Voters Are Exiting Progressive Democrat-Run States Like California, Oregon And Washington In Droves

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  • We have a new report with breaking news on the threat of nuclear war. Exactly what cities would be the most likely to suffer the most if the U.S. and Russia continue on their current fast-track to World War III?
  • We also have a special report tonight on the changing demographics of America. Voters are exiting progressive Democrat-run states like California, Oregon and Washington in droves. We’ll show you where they are going and how they are voting.
  • Joe Biden’s Department of Energy is being investigated for unleashing an alleged scam that preyed on the elderly as part of its green new deal political agenda. We’ve got the details.
  • And there’s a new trend in food labeling that you may not be aware of involving bioengineered food. We’ll bring you up to date and show you what to look for.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

We lead off tonight with the growing threat of nuclear war and how it might impact the United States.

This is a topic the mainstream corporate media in the U.S. really doesn’t want to talk too much about.

But the Daily Mail, based in the United Kingdom, decided to take a look at how various U.S. cities would fare during a nuclear exchange with the Russians and Chinese, writing:

“With a deadly conflict in the Middle East, Russia still waging its invasion of Ukraine and China on the brink of invading Taiwan, the world has arguably not been this close to war in a century. But while Americans are on the other side of the globe, the U.S. would not be safe from a nuclear war, experts warn.”

The news outlet notes that Russia has an arsenal of more than 5,900 warheads capable of reaching the U.S. in about 30 minutes. At the same time, China has a stockpile of more than 500 aimed at the nation's west coast.

Daily Mail cited financial experts who believe 15 cities would be high-priority targets if a foreign adversary decided to launch a nuclear campaign against America.

These spots are likely targets because of population density, air distance to a strategic military facility, emergency preparedness, and ease of evacuation.


The nation's capital ranked as the most highly valued target due to being America's defense hub, followed by the largest metropolitan area, New York, according to an analysis conducted by 24/7 Wall Street, an independent financial news source.

The group conducted the report using research from Dr. Irwin Redlener, a professor at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health.

Redlener previously identified six economic regions that are potential targets of enemy nukes. 

These spots were combined with 15 strategic military targets determined by Stephen Schwartz, who is part of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists and co-authored “The Costs and Consequences of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Since 1940.”

Schwartz's targets include military command centers, bases that contain ICBM silos, as well as Air Force and submarine bases.


Zero Hedge, citing a recent article by Danny Westneat in the Seattle Times, reports that America is “witnessing a seismic shift in its demographic landscape.”

The article looks at migration patterns out of California and into Idaho.

You might call it the Great Escape.

Data from Idaho reveals an unprecedented trend: people are migrating to the state not just for jobs, schools, or lifestyle, but for political reasons. People are voting with their feet, and reshaping America’s political landscape in the process.

According to Idaho's voter database, approximately 119,000 voters have moved to Idaho in recent years, with a staggering 65% of them registering as Republicans—a figure that bolsters the state's already GOP-leaning demographic of 58%.

The data also suggests that the narrative of liberals, untethered by remote work, turning red states purple, is largely a myth. Instead, a “Republican fever dream,” as the Idaho Capital Sun called it, is taking shape.

According to the data, among all Idaho voters who moved there from out of state:

  • Over 77,000, or 65%, are registered Republicans.
  • Just under 25,000, or 21%, are unaffiliated.
  • 14,711, or just 12%, are registered Democrats.
  • And 1,949, or 2%, are a member of a third party, such as the Constitution Party or Libertarian Party.

Zero Hedge notes that this political realignment has become known as the “big sort,” where Americans are showing that as the times become more uncertain and the politics more divisive, they prefer more and more to live among like-minded neighbors.

For states like Washington, Oregon, and California, this exodus of Republican voters is more than a demographic shift—it's a political hemorrhage. According to the report, 75% of California expats in Idaho are registering as Republicans. This movement intensifies the political polarization, with red states becoming redder and blue states bluer.


Among the horrific consequences of living in a Marxist/progressive stronghold like California, Washington or Oregon, is the increase in violent crime sweeping those states.

With prosecutors in most of the major cities of these states being funded by George Soros and other anti-American billionaires, it’s becoming increasingly dangerous to live in places like LA, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle. The risk to life, limb and property simply becomes oppressive after a few years with anti-law enforcement police chiefs and prosecutors calling the shots.

Take a look at the latest example of this in Seattle.



