because Friday night is very hard. I call people up. Hey, you want to come on? Yeah, next week. Well, what's wrong with tonight? I'm going out to dinner. I'm going on a date with my wife. I'm going on a date with my husband. I'm like.

Rebecca Walser: Uh, well, I truly was like, Friday is not my favorite, but I know I'm going to be in New York next week and wanted to definitely Come on, you know, with you this week. Well, you at least admit Friday night.

Brannon Howse: Friday is not your favorite. It's not easy being a talk show host on a Friday night. But we appreciate your being here. All right. Well, thank you. So as I was saying in my Worldview report tonight, I talked about and played a clip. Let me know when you got it, Logan. I played a clip of Janet Yellen admitting finally admitting De-dollarization is coming. We've been shouting it from the rooftop and they act like we're crazy. That's never going to happen. And here she's finally letting it out of the bag. A little predictive programming, huh?

Rebecca Walser: Exactly that. Exactly that. Yes. They've been saying the opposite message for so long that you're now going to it's going to start as a little salt, you know, like a little bit of seasoning to the to the non non-truth truth. Salt pellets are coming down and it is going to all of a sudden the floodgates will open and we will start to really see this thing come out and people will be aware, finally of what is going on. So they are starting to prepare for the truth to come out. Yes.

Brannon Howse: Wow. Well, you know, I don't know if you saw the article over at Leo homan.com. I'll run back over there real quick. Here it is from from yesterday. We had Leo on today at 1:00 talking about it. Cyber pandemic crisis coming bigger than Covid. That's what Klaus Schwab told us. He says there is breaking news today, June 15th, that several agencies of the US federal government have been hit with a cyber attack, the extent of which is not known yet. While another attack targeting the Western financial system has been dangled out there by a group of hackers said to be affiliated with Russia. And of course I had this was written yesterday, but I had Leo on today at 1:00 and he was talking about the fact that there were a lot of big companies hit today. And then tonight he says he's hearing some banks may have been hit. And reality is Klaus Schwab over there at the World Economic Forum is saying, you know, came out a year or more ago and said they're the polygon or whatever they were calling that thing that it would be make Covid look like a mild disruption. What was coming. And I was saying to my wife and and Logan last night, you know, all it's going to take is one massive cyber attack on our banking system and people are going to be, you know, freaking out because their debit cards not going to work there.

Brannon Howse: You can forget writing a check if anyone does anymore. I mean, what are you going to do if you are all into this electronic system? And by the way, they're wanting to push us all to an electronic system. How smart is that being sarcastic to push us all to central bank digital dollars and currencies with cyber hacking becoming such a huge deal? Because if you get hacked and things go down, what are you going to do? At least now most of us carry a couple hundred dollars as an emergency. I mean, I usually keep $100 bill in my pocket as an emergency. I mean, it's I mean, I heard one guy say to his children, he had adult children, grown kids. He said, don't ever let me catch you without a $100 bill folded over and tucked away in the back of your purse or wallet for an emergency. And I always try to keep one on hand because I think something happens and you need cash. You know, your card goes down and you're on. E Well, what are you going to do if the card card system doesn't work and you're empty on your with your gas, you're empty. You better have your $100 bill ready to buy some gas and get home. But we're not going to have any kind of backup system because they're doing away with cash.

Rebecca Walser: Yeah. Wow. You just said so much. But one thing that you said that I really want to hone in on, Brannon, because you're saying it as a joke, but it's actually the truth. And that is that if you think about what is the one thing, what is the one thing that could happen that would make Americans ready and willing and and basically bringing their cash to the Federal Reserve and it would be a complete cyber attack that completely disrupts our entire banking infrastructure and system and puts us down without access to money for several days. That is what probably would be the only thing that would make people willing to say this system is no longer safe. Cyber attacks are too great of a threat. We've heard it from the World Economic Forum. Nassau is basically saying talking about cyber attacks and you know, with climate change mean everything. Every department is singing from the same song page right now, which is some kind of cyber meltdown for an extended period of time. And so this is obviously we know what they do. We've, you know, for your audience is down the rabbit hole. They understand how counterintelligence operates to achieve certain social change. And and. That's what we're experiencing.

