Wayne Allen Root: Obama is The Real "Big Guy"

Brannon Howse: We're going to be joined here in just one minute. Going to be joined in just one second by Wayne Allen Root. Have we been missing something? Did the John John Durham report show us that the big guy you know, all this talk about we got to save some money for the big guy, got to kick money up to the big guy? We all thought Joe Biden was the big guy. What if it wasn't Joe Biden? What if the big guy was Barack Hussein Obama? And is Barack Hussein Obama? Has he been a plant, a creature, a creation? Of the CIA. When we go there. Take a look at my screen. W vw TV Store.com w vw TV store.com. Some important items, some important items. Number one, we got in about 3000 potassium iodine pills and anti-radiation tablets. In case of a nuclear emergency. You would take these to protect your thyroid. We had a hard time getting them from one company because they can't keep them in stock. Our government has spent $290 Million on anti-radiation drugs. They spent a week a couple of weeks ago doing a whole test. The FBI military did exercise a major attack on a major US city, a nuclear attack. They did that test in Houston. Why? Now Iran saying they're going to attack us. Just wait. They're planning to attack us. We have all kinds of Iranians that have come over the border, all kinds of of CCP-looking males, military-aged males. Gordon Chang saying they're going to do terrorist attacks.

Brannon Howse: Could it be dirty bombs, too? Could it be dirty bombs, radiation, dirty bombs? Well, again, potassium tablets kind of thing. You'd buy it and put it in your emergency kit. I got some right after nine by 11 and traveled with them in my shaving kit. We have a lot of other sources, resources. We'll go back to them. Of course, we have the heater, indoor heater, and you can take the top off of that and then actually cook right on top of it. We have emergency freeze-dried food, three months, six months, a year to year. You'll find all the details on our website, WW TV store.com. Click on emergency food supplies and then all emergency food supplies. You'll find them. We also have seed vaults, by the way. We have seed vaults. We have now emergency ration bars, 2400 calories. This is the kind of thing you should buy and put in your car. For those of you that live in areas where you get blizzards and ice storms, should you be stranded, throw a bag back there, blankets and some water and different things, and then your emergency ration bars because they have 24 calories, 2400 calories, I should say. Franklin's finest coffee, You can get it in the pouch or the bucket. The power goes out. I can't do without coffee, folks. So I got the instant coffee. It's good. You know, most of us aren't probably big fans of instant coffee, but it is really good. So check out all the things we're offering over there at the WW TV store under the Emergency Food Supply tab.

Brannon Howse: Then click on this one. Emergency supplies. As I said, we've got the seed vault. This went out of stock for three years, 20 varieties of seeds, 100% heirloom garden in a can with five-year shelf life. It went out of stock for three years. They're back. Many companies sell this for $100. We have it for 3995 at WW TV store.com. Here's an item we just added a few weeks ago, about two weeks ago. This is an Alexa Pure emergency water bank. What it is. Let me grab a picture here. It's a big, huge plastic bag. And what you do is you put it in the tub. If you know there's a hurricane coming, you know your water is going to go out due to a hurricane or something. Then you fill it up and it holds, by the way, I think 65 gallons, if I remember reading correctly, 65 gallons is what it holds. Let me see if that's. Yeah. 65 gallons of water. So that's an Alexa pure emergency water bank. We have that. We have 100. Our candle, all kinds of stuff. The five-gallon collapsible water carrier. We have the EMT bag. We had 22 of those. It came in. We have 100 more, 100 more that were shipped to us this week as well. I can't guarantee what color you're going to get it in. It's going to either be in blue or red. I think pretty much now it's all red.