Another state that has fallen to the Marxists is Illinois. And its largest city, Chicago, is a sanctuary city with a Soros-funded prosecutor that offers its residents a full slate of horrific living conditions marked by rising homelessness, all kinds of freebies for illegal aliens, and of course strict gun control that makes it impossible for the law-abiding to protect themselves in the face of out-of-control violent crime.

Ben Bergquam of Real America’s Voice recently filed a report from Chicago’s 20 police precinct.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 3:34)

That’s Chicago, Illinois, folks. Doesn’t that look like a lovely place to live?


An investigation has been launched into the U.S. Department of Energy after Joe Biden’s administration was found to have sent billions of dollars in taxpayers’ money to a fraudulent solar company.

Slay News reports that Biden’s Energy Department, headed up by the corrupt Jennifer Granholm, recently gave a $3 billion award to a solar-energy company that has been accused of scamming vulnerable customers.

Republican leaders in the House and Senate are probing the DOE over the move.

The investigations are being led by House Energy and Commerce Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Senate Energy and Natural Resources Ranking Member John Barrasso (R-WY).

In a letter to DOE Loan Programs Office Director Jigar Shah, the Republicans expressed serious concern about rewarding the corrupt Houston-based Sunnova Energy Corporation.

Rodgers and Barrasso cited reports highlighting how Sunnova has previously been caught scamming and misleading consumers.

They wrote in the letter to Shah:

“We are alarmed about recent, credible reports that Sunnova has racked up numerous consumer complaints, including those alleging troubling sales practices, such as Sunnova pressing elderly homeowners in poor health to sign long-term contracts costing tens of thousands of dollars.”

The letter goes on to state that:

“These reports cite interviews with individuals who struggled to deal with large contracts that their elderly parents signed shortly before passing away as well as state consumer complaints alleging maintenance delays and predatory sales strategies.”

In late September, the DOE Loan Programs Office announced that it had closed on a $3 billion partial loan guarantee to Sunnova’s Project Hestia.

The funding was earmarked to provide solar and battery storage to low-income individuals.

The grants were awarded under Joe Biden’s sweeping green agenda.

The agreement marked the federal government’s largest commitment ever made to solar power.

The announcement stated that the project will provide loans for clean energy systems for approximately 75,000 to 115,000 homeowners throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico. It now appears that this federal program amounted to free money, compliments of U.S. taxpayers, to a company running a scam on America’s most elderly and most vulnerable citizens.


Joe Doran at The Trends Journal reports on a new trend in food labeling that you may have noticed at your local grocery store.

There’s been a major increase in tiny labeling after the ingredient list on food products that says “This Food Contains Bioengineered Ingredients.”

FDA labeling laws updated in 2022 have created more standardized requirements for labeling of Genetically Modified Organisms, or GMOs, and Genetically Edited foods, also called GE foods.


Via the Federal Register, the government also puts out a periodic update of foods which product makers must provide that “bioengineered” tag for, unless they can certify that they are sourcing from non-bioengineered alternatives.

On November 29th, the Federal Register released the latest list of 33 foods that are now commonly bioengineered.

The list includes some of the most basic ingredients that make up thousands of different food items Americans consume every day.

Though most have accepted that they consume at least some bioengineered foods, many still worry about the safety of these foods.

And they may have good reason, Doran reports.

He writes:

“The fact is, there are few rigorous long-term studies, especially involving humans, regarding bioengineered foods, particularly ones altered by newer sophisticated gene editing techniques. And one of the largest comparative studies ever done on the subject concluded that there are significant health risks to bioengineered foods, and that despite assurances from the government and food industry, actual proof of their safety is lacking.”

It adds up to a familiar story, that of influential Big Business (in this case, Big Agriculture) and the federal government working hand in hand to put profits and ideological goals first, while pretending products have met safety standards that amount to fake science.

This represents another example of how technocrats are propagandizing and normalizing synthetic replacements for natural alternatives, which almost always translate into higher corporate profits and more government control.

The regulations contain the list of commonly bioengineered foods, which includes, among others, alfalfa, apples, canola, corn, cotton, eggplant, papaya, pineapple (pink flesh varieties), potatoes, salmon, soybean, summer squash, and sugar beets.

XXX reports that Bank of America is now closing accounts without warning, according to several customer reports.

A Bank of America customer who happens to be a TikTok influencer has claimed that her account has been closed without so much as a phone call, letter or email giving notification. This is apparently part of a trend.

The influencer said she received a notice about a credit warning before it completely disappeared.

In a TikTok video shared last month, she revealed that she had two checking accounts with Bank of America.

The bank user said she was transferring money between the two accounts ahead of paying bills.