Brannon Howse: And what's interesting is I've been reading I didn't go a lot into it, but have you heard BlackRock is now telling some of their people you might want to think about investing in gold. Have you heard that? I've read that in several reports the last few days.

Rebecca Walser: You know, again, it's the same thing that I'm telling you is that we're starting to get salt kernels of truth because they're beginning to prepare us for this flood, this avalanche that's coming. You know, Brannon don't have to tell you the indictment of President Trump is you know, it's a it's a it's a ringing bell. It's a ringing bell. And now this Jack Smith is talking about potentially a second indictment, another ringing bell. This is a sea change moment that we're going through now. And people need to understand everything is as I've been trying to prepare, you know, I come on here as much as I can and and I try to lay out these kernels for people so that you can see that everything is coming forward now together to this sort of central point that we've all been moving towards. And it's happening on all fronts. It's happening on the banking front. It's happening on the economic front. It's happening on the cyber front. It's all coming together at the same time that we're ready to launch Fednow Digital Dollar mean this timing is not coincidental.

Brannon Howse: No, it's not coincidental. Let me play a quick clip here. I think I may have found something. Let's see if this is exactly what I am. Yeah. Yeah, she was. And she was giving it before Congress. Logan You found it? Yeah. Yeah, let's play with that. That's a good clip, too. Let's go with that one. Okay. Here. In the meantime, let me play this one here, Logan. This is coming off of one particular show. Let me see what she says here. This was 15 hours ago. Here we go. Listen to this tabletop exercise.

Brannon Howse: Logan has a clean one, so he's going to play that related to a tabletop exercise related to China. So we'll get that. But the fact that you have members of Congress now asking these questions, you have, again, reports of BlackRock suggesting that there are people diversify into gold. In fact, let me just see if I can say that BlackRock, but then do a search engine. Blackrock recommends gold. Because it's been on several reports and it's and it shocked several people that BlackRock would come out and and start doing that. Here we go. June 27th. Here you go. Blackrock sees three reasons why investors should consider a tactical allocation to gold. So again, that's dated June 7th, 2023. So isn't it interesting, you know, we've been criticized for promoting gold. You and I and others have done this for years, knowing that it's real money and it's you know, it's it's a great diversification. We get we get we get made fun of for talking about gold going to a cashless society, the idea of central bank digital dollars. I was visiting yesterday with a husband and wife who own a very prestigious jewelry company in the Mid South. I went to get a watch sized on my wrist and they were taking out a couple links. We started talking. I know them, they know who I am and they're conservative. They're opposed to Marxism and socialism. But one of the guys who works there started engaging me more than the others, and he started asking me different questions, which led to me talking to him about central bank digital dollars.

Brannon Howse: And I said, Well, are you aware of Fed now? I was like, What? I said, Are you aware July 1st Fed now is the central bank. Federal Reserve is opening up central bank digital dollars. I've not heard of that. This gentleman is in his 60s and some other salespeople in this small family owned store. They were listening from several feet away over at their little counters. They got up and moved closer. And and the one sales guy looked at the other one said, are you hearing what he's saying? And the lady said, Yeah, I sure am. Tell us. I said Fed now central bank's digital currency. And I've been explain the whole thing to him. And then I asked him if they were aware of the Bank for International Settlements out of Basel, Switzerland and how that all the central banks of the Western world meet for their regular global economy meetings. And this is highly orchestrated. They didn't know any of this. And I said, Guys, you are in a business where you're selling diamonds and gold, gold and silver jewelry and watches. I mean, your whole shop here is based on precious metals and people having yeah, having discretionary income, you know, and you're, you're completely unaware what I'm telling you. And they were, they were blown away by what I was telling them.