Brannon Howse: We're just very fortunate to get them. When we called the company we get them from, they had 22, so we took everything they had, that's all. And I said, But we need more than 22. They said, Well, Mr. House, we've got everything. We'll just have to make them up. So they had to go make them up. So they went and made us like another 75 or 100. I can't remember how many, but it was a lot. But I think they're red, so don't, don't call me saying I wanted a blue one. Be happy for what you got, because we're very fortunate to be able to get what we have. Sometimes we have to work hard to get it With all this mess going on with just-in-time inventory and everything else. So the EMT emergency bag, that's so if you have an emergency, the power goes out, there's a catastrophe, hospitals are down or you can't get to them, but you have a nurse practitioner doctor in the area. He may be able to do some stitches, but he may not have anything. So I learned that from having a friend here, Roger Stone, who had a security guy who ended up getting in a car wreck and had about need, about 5 or 6 stitches here. And my buddy a doctor in the neighborhood, said I could stitch him but don't have the stitches with me. Finally, we got him stitched up by the guy.

Brannon Howse: He helped us out, but he's like, Look, House, go get yourself an EMT kit. Have it on hand. If something comes up, I can always help out in a crunch. But it'd be better if you have everything. And then we have to go around looking for it. So I got an EMT bag and checked it out. It was such a quality EMT bag. Then we started offering them to you guys, and this has been one of our best sellers. This has been a huge seller. Okay, so check that out. Emt bags as well. The Alexa Pure Water purifier, as well as the Alexa Pure replacement filter. That's all available. We have the ready, our clot, blood clot. You might want to throw that in with your EMT bag. Also, I would throw in what was the other thing I'd throw in? Oh, I would throw in the little suture kit. Now the empty bag comes with sutures. But I wanted one that had more than just a few sutures. So I went out and found a surgical kit from a company we work with, and we order stuff already from them. And they had it. So there it goes. So I got some of these because I wanted a few more sutures than what came in the EMT kit should I need them? So you might want to beef up your EMT kit just with a surgical kit or two. And then I would also beef up my EMT kit with some of this. The ready, our blood clot powder.

Brannon Howse: I would do that. Then you've got yourself quite the emergency kit, I'll tell you that. So, all right. Be thinking about these things. Pray we never need them, but prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Pray, prepare for the worst. Prepare for the worst. And then pray for protection that we never need any of this stuff. Right? All right. Joining me now, that's all at WDW TV Store.com. You can also use the number 901 4689357. 901 4689357. There's about a four-week waiting list right now. Is that right? We are. We are. Are we still within that four four-week periods now? So we're about to get into those four weeks. Still a little longer than four, but they're cruising fast, cruising fast. So we're going to get inside that four-week window. We'll keep you posted. But I'm being full and transparent with you. If you order from us, just know that that's the delay. Due to the demand, the demand is super, super high. You're helping us. We're helping you. We're coming to you free. All the things we do, we offer for free. We got to pay for it somehow or somehow. We're free-market entrepreneurs. We're offering services to you, and then you get free programming so everybody wins. You need this stuff anyway, right? Wdw TV store.com or 901 4689357 901 4689357. Joining me now is Wayne Allyn Root. He's a broadcaster with us as well. He joins us. Wayne, welcome to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us.

Wayne Allen Root: Hey, Brannon, Great to be on with you.

Brannon Howse: Great to have you with us, Wayne. And you wrote an article that I saw, I think it was at the Gateway Pundit today. Is that where I saw it? The Gateway Pundit?

Wayne Allen Root: It was a gateway pundit, but it was also on my website, Route for America.com. That's where everything I do is it's my command. Central and Route for America have all my commentaries, video and verbal and written, and everything else. I do. My TV shows, my radio shows, they're all at Root for America by Lindell Show starts there. My Real America's Voice show starts there. But yes, this commentary about Obama all roads lead to Obama. The Durham report leads to Obama. He is the criminal mastermind. It's Hillary, it's Biden and it's Obama. But they lead guys like the Mafia, Don the tutti Capi Don Obama is who approved everything and oversaw everything. And he acts like an innocent guy. And I think he's the key to this entire massive scandal.

