Wagner Group Leader Reportedly Dead In Plane Crash

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  • The leader of the failed uprising in Russia was aboard a small plane that crashed and burned northwest of Moscow on Wednesday, as questions swirl about what caused the crash.
  • A US-made military speedboat with Ukrainian soldiers on board gets destroyed by Russian missiles in the Black Sea.
  • Some of the biggest names in the U.S. fast-food industry announce plans to go all digital, refusing to take cash payments. We’ll identify them.
  • Senator Rand Paul delivers a stinging rebuke to the corporate mass media as it ramps up another round of Covid fear porn.
  • The South Carolina Supreme Court has upheld the pro-life heartbeat bill, ruling that it does not violate the state constitution.
  • And House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is talking tough about possibly starting impeachment proceedings against Joe Biden.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

In a stunning development, the leader of the Russian mercenary organization Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, was among passengers on a plane that crashed northwest of Moscow on Wednesday, according to Russian state media.

The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry told TASS News and RIA Novosti that 10 people were on board the private plane. All apparently died in the crash in Tver Oblast and the plane was allegedly carrying Mr. Prigozhin. Photos of the crash showed what appeared to be the wreckage of a plane on fire in a field. Eight bodies were immediately recovered.

Reports claimed that the crash occurred on a flight from Moscow to St. Petersburg.



Russia's Federal Air Transport Agency also told state media:

“An investigation has been launched into the crash of the Embraer aircraft, which occurred tonight in the Tver region. According to the list of passengers, among them is the name and surname of Yevgeny Prigozhin.”

Some Russian media have identified the aircraft as a 13-year-old Embraer Legacy 600 with the tail number RA-02795. The plane reportedly belonged to Prigozhin.

Officials said an investigation has been launched into the crash.

The Telegram channel Grey Zone, which some say is linked to Wagner, claimed the plane was shot down by Russian air-defense systems. According to the channel, “Before the plane crash, local residents listened to two bursts of characteristic air defense, and this is confirmed by contrails in the sky in one of the videos, as well as the words of direct eyewitnesses.”

If we look at who benefits from Prigozhin’s death, Putin is not the most obvious choice. Some might question if the plane could have been brought down by U.S., U.K. or other NATO-aligned entities. Prigozhin is considered a hero among large segments of Russian society. If he were killed and the blame gets pinned on Putin, that could potentially destabilize the Putin regime. With the war in Ukraine going so badly for the U.S. and NATO, we should expect desperate moves. I’m not saying this was what happened, but it’s something to consider.


In other war news, Russian forces have destroyed a U.S.-made military speedboat carrying a Ukrainian amphibious team in the northern part of the Black Sea, the Defense Ministry in Moscow reported on Tuesday.

The boat was struck east of Snake Island, the statement said, referring to a small strip of land off the Ukrainian coast and close to Romanian territorial waters.

The Russian military identified the target as a Willard Sea Force watercraft and destroyed it in an air attack, the ministry stated.

Later in the day the ministry released footage of the encounter, which was apparently filmed from the Russian warplane. It showed the speedboat performing maneuvers as the aircraft fired at it in short bursts.

California-based Willard Marine sold five boats to the Ukrainian military in 2013, with the U.S. funding the acquisition, according to media reports. The vessels were delivered to Odessa in 2015. Eight boats were purchased from the same source several years prior, when Kiev footed the bill.

The Sea Force line includes a range of rigid inflatable patrol boats. Ukraine purchased versions suitable for a team of up to 6, 10, or 26 troops, depending on the size of the model.


Taco Bell and other popular fast-food chains are angling to become digital-only, totally cashless businesses in the near future.

During an earnings call earlier this month, Fox 8 TV in Cleveland reported that Taco Bell’s parent company Yum! Brands addressed plans to eventually move to 100% digital sales at its restaurants.

This includes fast food chains Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, KFC and The Habit Burger Grill, which also has units in China. Remember, it was KFC that offered to become the first restaurant to serve fake lab-grown chicken.

In an interview with the CFO Journal Chief Financial Officer Chris Turner said more customers would be forced, if they choose to eat at these garbage restaurants, to order through apps, websites or kiosks.

Yum! Brands is already testing the use of artificial intelligence to take drive-thru orders, the CFO Journal reported.

So you’ll be talking to a fake person to order fake food.

According to company leaders during the earnings call, “in the U.S., digital sales have increased almost 35% year over year with kiosks now deployed in 100% of Taco Bell stores.”

It’s unclear when the company plans to reach its disturbing goal.