Rebecca Walser: Well, I want to just preface the BlackRock thing by saying that BlackRock has two reasons outside of the truth. Brannon To actually talk about gold. First of all, number one, all of their people that are front facing are hearing gold, gold, gold, gold. And you can only be the guy saying no gold is stupid for so long before you are crowded out. So they have to acknowledge that gold is right now and has performed 2022 one of the best asset class performances. Obviously the whole year. And so they have to acknowledge the truth because otherwise they just look, they're in denial and they look like they don't know they're talking about. The second reason that they could want to acknowledge that truth and you have to really look at the the technicality of that article is are they saying when they say tactical allocation, that is a technical term. To me that refers to a minimal allocation. In other words, it's something that you should look at potentially, but don't think it's this the end all be all solution. Don't the equity your or you know fixed income your entire portfolio for gold maybe just consider you know and then they'll put a number on it, 20% or less, something like that. So they're trying to contain the fallout of people moving to gold and they're trying to, again, pepper into the truth and get into the parlance. Yeah, I heard gold is good, but maybe only up to 20% so that people really won't get out of equities and fixed income.

Brannon Howse: All right. So tell me, what do you think the Fed is going to do when it comes to interest rates?

Rebecca Walser: So we obviously had the FOMC meeting the 13th and 14th this week and we got a pause. And so our our Fed funds rate is five to 5 to 5. And what is really interesting is the Fed was unilaterally pretty hawkish except for Daly and Chicago. So which is now um uh Goolsbee just can't you know him being the the Fed head at in Chicago is still new to me. But anyways so basically Brannon, what they've said is they still see two more hikes potentially this year. Um, and certainly as fast as July we could get another 25 basis points. And that's shocking because what people don't understand is that's never happened before. Never. We have never had obviously we've never had ten consecutive hikes this quickly, but then followed by a pause, which is let's hold for this meeting. But then we still see so much turmoil in the future in the next six months that we still think will be raising next month and again, potentially one more time before the year is over and into 2024. So this was a very surprisingly hawkish Fed. And I think that the tea leaves are indicating that are surprisingly hawkish because they're using the last crumbs they have of economic viability to raise and to make the case for raising before they really start to see, you know, the economic demise that we're expecting.

Brannon Howse: Wow. Well, here's a headline that you might find interesting. You may have already seen it over at ZeroHedge. Jared Dethrone King Dollar Bernstein confirmed his top Biden econ advisor comma semi comma. Yellen warns De-dollarization effort will grow. It has a quote in here by Mr. Bernstein, who says Mr. Bernstein is actually quoting Senator Joe Manchin, Democrat from West Virginia. He says Mr. Bernstein's economic philosophy is problematic, as he has shown a willingness to disregard the need for all of the above energy policies and necessary federal budget cuts to alleviate the skyrocketing cost of living for working families. Manchin Explain this statement. I do not vote for Mr. Bernstein because we must protect America's economic stability and energy security from radical policies such as the New Green Deal. Then Republicans lined up to oppose Bernstein ahead of the vote, with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, arguing he was he was a political choice to serve as chair. The CEO is designed to produce objective, empirical economic analysis with the rarest of exceptions. It's been led by a seasoned economist with a PhD in the field. The streak would end with Mr. Bernstein, McConnell said on the Senate floor. The nominee, the nominee the Senate will consider this week can more accurately claim expertise in partisan warfare than economics in quote. But then, as we keep on going, here's what Bernstein himself has written. Quote, There are few truisms about the world economy, but for decades, one has been the role of the United States dollar as the world reserve currency, its core principle of American economic policy. After all, who wouldn't want their currency to be one that foreign banks and governments want to hold in reserve? But new research reveals that what was once a privilege is now a burden undermining job growth, pumping up budget and trade deficits, inflating financial bubbles to get the American economy on track, the government needs to drop its commitment to maintaining the dollar's reserve currency status. The privilege of having a world reserve currency is one America can no longer afford, end quote. Wow. Rebecca.