Brannon Howse: Look at the headline. Wayne Allyn Root. Everyone has missed the real revelation of the Durham report. Obama is the real big guy. Obama is the criminal mastermind. Obama committed treason. So all of these texts where they're talking about the big guy in different texts, you're saying the big guy we all thought was Biden. You're saying the real big guy is Obama.

Wayne Allen Root: Well, listen, Hunter Biden was referring to his dad as the big guy. I do not doubt that. What I'm using is that metaphor that the real big guy is Obama, because Biden is a brain-dead, you know, Muppet and a puppet. A zombie puppet who doesn't even know his name at this point. He's been failing mentally for many years. He has had no mental acuity for many years now. I talked about that one, the number one show in prime time on Newsmax TV from 2017 to 2028. At night, had I and Bill O'Reilly and I used to say, this guy Biden has no brains left. He just cannot possibly be president. It's just preposterous to think he could be president when he's failing in brain power. He's got some sort of dementia or Alzheimer's. I was saying that in 17 and 18 and 19 and 20. So he's not capable of thinking up a detailed, brilliant scam.

Brannon Howse: They had to show him where to stand and where to get off the stage.

Wayne Allen Root: I'm assuming he wears diapers. Seriously, he doesn't know periods who his wife is. They rush him off the stage. He's probably wearing diapers. It's it's sad. And you're being deadly serious.

Brannon Howse: You would think he probably wears depends.

Wayne Allen Root: I do. I do. And I think it's sad he should be in a nursing home or a care home, some sort of care home. And instead, he's president of the United States. And, you know, they walk him off the stage. He doesn't know which way is the way to go. He doesn't know where the stairs are. His wife has to help him off the Easter bunny at one point had to give him directions on how to get off the White House lawn. And I joked with everyone who thought Obama was probably in that Easter bunny outfit telling him where to go. But that's his real boss. If he's a puppet, I believe Obama is the ventriloquist in his third term. The real president who tells Biden what to do and writes the script for him and lays out the game plan. And I'm telling you, when Obama was president, Brandon, he's a sharp guy. I may despise him. I may think he's a Marxist and a communist and a globalist. And his goal is to destroy the United States and everything I love. But I still have to respect how brilliant he is. I think he was like a mafia don who knew everything about all the people working for him, all the capos. Obama knew what they were doing and Biden and Hillary were two people chosen as capos, meaning his assistants to go out in the world and extort money from foreign leaders and take money from American foreign aid and make extortion threats and intimidation to get money. And then that money went to the Clinton Foundation, I have no doubt. Which is why.

Brannon Howse: That is why the FBI shut down any investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

Wayne Allen Root: Right. But see, everyone hears that. But what they don't think instantly is, wait a minute, Russian collusion. The Durham report says it was all a lie. It was all made up. By Hillary, but nobody thinks. Wait a minute. Hillary had to vet it with Obama. She was the secretary of state. She had to tell him what she was up to. Don't think he was left in the dark. Are you kidding me? Did people assume Nixon didn't know about Watergate? Of course, Obama knew about it and the jury report says he knew about it. Brandon, it says Hillary was in the Oval Office explaining Russian collusion to Obama and Biden. So everybody was aware of it. And Obama's role was to make sure Hillary took all the heat and he would make sure she could never be indicted, never be investigated or indicted by the FBI or the DOJ. So he spied on Trump. Do you think that the spying went on without Obama's approval? I'm guessing he ordered it. I'm guessing he probably approved of or ordered Russian collusion. I'm guessing he ordered or approved of Joe Biden traveling the world and letting Hunter extort the money and send 10% to the big guy. And then the big guy has to share a large portion of that with the real big guy, Barack Obama, who's the man that's coordinating all of it and protecting everyone from criminal prosecution, and now think he's back for his third term because I he has to make sure the DOJ and the FBI never prosecute any of those people who were involved in these scams. The attorney generals, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, and, of course, Obama himself, Biden, Biden's son, Hillary, they're all criminals and he's protecting all of them as the real president, the United States in charge of the DOJ and the and the FBI and the CIA and the NSA, All the government agencies have been weaponized by Barack Obama.