A 14-year-old boy with no known prior medical history has died suddenly in his sleep, the New York Post reports.


New York Post

William Pfeiffer, from Queenstown in New Zealand, spent his final hours at his grandparents’ house last Sunday, August 20, when he fell asleep and didn’t wake up.

His devastated parents, Karen Lynch and Mike Shaw, said William was a “happy and healthy” boy with a heart of gold.

They are awaiting autopsy results to learn more about what happened to their son.

They say William had no prior medical history that could explain the shocking event and did not exhibit any concerning symptoms the night he died.

Of course, the corporate media, in typical fashion, did not say and apparently didn’t ask if the boy had been jabbed with the Covid death shot.


Zero Hedge reports that the BRICS leaders posed for a photo op without Russian President Vladimir Putin, as Foreign Minister Lavrov took Putin’s place in the photo.

This game of musical chairs was set in motion because the International Criminal Court issued a warrant several months ago for Putin’s arrest, and the South African government signaled that it was coming under pressure to enforce the Rome Statute, which would require it to arrest Putin the minute he landed on South African soil.

Putin addressed the summit remotely, and emphasized that the U.S. dollar is enduring a slow death that can’t be stopped. In fact, Putin said global de-dollarization is “gaining momentum.” He said the dollar's receding global centrality is an “objective and irreversible” process. As expected, he struck an optimistic tone about the bloc's future.

Putin claimed the five BRICS members – Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa – are becoming the new world economic leaders, adding that their cumulative share of global GDP has reached 26%.

He noted that if measured by purchasing power parity, BRICS has already surpassed the Group of Seven leading industrialized nations – accounting for 31% of the global economy, compared to 30% for the G7.

Over the past 10 years, mutual investment between the BRICS member states has increased by six times. Their total investments in the world economy have doubled, while cumulative exports account for 20% of the global total, Putin said.

Putin added that, “We are consistently increasing fuel, food and fertilizer supplies to the states of the Global South,” while blaming international food shortages on the West’s “unlawful” sanctions.

As for Xi, international press reports took note of his already skipping an important meeting on day one, leading to speculation.



According to the FT, “China will push the BRICS bloc of emerging markets to become a full-scale rival to the G7 this week, as leaders from across the developing world gather to debate the forum’s biggest expansion in more than a decade.”

However, there's reportedly fierce disagreement over whether to continue pursuing non-alignment for the economic interests of developing countries or to transform BRICS into a rival to the West.


In response to reports of COVID restrictions, including social distancing and masking being reimplemented by colleges and offices, Senator Rand Paul asserted that those pushing the measures again “have no shame.”

During a Fox News interview, Senator Paul described the move as “hysteria” being pushed by the corporate media to financially benefit their corporate pharma owners. Paul notes that Scott Gottlieb, a medical expert quoted repeatedly by CBS News and other networks, is also on the board of Pfizer, a clear conflict of interest.

WATCH VIDEO (start at 3:04 mark)


Making money, yes, but that’s not all. They’re also killing people off in the process. Culling the herd, as they say. What’s not to like about these vaccines if you’re a globalist climate-change zealot who believes the only way to save the planet is to depopulate it? Just something to think about.


The South Carolina Supreme Court has upheld the pro-life heartbeat bill, ruling that it does not violate the state constitution.

Here’s more via the Post and Courier:

The state Supreme Court has upheld South Carolina’s six-week abortion ban, declaring it constitutional just eight months after tossing the last one.

The justices’ split ruling lifts the suspension in place since shortly after Gov. Henry McMaster signed it May.

Only Chief Justice Don Beatty disagreed. Justice John Few, who called the last law unconstitutional, flipped his vote, though he wrote a separate opinion on why.

Governor Henry McMaster was quick to praise the decision.

“The Supreme Court’s ruling marks a historic moment in our state’s history and is the culmination of years of hard work and determination by so many in our state to ensure that the sanctity of life is protected,” McMaster said in a statement that came out moments before the ruling posted. “With this victory, we protect the lives of countless unborn children.”

What a great day for the state of South Carolina. Life is now protected in the womb from six weeks on and that’s the most we’ve seen in any state. I would love to see abortion outlawed completely, but this is a huge step in the right direction.


Former U.S. Attorney, and Mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani, surrendered to authorities in Fulton County, Georgia, on Wednesday morning, one day before President Trump was scheduled to turn himself in to the same regime. Upon leaving the courthouse, Giuliani stopped and spoke with reporters. He stated that, among other things, the people doing this politicized prosecution are “Enemies of our Republic.”