Rebecca Walser: Yeah, and he wrote that in 2014. So he has been public about getting rid of the dollar as the world reserve standard for almost, you know, a long time. And this is interesting because this is not a turn. I actually expected Brannon I expected more the administration to go the way of we need to maintain the dollar and we're going to get the Fed to maintain the dollar. And that's why we're going to make sure the dollar is strong, strong, strong. And we've had ten races. We're going to keep going. And because we have to maintain the strength of the dollar for the world's reserve currency, this is a swing in the opposite direction, which is interesting because what it would almost say, like, I can see this step, but not for three more years, you get people on their first central bank digital currency at home, and then you say all of those things that Bernstein's been saying, Oh, you know, it creates asset bubbles. Oh, it's too much pressure on this financial system to maintain the reserves of other outside bank systems with the exchange rates. You know, it is true what he's saying is economically viable and true. We do have a lot of issues with the fact that a lot of banks, foreign banks hold our currency as their reserve and they hate us because when we have a strong dollar, their currency is weakening and they can buy less in dollars. So we do have foreign exchange issues. That's viably true. But the bottom line is this is almost like a leap from, hey, we need to maintain the strength of the dollar to forget the dollar. Let's move to some kind of world currency, which is I did not think would be any kind. And I don't think that's actually what will end up happening here. Just this one guy don't think he'll even get through. But the fact is that the choice is telling. The philosophical choice is telling. It's very interesting.

Brannon Howse: It shows you the agenda of the Biden administration. Those are those around Biden who are really running the show. And it's certainly not America first.

Rebecca Walser: No, not. Of course not.

Brannon Howse: Absolutely not. Let's go to this clip by Yellen. Logan found it for us. Play that, please. Logan.

interviewer (in video): Get a tabletop exercise. And in response to sanctions against a Chinese scenario where there would be an invasion of Taiwan, the scenario was that China, the second largest foreign creditor of US treasuries, would dump that $859 Billion in Treasury Securities. How are you working with our allies internationally and also the Federal Reserve to deal with a situation where China would dump that volume of Treasury securities overnight?

Janet Yellen (in video): So we are not engaging in specific exercises to address such a risk. But the United the United States, the National Security Council, is certainly concerned on an ongoing basis.

interviewer (in video): Madam Secretary, I would encourage Treasury to make preparations and be ready for that scenario and work.

Brannon Howse: You know, whenever I watch her testify, she you know, I don't know the lady, All right. And she seems like a nice enough person. You know, she seems like a very nice person just watching her testify. But I never have a lot of confidence when I watch her. She doesn't exude the confidence of someone that you would want at the Treasury Department, does she? She always seems shocked at the questions that come at her like, whoa, you know, I've seen her asked about all kinds of stuff, and it's always like, you know like she wasn't expecting that, too. Am I the only one?

Rebecca Walser: One that she's always holding the pen to the holding the pen or the paper? And it's always.

Brannon Howse: Am I the only one that feels this way, Rebecca?

Brannon Howse: She always seems kind of shocked at the question.

Rebecca Walser: No, it's always like kind of deer in the headlights looking kind of like, you know, and you're like, were you not prepared for these kinds of questions? Yeah, it's really interesting that a congressman would question, you know, the treasury of the secretary of the Treasury and say have you consulted with other foreign allies as to what would be the preparation to deal with a dollar dump with China being the second largest holder behind Japan of US dollar You know, and haven't had those discussions is the answer when we have multiple, you know, aircraft and watercraft surrounding Taiwan from China for the last several months. I mean it just does not make sense at all. And so it shows that, you know, that these are things that they expect to happen and that they're they're preparing for it to happen and to leverage them towards their ends, which, again, we know right now is to move us to digital IDs and central bank digital currency and fed now digital dollar.