Brannon Howse: So when the FBI protects so-called prot, acts the Clinton Foundation, they're not protecting the Clinton Foundation. They probably don't give a flying frog about the Clintons. They're protecting themselves. They're protecting themselves and Obama.

Wayne Allen Root: Well, you know, I've said for years, Brandon, that, you know, if you have a 501. C three, a charitable organization in the United States, like, say, a church, right? You and I are both Christian believers. We both believe in Christ. And if you had a church, why would you have to base it offshore? You don't owe any taxes in the United States of America. You owe zero taxes. There's no reason to base it off.

Brannon Howse: Oh, by the way, I do know some so-called evangelical ministries that are profitable and they have their bank accounts offshore. And I have said on the radio many times, why? Why? Because they don't want to they don't want you to know who's funding them. And oh, by the way, it came out last night with Dr. James Thorp, the ob-gyn, Dr. James Thorp on our show. His wife is an attorney. She, through the Freedom of Information Act, has found and he came on last night. Boy, he was livid, and well, well, he should be. $13 billion. CDC, Health and Human Services, $13 billion to buy up, among others, a group of people, a segment of the population. But it included faith leaders and church denominations. Next week, we will be releasing the names of some of the churches and church denominations, and faith leaders that they found in this report. So that's one reason Christian nonprofits, so-called, are offshore. They don't have to pay taxes. So why would they do that? Because they don't want people to know who's funding them because a religious Trojan horse is pulling the strings on a lot of these groups.

Wayne Allen Root: Right. And I think that's exactly what the Clinton Foundation is about. I believe and again, it's just my opinion, but I'm an opinion guy and I give my opinion and I've got great gut instincts. And over all these years, I've been on TV for many, many, many years, about 35 years now, I've been on American television. And my gut instincts have been right about 99.9%. If you're batting 330, you're making the Hall of Fame. I'm batting 999. And so I'm telling you, the Clinton Foundation, in my opinion, was set up as a scam. And I believe it was set up so that they could launder all the money that they were stealing all around the world. And Obama sent Hillary out and he sent Biden out to steal that money from foreign governments, extort that money, and also siphon off foreign aid. They ran it through the Clinton Foundation and from there and their offshore accounts. Guess what they could do? They could then send it to Obama's offshore account. They could send it to, you know, and it could be the attorney general, it could be Eric Holder's offshore account. It could be Loretta Lynch's offshore account. It was certainly Joe Biden and Hunter Biden's offshore accounts. So from that point, it's offshore, It's offshore and it's out of American jurisdiction.

Wayne Allen Root: And then if that wasn't safe enough, Obama told the FBI and the DOJ, to stay off, hands off, and get away from the Clinton Foundation. He killed any investigations. So in my opinion, the entire Russian collusion was about Trump getting elected, he beating the rigged 16 election. That's why they're in shock. Brannon Because Obama had rigged it by spying on Trump's campaign. He knew everything Trump was going to do. He knew every speech Trump made. He knew every appearance Trump was going to make. They had everything cold. And remember, they gave the debate questions to Hillary in advance of the debate. Everything was rigged so that Hillary would win. So they were in shock. When Trump won. He beat the rig by bringing out millions of working-class and middle-class Americans, mostly white, middle-class, and working-class Americans. So they said, Now what's the next scam? We got to put them under fire. We got to make believe he's a criminal. Let's invent Russian collusion. So he spends his entire presidency fighting criminal charges against himself. Let's frame him so he'll have no time and no focus to come after us for the real crimes that were committed. And that's the reason that we had Russian collusion.