However, when she logged onto her account, she claimed a notice told her she had been overcharged and was due to receive $29 in credit.

“I went through my transactions but I couldn’t see where they had overpaid me. I didn’t say anything. This is just an extra $29 that I have in my account,” she said.

Days later, she checked the account and noticed that it had been closed.

The mystified customer claimed a Bank of America staffer couldn’t explain why the account had been shut down.

There wasn’t a note in the Bank of America system regarding the account closure, the TikToker claimed.

She claimed she was glad that she didn’t have payroll going into the bank account.

She also claimed representatives at the banking giant said she could open another account – a response that left the TikToker perplexed.

She stated: “I found it very strange that they closed one of my accounts. So, now I’ve got to keep an eye on the other account. I just took the money out of it so there’s nothing in there.”

The FrankNez article goes on to document several other TikTok influencers who have posted content about having their bank accounts shut down without warning.


Following the six-nation expansion effort enacted at the BRICS Nations’ 2023 annual summit, the bloc has announced that 20 new countries have formally applied to join the alliance in 2024 and another 20 nations have “expressed interest.”

This was confirmed by BRICS Ambassador Anil Sooklal, who stated:

“This is an affirmation that BRICS is playing an important role in championing emerging and developing economies. There are a large number of interested parties and these will be dealt with by the respective foreign ministers.”

The overall goal of BRICS is to bring about the de-dollarization of the world, which if successful will be devastating for the debt-ridden U.S. economy.

This year, BRICS invited Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Ethiopia, Argentina, and Iran.

Argentina announced its rejection of the invitation following the election of Javier Milei as its new president. Nigeria and Pakistan are among 20 other countries seeking to take their place in the coming year’s expansion announcement.

Other than Nigeria and Pakistan, which have been very vocal about their desire to join BRICS, the rest of the 20 countries remain a secret, but those likely to be involved include Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Cuba, Ecuador, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Sudan, Venezuela, Uruguay, and Thailand.


Tech billionaire and X boss Elon Musk has restored Alex Jones’ social media account on the platform.

As of early Sunday morning, Jones’ account @RealAlexJones has been reinstated.


Musk, responding to a poll he posted asking users if Jones should return, stated “The people have spoken, and so it shall be.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

We have been warning about the death of the petrodollar for many months, and while the movement in that direction has been very slow, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t happening.

There have been some developments that perhaps keep the normies of the world fast asleep and unaware of where we are heading economically.

Take, for example, the U.S. stock market, which has continued on an upward trend for much of this past year.

The price of gold spiked upward for a brief few days, then ticked back down.

But don’t be fooled. The U.S. dollar is still doomed.

And a huge news story basically ignored by the corporate media and little noticed even by the conservative media took place at the end of November.

Wall Street seemed not even to notice.

A major global oil producer, the United Arab Emirates, abruptly stopped selling its oil in U.S. dollars and is joining forces with the BRICS nations, of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The move by the UAE comes on the heels of Saudi Arabia announcing similar plans to ultimately ditch the dollar. The BRICS now controls most of the world's nuclear arsenals, oil, precious metals, diamonds and rare-earth minerals. It's time to wake up, folks, and take note of what’s happening. This transition to local currencies being used in global transactions will bring down the fiat currency known as the petrodollar and usher in a new global order. This is likely the reason why the U.S. and NATO are reacting so aggressively to put down Putin because in order to preserve what’s left of the post-World War II liberal rules-based order, led by the United States, it’s paramount that the U.S. separate Russia from the other global power backing BRICS, which is China.

As long as China and Russia are allied, there is no future for U.S. hegemony in global affairs. The days of browbeating and blackmailing the leaders of nations around the world will be over for the U.S. and its foreign policy would actually be forced to treat foreign heads of state as equals, rather than vassals. That would mean the end of the U.S. military-industrial complex, which would also bring an end to the endless wars the U.S. military has been forced to fight since the end of World War II.

So, while it will come with much economic pain, perhaps there will be a silver lining down the road.

Of course, the globalists will be seeking to exploit the downfall of American military power for their nefarious purposes. They will attempt to use the pain and suffering brought on by World War III, which may be fought with cyber attacks and/or EMPs as much as tanks and missile, to further their agenda of transhumanism and digitization of everything and everyone.

But once wars break out and chaos ensues, it’s also possible that the globalists could lose control as people wake up. Now is the time to be preparing to ride out the storm, so we can survive what’s coming and try to rebuild on the other side.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and for supporting this viewer supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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