Brannon Howse: Yeah, absolutely. Well, okay, Let me ask you these couple of final questions before I let you go. And that would be related to Saudi Arabia. Look at this headline. Saudi Arabia and China are part of a multi-polar world order and their mutual interests are strong and rising. Minister says this is a June 13th article. Saudi Arabia and China meeting. We have Saudi Arabia and Russia meeting. We have Saudi Arabia and Israel meeting, and Saudi Arabia is getting courted by a lot of people. And of course, Saudi Arabia can help control OPEC and Saudi Arabia if they line up strongly with China and Russia and the BRIC's banking system. Well, we can pretty well count on the fact that De-dollarization is going to happen fast and there will be no US world reserve Petro dollar, Correct.

Rebecca Walser: That is the summary in a nutshell. That's exactly it, Brannon. I mean, this is what I have honed in on Saudi Arabia from the beginning, from the jump. I explained, you know, to the audience at the very, very, very beginning, the Henry Kissinger in 1974, basically creating that agreement and backing and creating black, black gold you know, oil as our quasi hard asset reserve, backing up the strength of the US dollar because OPEC plus, which is the 13 OPEC nations, plus Russia, had agreed that all crude sales would go through US dollars internationally since 1974. That was broken in 2022. Opec Plus was broken when Russia obviously stopped selling its energy and dollars. And now what we have is the verge of, you know, OPEC itself. You know, and this is not unprecedented, but what is unprecedented is happening without a war breaking out. So we have two incidences of actually three. But I'll just talk about the most recent two. We have two incidents of international situations that occurred immediately after the leader of that nation talked about selling crude outside of US dollars. Of course, that is Saddam Hussein and Iraq and Gaddafi in Libya had put together a consortium of African nations that agreed and were agreeing to start to sell crude outside of US dollar. And then, you know, what happened in Libya with the Arab Spring. So. I have yet to see a nation start to sell oil outside of the US dollar without their immediate war. But we'll see. We'll see what happens because this is a different engine. This is an economic war of what we're selling are our crude in that we're deciding at the OPEC level this is not a country level thing. So this is the game changer. And Saudi Arabia has always been the linchpin for the energy of the world, viably its location in the Middle East. It's obviously reserves and then, of course, its control over all of those other nations that are a part of its bloc.

Brannon Howse: How concerned are you, Rebecca, with people's pensions? I'm I'm looking at an article from Bloomberg back in January of this year investing novices are calling for shots for 4 trillion at US pensions. Public employee plans are underfunded, chasing higher returns and underperforming international peers overseen by professionals. I mean, you talk about the state pension funds of like Illinois, which that state's in big, big trouble. A lot of these states are in big, big trouble. You know, they're not like Texas and Florida and Tennessee, where we have no state income tax. I mean, they got a stiff income tax in some of these states and they still can't manage to come up with enough money and they're massively in debt. Again, this is the difference between those who are running progressive socialist economic policies versus Tennessee and Florida, and Texas. Not that those states are perfect, but it's a whole different situation. What is your concern for people like government pensions, whether federal or state pensions? I think a lot of these people who are counting on those, they're going to be in for a real painful shock in the future. Let's say you.

Rebecca Walser: Huh? Gosh. This is. This is so sad, you know? It makes me want to cry. Really? Because people don't deserve to be promised something that could have been delivered. Right. Could have been delivered had things have been professionally actually appropriately run and not used and funds moved from one. And I'm, you know, mixing federal stuff with state stuff. But obviously, we know California and Illinois, two states that you know if you have a state pension and CalPERS, I just pray that, you know, we are going to have an economic reset. And what we are going to have to count on in this economic reset is that the people that have absconded and the corporations that have gotten unnaturally wealthy through perversions of the economic tax system and legal code, which that's all, you know, in the works right now in litigation. We have so much going on. I can't even I can't even put it all into one. It's so much. So what I say to those people is, no, this is a problem. These states are technically insolvent and they don't have insolvent from the perspective of the amount they have in assets, it's not what they have promised out in liabilities so insolvent from the fact that they have over-promised and they do not have the assets to meet those liabilities. And yet what you hear from these people is, well, the federal government is going to step in. The federal, federal, federal you know, California is one of the seventh largest economies in the world. The fact that you think that there is a federal government that can come along and bail out something that size, you know, this is where the buck has to end and the snowball can't get any bigger. The federal government can't save every state, can't save every Social Security check, can't save every person's Medicare, can't save the VA, can't save Social Security, can't save everybody. Everything. It's time for us to wake up and realize this, realize the change is coming, and we're going to be part of that change for the better because our government cannot fix this problem.