Wayne Allen Root: And that's the reason that he made sure the FBI and the CIA and the DOJ stayed away from the Clinton Foundation. That's the reason he made sure the FBI did not file charges and indictments against Hillary for the emails because the emails showed Hillary talking to Obama about all the loot they were stealing and extorting around the world. In my opinion, that's exactly what was in those 30,000 deleted emails. Lots of emails between two criminals, Hillary and Obama, Obama being the 22 copy the head of the Obama crime family meting out all the plans and coordinating all the dirty deeds. So you've got some terrible people here. The most corrupt criminal masterminds in America's history have ripped us off and robbed us dry like sucked us dry of the funds of American taxpayers and American foreign aid. And Brandon, who's going to ever punish them or prosecute them when all of Obama's hacks are running the FBI and the DOJ? Right now, there's no one to arrest any of the bad guys, only to come after us, the good guys, and try and destroy our lives for doing nothing wrong by framing us. How sad is that?

Brannon Howse: Yeah. And tonight we read. We had an article we just covered with. Susan Swift. The document shows that the Biden regime wants to treat pro-life mothers as potential domestic terrorists. I mean, this is just ridiculous. So so how does this end? What do you see in our closing minutes? Wayne Allyn Root, what do you see happening to America? What do you see when it comes to the 2004 election? I mean, if we don't if we don't see true people committed to the Constitution to stopping tyranny, you know, I mean, even rfk Jr I'm quite excited about RFK JR running, to be honest with you. I don't. I didn't think I'd ever say that about some guy running on the Democrat ticket, but I'm pretty excited about him running. I've interviewed him. I'm getting ready to interview him again. I'd like to see where he stands on the pro-life issue and all, but I agree with him when it comes to these force backs, COVID passports, his opposition to digital payments, and 15-minute cities. I agree with him that the CIA murdered his father, murdered his uncle.

Brannon Howse: I think the CIA rigged the elections. I think to this day, the CIA rigged the elections. I think I think Obama was a CIA plant. He was. You were supposedly supposed to go to school with him. You never saw him at Columbia. And yet he was supposed to have been sitting right there on the same row with you at graduation, I think, wasn't he? I think he was a CIA plant from the day from day one. I've got a 1984 article from the Washington Times, May of 84 talking about Senator Jesse Helms claiming the CIA installed a Marxist in El Salvador, and gave him a computer systems voter systems to do it. So the CIA has been rigging elections, I think, for a very long time. I also know for a fact Congressman Bill Posey of Florida sent a letter to the CIA inspector general and the CIA director, Gina, and the DNI, Director John Ratcliffe, saying there needs to be an investigation into the connection between the voting machine companies and the CIA. How on earth are we going to possibly win when we have this level of corruption?

Wayne Allen Root: Well, it sure doesn't look good. They're hitting us from a thousand directions. And unfortunately, our party is the weak party. They're either cowardly, they're scared of their own shadow. They're afraid of somebody calling them names. You're a racist. You're a sexist. You're a homophobe. It's always a name. They're scared to death of names. The Republican Party on one side are the evil bad guys who I do believe are being run by Satan at this point. It's very clear to me that is satanic, what's happening to the United States and the world. It is satanic. I think Satan himself is running it. And it's not a big stretch that I say that. Brannon Because every Democrat admits that they all use the game plan from their most favorite and famous book, Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky, which.

Brannon Howse: He dedicated to Satan, Right

Wayne Allen Root: Dedicated to Lucifer the devil. And did you know he uses it?

Brannon Howse: Did you know that a lot of them also follow Alice Bailey Alice Bailey is one of the mothers of the New Age movement. And she greatly influenced the United Nations and the secretary general, Assistant Secretary General of the UN, Robert Mueller, who was there for 40 years. Alice Bailey influenced so many of them, and she had a publishing company, an organization called Lucifer Trust. Lucifer Trust. They changed the name to Lucis Trust. But, she wrote over 10,000 pages with an entity she channeled named the Tibetan. She was channeling a demon.