Giuliani said he feels good because he is defending the rights of Americans, adding:

“I'm the same Rudy Giuliani that took down the mafia that made New York City the safest city in America.”

Giuliani went on to say, “Enemies of our republic are destroying rights, sacred rights. They're destroying my right to counsel, my right to be a lawyer. They're destroying his right to counsel. It's not accidental that they've indicted all as lawyers. Never heard of that before in America.”

He added, “Whether you dislike or you like Donald Trump, let me give you a warning: it's gonna come for you when the political winds shift, as they always do, let us pray that Republicans are more honest, more trustworthy, and more American than these people in charge of this government. Donald Trump told you this. They weren't just coming for him or me.”

Rudy is a good guy but I question his decision, as well as that of President Trump.

If the authorities prosecuting them in Fulton County are “enemies of the Republic,” why are you surrendering to them?

Would George Washington have surrendered to the King’s corrupt constables? I think not.


The Messenger Politics reports that the top House Republican said on Tuesday that his party could launch an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden as soon as September if the administration does not cooperate with investigating committees.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy warned in a Fox Business interview that Republicans will not allow the Justice Department to use U.S. Attorney David Weiss' elevation to special counsel in the years-long investigation into the president's son Hunter Biden as an excuse to withhold information from congressional investigators.

McCarthy said:

“If they use this special counsel to say that they can't provide us the information, then it just shows more politics. And it will not stop us. Then we would move to impeachment inquiry, and we would be able to still get the documents that we need as we move forward.”

McCarthy said the level of cooperation will determine whether Republicans launch an impeachment inquiry this fall, adding:

“The whole determination here is how the Bidens handle this. If they provide us the documents, there wouldn't be a need for an impeachment inquiry. But if they withhold the documents and fight like they have now to not provide to the American public what they deserve to know, we will move forward with impeachment inquiry when we come back into session.”

The House is scheduled to return from summer recess the week of September 11.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

11 Alive TV, the local NBC affiliate in Atlanta, reports that Georgia Governor Brian Kemp’s state Department of Transportation is about to launch a federally funded pilot program to study a new method of funding road construction and maintenance.

This new method just one that’s also being studied in liberal states like California. Instead of charging a sales tax on gasoline and diesel fuel, Kemp and Georgia are working with the feds to study charging you a fee for every mile you drive. This means they will place a device on your car and track everywhere you go.

Director of Policy and Government Affairs Joshua Waller presented to the State Transportation Board a Mileage-Based User Fee (MBUF) Pilot Project set to roll out across the state of Georgia later in 2023. 

The mileage-based fee system would replace the traditional gas tax, charging drivers for the number of miles traveled, not for how much fuel they purchase. Since the early 1900s, road usage has been measured with a fuel tax. The more miles you drive means more stops at the gas pumps.

But automakers are building more fuel-efficient vehicles, including ones that run on electricity as opposed to gasoline. The states don’t want to lose out on that gas-tax money.

The report by 11 Alive reports that “The demand for electric vehicles has steadily been increasing in recent years.”

Truth is, there has been no organic increase in demand for electric vehicles and automakers have lost billions of dollars trying to force-feed them to the American public. They are expensive to buy, even more expensive to maintain, and they still have enormous safety and reliability issues.

What little demand there is for electric vehicles has been created by Congress and the Biden administration, which has forced up the prices of gasoline by increasing the cost of drilling on U.S. public lands, shutting off whole areas to drilling, nixing the Keystone Oil Pipeline, and by refusing to address the chronic lack of refinery capacity. All of this bad policy has made America more dependent on foreign energy and driven up gasoline prices. If it were not for these policies, nobody, absolutely nobody would want an electric vehicle and there would be no need to tax us based on the number of miles we drive, which is an inherently unfair and communistic approach.

But leave it to Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to embrace this concept in cooperation with the corrupt Biden administration.

This should surprise no one. This is the same Brian Kemp who sold out Georgia at the World Economic Forum conference in Davos in January, then came home and promptly made his state one of the first to issue biometric digital ID drivers’ licenses.

Let’s see: Digital IDs for Georgians. Now a “pilot” program to penalize citizens financially for every mile they drive. Two programs right out of Klaus Schwab’s WEF playbook.

Good job Brian. Your bosses at the WEF are surely very proud of what a quick study you’ve become.

The Georgia Department of Transportation is looking to sign up 150 stakeholder participants. These individuals must be involved in transportation. This first pilot program across Georgia is not open to the general public. I sincerely doubt the general public in Georgia would clamor to sign up for this communist program. 

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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