Brannon Howse: No, they can't. All right. Final point. Here's the headline. Yahoo Finance. Commercial real estate troubles are so pronounced that Goldman Sachs CEO says even a soft landing won't prevent pain. Then I go to this article from the Epoch Times. Regional Banks Scramble to Unload Commercial Real Estate Loans Fearing New Crisis. This is an article out today. So is there going to be another shoe to drop? We, of course, had interest rates pop up that hurt some of the banks, which we then saw bank runs, and those banks had to fold and be taken over. How many regional banks or big banks or medium sized banks, how many of them can withstand a commercial real estate collapse? I go by buildings in the mid-South where our economy is still pretty strong. I'm sure your economy where you live in Florida. You're in Florida, right?

Brannon Howse: Your economy is strong in Florida, but I go by buildings here in the mid-south. There are humongous and the parking lots are empty. I just pointed out one the other day to my wife. I said every time we go by that building, I feel sorry for somebody. I don't know who to feel sorry for, but that's a gorgeous building, you know, six, six stories, seven stories tall, beautiful building right off the interstate. And several years ago, a few years ago, these parking lots were full. And this building is sitting there empty. No cars in the parking lot because everybody, you know, got the idea of working from home from Covid. Now they don't want to go back. Now, I actually hear some people saying if going back to the office means if you're going to force that on me, I don't want the job, I quit. Do you know? So companies are having to adjust with the new mentality, which is I'm working from home, I want to work in my sweats and I want to have my dog at my feet and be able to stop and run an errand or get my kid from school or whatever. I don't blame them. But how many of these I mean, Delta's at my feet. How many of these commercial banks can handle the collapse in the commercial real estate market before it impacts us as depositors?

Rebecca Walser: You know, Brannon, it's interesting because I was just reviewing 2022 economic analysis about 2023, and in June of 2022, pretty much economic consensus universally and certainly with the banks and Bank of America specifically, was that we were going to see the second half of 2023, the economic crisis began. The economic pain began. And the reason the analysis comes out that way is just because liquidity is going to be dry. And this is where we're at. You know, we have a unique symbiotic relationship between commercial real estate and regional banks. That is their main go to because they understand the local environment, they understand the local rental rates, they understand all of the net, triple net lease, and all of the things that go into commercial leases. The regional banks handle very well because they're localized. And so this is going to especially hit the regional banks hard. However, don't want people to think that this makes sense to take all of your money from the regional banks and go to the big banks. How much sense does that make if we have some kind of crisis, should we be at only six national banks, 330 million people at only six banks? Do the math. If there's some kind of crisis, how long do you think it's going to take you to get to talk to somebody If 50 million people are trying to talk to that bank, how many employees would a bank have to have to deal with the crisis for 50 million people? So that doesn't make sense either. We are having massive headwinds and they have been able to keep things afloat. You know, they've been able to do a lot of things, emergency other emergency measures as we've been using since the debt ceiling before the debt ceiling was resolved. Not legally, I don't think, by the way, you know, you just can't suspend the debt ceiling beyond the next election. I just have it's just you can't write this year. If you look back and read all the things that happened, you wouldn't believe it's happening. You wouldn't believe the truth.