Wayne Allen Root: You know, I always say that Joe McCarthy wasn't wrong. He was just early. That's right. And so our government is filled with communists, and Marxist socialists, many of whom went to Columbia University with me. By the way, I was a Jewish kid who loved Ronald Reagan at Columbia University. I was before I took Christ as my savior. And everyone around me bragged they were communists, socialists, Marxists. They hated America. And here is the funny one. Brannon, They were all white and they all bragged they hated white people and wanted to take the white power structure down and make white businessmen broke and lose everything they've got and turn us into a Marxist nation and redistribute all the wealth to people of color. I heard this nonsense 40 years ago. This is my 40th college reunion this month, literally the 40th reunion of my graduating from Columbia.

Brannon Howse:  Are you going?

Wayne Allen Root: No, no. Don't like those people. Go. Don't go near them. But Obama was theoretically my classmate. Never saw him, never heard of him, never met him. But on graduation day, if you look at the graduation names, it's Barack Obama right next to Wayne Root. There are two names between us, but they're right next to each other. We're both pre-law and political science majors. Never saw him, never heard of him.

Brannon Howse: So he should have been in the line, sitting in the row with you two people away.

Wayne Allen Root: He should have been, but he wasn't. I mean, if I wanted to lie, I'd say, Oh, I knew when he was my best friend. So, you know, I'm telling the truth. Never saw him, Never heard of him. Never met him. I'd love to say we were buddies. We hung out together. I'm a mama's boy. I'm his brother. No, I never met him. Nobody I know met him. It's not me. No, a professor I've spoken to met him. All the retired professors. Is he?

Brannon Howse: A CIA? Is he a CIA creation?

Wayne Allen Root: I don't know. But that's the only. That's the only thing that makes plausible sense. It makes sense because, in the summer of 83, he brags in his. Ography is an autobiography that he spent the summer Obama with a buddy camping and backpacking through Pakistan. And in the summer of 83, Pakistan was an enemy of the United States and no American with an American passport was allowed into Pakistan. So I've always thought there's something so strange about this guy. He is the Manchurian candidate. He must have been doing work for the CIA or someone in the summer of 83.?

Brannon Howse: Wow. Wayne Allen Root, give your website again.

Wayne Allen Root: Wayne's website is rootforamerica.com. My latest book, a number one bestseller, The Great Patriot Boycott book, all the great companies for conservatives and Christians to buy from.

Brannon Howse: Excellent. Thank you, Wayne, for being with us. We're going to get you back as a regular. Love the energy. Thank you. Thanks, Brannon. Wayne, Allyn Root, checking in a broadcaster with us right here. Check out his site and his new book. I'll be back with you Sunday night, 8 p.m. Central Time. Been teaching that Sunday night class, that Sunday night service since 2015. We'll open the Bible and look at some of the issues taking place on a global scale through the lens of the Bible. I'm just about done now with a brand new album of hymns that I had done and arranged with a piano player with a baby grand piano that'll be coming out very soon. We need some stuff to bring us hope and encouragement at the same time, don't we? We've got a lot of projects we're working on and look forward to bringing a lot of those to you very, very soon to help encourage you, not just bringing you the bad news, but bringing you some good news as well. But the bad news, is we use that to know how to prepare so that that does turn into good news because the righteous man sees danger and shields himself, protects himself, himself, and his family. So even the bad news can be good news when we know how to prepare and defend ourselves and our loved ones. We don't want to be deceived. We don't want to be. Well, the Bible says that be not deceived. Over and over. We got to know what these things are all about, what these people are all about. Not always the best news, but it is good news when you understand who they are, what they're doing, and how to protect yourself spiritually, physically, emotionally, and economically. Let's hope what we're hoping we're doing here for you, offering you that service. Thanks for being with us every night. And again, look forward to being with you on Sunday Night Live, 8 p.m. Central Time right here. Till next time. I'm Brannon Howse. Thanks for watching. Take care.

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