Brannon Howse: I got one to add to it. I thought I was going to let you go, and I will. But I got one to add to it because I did some searching there real quick. Here we go. Here's a headline. Reuters US Energy Department gets Two Ransom Notices as Moovit Hack Claims More Victims. This is out tonight. The US Department of Energy got ransom requests from the Russia-linked extortion group Psyop, Psyop, or whatever it's supposed to be at both its nuclear waste facility and scientific education facility that was recently hit in a global hacking campaign, a spokesperson said Friday. The Department of Energy contractor at Oak Ridge, I think that's us. Tennessee Associated University at the Waste Isolation Plant, the New Mexico-based facility for disposal-related radioactivity, nuclear waste was hit in the attack, which was first reported on Thursday. It goes on down from there, and talks about more. But look what it says here. Uh, the US Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency said Thursday that several federal agencies have been hit by this. But look at this. Analysts say more victims are likely to merge in the coming weeks. So this is clearly going to be something that looks to be ongoing. Some are saying it is Russia, you know, paying us back for the CIA or whoever did it, tacking Nord Stream two. We're at war with Russia. We're in World War three. They've hacked into our power grid. Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, the late CIA analyst, said at this desk, sadly passed away in August. He said at this very desk and said, Hey, look, when China and Russia are hacking your power grid, that's an act of war, or at least it should be.

Brannon Howse: We're already in World War Three. It's just not kinetic yet. It's the new way of warfare cyber hacking, EMP, biological weapons, economic warfare. Well, now we're in a proxy war with Russia through Ukraine. We're sending over, by the way, tonight on my Worldview report we're sending over there these shells that can pierce armor that is radioactive. Okay. And so when you hit them, it creates and they hit those tanks at the force. They are in a small area. They do a lot of damage. And so they're sending these radioactive projectiles over there. To be used with our tanks and we're sending them to them, right? Well, they then put. Radioactive dust in the air, which, as Leo and I talked about on the radio today. Settles into the soil. This is over in Ukraine, which is supposed to be the breadbasket for Europe. And now you're polluting your soil for decades to come. But we're at war with Russia now. Some are saying Russia is doing this. Well, if you go back and watch my documentary Siege which came out in December of 2019, we warned about North Korea and China, and Russia and their very advanced cyber hacking programs to go after our critical infrastructure like our water treatment plants. Now we hear they're going after some or possibly some of our nuclear facilities in the east part of Tennessee. So this this is yet to hit the banking system. But I would not be shocked if you're not back here in the next 14 days and we're talking about them hitting banking or the markets.

Rebecca Walser: But I would just say Brannon is just be cautious every time they blame Russia first. And the reason I say that and I don't disagree that we are in an irregular war with Russia's proxy through Ukraine. I wish we weren't because I disagree with the whole premise, but I agree that our country is and whatever. So, um. But what I'm trying to say is I can see. You see all these patterns now, right? You know, all these patterns now so we can see that we can get a hack or, you know, it's a false flag, right? This is what it's called. We hack ourselves and then we blame Russia so that we can go. And now really nuclear bomb. Russia and the American people will be behind us because the American people haven't been behind that. The American people are not behind America, just outright going to war against Russia. So they need something to get the American people to get on that page. And that is, you know, the whole thing. Anytime I hear Russia think of Trump saying Russia, Russia, Russia, so only not try. It's trying to try. And China. I know, but I'm just saying that's what think and think. Okay. I don't know. Is this true? So let's just really be sure that it's actually Russia or if this is not just our well.

Brannon Howse: Let's make sure it's not.

Brannon Howse: Just make sure it's not our CIA doing it to get us into a war which RFK Jr has been coming out, again and again, saying, look, these clowns were involved in my dog. The dog. Have you heard what he said about Joe Rogan this week?

Rebecca Walser: Oh, absolutely. That he is very aware of the threat to his his his being alive. Yeah. Mean. Yeah.

Rebecca Walser: Are aware they're aware of why did Joe Biden not allow the declassification of JFK material again.

Rebecca Walser: Right now why are we still classifying JFK?

Rebecca Walser: Information if the government has nothing to hide, wake up.

Brannon Howse: Because the government is a CIA.

Brannon Howse: The CIA was involved in the murder of a sitting president as RFK Jr came out again and said this week, he said it several times he was going to break him into a thousand pieces, throw him to the wind. The CIA had had had done things over there in Cuba with Cubans who were going over there to try to take back Cuba. They wanted the military involved. We had Operation North Winds, where the military and the intelligence community wanted to carry out terrorist attacks in the United States of America, kill innocent Americans, and blame it on Cuba so the CIA could go to war. And RFK Jr is right. The CIA is constantly stirring up wars so the military-industrial complex can make money, which is what Eisenhower warned about in his great military industrial complex speech as he left the White House and handed it over to JFK. Jfk would not go along with this and they murdered him.

Rebecca Walser: I love your summary. I agree with everything. Yes. Mean. Absolutely. It's so so much that has come out now like you know you can't even say that this is a tin foil hat conspiracy theory. There's many documents of government that have been released that are public that establish these facts.

Brannon Howse: One of the biggest criminals.

Brannon Howse: Organizations and terrorist organizations on the planet is the federal government. I'm sorry.

Brannon Howse: I know it doesn't make me happy to say that as a.

Brannon Howse: As a patriotic American. It does make me happy to say that. But that's not because we are bad people. It's because we let bad people take over the federal government.

Rebecca Walser: Yeah, you're 100% right. And we we let it happen and we got too distracted by things that are just not important and won't matter at the end of life won't matter at all. And we can never let that happen again. When we get this country back when things get back to what they should be, you know, right is right and wrong is wrong. Good is good and bad is bad and evil is evil. And we are ever going to call evil good. That is what this is all about. This has been a long slog to push us, to push our morals, to push our moral compass to a level that we are okay with people that are dressed in inappropriate sexual conduct. Going to speak to our two, three, and four-year-old children and it's just not. Wake. What kind of perverse world do you think I'm going to accept that in? No, absolutely. Over my dead body.

Brannon Howse: And the people that are defending it and promoting it are making these national security and economic decisions. And the head of the Space Force came out today and talked about how the LGBTQ agenda is good for the military.

Rebecca Walser: Again, as you just stated, the worst enemy that we have right now is, and want to say it's the military, but certainly the leadership of the military that I think has been hijacked. And, you know, our federal, you know, administration, which has been also hijacked, all of it's been hijacked. And, you know, I'm frankly, as a lawyer who believes in the Constitution, just ready for some kind of intervention that restores the republic that I know we have.

Brannon Howse: I'm talking to Daniel Greenfield on Monday night. Maybe it's time for the great divorce and for us to realize the federal government didn't create us. We created the federal government. They've breached their contract. And it's time for the states to tell DC to, you know, pound sand. There's a great divorce coming. We're not going to do this anymore. You're right. All right.

Rebecca Walser: Absolute federalism. Federalism. Say it with me. Absolutely.

Rebecca Walser: Everyone thinks that federalism means we're for the federal government. No, it's the opposite.

Rebecca Walser: It's to control.

Rebecca Walser: The federal government. It's all about states rights. Absolutely. Take it back.

Brannon Howse: The glorious 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution. Absolutely agree. Throw her website up there, folks. Well, Walser wealth.com. There it is Walser wealth.com walls are wealth.com She'll also be a keynote speaker live in person in the middle of October at the beautiful lake of the Ozarks along with Mike Lindell General Michael Flynn Rebecca Walser Doctor Peter McCullough, and Patrick Wood. Andy Woods. Alex Newman, Todd Bensman. What a lineup. All the details. And it's selling out fast. We've sold out the last two years. It'll sell out this year. W VW TV Store.com her website Walser wealth.com. Thank you, Rebecca.

Rebecca Walser: Thank you, Brannon. Have a great weekend. Happy Father's Day.

Brannon Howse: Thank you. Same to you and your family.

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